Girl meets Feelings

By jinsoulscoochie

76.2K 1.8K 309

Riley seems to be confused about her feelings towards Maya. But something comes in between while Riley explor... More

Chapter 1: Art Class
Chapter 2: Bay Window
Chapter 3: Confused
Chapter 3 part 2: What if?
Chapter 3 end: I think I know
Chapter 4: Lucas
Chapter 5: The date
Chapter 6: "She's not feeling good right now"
Chapter 7: True feelings
Chapter 8: Sleepover at Riley's.
Chapter 9: Maya
Chapter 11: Rileys 'Stalker'
Chapter 11: Rileys 'Stalker' part 2
Chapter 11: Rileys 'Stalker' end
Chapter 12: A time to be alive
Chapter 13: The date (?)
Chapter 13: The date (?) part 2
Chapter 14: Am I even your bestfriend?
Chapter 15: I love you
Chapter 16: Moved On
Chapter 17: Replaced
Sneak Peek
Chapter 17: Replaced part 2
Chapter 18: Maya's Feelings
Chapter 19: Riley's feelings (End)
Hello. Sorry

Chapter 10: It's up to you

2.2K 65 12
By jinsoulscoochie

   It was a fine Saturday morning at the hospital. Riley had just gotten up from her sleep. Gosh, she was really a mess. Her eyes were puffed real bad and eye bags were starting to form under her eyes. When she opened her eye, she saw that Maya wasn't in the room. She had a worried face on. When she looked over to her dad, he was sitting down on a chair with his head down. Riley got up pretty fast and went to him.

  "DAD? WHY ISN'T MAYA HERE? WHERE DID THEY TAKE HER? WHY WHA-" Riley cried loudly to Cory while running towards him.

  Cory calmed her down by sitting her down and then giving her a hug..

  "Please don't tell me that she-" Riley said as she pulled away from the hug while she was crying.

  "No, no. Honey, she is okay. You see... When you were asleep. Her heart stopped But it's okay. The doctors came to save her. They managed to get her back Riley they needed to take her to another room to do something. They'll give her back. Don't worry" Cory explained as he gave Riley another hug. Riley sighed in relief and hugged back but was still in shocked. Poor Riley has been crying a lot lately, she seems to be running out of tears if that's possible.

  Hours later, the doctors came in the room with Maya on her bed. She still wasn't awake though. Riley stood up while Cory went to talk with the Doctor. After the nurses has just got done placing Maya on where she originally was, Riley walked up to her and sat next to her on the bed.

   Riley's hand made contact with Maya's cheeks.

"Maya, if you're choosing to leave, I want you to know that, I'll respect your decision. I'll always, ... Love you. I'll miss you though if you choose to leave, I'll make sure that I won't forget anything that we both did but I am sure that I won't because Maya, you've been in my life for so long. You've made my life an adventure, you taught me things that I didn't know and was there for me if I did something wrong, but I want you to wake up. Wake up so you can explore and experience things with me with my new self. But it is up to you Maya. Your life depends on you" Riley then hugged her and then teared up. Riley was and still is heartbroken. She didn't know what she was feelings anymore, it was hard for her to face because she could lose someone that has been part of her life.

Cory and the doctor was still outside talking privately about Maya.

"Mr. Matthews, we looked over at Maya's condition today. What made her heart stop was the lack of oxygen inside her. You see, when she got hit by he truck, her lungs were the most damaged ones in her body besides her neck. But we only had found out that today that her lungs has more damage so when she wakes up, she will probably be having trouble breathing but we're are not sure about. We don't know that yet." The doctor explained to Cory. "Thank you Doctor..." Cory said and shook his hand, then walked back to Maya's room after

When he walked in, he saw Riley on the floor having a break down. Cory ran  to her and comforted her. Riley eyes was filled with tears and was sobbing non-stop. Cory hugged her until she would stopped but she never. After hours and hours and hours of Riley crying, she finally spoke. "I want her to wake up" Riley stuttered through her sobbing. Cory and her were still hugging, Cory didn't say anything so he just kissed Riley's head.

It was 4:30 in the evening and Riley fell asleep on her dad's arm while he was watching t.v. Nothing really much happened. [Time hop], So it was now 10 at night, and Riley was still sleeping. She was exhausted from crying all day today. When Cory gently lied Riley on the sofa, he saw in the corner of his eyes that Maya's legs were moving.

He turned to her quickly and went up to her.

He was happy... He was smiling... He was so happy to see those beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh my god, Maya?" Cory shockingly said with a questioning tone. Maya couldn't move around that much so she looked around with her eyes, on the side of her eye she saw Riley sleeping but couldn't wake her up. Cory went to call the doctor and when they got to the room, they checked Maya's eyes and her heart beat. "Well, she seems to be recovering" The doctor said and then smiled at Cory and left after.

"Maya, I-I , can't believe you're okay?!" Cory said with an exciting voice. "Are you okay? Do you want anything?" Cory asked as he sat with her. Maya tried speaking, "R-Riley" she mouthed trying to speak, it seemed like her throat was dry but Cory read her lips so he understood. "Oh honey, I can't wake her up now... she's been crying ever since your accident happened. She's really exhausted. Maybe you can see her tomorrow, okay?" Cory said while petting Maya's head. Maya couldn't speak or make any motions because of her injuries.

It was now 11, Maya was still awake. Her and Cory had just been watching television since Maya couldn't do anything else but watch. Topanga and Katy knew that she woke up but they couldn't go to the hospital because both of them were working late, it sucks I know, but were really glad. It was a relief for Maya waking up because Katy teared up and so did Topanga.

Maya talked to herself in her thoughts.

  "God... I'm so glad that I'm alive. I'm glad I'm with some of the people that I love. I am glad Riley is here, I just want to wake her up but she needs to rest and I can't even move so.... I know that Cory told me she's been crying. I feel so bad. I did this to her, I made her cry so much, ugh. She probably misses me so much, I miss her too, a lot. It felt like it's been a year that I haven't heard her voice or seen her. Hm, I can't even remember what happened after the accident. All I remember was seeing a truck coming towards me and then that's it. It obviously explains why I'm her, duh Maya! I should rest too, so I can see Riley in the morning. ugh... I can't wait to see her and gear her voice."

   Maya then went to sleep. While Cory was still awake and was on his phone. After, nothing really much happened. But it was a good day for both Maya and Cory well because Maya woke up.

  Riley's day will be better tomorrow when she wakes up.


*A/N: I'm so sorry if this chapter was short! I wanted to update it before tomorrow because I'm going to be busy the whole week. I'll try to update this book  whenever I can when I'm done with the things I need to do in my life lmao. The next chapter will be exciting though!!! I can't wait for you guys to read it. I got ideas on what to write, but be prepared ;). THANK YOU FOR READING!! See you on the next update* 

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