Queen of the Swords & Lord of...

By OBrien_has_Stiles

64.1K 1.9K 308

Secrets are secrets, and Esmeralda's path is unknown to her. But walls start breaking down, and she finds out... More

Queen of Swords & Lord of the Rings (a LOTR fanfic)
Part 1 - To Know Chapter 1: The Fellowship
To Know - Chapter 2 - The Fellowship is off
To Know - Chapter 3 - And so it begins
To Know - Chapter 4 - Lifes shall be shaken
To Know - Chapter 5 - Walls of Moria
To Know - Chapter 6 - Darkness surrounds us
To Know - Chapter 7 - We need a break
To Know - Chapter 8 - They are coming
To Know - Chapter 10 - Please come back
To Know - Chapter 11 - I'm fine
To Know - Chapter 12 - The Past comes back to me
To Know - Chapter 13 - Gently down the stream
Part 2 - To Feel - Chapter 1 - A long run
To Feel - Chapter 2 - I'm glad to have our wizard back
To Feel - Chapter 3 - Time alone
To Feel - Chapter 4 - Off to Helms Deep
To Feel - Chapter 5 - Over the edge
To Feel - Chapter 6 - Seeking answers and purpose
To Feel - Chapter 7 - Dangerous obstacles
To Feel - Chapter 8 - Victories in Wars
Part 3 - To Love - Chapter 1 - Victorious Feast
To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive
To Love - Chapter 3 - Star Gazing
To Love - Chap 4

To Know - Chapter 9 - Even the strongest fall

2.3K 79 12
By OBrien_has_Stiles

Hey guys. I've started a Hobbit Fan Fiction, please check it out!

Alright, here's Chapter 9!


Esme's POV

Then the drums started, making us shake in fear. The steady beat continued as Frodo took his sword out of it's sheath. It glowed a bright blue.

They are coming.


"Mister Frodo!" Sam cried, upon seeing Frodo's sword.

"Orcs!" Legolas spat in disgust, running to barricade the door. I followed him, along with Aragorn and Boromir. Boromir begun to push the heavy door shut, and was narrowing missed by two arrows that stuck themselves where Boromir's head would've been if he hadn't ducked at the last second.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandalf !" Aragorn instructed the Hobbits, picking an axe up.

"They have a cave troll," Boromir said sarcastically.

"Oh, great! Not another one!" I exclaimed to myself, making the others stop to stare at me, before continuing what they were doing. We grabbed the heave, rusted weaponry that lay on the ground and laid it against the door.

"Argh! Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" Gimli cried behind me, angrily. I turned to see he had leapt on top of Balin's tomb and was brandishing his axe. I jumped and turned at the sound of breaking wood, coming from the door. Pulling my bow off my back off my back, I set an arrow to the string and aimed at one of the openings. I slowly shuffled back to give some space between me and the door. I released my arrow, which sailed through the air and the hole in the door, and must've hit something followed by a wail. The Orcs hammered and pushed at the door ferociously. In the corner of eye, I could see Legolas let one of his own arrows fly, hitting his target.

"They're breaking through!" I cried, before stowing away my bow and drawing my sword. Suddenly, the doors broke and a cluster of Orcs came barreling through. Snarling and gnashing their teeth, they were here to kill.

I let out a battle cry, before I leapt into battle, dissipating an Orc with a clean swipe at it's neck. Ducking to avoid being cleaned of my own head, I swung my sword at the Orc in front of me. It collapsed to the ground, but was soon replaced by another. I swung my sword in every direction, the once silver shining metal was now a black blood covered killing machine. My sword clashed against another's, blocking it's blow at me. The creature snarled at me, before pulling away and striked at me again. I tried to dodge the sword, but not quick enough. A long gash was on my hip and blood came streaming out quickly. Although I winced, I didn't let my injury faze me and I quickly struck the ending blow at the Orc's head.

I stumbled back in shock, when I saw the Cave Troll burst through the door. It roared angrily and had taken part of the wall with it. Though before I could make my move towards it, a huge clump of Orcs surrounded me, distracting me. I did my best to dispatch the Orcs quickly, but it seemed they just kept on coming. Slowly, I made my way closer to the Cave Troll. It crashed through Balin's tomb, where Gimli was standing upon it a few seconds ago.

