Coaching Love / A glee Blainc...

By TBV006

8.7K 189 116

Rachel Berry was the most likely girl to make it on broadway while been on William Mckinley High school, yet... More

★Chapter 1:
★Chapter 2
★Chapter 3
★Chapter 4
★ Chapter 5
★ Chapter 6
★ Chapter 7
★ Chapter 8
★ Chapter 9
★Chapter 10
★Chapter 11
★Chapter 12
★Chapter 13
★Chapter 14
★Chapter 15
★Chapter 16
★Chapter 17
★Chapter 18
★Chapter 19
★Chapter 20
★Chapter 21
★Chapter 22

★Chapter 23

380 5 4
By TBV006

So Here's what you missed on Glee: Everyone is back to been friends what can we say achelor parties always bring people back together. Rachel and Blaine got married and though they have a secret baby on the way that wasnt the reason.What a party everyone was there from Rachel's mother Shelby who was a surprise present from Puck to the glee kids the warblers Blaine's mother and even little beth was there which was more of a present to Quinn. Sam and Santana got the signs of been next but one never knows .And thats what you missed on GLEE

After Rachel and Blaine's wedding , Santana had gone home she had stayed till Quinn and the rest were distracted enough that they wouldnt notice she didint want any questions specially about Sebastian ,it was becoming old he's doubts and attitude she thought he was finally cleared with what he wanted but then again was she really that sure that been with him was the right thing for her , what did she really knew about her desires, she knew she loved been in the cherios back in high school and dancing on new york had been amazing as well wonderful , maybe she needed some time away from the boydrama figuring herself up, openning the apartment she found it light by a trail of candles. Turning on the lights she found him , Sebastian all dressed up.

"Hey , Sorry about leaving earlier" She took a few steps forward and avoiding he's eyes she crossed her arms across her chest "Never mind it was just our friends wedding nothing important" She walked then by pass him and he sigh he could tell she was bothered by what happened "I had something much more important to do , something more about my future than theirs no offense to Rach or Blaine. " Taking off her jewerly on the bedroom she didnt look at him "I hope it was worth it then." He breathed and approached her "Could you just look at me Santana ?" She breathed in and reluctanntly she looked back at him, "What you want Smythe?" He took her hands in he's caressing them softly as hes spoke but her eyes looking straight at hes called him liar "Santana I have been thinking of us for the longest time and I think its time for us to take a step" Letting go of one of her hand he kneeled down before her "Santana Snixx Lopez I want to ask you to marry me " She stood frozen looking down at him it worried him nervously he laughed "San...santana you havent given me an answer".

Santana breathed out and her serious look made him stand up "Sebastian ,the ring is beautiful I wish I could give you a real answer but today I figured the truth is just as you are lost I am as well I need to figure what im gonna do with my life before getting you really in it . " Sebastian moved hes motuh as he was trying to figure what to say , she could feel a tear fighting her way back out of her eyes. "I do love you Sebastian but I need time, and if you really do love me it will still be there when im ready when we are both ready" Sebastian couldnt believe what was happening there he was proposing to the girl he fell in love with and there she was breaking up with him

Cleaning up the tear that had slide down her cheek she approached him and kissed him softly hugging him tightly afterwards she whispered near he's ear"Im sorry " . No matter how he tried the words wouldnt come out of hes mouth, he smiled softly at her as much as he could and walked out of the apartment. The next morning after a walk that had seem eternal Sebastiann walked back into he's parents home , he was staying there after the night he had, he spent most of the night walking and thinking . Entering hes home now he's father Charles "Son, Whats going on with you? . Didnt the proposal went well?" Sebastian breathed in and stood by the door "I told her how I felt about her I asked her to marry me and she said she needed time so basically I got dumpted"

Just at that mother he's mother Viola came in "Oh my poor baby. Its alright . You will find a more suitable classy lady to be your partner in life" She said hugging him from the side he breathed out and nodded as Charles gave her a VIOLA look "What?" She asked unaware and Sebastian relised himself from the hugg "I will go work that should help right? Been distracted" Walking out hes father approached hes wife "I know that girl may not be our best choice for Sebastian but He loves her and we shoudl respect he's pain so stay out of it Viola I mean it".Sebastian was walking thinking if ths was perhaps a result of all the games he played on her efore he realized how much she mant to him, then he suddently felt the music taking over making him follow the song .



