Game Changing - A Frat Boy Ni...

بواسطة KylaNialler

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*bear with my shitty photoshopping in the cover* Melissa (who absolutely hates being called Melissa, so bett... المزيد

Chapter 1 - Rejections
Chapter 2 - Sucked In
Chapter 3 - Touches and Teasers
Chapter 4 - Reunions
Chapter 5 - Ground Rules
Chapter 6 - Scheming
Chapter 7 - Covers
Chapter 8 - Frustrating
Chapter 9 - Broken
Chapter 10 is Privated
Chapter 11 - Morning After
Chapter 12 - New Plans
Chapter 13 - Results
Chapter 15 - Bandaid
Chapter 16 - Anger
Chapter 17 - Snooping
Chapter 18 - Birthday
Chapter 19 - Gate Crashed
Chapter 20 - Game On
Chapter 22 - Afraid
Chapter 23 - Shock
Authors note

Chapter 14 - Turning Tables

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بواسطة KylaNialler

(read the other note at the bottom after reading the chapter!) xxx

Chapter 14 – Turning Tables


Niall's POV


I watched Lissa walk out before I turned to Harry again, he was also watching her. “What do ya want?” I asked, not rudely or anything, I wanted to know why I was disturbed.

“Talk in private?” he looked around the room awkwardly.

“Um, sure…”

I really hoped he wasn’t going to grill me about Lissa, because I wasn’t in the mood for shit from other people, I left classes to get away from it, not to come home to more bitchiness, I swear the boys are worse than girls sometimes. Key word: sometimes.

We walked up into Harry's room, it was significantly neater than mine, I did try to keep my room clean, honestly, it just gets messy, first it’s a pair of underwear and next minute it’s a whole weeks worth of clothes, and shit.

I leant against the wall and watched him pace around the empty floors. “Well?” I asked, a little bit impatient. “I have done something I really shouldn’t have.”

“And that is?”

“Promise me, as a friend, as a brother, that you won’t tell anyone?” I nodded, “Yeah, I won’t, what is it?”

“Definitely not Lucas okay?” he really know how to drag out his sentences and put the suspense into a conversation.

“Mate, I'm not gonna tell anyone, you’re good to go.” He looked up and me, meeting my eyes, making sure I wasn’t lying, he looked back down at the ground.

“Wait, is Isabel and Lucas a thing?”

I groaned, “I don’t even know, but I think so, its been the same for a few months now.”

He nodded slightly, frowning again, I wanted to laugh at him, he was being really weird. “Okay, erm, well. Isabel just told me something…”

I didn't even care about Isabel, all I cared for her was that she was Lissa’s best friend and essentially Lucas’ girlfriend, not that they wanted to admit it to themselves.

“She is pregnant…”

My eyes widened, but I didn't understand why Harry was telling me, and why he was involved, or why she would tell him. “Are you two like close or something?”

“Uh, we’ve known each other for years…but Niall…”


“It wasn’t Lucas who got her pregnant…”

I nearly choked, “YOU?!”

He looked up at me and sighed, “We were drunk.”

“Do you know how many times I have been too drunk to even think, and I still haven’t knocked up one girl…” how in the world? I was stumped, he was in the shit now, totally fucked.

“Is she going to get rid of it?”

He shook his head, “What do I do Niall!”

“Why are you asking me? Fuck, Harry, you’re fucked; Lucas is going to fucking kill you.”

He shook his head, “Lucas doesn’t know, she said she just wants to tell him its his.”

That was a very bad idea, Lucas will throw her right out, the second he hears the word ‘pregnant’ she was screwed either way, and if she runs to Harry, then Harry is also fucked.

I wondered if Lissa knew about this, and didn't let me in on the gossip, but she doesn’t talk much about the gossip, maybe that’s a thing I don’t mind about her, she doesn’t bitch about her friends and other girls to me. Every time I talk to a girl they try to dog their friends in hopes that I will pick them.

“That’s not going to go down well…” I slowly let out, everything still processing through my mind.

I was just glad it wasn’t Lissa, if it was I don’t know what I would do, I’d probably want to throw up because she doesn’t seem like one to sleep around and be dumb enough to get knocked up, well minus the time when we went straight at it without even realising. Thank fuck for the pill.

“No shit. What am I meant to do?”

“Um, just wait and see what Lucas does, you never know, its depends if he's going to be a cunt or not, normally he is, so if he pities her, he might accept it. It will either go surprisingly good, or horrifically wrong.”

