In Her Shoes

By BleuSandee

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Then, something strange happened in that moment. Her face changed -- no that's not quite the word; it flicker... More

Chapter 1: Meet Jesse
Chapter 2: The King meets the Witch
Chapter 3: True or False?
Chapter 4: Misusing the "F" Word
Chapter 5: "Welcome to Your First Day In Hell"
Chapter 6: The King Meets the Angel in Disguise
Chapter 7: Temporary Distractions
Chapter 8: Mistakes & Bad Choices
Chapter 9: How the Witch Killed The King
Chapter 10: Changes...
Chapter 11: New Introductions
Chapter 12: First Day In Hell Pt 2/ Realizations
Chapter 13: Suspicions...
Chapter 14: Black Out
Chapter 15: Waiting For Tomorrow
Chapter 16: Preparing For Battle
Chapter 17: Stepping Up, While Stepping Back
Chapter 18: The Growing Army of Three
Chapter 19: TBH
Chapter 20: Girls Day
Chapter 21: First Times and Sleep Overs
Chapter 22: Moving On and Letting Go
Chapter 23: Pedro
Chapter 24: Truth Hurts
Chapter 26 : Class Is In Session
Chapter 27: Queen Bee vs Newbie
Chapter 28: Reality Check
Chapter 29: Red vs She-Nice
Chapter 30: Cat Fight
Chapter 31: The Fake meets The Real
Chapter 32: Party Planning
Chapter 33: A New Best Friend
Chapter 34: Choosing the Perfect Dress
Chapter 35: Party Animals Gone a Little too Wild...
Chapter 36: Taking it too Far
Chapter 37: Respect
Chapter 38: The Last Thing I'll Do
Chapter 39: Love Octagon
Chapter 40: Monster
Chapter 41: The King Has Returned
In Her Shoes Fun Facts!

Chapter 25: Friends Aren't Lovers

91 3 0
By BleuSandee

-Author's Note- 

Like this chapter? Any suggestions? Ideas? Inbox me and tell me what you think or what part you liked and I'll dedicate it to you :) 

Enjoy! Thanks for reading! :D 


-Pt. 1- 

Ok. So I was a little embarrassed. I couldn't make the tears stop. I was so relieved, and at the same time so hurt, that reason after reason kept causing the tear shedding to continue.

Ever patient Aiden still hugged me, and waited until I was done. Finally after about five minutes (embarrassing, I know) I pulled myself somewhat together and let go of him.  

"Sorry about your shirt, man," I said eyeing his soaked shoulder and cringing at myself. I was sure my tear ducts would be about dry by now. 

He chuckled. "A shirts a shirt man. Besides, its not like you have acid tears." We both chuckled weakly, but I refused to look at him. After a while he gently touched my knee, "what happened to you?" 

I sighed and wiped my eyes again. He handed me a tissue. "Thanks," I muttered. "Well, its a long story...ish....but before I make the mistake of telling actually believe it's me?" 

"Of course I know it's you. I've known Jesse for about twelve years and I could spot his personality from a mile away. I had my suspicions from the get-go." 

"But...Aid you don't believe in anything." 

He sighed. "I know. And trust me I was suspicious but it took a lot of convincing and 'coincidences' on your part for me to fully believe." 

"On my part?" 

He smiled at me and his dimples sunk deep into his cheeks. "I already told you, I know you. Oh, and uh, don't ever go under cover. 'Cause you blew yours a lot." 

Our chuckles were stronger now, and I was able to glance at his smiling face. "So...really, Jesse...what exactly happened to you...?" 

I sighed. This would definitely take a while. I explained to him what happened the day of our argument, how I ran into Ronny and Aaron. How I got beyond wasted and did some stupid shit I would regret for the rest of my life, all the way from the moment I thought I ran Samantha Stone over, to when she made me crash the car and I woke up a girl.

He listened in silence shaking his head at all the appropriate intervals and glaring when necessary. When I was finally done he sat in shock staring at the floor. 

"So she really is a witch, huh?" I nodded. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Wow. This is some movie shit...or some crap you read about in a fantasy book or something..." 

Ahh...sweet irony. 

" long are you gonna stay this way? I mean, is there anyway you could change back?" 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah and its the queerest thing ever." 

"What is it?" 