I ducked to avoid being hit by the chain connected to the monster's head. I quickly grabbed a spear off the ground, and threw it at the Troll's back. It roared angrily, though the spear didn't bring him down, but seemed to only infuriate him. It turned and settled it's eyes on me, before advancing on me. Aragorn used another spear, and stabbed at the creature before it could reach me. The troll growled in anger and swiped at Aragorn, smashing him into a wall.  

"Aragorn!" I screamed, though before I could reach his limp body, something heavy struck me on the head and I fell towards the floor. I felt warm blood trickle down the side of my face, and for a second there everything was black. I rolled over to see an Orc standing over me, ready to stab me with it's axe. Though before it could do anything, it was hit by an arrow, and it fell limp to the floor beside me.

I stood up. The next few moments were all a blur to me and I could hardly see Frodo get stabbed by a spear, which the Troll was holding. In a sudden rage, I killed the Orcs around me with new ferocity. In my peripheral vision, I could make out Legolas and Pippin on top the Troll. Legolas quickly shot an arrow through the Troll's roaring mouth. It staggered before crashing on the ground, sending Pippin tumbling across the floor. At the sight of the fallen Troll, the rest of the Orcs fled.

I took a step forward to Frodo's silent body, but an overwhelming surge of dizziness overcame me, and I sunk to the ground, tired and hazy. I couldn't pay attention to the others talk about Frodo, only focusing on staying awake and fighting the nauseous feeling in my stomach. I barely heard them shout happily, at an unwounded Frodo. I closed my eyes and I could feel myself drift asleep.


Legolas's POV

We all crowded around Frodo's unmoving body. Aragorn rolled Frodo on to his back, so we could look at his face.

To all of our surprises, Frodo sat up and gasped.

"Frodo! He's alive!" Sam cried out, happily.

"I'm alright. I'm not hurt." Frodo gasped out.

"You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar!" Aragorn murmured in awe .

"I think there is more to this Hobbit than meets the eye." Gandalf said in a relief tone. Frodo pulled open his shirt to reveal a glistening shirt of Mithril.


"Mithril! You are full of surprises, Master Baggins!" Gimli chuckled. We all smiled down at the Hobbit, who fortunately was unharmed. I looked around the group, but my smile quickly disappeared when I noticed one member of the Fellowship was missing.

Terrified I quickly called out, "Esme!" My shout made all the others notice her absence and we all quickly turned to look for her. I quickly found her body on the ground next to some boulders, and I made my way over to her quickly.

She lied there limply almost how Frodo was a few moments ago. She had a deep gash on the side of her head, and a long gash along her hip. From both wounds, trails of blood pooled out, running down her pale body.

"Here!" I called out to the others, so they knew I had found her. Aragorn quickly came running over, we both made quick work of wrapping her gashes with cloth, hoping it would stop the bleeding. I quickly lifted her up into my arms, in the same hold I was holding her a short hour ago.

All our heads snapped up when we heard the shrieks of more Orcs outside.

"To the bride of Khazad-Dum!" Gandalf commanded the Fellowship. We all sprinted out of the chamber that held Balin's Tomb and out into the great hall.


Esme's POV

I woke up to the feeling of being jostled around. I opened my eyes to see myself in Legolas' arms again. My eyes widened at the sight of Orcs flooding out of the ground and pouring out of the ceiling, like an unstoppable liquid.

''Legolas, go faster!" I shouted for him to hear me. I seemed shocked that I was awake, before processing my words and sprinting faster. More Orcs came, they followed us and blocked the path ahead. Eventually, we had to stop in our tracks. The Fellowship formed a circle, keeping an eye on the Orcs. I wrestled my way out of Legolas' arms, but I found myself in the middle of the tight circle, pressed against Aragorn. I looked around at the faces of our pursuers. Cruel eyes met mine and they hissed and cackled at our fear.

We all had our weapons out, ready for the attack. My bow was strung with an arrow, as was Legolas'. I jumped at the sound of a mighty roar in the distance. The Orcs looked around at each other, what surprised me was the terror on their faces. They scattered, fleeing back to their holes. Within seconds, we were alone. I looked up the hallway; there was a light there, as if someone had lit a massive fire.

