The Boy at School (A Papyton...

By Hayleyotp

79.6K 3.4K 5.4K

Mettaton is the most popular boy at his Highschool. Almost any girl would dream of going out with him, but Me... More

Quick note
A crush
The Note
A Date?!?!
Awkward Encounter
For Real This Time
The carnival
Asgore and Spaghetti
Are We A Thing?
600+ Reads?!
1K reads?!?!
Juicy Gossip
1,000 Read Special
The Phone Call
Cries and Kisses
It's All For Blooky
Shall we?
We Shall
The L Word
Shy Encounters
Now Boarding
Something In The Air
Woods & Chill
Morning After
Good Morning
The Breakfast Club
New Friends
Old Friends
Date Night
Christmas Eve
10K Reads?!?!
Christmas Morning
Now Arriving
10K reads special preview
New Year. New Surprises.
Back to School
Back to Revenge
{12K Read Special}Itsy Bitsy Muffet
Locked Out of School
The Graduation
One Final A/N
The Boy At School 2

I'm Sorry

831 51 123
By Hayleyotp

I over slept and barely made it to school on time. I sat down next to Alphys in science. I had to catch my breath after running up the stairs. "Woah, where were you this morning?" Alphys asked.

"Over slept. Have you seen Papyrus?"

"Uh n-no. I don't th-think he's in school today."

"Why?" I asked. Papyrus hated missing school. Alphys shrugged and went back to her notes. It was hard to focus on...whatever we were learning. I grabbed my pencil and tried writing in my notebook anyways. Okay, mitosis...mitosis...cells dividing...dividing...division...math...I have math with Papyrus. Papyrus. My boyfriend. Mine. My revenge. My revenge on Muffet. Meiosis. I scribbled diagrams onto my notebook pages. Something about the way that the pencil sounded familiar. Please don't make any sudden moves. Alas, a song was stuck in my head. You don't know the half of the abused.

There was a nudge at my arm. I looked at at Alphys, who kept elbowing me. "Mettaton, you're humming again." She whispered.

"Whoops. Sorry, darling." I said, mentally scolding myself. I had a habit of doing that without noticing. It was a habit that always ended in embarrassment. After class, I headed to my locker to switch out my books.

"Mettaton, you alright?" Alphys asked. Her locker was next to mine, so we saw each other a lot during the day.

"I'm fine, darling." I said. I left before she could respond. I felt guilty for leaving her, but I didn't feel like talking. I had too much on my mind to focus on anything else. During my classes it was hard to concentrate. Nothing happened until Math. We had a sub, which didn't help.

I walked into the room to see "Sit wherever you want" written on the board. I took a seat in the back of the room. I was reading a book, trying to distract myself from thinking about Papyrus. It worked, more or less, until I detected movement from the corner of my eye. I looked at the seat next to me, and saw, none other than, Muffet. "Hello, dearie." She smirked, without glancing in my direction.

"Oh, hell to the no." I snapped, eyeing her up and down.

"My, my, dearie." She did the stupid gasp again. "No need for such a hostile attitude."

"Well, darling," I gritted my teeth, "mind telling me why you're over here?" I looked at all the empty seats, clearly annoyed.

"Can't a girl just sit wherever she pleases?"

"Why you little-" the bell rang, starting class.

"Students. Settle down, settle down." A tired sub said. He was a big, burly man. From the strain of his voice, you could tell that the last three classes had not been kind to him. "Today you'll be working in pairs. So, just work with whomever is next to you." Muffet looked at me and smirked. Not wanting to cause drama, I huffed out a sigh of anger, accepting my fate. "So, get to work until class is over." I don't know what it was, but the sub didn't hand anything out.

"So, partner." She said.

"So." I responded.

"How's things going with your little boy toy?" She giggled evilly.

"Muffet, I swear to-"

"Or should I say, 'ho-"

"Don't you dare." I slammed a fist on her desk, gaining glances from a couple students. I lowered my voice, to avoid any more drama. "You know I love him."

"Oh, sure you do. Ya know? Deep down I bet you're one kinky little gay boy, aren't you?" She smirked, crossing her legs, one over the other.

"Never, and I mean never, speak to me like that. Not ever again." I said, strictly.

