Married to a Rockstar. Sequel...

By winterclifford

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 15

550 3 1
By winterclifford

I woke up with my face and body damp, my hair sticking to my face and neck. I laid there, staring out the window,  trying to adjust to the bit of sunlight in the room. I sighed, heat and sleep make bad dreams. I looked at the clock. 9:30. I sat up quickly. Oh shit. Today we were leaving for Ohio at one.

I felt dizzy all of a sudden and laid back down. Then when I felt better, I sat up and took the sheets off of my legs. Then I stood up and went to the shower. I turned it on and as I waited for it to adjust, I went out to the kitchen, where Rosie was playing with Carolyn.

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Morning you two!"

Rosie smiled, "Good morning! How did you sleep?"

"Could've been better."

"More nightmares?"

I nodded.

She frowned, "Aw. What was this one about?"

"It has been the same one every time. Him being in Paris or London and forgetting about me completely. Then it transitions to my ex beating me."

She said, "You know CC wouldn't-"

"I know he wouldn't do that."

Carolyn was still playing with her toys. I said, "I'm going to go take a shower and finish packing for me and Carolyn."

"Alright, I'll be here."

I turned on my heels and went to the bathroom again. I undressed and stepped into the shower. Like every other shower, I spent more than 20 minutes just thinking then the other 10 to do my shower ritual. Then I got out, wrapped myself in a towel, got the hair dye out, and went into the bedroom. I got out my airplane outfit; my black tights, a black off the shoulder sweater with a tribal design and hit mid thigh, and my black leather ankle boots. I put it all on and went back into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair out, then put on eyeliner. Then I put a towel around my shoulders and started dying my hair.

The hair color I chose was dark red. I have done it a long time ago and it was my favorite hair color.

I put it all into my hair and went back out to my bedroom and finished packing everything for Carolyn and me. A week in Ohio. Short, but worth it.

Then my time was up for my hair. I went out into the kitchen and said, "Rosie, help me get my hair dye out."

"Okay," she stood up and went to the front bathroom with me.

I leaned over the bathtub as she took the shower nozzle and got the dye out. In no time, I was blow drying my hair and once it was done, I looked like a new person.

I took a picture and both tweeted it and sent it to CC. He was getting ready for the show, so it would be awhile. I went out to the kitchen and Carolyn, Rosie, and October looked at me weird.

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

October said, "You look so different with red hair. It's super pretty though."

"Aw, thanks, October," I said.

Rosie smiled, "I missed that color on you."

I smiled. "Needed a change. So October, Crystal is cool with you staying with her for the week?"

October nodded, "Yup. I'm leaving in about an hour."

"Us too," Rosie said.

I said, "Did Carolyn eat?"

Rosie nodded. "French toast."

"Yum!" I said, mainly to Carolyn. Carolyn reached up to me and I picked her up. She hugged me around the neck and I kissed her head. I turned to Rosie and said, "We can go to starbucks now or wait until we get to the airport and get something there."

"We'll just get something at the airport. We can eat something small-scaled now and have something somewhat bigger at the airport."

"Okay," I said. Then October's phone beeped. She said, "Crystal texted me saying to come now. So I guess I'll go then."

"Aw," I said and frowned. She gave Rosie, Carolyn, and I hugs. October said, "Have a fun week! Have a safe flight! I will see you guys on Sunday."

"Bye October!" The three of us said. And like that, she was gone. Rosie said, "We should at least get our bags in the car."

I nodded, "Let's do it."

I set Carolyn down and Rosie and I walked to my room, Carolyn following. Rosie got her suitcase and I got the one Carolyn and I share then we headed out to the car. We went and put our stuff in Rosie's car and came back inside.

She  turned on the TV and put on the news. I picked up a whining Carolyn and watched. Traffic on the way to LAX. I looked at Rosie. She said, "We should go now."