Rachel was looking at her reflection in the mirror finishing up her make  up when she thought how wonderful had been the experience of her honeymoon and of course now having their own place their lives were more than perfect, even with her mood swings she laughed softly as she remembered that night she was sitted on the couch cuddled up with Blaine while she was having some ice cream they had been watching the "Plan B"movie  and Blaine had made a joke about how crazy it would be for any guy to be in the labor room , she had looked at him pouting and started crying saying he didnt had to , as he went to talk to her they had ended up making out and in bed , suddenntly a knock on the door got her atention back. "Beautiful we have to get going or we are gonna be late" Blaine smiiled at her entering the bedroom "I juust want to look my best its an important day" Taking hes hand Rachel rose from the chair , her loving husband smiling looking at her "You look as beautiful as you always do"

They rememered how Tina and Artie were waiting outside for them making them hurry , though of course they knew Rachel couldnt move at the speed she usually did , with a bright smile they walked towards the living room to grab her purse didnt took them long before they were both exiting the apartment Blaine held he's wifes hand as he helped her down he had turned into such protective and over caring husand that sometimes Rachel felt like she was made of glass. Looking down they found Artie and Tina not caring much about how long they take laughing softly Rachel spoke to them "Dont mind us, we just got a wedding to get to" Tina laughed with a slight blush "Right"

Getting inside the car they couldnt believe they were in that moment, once upon a time both Rachel and Tina were high school girls who felt like nobodies , unpretty , unatractive and not cared for , that had changed when they had met both Finn and Mike but now they had found their way to the person they were both meant for two amazing men who loved them with all their hearts and today yet another friend was getting married a beautiful girl who was once their worst enemy nightmare . Arriving at the setting it was all set over the top of course her family wouldnt had allowed her to get married in just a simple ceremony .

Rachel was anxious to greet her knocking on the door, a nervous bride spoke with her voice slightly low "Who is it?" as rachel stepped she turned and smiled "Hi Rach, huggiing her smiled right she pulled away "What you think? too much? I dont want to pretend ,I mean everyone in here knows im no virgin " Rachel laughed softly with her , it was true everyone knew very well that Quinn was no virgin specially the ones that knew about beth who was now spending every few days with Noah and Quinn .

"Dont you worry aout that Quinn the only thing that matters on your wedding date is who is waiting for you on the end of the aisle" Another knock on the door disrupted them it was Quinn's mother "Theres my baby girl " She smiled and took out a tisue to clean a tear that was on her cheek "You look so beautiful Quinnie, I just wished your father..." Quinn sigh and breathed in deeply trying not to get herself to break down not in that moment, Noah had attempt reaching him but he had decided that he had no longer a daughter and Quinn wouldnt beg for her father to give her any attention. Rachel slide out of the room before they noticed , Quinn took a seat with her mother and she felt her taking her hands on hers "Look Quinnnie I may not have the perfect marriage but I do know this, happiness in a marriage is hard to mantain unless you work with each other like partners , finding yourself  annd you'll find yourself in each other."Kissing her forehead Quinnn closed her eyes and agreed.

The ceremony had been as lovely as anyone could have thought it, this time she had decided not to have any bridesmaids she just wanted it to be about herself and Noah. In the recepcion all their friends congratulate them, Noah kept hes arms around her as he whispered into her ear "Now you are so not getting rid of me" She laughed and leaned back to whispered to him "Dont be so sure Puckerman" After been inlove with Quinn so many years through HighSchool and even in the marine he would think of her it seemed too much of a dream to him having her in hes arms finally hes wife.

Having their first dance finished the dancefloor was filled with couples. Blaine and Rachel, Tina and Artie, many of Quinn's friend even Sam was there with hes gilfriend Danielle. Tina was sitted on Artie's lap as he moved hes wheel chair in the dancefloor, they had both a business together and were happily engaged. Artie had popped the question during an event he had been hired to record, he had taken her out to a beautiful garden that was lighted by many small lights and proposed. 

Blaine held Rachel close to him as close as he could given her state, and as they moved to the song rememberedinng their first dance as a married couple it seemed like yesterday and it had been 7 months already , the honeymoon had been divine not for the reasons one would think, been on Figi and all the adventures they could have but because they just got to be on their own without worryinng about exterior drama. Rachel looked up at him leaning her head as she looked at him "What are you thinking about?" He smiled nodding pressing a soft kiss into her lips "Nothing My princess" she arched her eyebrow and looked at him "Im hormonal , not blind and I know you" agreen he moved her with the music I was just thinking when we finally knew the babys sex. With a Smile Rachel kissed him "We sure werent expecting that , guess you got some potent substance in you Mr anderson" He lushed and laughed in the cutiest way ."It was quite the surprise, though I think it was more memorale when we told our parents " rachel nodded and move her hands to hes neck keeping her forehead against he's "Your face when the Dr said twins cant be outdone by that"


