Game Changing - A Frat Boy Ni...

By KylaNialler

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*bear with my shitty photoshopping in the cover* Melissa (who absolutely hates being called Melissa, so bett... More

Chapter 1 - Rejections
Chapter 2 - Sucked In
Chapter 3 - Touches and Teasers
Chapter 4 - Reunions
Chapter 5 - Ground Rules
Chapter 6 - Scheming
Chapter 7 - Covers
Chapter 8 - Frustrating
Chapter 9 - Broken
Chapter 10 is Privated
Chapter 11 - Morning After
Chapter 13 - Results
Chapter 14 - Turning Tables
Chapter 15 - Bandaid
Chapter 16 - Anger
Chapter 17 - Snooping
Chapter 18 - Birthday
Chapter 19 - Gate Crashed
Chapter 20 - Game On
Chapter 22 - Afraid
Chapter 23 - Shock
Authors note

Chapter 12 - New Plans

4.4K 107 10
By KylaNialler

Chapter 12 – New Plans 


The only problem about my plan of escape was that I actually had to get dropped off at my parents' place.

"Next one on the left." I told Niall, he simply nodded his head, I was watching him more than I was looking out the windows. 

His profile was just perfectly sculptured and I wanted to give his parents a high five and tell them they did a good job. 

"Thanks for shouting today, you didn't have to." I said as he pulled up on the side of the road out the front of my house. "No problems, I have to admit I enjoyed it, don't tell anyone I said that." 

"I won't, don't stress." 

I opened up the car door, "And remember you owe me now, so maybe a repeat of last night will be headed your way." 

He winked and I rolled my eyes, causing him to chuckle. I closed the door and he waved before driving off. I turned to the house after watching the car turn a corner and go out of view.

Mum was standing in the doorway, looking at me with a somewhat stern look on her face. 

I walked up to her and gulped, I didn't really want her to see that, I should be glad that he isn't one to kiss girls goodbye. 

"He looks like trouble." 

I scoffed, "Hello to you too."

We walked inside and one of my sisters came running up to me, "We haven't seen you in ages!" I hugged her back and nodded my head; I wasn't in the mood for family bonding today. 

I quickly sent a text to Isabel: Save me, I'm at mums; I need a ride back to campus. 

She replied almost instantly, obviously waiting around for me. 

"Want a coffee?" Mum asked, in hopes that I was going to stay around and chat some more about my personal life, I really didn't want to so I prayed that Isabel wasn't far away. 

"No thanks, I just had lunch." 

She shrugged and sat down at the table, inviting me to sit down and join her. "You haven't called in ages..." she began and I was internally groaning, she could go on forever just talking about college life, and when she's content she begins on what is happening around home. 

"Who was that boy?" I sighed, "Does it really matter?" she always dug into my personal life, sure it's a mothers job to do that kind of thing but it was annoying and intruding, she didn't need to know of all my antics.

"Some guy in my classes, we just did an assignment together and we had lunch." 

She nodded, "He looks like a frat dick head." I chuckled to myself, if only she knew half of it. 

"He is I guess, not really my crew, just had pizza as a celebration of finishing, we get our grades back this week, hoping for the best, I had to help him out because he was struggling." she seemed pleased with what I told her and I couldn't stop thinking of how it was basically a celebration that we had sex and got over it, there was no way I'd be telling her that.

"Any cute boys?" I actually groaned, "No, you know I'm focusing on my studies!" she chuckled, "You're a good girl love, don't be afraid to have a little fun, let’s just hope your sisters are the same." 

My phone started vibrating, Isabel. My saviour. "Oh gotta run, my ride is here." I stood up and hugged my mother, "I'll try catch up soon! Love you." 

I waved to my sisters as I walked out the door. 

I got into Isabel's car and she was staring me down, ready to hear all the details. 

"You may as well start explaining now."

"What do you want to know?"

Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel as she drove, "All of it."

Well wasn't that going to be fun, trying to explain myself. I hated it with a passion; I never knew how to properly express what I was trying to say. 

"I asked him if he told anyone, and he said he didn't and that he wouldn't, which was weird, I almost expected him to just say no and tell everyone he walks past." 

"To be honest I am actually surprised he let you into his room, is it true that Niall Horan has found a soft spot!"

I chuckled, of course not, why would he change his ways for the sake of me, I was just another annoying chick to him. 

"I don't really know what else to say, we just sat there and talked, he said he was going to go get pizza and offered me to go with him. When we were there we just chatted and joked, he brought up not wanting girlfriends after I mentioned something and I just told him that I didn't want a boyfriend and that him and I are literally just two people having pizza together, I wouldn't even class us as friends." 

Niall's POV

When I got back to the frat house the boys had gotten out of bed and were lounging around, a usual site for me to see after a party the night before. 