"I have to 'fall in love'" I said mockingly. "But that's so stupid. I am in love. With me." Aid threw me a glare so I rolled my eyes. "Ok, so that did sound pretty bad. But love? Seriously!? And she said that I need to 'go back to my past' or some shit and I don't even know what the hell she's talking about!" 

Aid looked a little bashful suddenly and looked down to the side. "Uh...maybe she meant for you to be the way you used to be..." 

"The way I used to be!? Aid that doesn't even make any sense! I haven't changed! I'm exactly the way I was years ago!" 


I glared at him. "What?" 

He sighed. "You don't understand, Jess. I mean everyone changes. Sometimes for the better," he looked at me meaningfully, "sometimes for the worst..."  

I sat up and stared at him in confusion. "Aid...I haven't changed. I'm the same guy I've always been. And if I have it's been for the better...right?" 

He sighed again and looked away. "I...I have to explain to you when we leave here..." 

I frowned. Patience has never been one of my strong suits. "Well in that case, we could start by getting off the floor." 

We stood up and dusted ourselves off, then stared at my body for a little longer. " and Anna, huh?" 

He cringed then smirked at me. "You and Pedro, huh?" he retorted back sarcastically. Now it was my turn to cringe. 

"His name's not Pedro." 

He threw his hands up defensively. "You would know." 

"What are trying to say!?" 

He laughed and sunk in a chair, "That you should know the guy's name that's crushing on you, that's all." 

I raised a fist at him, "Its not funny Aid! He could've...who knows what!?" 

He smiled languidly at my threatening fist. "Go ahead and hit me. I wont feel much. Oh, and you're welcome by the way." 


"Your welcome. You know for...kind of saving your life." 

I growled and slowly lowered my harmless fist to my side. "Thank-you..." I grumbled... 

His smile broadened making his dimples deepen like they rarely did. "You're welcome." 

"Are we gonna get out of here or what?" I snapped, still irritated. 

Aiden laughed again. "Ya know, Jess, I think your temper is even worse as a girl."  

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah whatever let's just go." 

As we left my room and walked back down the hall of sickness and death the awkwardness returned. "so...did I really say all that? About holding hands?" 

He blushed with embarrassment, "Uh...yeah....sorry, I remember mushy stuff more clearly than you..." 

I scoffed, "Clearly." 

More awkwardness. 

"So....does it really help?" 

"Uh...." He chuckled, "no probably not. It's just always said you'd do the same if you had a little know, protective-ness and all but..." 

"You're the closest to a brother I got," I muttered. 


"Huh, nothing...I was just saying how stupid that was." 

Aid looked hurt. "Yeah," he agreed weakly, "stupid..."  

As we walked near the doors his hand accidentally grazed mine again, and he yanked it away even quicker then before. I sighed. 

What the hell? 

I grabbed his hand and in the reflection of the glass, for a fraction of a second, I saw two little boys holding hands; the older brother with red-brown hair protecting his little brother with black hair from the sickness, death and fear of the hospital.

-Pt. 2- 

We rode back to his house and sat upstairs in his room for a bit, talking in a way we hadn't talked for a while. We laughed and joked and teased each other and it felt good.  

Around eight we finally decided I should be getting home, or else my fake family would start to miss me. "How are they anyway?" Aid asked as we descended the stairs. 

"Oh, dude you wouldn't believe!" I exclaimed, "My fake mom is hot"- 


"No it's okay, cause she's not my real mom." 

"Oooooh, ok. So how bout your Dad?" 

"Dude, nothing like my real Dad, this dude smiles aaaaall the time. Like, I swear he's the happiest dude of all." 

"Well that's nice. They seem pretty cool. I'd love to meet them." 

I knew Aiden was going to be dropping me off, but I still didn't want anyone seeing where I lived. "Uh..."  

"Well it's about time you two came down stairs," we heard Aiden's mom say from around the corner. "Jenni dear could you tell your mother"-she stopped when she laid her eyes on me instead. "Oh...I'm sorry dear, I thought you were someone else. You are?" She asked a little embarrassed extending a hand. 

I shook it warmly. "Jess...ica. Sanders. I'm new to Aiden's school." 

Her brief embarrassment vanished and she returned to her usual chatty self. "Oh! Oh how wonderful! Did you just move here? Oh well, you'll love that neighborhood! One of my co-workers lives there. She said it's not always the friendliest but don't take my word for it you'll probably love it there! Oh and my husband, Jeff heard that they're planning to build a park right next to it! Wouldn't that be wonder"- 

"Mom," Aid finally interrupted clearly embarrassed. "I have to drop her off, she has curfew." 