He nodded, “Who else knows?” he shrugged “Just you, she has only told me, and I’ve told you, and I'm trusting you won’t tell anyone.”

“I told you I won’t, but you have got to keep me posted now, because now that I know I can’t be left hanging, and if shit goes down I want to be in the loop.”

"Goodluck man, you need it." 

I said as I walked out the door, he grunted in response, still dealing with his dilemma. 

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I walked back down the hall. 

To Lissa: you said text you, so here's a text :) 

I decided not to go back to my bedroom, I seemed to be in there too much lately and it was making me stir crazy. 

From L: yeah I did say that, smart one, point for you 

I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch, but not like a normal person, I went for the comfy option, legs over the side and slouched on the back. 

To L: Isabel there?? 

From L: yeah, why?

Tyler was watching me from across the room on the couch he was sitting on, "Who you texting?" He asked, "An old mate." He nodded, "You've been kinda distant the past few days, what's gotten into you? The knee can't throw you off that much." 

I shrugged "Been tired." 

"It's that Melissa chick isn't it? Everyone has seen you two around, what the fuck was today? In the kitchen." he paused, 

"It looked like you two were a freaking couple." 

I shook my head, "Me? Never. She's a good kisser though, so I don't mind it." 

I texted Lissa back as we spoke. 

To L: you spoken to her? 

A few seconds later Lucas walked in the door and laughed at Tyler and I, "Look at that! Nialler is out of his room!" 

I punched him as he walked past and we all laughed "Grow up." I muttered, 

"We are talking about Niall and Lissa, what do you reckon Luke, next step marriage?" They all laughed, I did too. 

"She fucking wishes." Lucas said, turning his attention to the television, "What's the fucking crap, you poofs, watching shit." 

I looked up and seen that 16 and Pregnant or whatever it was, was playing, I laughed and shook my head "I only came in for the couch, Tyler was watching it." 

"Fucking faggot." Lucas joked, I laughed, but not at him, it had occurred to me that Lucas' girl was knocked up and it seemed like that tv show. 

From L: not really... why? am I meant to or something 

To L: nah, just wondering 

From L: you're a weird one you know that 

To L: yeah but u love it ;) 

From L: she just asked me who I'm texting, wtf do I do 

To L: hahahah good luck with that, just change my name to some girl name and say a chick from classes 

From L: you are a fucking legend, thanks for your help Hannah 

To L: oh me gee no problems babes, I'll help you with notes any time, see you in class tomorrow xoxoxoxo 

From L: nice character, she's not reading the texts though dipshit 

To L: it was fun. anyway what you up to 

From L: making study notes for midterms, something you should do 

To L: why would I do that when I have you, my study buddy to help me ;) 

From L: if I were to ever actually try to help you I think the only thing that would happen would be something that isn't study 

To L: u + me = hot sex mmmmm 

From L: Jesus Christ it's all you think about I wasn't even talking about that! 

To L: yes you were, you just can't stop thinking about my amazing skills in bed 

From L: okay yeah whatever, you are distracting me, go do something 

To L: you? pls? 

From L: nice try, what did Harry want before, because you could have been doing me if he hadn’t  interrupted 

To L: remind me to kill him I want to tell you but I don't think it's my story to tell 

From L: ooooo what's the goss... who's story is it

To L: not telling :p 

From L: please 

To L: nope, you rejected me so no. I'm gonna play FIFA with the boys, talk later 

From L: fine be that way.. I just won't pay you a visit for a bit 

To L: you will be crawling back before you know it... hahah cya 

Lissa’s POV



“I don’t even understand why he wants me to go, its not like he's playing…” I grumbled, still laying in bed, I hadn’t moved all day, except to eat and have bathroom breaks.

I was exhausted, I wasn’t sure why, but its what it was. I hadn’t really seen Niall, he came over on Wednesday, annoying both Isabel and I, until we told him to fuck off. It was weird, he just stood at the door, looking at us funny, and looking at me with some weird look in his face. That was it though.

I texted him a bit, there wasn’t much I had to say to him, and he wasn’t telling whatever he was hiding, because he teased me for it. Getting right onto my nerves.

“He likes you…” she trailed on with the ‘you’ I scoffed, “No he doesn’t, I don’t even want him to like me. We did this assignment that that was it.”

“You also had sex, if you don’t remember, it was only last week.”

I sighed, “No shit. But it doesn’t mean anything, its just a hassle for me, because it means I have to get ready later.”

Isabel laughed, “Oh you will live, its not that hard.”