"And he returns." Lucas said, chuckling. "What of it?" I asked as I fell onto a couch, "Heard you just ran off with that Lissa chick?" I scoffed, “Your point is?”

I was sick of the constant questioning I was being hassled with, Jesus Christ it’s not like I committed a murder. “I don’t know man, I just thought you hated her, and now she's like here and shit?” I sighed, why care about it, it was just fucking annoying. “Drop it man.” Was all I said, not in the mood for their shit.

The lads were just playing FIFA and I wasn’t too interested for once, I stood up and went off to my room, thankfully this time nobody questioned my motives.

I just laid down on my bed for a bit. "Fuck this." I sat up and almost fell off my bed, I got to my feet and walked over to the corner of the room, I picked up my guitar, slung it over my shoulder and walked back out. 

Ignoring any looks the guys gave me I walked out the house and went straight back to my car.

I drove down to a park not too far from campus. There weren’t usually people there and I was glad to see only a few people strolling around. I took my guitar out to a nice grassy place and sat down with it. 

I didn't get to ply my guitar too often anymore; I was usually busy with the guys, football, or girls. It was nice to be able to actually chill out and relax by myself for once. The need to clear my head was also an invitation to play my guitar. 

I liked to think that I was good at it but I wouldn't really know. 

I strummed away not thinking of much, it wasn't like I was a song writer or anything deep like that. I merely enjoyed playing guitar, and on the odd occasion I would sing, but my voice isn't that good, in my opinion anyway.


An hour or so later I was back in my room and lying on my bed, twiddling my thumbs, bored as fuck. 

The worst part was, I was thinking of her, thinking of last night, I wanted more, I wanted her again, her body was unreal, her touch was perfect, her lips, I wanted her lips. 

The more I thought of the want, the more horny I made myself, it wasn't a good thing, because nowadays when I'm in the mood I prefer not to use my hand, some girl will always be up for it and I would just get rid of her after I finished off. But I didn't want just any girl, I wanted her. 

Should I text her? No. 

Screw it, I'll ring her. 

I pressed call on her name and waited until she picked up. 

"Um, hey?" she spoke, "Who is it?" I heard Isabel in the background. "Shut up." She whispered back, 

"What do you want?" she spoke into the phone. "Can you go outside for a sec, away from her?" She groaned, "But I'm in my blanket!" 

"Please." I heard her shifting around 'I’ll be back' I heard her speak to Isabel. 

"Okay, now, what?" 

"You know how I told you that you owe me one?" She actually sighed, "Already? I'm kinda still not over last night!" 

"Please? Don't tell me it didn't feel good."

"I won't lie, it was good..." At least she admitted to it. "Don't tell me you don't want more." 

"You're making me frustrated now..." 

"Sexually?" I joked, "Yes, carry on; you may convince me you know." 

So I was getting somewhere, it was harder than usual, but I liked it, it was a challenge to get her to give in.

"I was thinking of you before." I said, saying all day would be too out of character. "Good or bad?" she questioned, 

"Good, really good. I was thinking of last night." 

I could almost hear the smile in her voice now, "Ironic, I was too." 

"Want to come over?" I started, "To hangout."

She giggled; it was a pleasant sound to hear. "Yeah, okay, if hangout is the code." I snickered, "How long will you be?" 

"Um well I am in my pyjamas, so I have to get dressed, maybe 15?" 

I sighed, "What are your pyjamas? They will be coming off anyway." 

"Just a top like I was wearing last night and shorts." 

"Just wear that." I heard her open and close the door again, "Okay, be there in 5." 

The line went dead. This was actually happening, I had just invited a girl over for the second time in two days, but I was glad. 


A knock on my door indicated that she was here, I opened it up and she was standing there awkwardly. "It's freezing outside." 

Was all she said, I pulled her into my room and closed the door. "What did Isabel say?" I wrapped my arms around her waist, "I lied, said I was going home, one of my sisters sick or some bullshit." I laughed; "She believed it?" she shrugged, "Who cares?" 

Her fingers traced over my torso, "I knew you would be back for more." I whispered, she smirked and I pressed my lips onto hers, her arms linking up around my neck, kissing me back. "Jump." I broke apart and hoisted her up, her legs wrapping around me, I carried her over to the bed, kissing her again. 

Instead of cutting to the chase I just hovered above her, making out, I wasn't sure how long for, but it was well over 15 minutes and we were both right into it. "Why me?" she asked when we broke apart for air, "Don't know, fuck." 

Our hands were travelling freely over each other’s bodies, I had given up on holding myself above her a few minutes into our kiss, I was just laying in between her legs on top of her, she wasn't complaining. 

I started sucking on her neck, when I found her weak spot she craned her neck and sighed; I pulled back "Funny cause-" she cut me off, "Don't." 

I wasn't one for small talk usually, and she obviously wasn’t either. "Alright, I'm getting bored of this now Horan." 