So we went through the house and turned off all sources of electricity, grabbed our purse/carry-on bags, and got into Rosie's car. I strapped Carolyn into her car seat and we were off. The news was right, traffic. Going. Stopping. Going. Stopping. Ongoing for an hour. Then we finally found a place to park in the parking lot of LAX. I got Carolyn out, we got our suitcases, and went inside.

I felt a bit nervous walking into the airport, since I haven't been on an airplane in forever. The only time I'd be at an airport was to pick up my love or say goodbye as he went to Europe. We went in and went to baggage claim. We gave him our luggage, showed him our passports, and showed him our flight ticket. Then we walked down to security and waited in the long line, which was moving slowly.

While waiting in line, we heard a few quiet squeals a few people behind us. I asked Rosie, "Let me guess..."

Rosie nodded. "We're easily recognizable, I guess."

I turned around slowly and saw three girls- about 14 or 15-whispering and looking at us. I picked up Carolyn again and turned back to Rosie. Then I nodded at her and we both looked at the girls and said, "Hey."

They smiled like crazy and one came up to us and said, "Do you mind if we can take a picture with you?"

"We don't mind!" Rosie said.

So we gave up our spot in line to go back with the three girls and one's mother. They took pictures with us then some creeper ones of us when they thought we weren't paying attention. Then one took out a magazine and handed it to me, asking, "Can you please sign this?"

I raised my eyebrows, surprised, "Sure thing, hun!"

It was the Revolver issue with me and Sammi. They used the old fashioned us on the cover, which looked really cool. I signed it with a sharpie one gave me and handed it back to her.

She smiled, "Thank you so much."

"So what are your names?" Rosie asked.

"I'm Kelsie," the tall one with the blonde curly hair said.

"I'm Beth," the short, thin one with the brunette hair said.

"And I'm Kayla," the medium height one with the red hair that looked like mine.

"Nice to meet you ladies," I said.

I turned to the mom, who seemed almost oblivious to this whole thing, and said, "Hi, you must be Kelsie's mom. I'm Alesana, and this is my best friend Rosie."

"Nice to meet you two," she smiled. "I see you two on pictures all over Kelsie's binder. She talks about you two and Black Veil Brides all the time."

"Aw, that means a lot," Rosie said, smiling.

Then we moved up a little bit, then soon enough, the girls were asking questions. So we answered them, even showing pictures. Then we went our seperate ways to show the security our tickets and passports. He let us pass to the metal detectors.

We took off our shoes, Rosie's belt, put our bags in the box, and went through one at a time. We stopped to get our shoes on and then we were walking towards our flight gate. Carolyn fell asleep on my shoulder once we got to Starbucks. We got a coffee cake and frappuccinos and sat at a table and ate and skyped with Ash and CC.

Then after a half hour, we waited to get boarded on the plane. Then we were boarded. We took our seats, Rosie in the aisle like she likes, Carolyn in the middle since the airline thought she was big enough to, and me in the window seat.

I texted CC saying: Just about to take off. I will call when we land. I love you<3

He texted back: I love you more<3 Have a safe flight, my love.

Then the flight attendant came on over the speaker to shut off our phones and all other electronics, for we would be taking off in a few minutes and to buckle our seat belts. Then in another few minutes, we were taking off. And soon, Carolyn was awake and wailing. I picked her up and held her, even though it didn't help.

After about 10 minutes in the air, she was calm and playing on my phone. Rosie and I shared a bag of gummy worms and watched TV on the back of the seats in front of us.

Then Carolyn was asleep an hour later. With only three hours to spare. So we shared a blanket and talked for awhile. Then after listening to music for about ten minutes, I found myself asleep.

Then later, I was awoken by Carolyn, who was shaking my arm. "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy."

I opened my eyes and looked at her, "What baby?"

"Almost there." She said.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight. I looked at Rosie, who was playing a game on her phone. I said, "Rosie, are we almost there?"

She nodded, "Just about 20 minutes, we'll land, according to the pilot."

I frowned, "I slept for that long?"

She nodded. "I'm surprised. You hate sleeping on airplanes."