"Oh, please, you don't have to be ashamed." She put a hand on my shoulder. I glared my eyes at her.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I said, bringing my eyes to her hand. She rolled her eyes, removing her hand from my shoulder. "Muffet, why do you hate me so much?" I asked, wanting this whole problem to disappear.

"Mettaton, I never said that I hate you. Look who's starting drama now." She said, acting like a know-it-all.

"Oh please. If you remotely liked me, you wouldn't have started that rumor."

"Mettaton, ple-"

"I'm serious. You almost completely destroyed my relationship with Papyrus. You don't do that to someone you like. You do that to someone that you want to see suffer." I could almost feel tears in my eyes.

"Mettaton, you don't know anything about this." She stated blankly.

"Oh really?" I started laughing quietly. "I don't know about how I was so scared that I had to leave my boyfriend behind with two children, because I couldn't deal with my emotions. I don't know about how my wheelchair bound cousin had to comfort me while I cried. Ha! I don't know about how my boyfriend's brother had to call me, because Papyrus was so worried that he started crying. I don't know about how I tried to finally put this behind me, and have a nice date with my boyfriend, but someone decided to snap some pics. I don't know about how I was so absolutely terrified of what everyone would think of me, that I actually got sick as that horrible rumor aired. Now, tell me, you really think I don't know anything about this?" She stared at me in horror. "Now, what do I not understand?"

"W-Well, you don't know m-my side of the s-story!" She shot back.

"Ahem." I looked up to see the sub towering over us. "Is everything alright here?" For such a big man, his voice was rather nice. I believe he had a bit of a French accent.

"Oh, yes, we're fine." Muffet insisted.

"Oh, yeah, we're just great." I forced a smile and tried to sound as genuine as possible.

"Alright. If you have any problems, I'll be up at the front." He smiled, and walked over to another group. Muffet and I dropped our smiles and got back to glaring at each other.

"Like I said, you don't know me. You don't know my side of things." She tried to stay calm.

"I do know. Someone paid you, and you almost ruined my life." She didn't react. "But, you could have not taken the offer. You could have not made my life a living hell." The bell rang for lunch.

"Mettaton, I didn't have a choice about the money!" She yelled as we headed down the stairs.

"Muffet, I don't care about that! You didn't have to take this so far!" I yelled. We stopped at a cafeteria table. We put our stuff down but didn't sit. "Just tell me why you hate me so much!" I demanded.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay?!" Her eyes filled with tears. "There! I said it! I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did to you." She sat down and started crying, but I wasn't done yet.


"And Woshua...and Undyne..."

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sorry about him." She mumbled. I sat down, and stared at her.

"And why would that be? Hmm?"

"He's the one who paid me. I was only creating balance." I felt a pain in my chest, but I ignored it.

"Muffet, framing someone for smoking marijuana does not create a balance." She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She mumbled, wiping away her tears. "Don't you even care about what Burgerpants did?!" She asked, expecting some sort of reaction out of me.

"I'm done." I said.


"I'm done being petty. This is too much, Muffet." I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Toriel, asking her to pick me up. I was too emotionally exhausted to deal with school.

"Wow. King of drama, done with the drama. Heh. Funny, isn't it?"

"Muffet, I'm not dealing with your nonsense." I unwrapped a sandwich that I packed. I noticed Muffet eyeing it. I rolled my eyes and, without a word, handed her half.


"You obviously want it." I stated.

"Seriously? I don't need you pity, Mettat-"

"Ugh, darling, just take it." She hesitated, but took it.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She questioned.

"I'm just being decent. Don't think too much of it." I stated, taking a bite of my own half.

"Mettaton?" Someone asked.

"Yes?" I looked up at the woman.

"Someone's picking you up."

"Ah, thank you." I said. I gave Muffet one final glance before grabbing my stuff and heading out. I got to Toriel's car in the parking lot. I tossed my stuff in the back, and sat in the front, exhaling dramatically.

"Hello, Mettaton." Toriel greeted, as if she didn't have a care in the world. I looked over at her and forced whatever smile I could make. "Rough day?"

"Oh, darling, that would be an understatement."


(Hope y'all enjoyed that chapter! Please do not kill me, or any other members of the Muffet Defense Team. 'Kay baiiii

See you in the next update, my lovelies!


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