By blackarabia

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ShuShu, Kiara, RayRay, Leaira, Lan, and Annemarie are the bad girls of their school. Princeton, Prodigy, Roc... More

First day of TORTURE
Uhmmm.. rude much?
Masks, Mischief, and MakeOuts
Princeton's night
Roc's Night
Princeton or My Rep????
Marshmallow Fluff
Mixed Feelings
Adventures at the Mall
I Promise
Sleepover GONE Wrong
The SunDress
Stalking Mindless Behavior
I don't know what It Is but I love You
We Need Her Help!
Lie and Go Seek
Finding The Stalker, and Love
Fallin For Bieber Boy
Tough Love...and Tough chickks
Sorry Guys !
TALENTed Flirt
And The Winner Is...
RKO like a boss
Love Either Dies, Or Falls Off The Side Of A Bridge
JUST TO LET U KNOE *not a chapter*
The SunDress.. again
READD MII NEWWW STORIIIIEEEEE *a speech fo' yall fans out derre* *not a chapter*
Abandoned Island


2.6K 16 0
By blackarabia

ShuShu's P.O.V.

Okey, so sitting there and crying. Totally not my thing. I thought to myself, am I seriously about to cry over some airheaded, uber-flirty, idiot? But after that freak attack, I couldnt go back out there pounded with interrogation. So I climbed on top of the toilet, grabbed a pair of scissors and jumped out the window. Simple as that. I began walking, but then I turned around, facing our small town, and something inside me was telling me to get the hell outta there. So, my feet carried me far away. Before I knew it, I was out of Ellicott City and in who knows where. My phone was ringing like CRAZY! 4 missed calls from Rayray, 3 from Lan, 5 from Kiara, 2 from Annemarie, and all the rest of the girls called 3 times. And one message from my mom. She was gone. The other missed calls were from the dumbass himself, and one weird number. Even though i was in hiding-sort of- I decided to call back and see who it was. After 2 rings, someone picked up and a guy voice picked up.

?????: Hello? ShuShu?

Me: Uhmm, who is this?

?????: Its Prod, Rayray was looking for ya.

Me: Yea i know... why'd you call me though?

Prod: Well, cause we lookin for ya! And if you knew, why didn't you pick up?

Me: Im not in the mood to be found.

Prod: C'mon, girl. I don't want no one to be cryin over that dumbass Prince.

Me: im NOT crying about him. This isn't about him! Why does EVERYONE keep saying that?

Prod: well, because.... yall are cute together. Yall act like you got a thing goin on one second- and the next, one of u ends up crying. that and he's been thinking about you everyday every since he laid eyes on you... well, him and-- nevermind,

Me: (thinking- oh my gosh, really?) well, i dont give! He can do watever he wants with that skank, cuz i dont give a fuck.

Prod: Arite, juz tell me where u are so we can get you a cab.

Me: i DONT want a cab, i DONT wanna be found, and i DONT CARE ABOUT PRINCETON! *hangs up phone*

I didnt want to be mean to Prodigy. For one, he's dating Rayray, who's like my SISTER. and second, he was being really nice to me. But right now, was NOT my time to be soft, i was FURIOUS. I walked a little more until I reached a pond. I sat on a bench in front and gazed out on the waters. I suddenly, began tearing up. Not about Prince-- but about my mom. We used to go take walks and come sit at the pond and watch the water for hours, back when we lived in Florida. Back before the incident.

I wiped my eyes and noticed a middle aged man taking a seat next to me. I pretended to not notice him and sat there. After five minutes, he got up and walked away. I turned to look at where he was sitting and a plastic bag sat there. Intending to give it back, I looked around for him, but he wasnt there. So, i peeked inside the bag and saw a fresh, new six-pack of beer. Without any thought, I picked up one can and chugged down the beer. I tried to fuzz everything away, but by the second chugg, I heard my mother's voice in my head, telling me that wasn't the solution to the problem. And then her telling me I got it bad. I began to sobb again, when I heard a deep voice calling me from a distance. Even with my tears and the beer fuzzing out my vision, I could see the tanned skin and the big, dark afro. I ran over to give him a huge hug and he hugged me back. He had to hold me to keep me from falling (because of the beer). He apologized about everything and I,too apologized. He held my hand and we walked down the sidewalk. I dont think either of us knew where we were, but I didn't care. After a while, he asked me-

Princeton: hey, why you crying? *puts his finger on her cheek to catch her tears*

ShuShu: *wiping her tears* uhmm.. you know my momma?

Princeton: uh, i heard of her.

ShuShu: Yea, well... he took her away.

Princeton: who?

ShuShu: I dont know.. *sobbing* the bad man.

Princeton: *hugging her* wat bad man, baby?

I couldn't help but notice his voice was really different sounding. And his hair was differently combed. If I wasn't half-drunk, I could have sworn there was a guy across the street who looked a lot like Prince who was looking straight at us.

ShuShu: Uhmm.. *kisses Prince* just.. just forget it.

Princeton: *smirking* will do. *puts hand on her ass*

Knowing Prince, I knew this wasn't gonna go far, so I left his hand there. Over his shoulder, i saw the guy now holding some white girl who surprisingly, looked a lot like Victoria. I told myself it was just my imagination and kissed Prince once again. This kiss was more different than the one at the dance though... It was not as good.

I looked at Prince's face and back at the guy across the street and screamed. Right away, "Prince" pulled his afro off to reveal a very weird looking buzz-cut, grabbed me and  taped my mouth shut. He didn't bother going inside because, well, in this old town, everyone just sleeps early. He was beginning to rape me, but of course, I wasn't easy. I kicked and kicked and managed to get the tape off. I screamed and screamed and waited for the real Prince who was standing across the street with Victoria to come save me. But he never did. I screamed and screamed more and more and eventually, I felt a sharp pain on my throat and before I could  even begin to sobb again- everything went black.

ShuShu's Mom's P.O.V.

Travis got me again. I tried to text ShuShu this and explain everything but I could only send one message before he took my phone and began rape and abuse. I paid him some of the money, but i didn't have enough time to ge the full amount. As expected, he was furious. I can't help but think of ShuShu. Im worried about her. Though, she's strong and tough, I hear she has some drama going on and I should be there to help her through it. But at the moment, I have problems of my own.

Princeton's P.O.V.

Victoria and I were walking around town late at night. Then I saw ShuShu with some guy with an afro. Really? She goes with ANY GUY WITH AN AFRO! I was pretty ticked, but I couldn't help but watched. Of course, this made Victoria jealous so I managed to look away for about five minutes to give her my attention. When I snuck a glance back, I saw he was all up on her and It was DISGUSTING! Who was this guy?!??!?!? I heard some screams coming from her. Have fun, slut. I thought, and with that, Victoria and I left, walking hand in hand.

Sierra's P.O.V.

I walk around the pond in Central when all of a sudden I see huge lines of police racing towards town.  Oh god.

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