Coaching Love / A glee Blainc...

By TBV006

8.7K 189 116

Rachel Berry was the most likely girl to make it on broadway while been on William Mckinley High school, yet... More

★Chapter 1:
★Chapter 2
★Chapter 3
★Chapter 4
★ Chapter 5
★ Chapter 6
★ Chapter 7
★ Chapter 8
★ Chapter 9
★Chapter 10
★Chapter 11
★Chapter 12
★Chapter 13
★Chapter 14
★Chapter 15
★Chapter 16
★Chapter 17
★Chapter 18
★Chapter 19
★Chapter 21
★Chapter 22
★Chapter 23

★Chapter 20

329 7 2
By TBV006

So Here's what you missed on Glee: Sebastian and Santana worked things out and started dating .Blaine took Rachel to a beautiful NY apartment just so he could propose to her which Rachel said Yes to. Quinn and Jonathan were having a morning after that got blown with Santana's arrival and comment on Noah which made Jonathan leave and Quinn slap Santana .Santana and Rachel as well as Jonathan and Noah fix their friendships and had moving moments . And thats what you missed on GLEE.   

After all those hook ups its was finally something new for them , something even more exciting actually dating each other . They were both a lot to handle but somehow could manage the other. Rachel had flown home with Blaine giving Santana the place to herself. As she walked around the apartment getting ready she would have background music for herself to dance around over as she sang the song which in her mind was in a way fitting for her relationship with Sebastian so far.

On time was Sebastian knocking on her door when Santana opened she had a smile while her eyes traced down and upward hes body , he just had something about him that drew her wild and he as well cleaned up well "Hey gorgeous ready to go?" Sebastian asked with that cocky smile that just ruffled her inside as she agreed grabbing her jacket "Lets go" Exiting the building she felt caught of guard by he's hand taking a hold of hers. It felt nice kind of reminded her of her baby steps in dating when she started getting in touch with her feelings with Brittany.Sebastian even opened the door for her which she was so not expecing but seemed he was full of surprises not only the bad ones , while ridding on the car she was looking through the window wondering what he could have planned for them

As they advanced Sebastian gestured her to put some music of her choosing while he was focused on the road, she moved the stations till a song came out that made her laugh with a very cute smile. "No wait leave that one, its a great song" Sebastian said looking at her for a moment before returning hes eyes to the road . It was quite impressive to him how much they had advanced since that memory and even more considerinng the slushie involved, taking their roles as they had that time they both began singing with each other.

Leroy and Hiram Berry where having a drink before Rachel and Blaine arrived they had so many things in mind to question they had heard about Blaine before just they didint knew how serious thinks were and given what had happened the last time Rachel had wanted to get married this time they would be extra careful. "Do you think this Blaine guy will be good enough for our daughter? " Leroy questioned as he held hes glass on he's hand "We will be the judge of that but remember we dont want to seem too friendly nor too judging we want to have him open up to us and make sure he is serious about our darling rache she is after all " they both spoke together "Our most precious treasure" 

A knock on the door and an excited Leroy placed hes glass on the table to open it "Rachel my dear so great to see you" he spoke excited involving hes daughterin a hug then pulled back and looked at Blaine. "You must be the famous fiancee who forgot to ask for her hand before proposing am I right" Blaine felt slightly awkward but kept a smile in place laughing softly "Yeah that would be me im sorry Mr Berry" he spoke shaking hes hand. Hiram stepped closer and had hugged Rachel while Leroy was introducing himself in a slightly aggresive way to Blaine. "Im Hiram Berry a pleasure meeting you Blaine. Please come in dinner is serve" 

Moving towards the table Rachel began telling her parents about how NYADA was going of course avoiding some details like the incidents with Santana, Sebastian and Miss July. While they were talking Rachel noticed Blaine was drifting in the back he was usually so charming and social it surprised her perhaps he felt intimidated by her dad strange greeting.

Hiram cleared hes throat to Leroy when he noticed Rachel was staring at Blaine in a pittying way. "Srowso Blaine how about you tell us how you propose . We are both suckers for romanticism isnt that right Leroy?" He rose hes glass and nodded in agreement "Yes we are" Blaine smiled softly placing hes hand on top of Rachels "I had seen this amazing apartment on NY not to east nor too west . So after a lovely dinner at the restaurant I work at I took her there to show her how serious I take our future together" Hiram smiled pleased as Leroy gave him a wide smile raising hes eyebrows" You sound like a very serious man Blaine but do tell us about your job. I heard from Rachel you both were in glee clubs so your musical talents should be involved in any activities you do" Blaine smiled feeling more in please as he continued the conversation with them "Yes they are. Though I started as a waiter in less than a week I turned into the restaurant's pianist and it pays wonderfully for making what I love music"  They laughed softly and the air lighten on the table.

