Best Friends For Never | n.s...

بواسطة keepingupwidnarry

74.4K 2.7K 404

The one with an innocent Niall and Protective Harry . " They say you are lucky if you fell in love with you... المزيد

Best Friends For Never
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07 - PART 01
Chapter 07 - PART 02
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 +
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 +
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 +
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Thank You | end note

Chapter 07 - PART 03

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بواسطة keepingupwidnarry


Here is the next chapter and the last Part of the Party !

Edited !

WARNING : Slight Smut Ahead !

Enjoy :) feedback is always appreciated :)


Thursday Night : ( At the party )

Niall Horan

"We are here."

"I can see that"

Harry turned in his seat completely pissed at me and I just looked at him already wanting to get out of the damn car. After Stella practically threw me out of the house I walked to mine in hopes of Harry already left. But thanks to my shitty luck , as soon as I opened the door with my spare key I was grased with a calm Harry sitting on the couch waiting for me. He was dressed in his usual black skinny jeans a plain white top with a red leather jacket and I will be stupid if I didn't think he was looking sexy. Then again Harry always looks sexy . I had to remind myself I am mad at him and went to my bedroom to change. After taking all the time in the world , in hopes that he will just go I went to the living room . And nope , no luck he was still there waiting for me .The whole ride we didn't talk as he was sporting an angry look and I didn't want to deal with it because frankly , I am the one that should be angry in this situation.

I turned around the handle but it wouldn't opened . I turned around to see Harry smiling at me "Harry open the damn door."

"Not unless we talk first." I let out a whine"What do you want to talk about?"

Harry had a serious face on as he looked at me and I wanted to do anything but to talk "You and How you are still not talking to me."

"I am answering your stupid question. See I am talking to you , so will you please?" I ask motioning to the door for him . He shakes his head and sighs "Not that Niall , the fact that you think we are hiding something and saying we are not best friends."

The moment he started speaking my face hardened with words coming out of his mouth. I looked forward as two guys and one girl just got in the car, which was really difficult seeing the fact that they all were drunk and heavily making out.

"Niall.."Harry sighs for what must be the hundredth time today and I know it must be quite of pride taking him."What Harry , what do you want me to say , hun?! You are telling me you guys are not hiding anything and we both know that is a lie. And I always thought we were best friends , us two against the world but now it seems like its me against you all, isn't it Harry."

I looked at him as I finished giving him a hard look , letting him know his sweet talking isn't going anywhere. Doing this to him was hurting more that it might hurt him , he was my friend since we were baby and I love him so much . I trusted him but knowing he doesn't , hurts a lot.

Harry is quite and not uttering a word , it is eerily silent in the car as I watch him and wait yet another time for him to say something. After few minutes of nothing I push him behind unlocking the door and jump out. I began to make my way towards the front of the house and watch from the periphery as Harry makes his way by my side. I don't even glance at him once as I make my way inside.

The inside is more crowded and loud. The music is flowing throughout the house with the beats thumping against the floor. Girls and boys dancing more like grinding on each other , I think its been a while since the party started. The house is pretty packed as I wade thorugh the sweating bodies. In less than two minutes I am pretty much lost in the house as I am not able to find any of the boys. I don't really care as of course they must be on their secret Liam thingy. I go to the kitchen which I discovered the first thing I entered , I fill my cup with drink and stand watching people go crazy with all the touching , kissing and making out. A voice brings me back as I am currently lost in thoughts

"Hey Nialler!" the bruff voice heavily laden with alcohol calls me , I turned around smiling as I envelope him in hug and pat his back "Hey Chris."

We both pull apart "Nice party hun" I tell him although I know he is probably not getting half of anything going around him . " Yaa , C'mon the guys are asking for you ." He says , and pulls me through the corridor and in one of the room's . I fall him tripping over some cups and students dropped dead on the floor, aka sleeping.

He opens a door and inside I think is the main party. All of them are sitting in a circle , there is Louis and Liam across each other , Zayn with some girl in one side and a boy I-have- never-seen across him with Harry on his right .

Ofcourse he is there with other lads and as usual I am the last to know about things. I watch as Chris stumbles over to the group as Louis yells 'I have never' . Honestly , I have no interest in playing this shit game ever, there is always something embarrassing happening and not to mention I have done pretty much nothing , which means I will be the only one not drinking anything .

I sigh and drag myself towards Zayn and sit beside him , I am welcomed with a side hug and a big smile. I smile back as he ruffles my head gaining a lot of aww's from the girls . My eyes land on Harry who is looking at me intensely with something in his eyes I can't point out , maybe anger. Well if it is that , I don't bloody care.