"Oh! Well why didn't you say so? Well it was nice to meet you dear," she said once again shaking my hand. 

"Nice to meet you, too Mrs. Moore." I loved Aiden's mom. She always knew how to make me laugh...especially when she wasn't doing it on purpose. As we headed out she called to Aiden, and not wanting to cause an awkward moment I waited outside by his bike. 

When he finally came out his face was a little flushed and he hopped on the bike without saying anything. 

" okay?" 

"Yeah...let's get you home." 

"Dude what is it? What happened in there?" 

"Trust me man, you don't wanna hear it." 

"Try me." 

He turned to me halfway, his face slightly flushed from an emotion I couldn't distinguish for the moment. "Ok, but you're but gonna like it...she asked if you were my girlfriend. She thought I dumped Jenni for you." 

Now it was my turn to turn pink. It was then I knew why his was, too: embarrassment. Awkward, much? "Oh..what'd you tell her?" 

"That you were the new girl who I was showing around...." 

I surveyed his face. "Didn't buy it, did she?" 

He chuckled dryly. "She thinks I have a crush on you." 

I couldn't help but laugh. "Chill dude, it's not like it's true. Besides I'm waaaay too hot for you." 

He laughed, too. "Yeah right man. Shit, I shoulda told her you were gay," he added ruefully kicking the bike into start. 

I gulped. "Yeah about that..." 


I sighed. "Just another story to tell you..." I said irritably.

-Pt. 3- 

Aiden had dropped me off regardless of my protest and excuses to drop me off a block from my house, and he parked his bike just outside our driveway. Just as I suspected Aiden couldn't stop laughing as I updated him further with my "girls day" and lesbo slip up. I waited a good five minutes before he could stop laughing....somewhat. 

"Wait, wait, this is a good thing, right?" He stupidly asked when his laughter subsided some more, his eyes watered. 

"What the hell do you mean?" I snapped. 

"Well now that you're gay"- 

"I'm not gay!" I whined stomping my foot sending him into a brand new fit of laughter. Stupid girly habits. "I'm a straight guy who likes girls!" Right on cue an elderly couple that had been coming our way heard the last part of my outburst, and the husband scowled at me and escorted his wife to the other side of the street. This action was of course noticed by Aiden, and he went bawling in laughter again. 

Oh, the joy. 

"You better watch what you say, man," he panted with his arm wrapped and himself, leaning on his bike from exhaustion. "You're gonna make people around here think"- 

"That I'm a tranny with a wild imagination? Yeah I figured that out already." 

"Wait a whatty with what kind of imagination? We need to get you back, man. I think your losing it." 

I socked him in the arm though I knew it would have no effect. " I've already lost it! You were there!" 

He laughed lighter this time, "yeah and you know I think I got a hole in my shoulder from all the acid you have in your eyes..." 

I blanched. "No way. You're joking right?" 

He cracked up again so I got my answer. "You could be such a blonde sometimes!!" 

I laughed, too, "Hey you know that's actually a compliment. Anna's a blonde and I think she's one the smartest girls I've met." 

"How are you two by the way?" He asked trying to sound uninterested.  

I sighed. "Terrible. She hates me for trying to steal her girlfriend." 

His eyes widened, "What?! Anna's a lesbian, too? Geez what is up you chicks?" 

"Ha!" I shouted at him in victory. "first of all, I'm not a chick, and second of all, who's the blonde now?" 

"Whatever, man that was cheating. I don't know all her secrets yet." 

That reminded me. "Oh and uh....thanks by the way..." 

"Yeah. Whatever." 

"No seriously. Thank-you Aiden. You've been a great friend...better then I deserve...hell I'm actually starting to think you're the only friend I've ever had. You've stood by me even when I've done wrong, you've tried to save me from all the fakeness I didn't even know I was surrounded by...You've tried to save me from myself, talk me out of a lot of stupid shit, tried to hook me up with Anna, visit me in the hospital"- 

"That wasn't really you, man," he added bashfully. 

"It doesn't matter. You do a lot for me; and I don't think I've ever really appreciated it until now. Thank-you." 

He stared into my eyes and it looked like he was about to make a lame attempt at a joke to un-tensify the mood, but seeing how much I meant it he decided against it. 