"Giving that you two kids are serious about marriage let me tell you the secret to a long and happy marriage..." Both Blaine and rachel were now sitted on the couch with Blaines arm on Rachels shoulder expecting hes reply "... never go to bed without  moisturizing" Blaine smiled softly and planted a kiss on rachel's forehead "We are both aware of the importance of moisturizing , actually I got my own night rutine and morning as Rachel does" Leroy and Hiram stared at each other as they both thought Blaine seemed to be the perfect addition to their family maybe even more than Finn had been .

After many rings on hes phone while attending a meeting Jonathan finally decided to pick up it was Quinn , he hadnt been sure of what to do with her since theyre lie inciddent . He breathed deeply and excused himself from the table "Hello Quinn." She looked surprised that he had finally picked up but then again of course he would be upset with her after the lying and forcing hes best friend to lie to him thing "Jonathan....Hey ..Look I know that you are upset with me and you got every right to be but shouldnt we talk this like adults ....I mean im not in High school anymore and cleary neither are you" She took a seat on the bed while speaking on the phone "How about we talk tomorrow night I'll see you at my hotel restaurant around  6" Smiling she agreed to it "Sounds perfect I'll see you then".

After a few hours of driving Santana looked at a house in the dark while getting out of the car "What is this? " She turned in confusion to look at Sebastian who felt almost bad for ambushing her but it was for her own good and at the same time would prove her how much he actually cared . "This is your grandmothers house and I think its time you two make a mends" She arched her eyebrow "Who the hell fo you think you are Sebastian? This is my private life ok My Family and whatever happened between me and mi abuelita is none of your business. And how do you even know where she lives you creep? Smythe this is so out of place you need to back off " She headed towards the car which was locked "Verry Funny not lets go " He nodded with a smile as he positioned himself infront of her

"I know you are afraid below all that attitude of yours but I know she wants to make peace with you too. Its ok to be scared but the Santana I know wouldnt run from it ." Santana looked at him as she was examinating him but breathed and calmed herself "Alright, lets get this over with" Walking with her towards the door he knocked to have her oppen the door "Santana . I told you I didnt want to see you again" Sebastian cut her short "Night maam you remember me? I was the guy witht he car troubl a couple of weeks ago you let me use your phone" She agreed as she looked stranged at him. "This is my girlfriend and I think you too need to speak about your difference" She didint looked so pleased but rolled her eyes moving from the door "If we most then come in" Sebastian let go of her hand "I'll wait in here you two need time alone"

Santana stepped inside and took a seat at the kitchen with her abuela, breathing in to calm herself she watched her grandmother take a seat silently looking at her "Arent you going to say anything abuelita?" She crocked her lips as she examinated her "Are you so confused now you are back into liking boys or are you a swinger who doesnt know what she wantes out of life disgracing herself and her family" She sigh deeply as she tried to find the strenght in herself  "Its complicated, I didint fell for Sebastian because he is a boy neither did I fell for Brittany back then".... Her grandmother covered her ears "Dont speak like that in my house santana" Nodding in dissapointment she rose from the table "You know what im gonna speak freely and you may be dissapointed in me but im more dissapointed in you " She arrched her eyebrows crossing her arms across her chest as her grandmother pointed to herself in desbelief "Yes in you, you have always supported me and loved me I thought you cared more about fFamily but turns out you only care about what other people will think"

Her grandmother sigh as she felt those words hitting deep inside of her , Santana was her granddaughter and she loved her despite the pain of knowing she was one of those lost children. "Santana. Your words hurt in my heart as they did that day you died for me. But I do believe that family is the most important thing in the world and I dont want to lose you . I dont aprove of your mixt interest but at least you like men too think I can hold onto that , over alll im so proud of the Woman you are becomming "

Sebastian watched from outside a window how they were hugging each other with a smile. That time strangely been good didint suck and that smile that Santana had on her face warmed hes heart in a way he wasnt used to . Blaine and Rachel had just finished dinner on the Berry's and Blaine took her to walk by the streets been Lima a safe place. "I think after all Tonight went wonderfully " Rachel smiled at him as he walked hand in hand with her after dinner and a lovely talk on the couch they had all sanged a song by the piano it had been better than any post card photo "Maybe we should stay a little longer talk to my parents as well " Rachel looked at him and bite her lip softly "Is something wrong Rach?" Curving a soft smile she nodded , giggled after feeling him kiss her cheek "Dont worry beautiful they will adore you as I do"

Rachel stopped and grabbed hes face "I dont adore you . I love you Blaine Anderson so much it cant fit in my chest. I cant wait to be your wife" He looked deep into her eyes with a smile on he's lips and a happiness glowing in hes eyes "Rachel Barbra Berry I love you too" Leaning hes head down rachel capture hes lips with hers moving her head slowly as she tasted that soft deep kiss , the brush of their lips only fed the hunger for each others lips.

