The Stupid Inevitable

By StevieIsMe

5.2K 404 189

I never said I wasn't a little insane, but lately, it's gotten out of control. I found a wolf in the library... More

The Stupid Inevitable Chapter One
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Three
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Four
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Five
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Six
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Seven
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Eight
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Nine
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Ten
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Eleven
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Twelve
The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Thirteen

The Stupid Inevitable Chapter Two

456 43 18
By StevieIsMe

Chap 2 The Stupid Inevitable

"Most people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them."

________<>_________<>_______<> •_•_________

"What?" I stiffened. Cam had never been wrong before. His instincts were always true. It was odd how that was, but I personally knew better than to doubt Cam. After having those changes for the past five nights, my mind was really on overload at the moment. I could hardly think straight and all I wanted was to curl up in a ball and hibernate for a few months. That's how exhausted I was feeling, but in all honestly, you couldn't really blame me for it. It wasn't my fault. I wasn't asking for it.

My eyelids drooped down and I knew that I had to catch a few hours of sleep or I'd fall asleep on my feet. Then my brothers would know something was really up. It was always like the Spanish Inquisition with them when they got suspicious about something. And I was not really in the mood for an interrogation at the moment.

"I don't know what it is. It's just... odd. Something's off about this all. Nothing should have killed Rachel, because we're not supposed to have any large or wild animals in this area," Cam said, frowning and furrowing his eyebrows, deep in thought. Trying to sneak away as subtly as possible, I yawned, which honestly wasn't faked. I was so tired.

"I think I woke up too early today. I'm going back to sleep," I announced. "And I was so sure I was getting better," I glowered at Tristan who just smiled innocently back. "Anyway, Cam will you wake me if somebody needs me?" I turned to him and tried to look as awake as possible.

Unfortunately, Cam was a very perceptive person. When I looked at him, I saw the worried look on his face and immediately began to prepare myself for the inevitable questions.

But Cam surprised me. Instead of berating me, he let me off the hook.

"Okay; you do need to get some sleep. I don't know why, but it better be something important. I'll wake you up when dinner's ready okay?" He was worried, that much was obvious and I loved him for it. I loved him even more, though, because he knew me well enough to give me my space. If I needed him, I'd go to him. My brother knew that and let it drop.

Smiling, I wrapped my arms around Cam's broad chest and gave him a squeeze. He automatically put his around me too, nearly squeezing the life out of me.

"Can't breathe here," I wheezed out, my voice laced with annoyance, but amusement outweighed it.

"Sorry!" He said, letting go immediately and smiling slyly. "I forgot you weren't as strong as us guys."

That was it! That sneaky, lovable brat! I was working so hard. What the hell? There's something seriously wrong with my family. I was so going to get them back for this. They would pay dearly.

Instead of yelling at him and Tristan like I wanted to, I just clenched my teeth and walked to the still open door of the training room. Reaching the doorway, I turned around and glared at both of the idiots. I gave them both the finger and watched as they glanced at each other, before bursting out in laughter.

That did it for me. I was going to permanently disown my brothers. Except maybe I'd keep Nick. He was sweet to me. I pouted and stomped out of the room.

When I got to my room at the end of the hall, to the left of the training room, I threw open my door, locked it, and did a bellyflop onto my bed. It was so soft and comfortable, like how you'd expect a cloud to feel. For now, I wouldn't worry about the strange murder or what was going on in my head.

With a foggy mind, I drifted off into sleep almost immediately. Given, it was a fitful half-dozing, half-awake limbo of a sleep with constant dreams of waves, but it was sleep nonetheless and I was happy with that for the time being.


When Cam called for me to come down to dinner, I felt a bit better. Thank goodness too because everyone would be suspicious if I looked like I hadn't gotten any sleep. Downstairs, I didn't have much of an appetite even though the last time I had eaten was breakfast this morning. And even then, a chocolate chip muffin, an Oreo cookie and a big can of Apple Monster can hardly be considered breakfast. I tried to eat so it didn't look suspicious as I usually loved my mom's cooking, but I really couldn't. I just wanted to go back to bed and be warm and cozy. I sat picking at my grilled chicken and my eyes nearly drooped shut at the table at the thought of some more sleep.

"Avery, why aren't you eating? Aren't you hungry, sweetie?" It was asked by my dad, and I sheepishly put down my fork and answered him.

"Sorry, Dad. This tastes really good, but I'm not that hungry." I looked over at the three hooligans, the twins who were across from me at the table and Cam who was beside me, who were all arguing over their favorite teams. They weren't paying attention to our conversation, but my mom was looking at me with a worried expression, so I gave my parents the biggest smile I could manage and told them part of the truth. I hated lying and they would probably see through it if I tried to.

"I'm really tired. I've been working on my training, but I can't tell if I'm improving or not because some people refuse to fight fairly and some people purposely go easy on me." Raising my voice slightly so the specific person could hear me, I glared at a certain brother of mine, but Tristan just smiled, saluting me with his fork. Sighing, I shook my head at him. My mom, who was on my right, placed a hand over mine.

Softly, she said, "You look tired. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat. Eat when you're hungry, though," she demanded. "Get some sleep, but put your plate in the dishwasher." This was why I loved my mom so much. She knew when to not prod and give me my space. She knew me a little too.

"Thanks Mom, I'll wake up and eat something if I get hungry later. Goodnight, Dad, 'night psychos!" I called out to the rest of my family, standing up and picking up my hardly touched food and bottle of water.

"Hey!" came the chorused, mock-outraged reply from the three freaktards. I just smiled sweetly, batting my eyelashes innocently at them, pushing my chair in and walking into the kitchen through the swinging door separating the dining room and the kitchen. I heard my dad's low chuckle as he laughed at my childish brothers.

Smiling tiredly to myself, I dumped out the contents of my dinner and rinsed my plate before placing it in the dishwasher. The others would do the rest. Well, whichever two got stuck with cleaning up and doing the dishes tonight would get to do the rest. Grabbing my water, I gulped it down, throwing away the empty bottle afterwards.

Trudging out of the kitchen, I waved to my family as I passed them on my way to the stairs and they all chorused a loud "goodnight!" Climbing up the steps two at a time, I reached the second floor in a matter of seconds. Yawning loudly, I tried to keep my eyes open so I wouldn't walk into a wall or anything else on my way to my door. Knowing my brothers, they'd be awake until way past midnight before they passed out which meant they wouldn't be bothering me. Hopefully.

It was hard but I managed, and as soon as my door was locked and shut, I slumped down onto my bed, flicking off my lights and pulling the covers over me at the same time. I sighed happily, and fell asleep again without any trouble.

However, someone up there must really have it in for me because my peace was short-lived.


Please don't hesitate if you have any tips for me. I'd also appreciate comments, votes, fanning. Or any questions :) have a good night/day/afternoon/ whatever! Byee

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