After a week of been back and having their apartment slightly settle they decided it was ime to let their parents in on their little secret . rachel had planned a dinner for them all though laine's dad wasnt still the most warming man , as one would expect Blaine's mom had ended up assisting on her own and there they were Blaine , rachel, Leroy, Hiram and Pam all sitted at the table it was great for both Blaine and Rachel seen their parents getting along so well. Pam was laughing at a Joke Hiram had made on the fashion industry ,looking into each others eyes they knew it was the perfect timing to tell them "Mom, Leroy, Hiram .....Rach and I have something we want to share with you"they all looked at each other and back to the couple "Rach darling, what is it?" Hiram asked looking at her, with a smile Rachel covered her motuh and then move her hands aside "Im pregnant" 

Pam rose from her chair "Oh my god this is wonderful ow Blaine, rachel" she said hugging them both still on their sits, Leroy and Hiram both smiled at each other and looked at rachel "I cant believe it our ay is having a baby, We need to celebrate. Champagne ..Oh sorry dear now you cant drink..." Leroy said as he laughed softly moving to hug hes daughter while kissing her forehead". Pam then pulled away from Blaine and looked at him serious for a moment "Is this the real reason for the hurried wedding Blaine?" He smiled and reached over to take Rachel's hand on he's" I love her Mom I proposed for that love , her been pregnant was just a surprise we discovered on our way" Smiling she looked at them both "Cant wait to mee the little princes or prince , maybe a few or your clothes would fit I kept a box" Blaine smiled and nodded "Mom!!"

End Of Flashback  

Santana was sitted on one of the tables as she played with her food she had her eyes lost in it, it had been 7 months and she hadnt heard or seen Sebastian, on the righter side she had finally decided she wanted to become a dancer a profesional dancer maybe in a play or something and as well acting , she had even applied to NYU , but despite having figured herself of she just wasnt the same without him around, he kept her life interesting and most of all he pushed her to be better, to rub it in hes face in a way but still . Of course the stupid love songs only made her worst it was just a reminder of the things they had gone through.

Rachel was laughing on the other table with her head leaning on Blaine's shoulder when her eye caught sigh of Santana, she knnew if she tried handindg advice she would fake she was fine and would act it like nothing, she got upand approached her, as soon as she saw rachel was approaching Santana faked a smile the best she could "hey , is everything ok?" Rachel agreed and took her hand, "Yes it is, but I think we could do a song for Quinn and Puck like you guys did on my wedding" Santana wasnt very sure but her puppy face made her laugh rolling her eyes "Fine , we can sing Berry, just because I dont want you crying on me for saying no".

Soon enough they were on the stage been the song upbbeat of course Santana was the one dancing while rachel sanged and moved softly since she was of course pregnant and had to be careful.

Later on the evenning Santana was helping Noah and Quinn sneak out of the wedding, everyone was so inmerged on the moment they didnt notice . Quinn hugged Santana while Noah was getting on the car "Thank You for been here .....About Sebastian if you really think he's for you find him, tell him" She didnt told him much just smiled ,leaning on the car Santana looked at Puck with a serious look "Take good care of her Puckerman remember I can still go all Lima Heights on your ass and not even break a nail" He smiled and looked at Quinn "Yeah santana I love you too". The car took off and she returned to the party.

Quinn and Noah were just making the line to ask for their reserved tickets he had her hands around her body hugging her from behind when suddently he noticed something "Babe..isnt that? "Quinn turned to look at him, it was him Sebastian seemed he was waiting to board a plane , Quinn grabbed her phone and called Santana "Get your ass here" Santana was still at the party and walked out to hear her better "What are you talking about Quinn?"  

"Sebastian is here at the airport so if I were you Id get my ass here and get him done". Sebastian was on the airport he had decided to go for a few days to he's parents Cabin on East Hapton , the warblers were on a break and therefore he had green light to take a trip as he was walking on the airport, he's phone ranged ."Hello?" he answered and smiled softly at the voice on the other end "Hey Mom....Yes Im gonna be fine by you dont need to send Clarissa to go take care of me..Ok Mom Bye"

Sebastian s mother was concerned about hes well been and wanted to send him their maid to take care of him but he just wanted to be by himself. The last call for he's plane , he headed to make the line. Santana had just entered but they wouldnt let her through much . She got frustrated and took a seat  thinking where could he had gone to ,she then felt something on her seat. Looking down at what was on it she opened the notebook and saw a bunch of notes on music, songs and scheduled rehersals. Sudently someone showed on the door she rose her face and a smile curved on her face finding a smiling man walking towards her, a wide smile curved on her face raising quickly from her seat she went towards him jumping embracing him tightly like she was afraid of letting go , some tears fell from her eyes but hugging him he couldnt see them. There was just a long moment of silence .