Laying asleep on he's bed solving though hes dreams hes inner problems Noah awoke himself breathing heavily after a nightmare that was only attempting to show him how much he was still in love with Quinn. Hes phone started ringing as he picked up a voice spoke to him "We require you back at the submarine Admiral Puckerman, If you decide to take the mision your flight will be leaving tomorrow night" He questioned whether he should get back in the sea, after all he had already spent some time with Beth and was losing it on earth maybe he didint belong in that world anymore he missed been the stud who was around with all age ladies but he had grown out of it . 

Been at the club Santana smiled looking over at the people dancing while Sebastian was away bringing their drinks. The Club seemed to be crowded but it was a better idea than having a normal quiet dinner that was not their style .The music was pumping loud people dancing around . She smiled to herself and laughed softly , she was actually susprised at the side Sebastian had shown for her, he did care for her after all getting mixted in family drama wasnt very smythe and yet he had gone out of hes way to make her and her grandmother get back on their good sides.

Sebastian came back and handed her a drink , smiling as she looked at her and leaned closer to whisper on her ear "Wanna dance" She looked at him and brush her lips against hes as she spoke "Show me what you got Smythe" Just as they headed into the dancefloor the song on the backgrounf utrned slower still sticky and rythm but sort of slow at the same time, she grabbed hes hand and danced with him . The music sounding on the back got them caught in the moment . Leaning forward Sebastian pressed hes lips onto hers which made her kissed him with a smile. The song beat changed from a second to the other but been lost in that kiss neither of them noticed.

Was morning and Blaine showed up at McKinley knocking on the door "Knock Knock" Sam turned with a smile and approach the door "Blaine! Hey! What are you doing here? " He's smile slowly faded for a moment "Wait...Dont tell me your again fighting with Rachel and want me as an advicer cause I may have to start charging you man. " Blaine laughed and pass hes hand on hes perfectly arranged hair "No Sam its....its not that----actually we are engaged" Sam smile and looked in surprised at him "Wow for freal? Congrats Man Rach is an amazing girl " He approached hes friend and hugged him tight !Thanks Sam , We came back home to share it with the people we love !

Sam managed finally to pulled away and hes mind started blowing ideas "Dude im gonna make you the most epic bachelor Party in the history of Bachelor parties.....Oh wait...How do I plan a bi bachelor party should  I invite dudes or sexy babes?...Whatever its gonna be so epic I can already picture it dude" Blaine laughed it off as Sam's mind drifted into ideas as he saw himself in the middle of a dancefloor rocking hes moves.

The huge hotel's entrance had a blonde girl sitted as she waaited for a man, Quinn knew Jonathan was too much of a gentleman to stood her up didnt take long before the anxiety took over , she watched her clock and noticed something strange seemed her clock hour was wrong she had arrived eaerlier than what they had discussed.Laughing at herself Quinn remmoved her hair from her face "God I feel silly" Suddntly a man approached and grinned at her "Waiting for someone ?" She smiled getting up to face him "Hi.. Im sorry about everything" He loked at her "You look breathtaking but come along".

Getting a hold of hes arm Quinn and Mr Jonathan Bryce headed into the restaurant that was part of the Hotel he was staying at the Palace Royal. Havint taken a seat at the table Quinn scaned the enu as he did. The waitress came in "Good Evenning may I offer you some whine" Jonathan agreed and she brought a botte ofthe one she knew he enjoyed every dinner hour he had asked for it "I'll have the salmon with the salad Thank you " Mr Bryce placeed the menu on the table "Chicken A l'orange for me" Having the waitress gone Quinn lookked at him despite he looked like he had passe dthe page she wanted to clear the air.

"Look I just want to say Im sorry for llying to you about Noah, I Just felt ambushed by the whole situation I hadnt seen himin years nor heard from him and then he pops out and I hear he has contact with our daughter it was too much I guessed I freaked out " He looked serious raising later hes gaze to her apologetic eyes "Quinn you are beautiful, smart and very enchanting but you must know I wont tolerate a fake relationship I want a woman who will not only love me but who would also be worthy oof my trust Im a very important men and need my partner to be someone I can trust" Leaning forward on the table she looked at him "I am that type of woman"  He took a sip from the whine smiling at her "I do believe that just No more lies" She agreed giving him a soft kiss "No more lies"

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