"I know. I'm just as surprised."

I picked my phone off of Carolyn's seat and turned it on. I put it to the camera and took a picture of the view from the plane to Ohio then of Carolyn and I, me kissing her cheek and Carolyn smiling.

I turned on cartoons for her and she watched. Then the pilot came on over the speaker, "We are going in for landing. Buckle up, passengers."

Carolyn was buckled in, as was Rosie and I. Then we felt the plane descend. Carolyn cried again for a bit. Then we were down on he ground. Right when we were at a complete stop, I had many texts in. The first thing I did was call CC.

He didn't answer. So he might've been asleep. It is about 4 here, so it's expected there in London. I left a message, "Hey love, we landed safely, so we're  here in Ohio. Whenever you can, call me back. Talk to you later. Love you. Bye."

I hung up and got to my texts. One from October, one from Brooklyn, one from Sammi, one from Andy, one from Matt [Good], and the last few from my mom. I picked Carolyn up and we slowly walked off of the plane. Carolyn wanted down, so she walked in between Rosie and I, holding our hands.

I responded to all texts then checked my mom's texts.

1st: Our plane was delayed in New York. So we won't be home until late tomorrow. Rosie's mom and twins are out of town too. No key in to either house. Do you mind staying in a hotel for a night?

2nd: Let me know when you land.

3rd: Call me.

So I did.

She answered, "Hello?"

"Hey mom."

"Hey, sweetie. Did you get my texts?"

"Yup. And I know a good hotel to stay at, so don't worry."

"Okay. We'll be home late tomorrow night, so I will keep you posted."


"Did you have a good flight?"

"Yup! It was great. I gotta go, we gotta get something to eat and head to baggage claim."

"Alright honey. See you soon."

"Okay, bye." I hung up and told Rosie.

She smirked, "Damn. Okay."

 "Let's get something to eat," I said.

"Okay," she said.

We found a cool restaurant and got a table. I sat Carolyn in a booster seat next to me and Rosie sat across from me.

I texted CC: No show tonight?

He texted back: Nope. :-)

I sent back: Skype date tonight?

He sent back:  Sounds like a wonderful date love, call when you're ready. :-)

Then the waitress asked us for our drink orders.

I said, "A glass of Cabernet please. And apple juice for the little one."

Rosie said, "Cabernet, also. Thank you."

The waitress smiled and said, "Do you both know what you want to eat?"

"Um, just a caesar salad for me," I said.

Rosie said, "Chicken sandwich with fries, please."

Then I said, "And chicken strips, please."

She smiled and left, taking our menus. We sat there, talking about the weird people on the plane, then our food and drinks were out. We ate, drank, then we were out to the baggage claim.

We got our luggage and found a cab outside.

The guy picked up our bags, put the bags in the back of the cab, and I told him to go to the best hotel nearest to my home. And we were off to the hotel.

We checked in under Mora and went up to our room on the 14th floor - top floor. Since Rosie wanted to go straight to sleep after talking with Ash, she had her own room next door and I had my own. She gave me a hug and went into her room.

I went into the bathroom and freshened up a bit, fixing up my makeup, brushing out my hair, and brushing my teeth. I checked the clock. 7. And Carolyn was already yawning.

I rocked her back and forth, humming lullabys to her. Then she was asleep around 8:30. I texted CC, "Ready for a skype date?"

He sent back: Yup. Just getting myself some wine and I'll be right on.

I sent back: Me too. I'll be waiting.<3

 I looked in the hotel refigerator and saw some kinds of wine. Red and white. I took out red wine and found myself a glass. I pulled the blankets over Carolyn to keep her warm and started up Skype on my laptop. I sat there until CC's username came up on screen. Then he called me. I answered and it took a minute to connect.

He smiled once his video came up. I smiled, "I'm so happy to see your face."

He chuckled, "As I'm happy to see yours, my love."

I realized where he was. His bunk. I said, "Did you just wake up?"

"No, I was awake for awhile, just laying here watching the Three Stooges."