Those words were all I needed to start peeling off her shirt. 

Isabel's POV 

Why would she lie to me? She has never run home because one of her sisters were sick, it's not like any are terminally ill, and her mother can handle a simple flu. 

I can sense Lissa's lies from a mile away and this was a really bad attempt at one, it saddened me that she couldn't trust me, or the fact she was willing to ditch a movie night in for whoever called. 

I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she wouldn't tell me who it was HECK even leaving the room to talk to them. 

I turned off the movie, not feeling like watching it after she left. It was weird though, she didn't get changed or anything, but she sprayed a load over perfume over herself before leaving, she didn't say much to me either, normally she says ‘I’ll be back soon’, or telling me what time, where she was going, who she was seeing, etcetera etcetera.

To be honest I was kinda worried, I didn't know anything, and I didn't want anything to happen to her, so I decided to stay up until she gets back, but if she isn’t back by 1am, I will just give up and sleep, and when I see her next I will be all up in her face.

Lissa’s POV


The clock hit 12am, I was just laying next to Niall, facing him, tracing shapes with the tips of my fingers over his chest, he laid there watching me in silence. It was peaceful, oddly quiet in the house, Niall wasn’t talking much, it was surreal, it didn't feel like it was him. I let out a yawn. “I should probably go back to my room, Isabel will be wondering where I am.” He turned his head and looked at the clock on his bedside table, “She’s probably sleeping.” I shook my head, “Not when I go out without a real valid excuse.” He sighed, “Alright, I’ll walk you.”

“Nah, its fine.” He sat up. “I’m coming, its dark and dangerous.” I chuckled to myself; it was like he was worried that I was going to get murdered on college grounds. “Fine, but don’t complain about having to actually use the energy to walk around.” I got out of his bed; which was might I add nice and warm and comfortable, and a tough thing to have to get out, my body had entered its relaxed state, it felt like I was getting up at 6am for class and I didn't really like it.

I found my clothes and re-dressed myself, Niall doing the same thing. “Here, wear this.” He said, throwing me a hoodie, “Because that’s totally not a give away to where I have been?” he shrugged, “Take it off before you go inside, I’ll just take it back here with me.” I gave in, knowing it would be colder outside than it was when I walked here.

I slipped on my shoes and looked at Niall. “Is my hair really bad?” he bit his lip and nodded, “I would give you a hat, but I don’t know if it would actually do any good.”

I bent down and flipped all my hair over my face, bunching it up and tying it into a pony, high up on my head. “It will have to do for now.” I said, he ran his fingers through his, making it look a little more like it usually did. “And don’t blame me if shit goes around, about us I mean, they all seen you walk up, and yeah, you know.”

“We can just deny it or not try to bring attention to it.”

We left his room, all the lights were out and we headed downstairs, the TV was still on and one boy sat on the couch by himself, “Dude, go to bed, fuck.” Niall laughed, “Can’t sleep.”

No other words were spoken between the pair as Niall held open the door, ushering me outside and following me. “It’s pretty cold. Glad I gave you that?” he picked at the jumper I was wearing, “Yeah, thanks.” It smelt like him, a smell I had actually come to love over the last few weeks. I wasn’t sure I was ready to admit that to him though.

We walked side by side down the path, leading to where my dorm is. Niall had his hands in his pockets and I awkwardly fiddled with mine, I knew him walking me back would be awkward, but it wasn’t too bad, just peaceful, the bugs all making sounds as they usually do and the moonlight pleasant.

When we approached my door, the blinds were shut, but a small dim light was glowing, indicating that Isabel did indeed stay awake, waiting for me. “She's awake?” Niall hissed, kind of shocked. I went to reach for the door handle, “Stop.” He whispered, hands holding onto the bottom of his jumper, “Shit.” I muttered, holding my arms up as he pulled it off of me, my top rode up with it and he smirked, but I pulled it back down.

“Thanks for tonight.” He was talking extremely quietly, afraid of Isabel hearing. “We should do it again some time.” he nodded eagerly, “I’ll just text you or whatever, we can make up excuses in class tomorrow.” I shook my head, “We don’t have to sit together tomorrow.” he shrugged, “We get results back though, and I think it’s fitting that we receive that together.” I smiled; it was weird for him to be so kind. Maybe he constantly put up the act of being an asshole. Who knows?

“Before I go, I'm going to need something to tie me over until next time.”

I smirked at what he said, I went onto my tip toes and kissed his lips softly, he kissed me back but I pulled away, “Don’t get too excited, might be a while yet.” He chuckled softly, “See you tomorrow.” he winked and started walking off. When he was a safe distance away I opened the door, Isabel was sitting on her bed, phone in hand, she was staring at me. Oh shit.

(if you notice any typos, tell me and i will fix them all up, im too lazy to proof read, spellchecker does that for me...)

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