My attention is pulled away from him by none other than Louis loud voice "So , who goes first?"

Ten minutes in the game , all of the basic questions

"Niall your turn ."

"I have never ever had sex." There is load of laughter around the circle as I am sweating bullocks. Well pretty much everything was already been confessed and the only thing remaining was this . And I am the only one I think to not have done this is me . I try to raise my glass , but i can't lie for shit and then they will ask who is the girl . And at the moment I think that is not the problem with me , its whether it will be a girl or a boy , which is the issue.

I gulp as I look around as Louis drinks through the bottle, yes it was the fourth question he switched to the bottle. Zayn and Liam take a large sip with some girls , who joined in between drank as well , alcohol dripping down there chest. My eyes followed the liquid flowing down and it didn't excite me atall. It was far from exciting , it was actually gross and my only thought it is going to be really sticky later.

My eyes shot up as Louis's loud voice rang the room "Oh Hazza !! Still Virgin yaa!" My eyes snapped to Harry as he was now pink from embarrassement from head to toe as everyone laughed. He smiled slightly at me , adorably even , as he looked at Louis " Well not everyone is Manwhore like you Lou." He said making all of us laugh .

Louis grabbed Liam by the waist and spoke loudly "Did you hear that Lili?? I think it is going to change."which made Liam throw back his head with laugh and left me in confusion.


But before I can think anything Louis asked "Oh Niall you are the only one not drinking anything . The game too lame for your innocent self." And at that statement I don't know whether to be angry and punch his face or cry my pitiful self away. I see all eyes on me , drunken eyes shining with amusement and some are laughing. I can't take this and before anyone can say anything because I know someone is going to open there horrible mouth to punch in some comment I pushed aside the glass , tears threatening to spill as I walked outside in anger . I made my way to the patio taking in a deep breathe, What the hell is Louis thinking ? what can I say , the bastard is drunk to even remember anything.

Enough for tonight,the party is not that happening and with all these confusing feelings I am having these days I am tired. I decide to just go to the car and go home. Oh shit ! Harry was my ride and I am too tired to walk all the way home. I punch the wall beside the sliding door in defeat as I make my way back in to find not-so-my-bestfriend anymore.

Alright the dumb-asses will be in the same room I march myself there. On my way I find Zayn slamming a girl on the wall and making out heavily . Did I just saw panty dropped on the floor. Oh god ! averting my eyes I make my through some drunks in the corridor. I push open the door and to my surprise find no one inside .

Where did the fudging drunk yards go ?

I ask a few sober looking people who point to the first floor , thanking them I take two steps at a time. There are no lights in the passage here , just some neon on the far end. I just want to get Harry ,pull him by collar of his button up shirt and drag him to the car , to drive me home.

Exhausted I push open yet another door revealing in an empty room , I sit on the bed letting my tears fall . This week have been a hell a lot for me , from finding few strange and still not believeable things about myself to all the drama with Harry . My eyes travel around the room and I can make out few things here and there through my not so great night vision. I don't know and not care where the switch is.

There is sudden loud bang on the door that scares the crap out of me as I jump and almost hit the side wall. I want to run out of here the first thing but two very familiar figures pauses me . I am left staring by the dark side wall out of the view as the scene plays out in front of me.

A drunk Liam (not so drunk ) with an equally drunk Louis are making out tongues and teeths and all the hands they are moving , I think, on the bed. I sense they are sober enough as I hear the soft whispers of Liam and Louis unhurried work of hands. Then Louis suddenly sits on top of liam making him groan and I thought Liam was tougher than Louis.

I am shock and dead still as I watch the scene and the moment I hear zipper coming down I know I should scramble away and drink lots of pints to push this memory far back. But for some reason I am not able to take my eyes away from the scene in front of me as the moans and groans spill the otherwise silent room. The door is quite ajar making dim light spill in through the cracks easier for me to see their...action?

I gulp down the saliva formed in my mouth at the hot scene playing out in front of me and right now I am far from embarrassment that those are my mates I am watching. I feel my jeans tighten as Louis starts to move up and down on Liam , as guttural groans leaves both of their mouths. I look down at my pants as a small gasp leaves my mouth . I slam my hand on my mouth , eyes wide as I think they might hear me. But looking above they both seem into their own world. I feel pressure rising on my penis and scared as it has never happened before I slide outside.

I hurry towards the exit completely forgetting about Harry or the fact that I have to walk home .



Our innocent Niall running to the hills , excited ? Hmmm....

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