"Oh, alright."

"Where are you, anyways? Doesn't look like the room you showed me a picture of."

"Hotel in Ohio."

"Why in a hotel?"

"Parents flight in New York got delayed. They'll be home tomorrow."

"Oh, that sucks... The delayed flight, that means."


He said, "You do look beautiful right now."

I blushed, "You look handsome right now."

"But I haven't even done anything to my messy hair or my face."

"But still, you look absolutely handsome, in my eyes."

"Awe, thanks, love." He smiled.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

He said, "I'm glad we could have a Skype date tonight."

"Me too. I feel like it's been forever."

"It's been about two weeks."

I laughed, "Still, though."

He laughed and said, "So where's Carolyn?"

"Sleeping," I said, putting the camera on her.


"Yup. So you know that bathing suit you sent me?"


"I tried it on the day before we left."


"It looks awesome."

"Send me a picture?"

"Sure," I said, "After this skype date. I wanna make the most of this time."

He smiled, "Agreed. So are you excited for your birthday in a week?"

"Yup. Just not so much since you're not here."

He frowned. "I know, I wish I could be there."

I nodded, "Me too."

He said, "But make the best out of it, okay? I got you something else I know you'll love."

I said, "Oh jeez, more presents."

He smiled and winked, "Anything for my love."

I took a sip of wine and he said, "I can't take this anymore, just send me the picture, love."

I winked, "Anything for my love."

He smiled and took a sip of his wine. Then I took out my phone and went to the picture of me in the bathing suit he sent me, a leopard print bandeau top and leopard print tie-on-the-side bottoms. I sent it to him and set my phone down. I set my chin on the edge of my glass and looked at him. He smiled, "You're so beautiful here. Stay still. I wanna take a screen shot."

I stayed still and he made a funny face in the corner. Then his phone went off. I asked, "Did you get it?"

He shook his head, "No."


"Just some girl asking if us guys are out and about tonight."


"Some lady.. um.. Stephx I think."

I groaned. "She's a hoe."

He looked up and nodded. I said, "Don't even bother going near her. Not worth it."

He said, "Why?"

"So much shit. She hated me for having you and she's been obsessed with you."

He smirked, "You have nothing to worry about. I will never choose her over you. Never."

I smiled, "That's great to know."

Then his phone went off again. He grinned, "Now I got it."

I chuckled, "And..?"

He smiled, "That is hot. Sexy. Gorgeous. Beautiful. HOT."

I laughed.

He smiled, "I'm serious. I may or may not have a boner right now."

I rolled my eyes, "Calm down, boy."

He winked, "Can't."

I smiled, "I love you."

"I love you more, babe," he said, smiling.

Then someone knocked at my door. I raised an eyebrow and said, "I'll be right back."


I got out of bed and went to the door. I looked in the peephole, some guy was there. He didn't look like he worked here, so I let him be. I sat back down in bed and said, "I don't even know who that is."

He raised an eyebrow. "Wierd."

Another knock. I ignored it and we kept talking. Then another knock. I frowned and said, "I will get him to go away."

He smirked, "Alright."

I got up again out of bed and opened the door. "Can you please leave me-" I stopped and realized who it was. My ex.

I was at loss for words. He said, "Can we please talk?"

I shook my head and yelled, "No! Get away from me!" I slammed the door shut.

I slid down the door and wiped away the tears forming in my eyes. I don't need this. Not now.

I stood up and looked in the peephole. Still there. I frowned and locked the door. I sat back on the bed. CC was looking worried. He asked, "What happened love?"

"My..ex.." I said slowly.

He glared at the screen. "What?"

I nodded. He frowned, "I'm so sick of this guy! What does he want?"

"He wants to talk."

"That mother.. Andy!"

Andy opened his curtain, "What?"

"Well, Alesana's ex is stalking her."

Andy looked straight at the screen. "What?!"

I nodded, "He's at the hotel room door."

"What the f*ck does he want now?!"

"To 'talk'." I said.

