The Experiments

By aThoughtlessThinker

12.6K 449 65

We were just kids. Not experiments. Hundreds of kids were kidnapped at a young age and taken to a place call... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chalter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 5

567 18 2
By aThoughtlessThinker

"I believe you kids deserve some answers," Johnny Lawrence said one day. We had been on the Galaxy for about a week and we had not been allowed out of Medical.

"We, well I, have some files on you that contain information about you. You should all get to read them." He started to hand them out. Once I got mine, I was scared to open it. Did I really want to know everything? Would this be a burden on us like Johnny Lawrence said it would be? Would I not be happy with what I found out?

No one else was hesitating on opening them. With one last deep breath, I opened the file. 

                         File for A-36971
D.O.B: 4 July 2260 (17 years old)
Birth place: Loveland, CO
Sex: Female
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Hair length: Long
Taken: 14 August 2262 (2 years old)
Name: Reagan McCoy
Powers: None as of 21 May 2277, Mind reading, Telepathy, Catlike reflexes, Feeling vibrations, Telekinesis as of 22 May 2277
Other info: Dr. Forman took once out of fire; first recruited

I read over the file multiple times. I had a name, not an identification number. And what did it mean by fire? Not to mention, I was the first recruited. There was multiple pages and I didn't hesitate to read those ones.
I should have never read them.

                   Files for A-36971 cont.
                           Father Info.
D.O.B: 10 January 2235 ( 25 years old)
Birth place: Loveland, CO
Sex: Male
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Buzzed
Name: Josh McCoy
D.O.D: 14 August 2262
Cause of death: House fire
                          Mother Info.
D.O.B: 29 December 2240 (20 years old)
Birth place: Ft. Collins, CO
Sex: Female
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Blonde
Hair length: Long
Name: Kayla McCoy
Maiden name: Patterson
D.O.D 14 August 2262
Cause of death: House fire

My parents were dead? Listening to everyone's thoughts, their parents were dead too. I didn't read over them anymore, but I went to the next page, which wasn't a page. It was an envelope with a small paper stuck to it.

              Kayla McCoy Necklace
A-36971 (Reagan McCoy) holding when taken out of house fire

Ignoring the large print, I opened the envelope to find a 'necklace' inside. From what is could tell, it was a chain with a weird object hanging on it. It was a wing of some sort. With black and white gems on it. I didn't really understand the meaning of a necklace, so I put it back in its envelope. This necklace was my mother's. It was the last thing, my last connection I had to her. I didn't want to break it.

"So A-36971, how are you feeling?" Asked Ryan Waters, who had come in.

'How should I feel?' I asked back.

"That all depends on you."

'Well... I'm shocked, a little angry, and upset. I'm also happy I guess.'

"Good? That's a lot of the opposite emotions you got going there."

'Did you know I have a name?'

"I figured you had a name, but I never knew what is was."

'Reagan McCoy.'

"Well Reagan, that's easier to say and remember than A-36971."

He gave me a smile and started to go to the others when I added, 'McCoy. It's Reagan McCoy.'

"Reagan, you don't have to say the last name, just the first."


"You've got a lot to learn kid." And with that, he left to talk to B-87952, who's name was Claire Bradley and she was nine years old.

C-01679 was Mason Garrison and was eleven years old.

P-89034, or Nathanael Gaines, was twelve years old.

Z-08174 is really Alexander Rowe and was fifteen years old.

Emilee York, or H-90263, was fourteen years old.

We were no longer known as a letter and a bunch of numbers. We finally had names. A way for people to identify us without having to say a long stream of letters and numbers. It was nice having a name after so many years of only having an identification number.

Johnny Lawr- no, just Johnny, came up and asked for the file back if I was done with it. I gave it to him, somewhat reluctantly, and he offered me some food.

I took it and ate quietly.

Maybe I could trust these people.

After about an hour, Johnny called down Simon for a 'medical checkup' on his hand that Claire fixed. He wanted to make sure nothing funny was going on.

Simon walked in and Johnny told him to pick a bed. Simon took the one next to me. When he saw me, though, his heartbeat picked up. I don't know why. He smiled at me and asked how I was doing.

'Good,' I told him.

"Good, good." He responded.

"Okay Simon, let me see that hand," Johnny said. Simon gave him his hand and Johnny examined it.

For about ten minutes Johnny made sure nothing bad happened or was going on. Finally satisfied, he dismissed Simon from Medical.
As Simon was leaving, he waved at me and thought so I could hear, 'Reagan's your name I hear. I like that.'

And with that, he was gone.

After another two days stuck in Medical, everyone started to become restless. Johnny noticed this and asked Ryan if we could take a walk around the ship. Ryan agreed as long as we had someone on the crew with us. Harriet and Simon jumped at the offer. They wanted to get to know us more.

We were in what was called the 'Mess Hall' where they had all their meals. We were eating what was called 'lunch,' a meal you had in the middle of the day. We never had lunch at the Compound. When I told them this, they were surprised. Lunch was apparently very common among most cultures.

After the Mess Hall and lunch, Simon and Harriet took us to the Bridge. The Bridge was where Ryan, Ty, Harriet, as well as many other people worked. It was like the headquarters on the Galaxy.

We went to Engineering after. This was where Simon worked, as well as a lot of other people did.

Engineering was were all the things that kept the Galaxy working was. Simon said it was kind of dangerous to work there.

We went all over the ship that day. It was nice to get out of Medical for a day.

The next day, I asked if we could wander around again but Johnny and Ryan both said no. They didn't tell us why. But they didn't have to tell me. Their thoughts screamed it.
Dr. Forman hailed earlier that day. He was hunting us down. He wanted us back.

And he wanted us dead.

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