Rachel and Blaine were arriving from the recepcion they figured since they had such hurry in their wedding to get to the aiport this time they would enjoy the party for Noah and Quinn. "Dont you think it was a beautiful wedding" Rachel spoke to him as she entered their apartment. "It was baby, Im happy for them, theres nothing like marrying the person you love the most" he wrapped hes arms around her and caressed her stomach, she looked at their reflection in the mirror smiling at him through it "that's true, it makes every day better than the one before"

He's lips were soon on hers delivering soft, warm kisses, hes handswere now wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to him, he could taste her sweet lips brushing hes tongue deepening the kiss losing track of time in that moment. He broke their kiss for a moment looking in her eyes with a smile that glw like the sun "I love you girl" with a smile on her face she kissed shim softly speaking against hes lips "I love you too" rubbing their noses he spoke softly almost melodically "How is my divine lady and our babies feeling?" neither blaine nor rachel had wanted to know the sex of the baby but it had been important knowing they were twins. "we are doing wonderful" her smile soon vanished as she felt a pain in the sotomach "Blaine ..." they looked down to found the floor wet.

 "Flight 204 please board on gate 6 " a voice spoke making Sebastian break from the moment ,letting a sigh go he spoke whispering in her ear "Santana that's my flight" She moved back from him and suddently grabbed hes face pressing her lips onto him a soft kiss that turned passionate in a few seconds their tongues were having a fight as their lips moved in sync pulling away slgihtly she spoke against hes lips "Stay" He looked at her , she was always such strongh decisive woman bbut right there he saw something in her something he hadnt expected to see in her it was need she was putting her guard down and showing the human part of herself, Sebastian kissed her forehead and raised hes hand to caress the back of her neck softly keepinng hes face close to hers "If you still love me , Stay with me" He pulled back and took her hand raising it to hes heart placing it above "I will always love you even your evil Snixx side its kind of hot"  

  Santana laughed softly looking down, she had been afraid that deep down he hated her for rejecting hes proposal months ago but in that moment she saw in he's eyes there was no hate no play in move "I love you too Smythe you may be a narcisistic jerk.." he then innterrupted her "Hey that hurt remember you left me kneeling with a ring" she looked away "I have no recolection of what you are saying " He nodded with a smile trying not to lugh "Though if you happen to want to refresh my memory that could help" He smiled at her and surprisingly he had that ring in he's pocket "Does this refresh yor memory" She smiled and agreed looking at it "I didnt knew you had it in you" He looked at santana confused arching hes eyebrow "...except of course in me , im your better taste seriously... Blaine " they laughed Sebastian thought of debating after all Blaine was not only an atractive guy he had that something of innocence that made him want to pervert him back in the day , there was also Rachel but he knew remembering to santana the whole thing with rachel wouldnt help it would probably ruin the moment, taking her hand he didnt kneeled this time "so what do you say are you giving me a yes this time?" she made a serious look not letting him knew much arching her eyebrow "are you dumb smythe..." curving a smile she pulled him in her arms wrapping hes neck till there were only few inches bbetween them she spoke against hes lips "Of course ". 

After a hurried up run and boarding a cab they were now finally at the hospital, Blaine had hes car but he rather not drive since he was as nnervoius and anxious as hes wife, Rachel was now in the delivery room her forehead drippinng sweat her body barely covered by a hospital rope , her  hand tightly grabbing Blaine's , her Doctor was in position motioning her to push onne last time and a small cry started ringing in their ears , rachel smiled but her eyes were filled with tears, the doctor cleaned the baby and cut the cord and hannded it this time to Blainne, the nurse soon approached and put the other baby in rachel's arms  "congratulations to you both you have 2 very healthy baby boys" 

Blaine looked down to that tiny human been in hes arms and had the brightest smile even a few tears scaped hes eyes "hey little guy, im your daddy" Rachel would switch her eyes from the baby to Blaine"

He rose hes eyes to hers and they both smiled he approached her with the baby in arms "Are you sure about the names?" She agreed with a bright smile "We choosed good ones" looking back down at the baby in her arms "Hey Aiden  my beautiful boy" Blaine then looked at the one in he's arms "Ethan? Is that your name? Yes it is" The nurse then entered the room looking at them "Mrs anderson we will soon move you to your room but I must take the boys for some papers " agreen they both handed the babies, soon he was standing beside her hugggin her softly "We made something pretty amazing Rach" smiling up at him she agreed caressing hes arms that were wrapped around her "we did, our lov did".

  ★★★★★★★★One  Chapter left ★★★★★★★  

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