He glared, "F*ck to the f*cking no."

I raised one eyebrow and nodded.

Then I kept hearing banging on my door. I started freaking out. CC and Andy both asked, "What's going on?!"

"It seems he's trying to get in."

Andy said, "Call the f*cking cops. You have Carolyn there. He's being such a mother f*cking idiot."

I picked up my phone and dialed 911.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Hi, um this guys is trying to get into my hotel room and he won't leave me and my daughter alone."

"Okay, where are you at?"

I gave her all information and she said, "Someone's on the way right now."

"Thank you so much."

I hung up and all of a sudden, Jake was also on cam. CC, Andy, and Jake. Jake was talking quietly to Andy and CC was standing there, staring at the screen. I said, "The police are on their way."

There was still banging at the door. But this time, harder. Rosie called. I answered, "Hello?"

Rosie sounded worried, "What's going on over there?"

"My ex is at my door. Don't even come out. He's right there, trying to get in."

"The hell? Why shouldn't I go out?"

"I called the cops."

"Oh, okay. Are you okay over there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Open up the door connecting our rooms. Mine is open."

"Alright." I got up and opened it. Rosie was standing right there.

She walked in and looked out the peephole on the door. She frowned, "Moronic assh*le."

I sat on my bed and Rosie sat next to me. I said, "We're just going to have to ignore it until the police shows up."

So we talked with the guys. Then finally, the banging stopped. Then there was some jingling noise, then yelling, then great silence. Rosie hugged me and said, "Well I better head to bed then. Love you girl. And love you guys."

"Love you Rosie. Good night." The guys all said.

CC said, "Yeah, we gotta go, John is getting mad."

"Yeah, I'm tired too, so I better hit the sheets. Good morning, boys."

"Good night Alesana," Jake and Andy said.

"Good morning, my love," I said to CC.

He smiled, "Good night, beautiful. Talk to you when you wake up."

"Okay," I said, "I love you."

"I love you more. Give Carolyn a kiss for me."

"Will do."

"Talk to you later," he said.

"Yup. I love you lots. Have a good day."

"I will."

We both smiled and blew kisses and got off. I tweeted, "Nothing better than a skype date with the love @ccbvb. Until an ex ruins it. He's the least of my worries now."

Someone tweeted back: Your ex is still bothering you?

I tweeted back: Yup. But I called the cops on him, so he's really the least of my worries now.

I tweeted to everyone: Welp, hotel room vlog to be made and Tumblr'd for all to see.

I turned on my iPhone to video mode and stood up. I said,"Hey everyone, it's me, Alesana. And here I am, in a hotel. Since my parents aren't here in Ohio yet, we're in a hotel. So I decided to show everyone what the hotel living is like."

I walked around the big hotel room, showing everyone what I do in this hotel room and went to Rosie's, who was sleeping. I chuckled and came back into my room and said, "So this is it. I should be making vlogs around this Ohio trip and keep you all updated."

I turned it off and put it on Tumblr. I took a picture in my pajamas, short black shorts and a Crue tank top, then tweeted it. Finally all updated. I turned on the TV, watched the news, flipped through channels to some reality shows, then turned it off.

And like that, my eyes were closed and I was in dreamland.


I woke up the next day feeling almost sick to my stomach. I checked the clock. 9. I smirked and turned on the TV to the news.

I got up and started some coffee. I walked to Rosie's room and saw her standing by the window. I said, "Good morning!"

She jumped a little bit, "Oh, good morning, Alesana!" She smiled, "How did you sleep?"

"Awesome. And you?"

"Great," she said.

I jumped onto her bed and kept on jumping. Until there was a few bangs below us. I laughed and sat on the bed.

She laughed, "You're weird."

She turned around and said, "So do you wanna have a day of shopping then?"


"Cool! I need some new stuff."

"Me too."

She started to say something else then stopped. I said, "What?"

She said, "Have you ever felt like you aren't that sexy to your husband?"