It actually was, because I was going to this party, as Jacinta again, I couldn’t just let her drop off the planet because Niall and I had our own plans for shit, like I said, we both didn't consider anything serious, it was literally sex.


We got to the game and found seats, I wasn’t dressed up or anything, I was only going to get home and get changed again, it wasn’t really what I called fun.

I was watching the field with little to no interest, that is until I seen Niall standing off on the sidelines, watching everyone, phone in hand.

I texted him: I can see you standing there ;)

 I watched as he looked down at his phone as it went off.

He looked up and around the stands, as if he would be able to find me.

From N: Wanna come down to the dressing rooms?

Isabel looked at me, “Who are you texting?” I shrugged, “Hannah.” She scowled, “Why don’t I know her.” I looked up at her, “Because you haven’t met her?” she focused her attention back on the game, “Why are you talking to her so much?”

“I don’t know Isabel, we just are okay, is it wrong for me to have other friends than you?” she shook her head and didn't press me any further.

To N: nope, Isabel would flip her shit, to why I am leaving, you can see me later on in the week or something, I have to go to mums for the weekend

From N: oh damn, okay have fun with that


The game finished, and surprisingly they won, Niall would be pissed about it though, because they managed to win without him, it would be a blow for him.

Isabel and I both got ready together, helping each other out, but Isabel wouldn’t agree on a dress for herself, “No, its too tight.” she complained, “That never stopped you wearing it before.”

“I’ve gained weight, I don’t want to look fat.” I rolled my eyes and finished putting in my contact lenses. “Wear the purple one then.” I finished my argument, “Fine.”

I went for a really tight white one, I hoped it didn't get ruined, but with the theme of glow tonight, I figured I would get broken glow sticks poured all down it. I admired my changed and enhanced appearance in the mirror, hoping Niall wouldn’t recognise me, especially with the amout of time we had spent up close lately. It would be worse if he noticed the way I kiss him, maybe I had to change.

Ah, lightbulb going off in my brain, tonight I'm going to make it awkard. Jacinta knows that Niall and I have been getting closer, and she's worried, or something, jealous, tonight; Niall won’t be the only guy I will be kissing.

I didn't know what to really think, I wouldn’t imagine myself doing something like this a few months ago, but here I was, ready to go kill a few boys. Not literally.


We arrived at the frat house and hour and a half after it was supposed to start, and sure enough, it was packed, people even out the front, already sucking faces.

We walked past the people on the porch, careful not to accidently bump into anyone, the door was open and we went straight in, the smell of alcohol was overwhelming.

I spotted the boys with a few girls, all standing around in a group.

We both walked over to them all, I didn't look at Niall, sure, I glanced at him, but nothing more. I was playing hard to get now, not that I wasn’t beforehand, but I was upping my game, and watching as he chased me. Turning tables.

“Hey! Long time no see!” I yelled out to everyone, hugging everyone, and Niall last. I gave him a small smile. “Jacinta, wasn’t expecting you to be here…” I shrugged, “You thought wrong.” I said, bluntly. He gave me a weird questioning look, but I ignored him. “Who wants drinks?” I asked, everyone shook their heads, hands holding a glass already, “Isabel?” she shook her head, weird.

“Fine…” I walked over to the drinks and grabbed myself a cup. Niall followed me. “Hey.” he said, leaning against the counter, fixing the snapback he had resting on his head. “Hi.” I said, slowly. “What's up?” he asked, picking up on my mood. “Nothing, just been hearing shit. Shit about my friends. Shit about you.” He frowned, “Like what? My leg?” I shook my head, “A little bird says you have been playing off my friend and myself at the same time.”

His face dropped, “Who told you that?”

“I’m closer than Lissa than you may think.”

He took a sip of his drink, “So you didn't hear anything from Isabel?” I shook my head, “Isabel and I aren’t as close, she doesn’t know half the stuff I have been told.”

He nodded and hummed along to the song that was playing. “Want to go do something?” I shook my head, “I want to go dance with everyone.”

He swung his arm out, “To the dance floor.” I smiled, downing the rest of my drink and walking off in front of him, his hands found my hips.

We were in the middle of the crowd, it was almost like we were in a nightclub. We danced, jumped, whatnot. I could feel not only Niall grinding on me, but also another guy, I looked up to see who it was, some random, perfect. “Get me a drink.” I smiled up at Niall, who nodded and walked off.

I spun around to the other guy, “What's you’re name cutie?” he asked, “Jacinta. You?”

“Mike.” I smiled sweetly, and danced with him, “Wanna hook up?” he asked, I nearly laughed, he sounded like a desperate 14 year old asking a pretty girl to kiss him, I nodded and he pulled me even closer to him, kissing me.