He reached out and hugged me again, and though I was sure I sure I had used up all my emotions for the rest of my life in one day, I didn't mind. I hugged my little brother and soon he was chuckling. 

"What are you laughing at?" I muttered, slightly irked that he was ruining a rare and sentimental moment for me. 

"We definitely gotta get you back to normal. The boy-Jesse would die before showing all this emotion..." 

I laughed. "Trust me, 'boy-Jesse' died somewhere in the mall. That's why all this bullshit is coming out now." 

We both laughed, and just when we were about to part we heard someone clear their throat behind us. Swiftly I turned around, still in Aid's arms and faced my fake mom. 


-Pt. 4- 

Not that I saw anything wrong with the picture. We were two straight best friends from childhood hugging and sharing a bonding moment together, we were practically brothers. But my fake-mom was still a mom.

And like all moms all she would see is her daughter hugging a dude with a motorcycle who had apparently dropped her off. I don't know why but motorcycles always seem to scream "bad news" to parents. No matter how innocent the driver is. 

Quickly I yanked out of our embrace, trying to look a innocent and less awkward as possible and straightened myself out. "Mom, this is....Aid..en. Aiden. He's uh...well he's my best...well not my best because I just met him but"- shit! I was usually a much better liar than this! 

Aiden, who was leaning against his bike still and smiling with an amused smirk plastered on his face pushed himself off his bike and walked up to greet fake mom. "Hello Mrs. Sanders. My name is Aiden. I'm a friend of Jessica's." 

A friend. Why didn't I think of that? 

Fake mom couldn't hide the impressed smile that began to spread across her face as my overly-polite best friend shook her hand. "Oh...well Jessica's never mentioned you..." She added eyeing me suspiciously. 

He shrugged, "We are kinda new friends but I think that'll change." He looked at me discreetly and his needle-point dimpled smile flashed across his face. "I feel like I've known her for years." 

I rolled my eyes. Haha very funny.  

"But anyway I was just dropping her off. I saw her carrying all those bags and thought I'd help her out." 

My mom was clearly wooed by this fact, and eyed me once more. "Really? Well that was a very chivalrous thing to do..." 

He chuckled. "Hardly that, ma'am." 

"No, please call Joyce." 

"Why thank-you Joyce."- 

"Hello? Me here. Anyone forget I still exist?" 

"Shh! Jessica don't be rude!" She turned back to Aiden and smiled. Was she batting her eyelashes? Ugh. I was about ready to puke. "Would you like to come in? I was just about to make dinner." Yup. She was definitely batting her eyelashes. Cue throw-up scene number three. 

"That's a very generous offer"- 

"But he has to go. Right, Aiden," I quickly interrupted throwing him a hintful glare. 


"No unfortunately, she's right. I need to get back and help my mom get dinner ready." 

My fake mom swooned at his dimples, his eyes, words, hell probably even his hair. I rolled my eyes. Women are so weird. 

"That's very kind of you. They don't raise gentlemen like you anymore. Right, Jessica?" I flushed, it was gross and embarrassing, and Aiden chuckled lightly as well, but I could detect the discomfort. 

"Well mom now you know Aiden, Aid, you know my I think it's time to say good-bye." 

Before my mom could suggest some other embarrassing offer, Aiden held her hand and kissed it. "It was nice meeting you, Joyce." 

"You as well, Aiden..." 

She stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, and finally I cleared my throat. "Mom!" I finally snapped. 

"Oh! I'm sorry you two probably want to say goodbye alone, huh?" 

I was really flushed now. Now I understood how Aiden felt. This was just humiliating. "Yeah mom...sorta..." 

"Oh. Ok. I'll go. Nice meeting you Aiden." 

"Good night Joyce."  

She finally made her way up the porch steps and slowly closed the door. 

I turned to Aiden with an embarrassed smile. "Moms." 

"You're right. She is hot."  

I socked him in the arm though I knew it was pointless. "Trynna hit on my mom?" I asked jokingly. 

"Hey you said she's not you're real mom." 

I laughed, "Shut-up, dude. Now get out of here before you give the while neighborhood a bad impression." 

"Your moms watching us." 

I turned and and followed his gaze just in time to see the blinds behind me quickly slide shut. I sighed. "Ok now you really have to leave."  

He laughed. "Yeah I know. Awkward. Well...later." 


He smiled at me and hopped on his bike, driving off and leaving me with a mother who I knew would bombard me with questions.... 


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