"What is this new devilry?" Boromir questioned, Gandalf was silent for a moment.

"A Balrog. A demon of the ancient world." He hissed. "This foe is beyond any of you. Run!" Gandalf shouted at us, and we fled after him away from the light. I followed as quickly as I could, not wanting to overtake the Hobbits. Boromir took the lead as we rushed down a flight of stairs. I stopped abruptly as I saw Boromir teeter perilously at the edge of the path. We reached another flight of stairs, all around us was illuminated with the light of a fire, yet I could see none. Legolas pulled Boromir back from the edge and behind me I could hear Aragorn speak,

"Gandalf!" He said, turning to the wizard.

"Lead them on, Aragorn! The bridge is near. Do as I say! Swords are no use here!" He cried. We ran down the staircase, it seemed endless until we reached a large gap that plummeted downwards into nothingness. I was vaguely aware of arrows raining down amongst us, but none of them struck anyone. Legolas jumped across the gap easily, and then turned.

"Gandalf!" he called, beckoning. Gandalf jumped after him with effort.

"Merry! Pippin!" Boromir shouted, grabbing the two Hobbits before leaping over the gap, as the edge crumbled.

"Sam!" Aragorn shouted, before throwing the Hobbit over the gap after Boromir. He then turned to Gimli, who held up a hand.

"Nobody tosses a Dwarf!" He huffed, before leaping. My heart jumped into my throat as I saw he wasn't gowing to make it, but I relaxed when Legolas lurched forward and grabbed his beard. "Not the beard!" Gimli bellowed as Legolas pulled him to safety.

I was about to leap across, but more of the steps crumbled away making the gap impossible to jump. Behind us, I heard a crash. I turned to see that part of the ceiling had collapsed, leaving the stairs that Aragorn, Frodo and I were on unattached to anything. We tried to balance the rock out, not wanting to fall to our deaths. Aragorn suddenly made us lean forward, towards the stairs the others were on.

As our bit of rock crashed onto theirs, we jumped. I was caught by Legolas, smiling up at him in thanks, we all continued down the staircase.

We suddenly came on flat ground, though flames of fire were spread out, making it almost impossible to breath properly. I took a sneak peak behind us, and my eyes widened at what I saw. Behind us was a towering creature of fire and darkness, and looked utterly terrifying, like something out of a nightmare.

""Over the Bridge! Fly!"  Cried Gandalf as we passed him. In single file we dashed across the narrow bridge, I was at the end right behind Legolas.

"You cannot pass!" I heard Gandalf shout behind us, as Aragorn lead us up a flight of stairs. I turned to look for Gandalf and I gasped at what I saw.

The demon-like creature towered over Gandalf, where he stood in the middle of the bridge. Flames flickered across it's massive body, as it glared down at Gandalf.

"I'm a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Arnor! Dark fire shall not avail you, Flame of Udun!" Gandalf cried, staff and sword in his hands. The Balrog drew it's own flaming sword and brought it crashing down on Gandalf, who parried the blow.

"Go back to the shadow!" He hissed at the creature. "You... shall not... pass!" He bellowed, slamming his staff into the bridge. There was a blinding flash of white, and then the demon drew a whip of flames. It roared and stepped towards Gandalf. The bridge gave way under it's feet, and it tumbled into the chasm below.

Gandalf turned with a sigh of relief and tiredness, but as he did so, the whip of the Balrog lashed up and caught him by the ankle, dragging him down. For a brief moment, he caught the edge of the bridge.

"Gandalf!" I screamed, lurching forwards to the wizard, barely noticing the grabbing hands that tried to get me. Though I slipped through and I made it towards the foot of the bridge.

"Fly you fools!" Gandalf whispered, before he let go of the edge. Falling into the dark abyss below. My eyes never left his body as he did, and I feel onto my knees in shock at what had just happened.

 In my head, I could hear Gandalf whisper his last words to me.

Even the strongest shall fall.







Hey hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did!

Please check out my Hobbit Fan Fiction. It's called 'She's Dangerous'

Unfortunately, school is starting in a few days, so I won't know when I'll be able to update next. Maybe tomorrow, but I don't know.



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