As we kissed, I felt someone pouring glow stick stuff onto my face and all over my dress. I didn't care.

The kiss however, wasn’t a pleasurable experience, he was too sloppy, had too much saliva and tasted horrible. But I smiled to myself, knowing Niall will be about to see what was going on. I was right when I felt my face being torn from Mike’s. “What the fuck man?!” he yelled at Niall, who was fuming with anger.

“I would fuck off right now if I were you mate.” Niall said, through gritted teeth, people were staring now. “Why should I? She’s a babe? You can fuck any of the sluts in this room, find your own.”

Niall was clenching his fists open and shut, “Niall don’t.” I hissed, “She is mine. Fuck off.” Mike shook his head, “STOP IT!” I screamed, the tension was killing me, Niall's grip on my arm was hurting me and the stares were overwhelming, the attention on me was too much. Someone was going to know it was me.

I turned to face Niall, I shoved him, pushing him away from Mike, and walking him over to an empty area of the house, or as I should say: less crowded.

“Calm down.” I breathed, stroking his chest. He was still mad, I could see it in his face, “It wasn’t his fault.”

“Oh, really? Why would you kiss him then?” I groaned, “I can kiss whoever I bloody well want to kiss!” he rolled his eyes, “I’m not your girl Niall, I never will be, I don’t want to be.”

He wasn’t even that drunk, that is what pissed me off the most, I knew what he was like when drunk, and he wasn’t even quite there yet.

He just shook his head, pushing my hands off his chest and walking off. I turned around to Isabel and gave her a stare.

She looked worried.

I watched Niall walk upstairs, hopefully he just went to bed.

I was wrong, my phone vibrated in my pocket (yes my dress has a pocket, deal with it).

It was Niall, talking to me, as in Lissa me.

From N: I'm coming to your house, wait out the front for me.

My eyes widened and I ran over to Isabel. Dragging her away from Lucas, who was laughing with mates, Harry also caught my eye as I dragged her away, he was standing there awkwardly with a weird look in his eye. I put a mental reminder to ask him what was up, or ask Isabel what's up his ass.

I was in a real pickle now, I couldn’t show her the other text messages, and she is going to question why he would come to my parents’ house to get me, I decided to read it to her.

“What the fuck are you going to do? Your parents will kill you.”

I nodded, “I know! I need to get there before him!”

“That’s a far goal.. don’t worry about it Liss.” I shook my head, “I’ll text you later.” I ran off out the door, he hadn’t left yet, which was a plus.

I took off my heels and ran to my dorm room.

As I was running I must’ve cut my foot on something on the path, making it all the more harder to get back.

I opened the door and got changed the fastest I had ever dressed myself in my life. I hastily wiped off my makeup and took down my hair, messing it up to make it less obvious. I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, not caring, he wouldn’t think much of it anyway.

I grabbed a pair of shoes, putting one on and limping out the door.

It was late, so I prayed my parents were asleep, and wouldn’t see my car pull up. I turned off my headlights before reaching the house.

I waited outside the car, trying to stop my foot from bleeding. Niall's car pulled up on the side of the road and I hopped over to him, he still looked pissed off. He glanced down at my leg, “What happened?” I shrugged, “I cut it on some glass, my sister smashed a glass before, mustn’t have cleaned it all up.


“Are you drunk?” I questioned, trying to remain oblivious to everything. “No, just had a few drinks. I’m fine.”

“You don’t sound fine.”

“Its because of your fucking friend.”

“Isabel? Is she at the party? What has she done?” I groaned, making it sound real.

“Not her. Your other fucking friend.”

“Jacinta?” he nodded, “She just fucking embarrassed the fuck out of me.”

Maybe the original plan was working, instead of him embarrassing the girls by throwing them around, and right out of his room. I was the one making him ashamed, awkward and embarrassed. I was game changing, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to anymore.

I felt torn between my two lifestyles, and I didn't want him to find out about my lies. But he was going to have to eventually. It honestly scared the shit out of me.

A/N: oooo so look at all of these plot twists, and yes we welcome back jacinta into the scene and shit gets fucked up, what do you reckon about HARRY AND ISABEL?!? do you reckon she should tell lucas the truth? or what do you think he will do if she even mentions the word pregnant!?!? and what about niall and lissa/jacinta, what do you reckon hes doing right now? like where is he taking her..whats he gonna say. is she gonna tell him the truth!?!? comment and tell me what you think about these questions... xxxx 

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