I nodded, "I feel that way sometimes. Especially right now since you brought that up. That's why I wanna go shopping. Get some sexy lingerie or some new clothes."

"Well it's whatever you want. But Ashley loves you for you. Not for how you looked like when you guys met."

She smirked, "I guess you're right. But it would be funny to wear that and see how crazy aAshley goes when I start to tease him."

"Ha! You should tell me what happens then!"

She laughed and said, "I'm going to take a shower and get ready."

I nodded, "Alright. Me too. Carolyn is going to wake up in about 2 hours, seeing the time change is working with her sleep schedule."

"Well you better take a quick shower."

"Will do."

As I walked away, she smacked my butt and ran into the bathroom. I laughed and said, "Watch yourself, Rose!"

She laughed and turned on the shower.

I went back into my hotel room and into the bathroom. I started the shower and undressed. I stepped in and cleaned myself. Once I was done, I turned it off, stepped out, and wrapped myself in a towel. I went out into the room and looked through my suitcase to see what I will wear. After digging around in my suitcase, I pulled out a pair of dark blue denim jeans and a BVB top that I fringed myself. Then my black Toms.

I went into the bathroom and ran a line of eyeliner on the bottom. I put on some pink lip gloss and blow dried my hair. I left it natural with it's bit of wave in it and went out to the room.

I sat on the edge of bed and looked through twitter. Nothing interesting. I responded to one of CC's tweets with a cute message, something that the fans call 'asdfghjkl adorable' and checked my texts. One from my mom that she will be here tonight at 5. Then there was one from CC: a picture of himself.

That's the way we communicate when he's gone; sending pictures to each other, nonstop texts, tweeting, private facebook, skype, facetime, calling. Annoying each other. I chuckled at the thought then took a picture of myself as well, sending it to him.

Then took a picture of Carolyn sleeping and sent it to him.

Then Rosie walked in, wearing a white knee length dress with a floral print and a small studded belt around her waist, her hair in one braid down her shoulder. She smiled, "Hello."

"Hey girl. You look so pretty!"

She said, "As do you, doll."

Then Carolyn rolled onto her back and her eyes opened. She sat up and whined under her breath. I picked her up, "Good morning Carolyn."

Her head rested on my shoulder and she rubbed her eyes. I said, "Wanna get ready so we can go?"

She nodded, "Mhm."

I kissed her head and sat her on the bed. Rosie stood by the window. I pulled out a hot pink t-shirt and black leggings with her socks and hot pink converse. I changed her diaper and got her outfit on her. I got out a brush and tiny rubber bands and put her hair into high pigtails.

I grabbed my purse and sunglasses, turned off the TV. Rosie grabbed her purse and followed me out. Carolyn was playing with my phone. We took the elevator to the lobby and walked outside. Since the mall was just around the block, we walked to the mall.

I set Carolyn on the ground, she gave me my phone back, and held mine and Rosie's hand.

We walked into the mall and knew exactly where everything was. First, Starbucks to have breakfast.

We got coffee cake to share, a small muffin for Carolyn with apple juice, and peppermint mochas for Rosie and I. We ate at a table and went out and around the mall.

We hit Hot Topic first, buying some more bathing suits, jeans, and band t-shirts. Then we went to Forever 21, getting some shoes and clothes. Then we hit a little kid store and bought some cute stuff for Carolyn.

Then we hit Victoria's Secret and Spencer's for lingerie. We bought some lacy, tiny, sexy stuff to tease our husbands. Then we sat at a cafeteria to take a break. I said, "What time is it?"

She looked at her phone, "Three thirty."

"We better hit up Sephora and we'll go. My parents will be back at 5."


I picked up Carolyn and my many bags and walked to Sephora. We didn't find anything, so we headed to the hotel. Once we got back, we put the things we bought into our suitcase.

I said, "Since we have about an hour, we should have our own little photo shoot here, since this is an awesome hotel room."

"Yes!" Rosie said.

So we did, and it consisted of the messy bed, a bathtub, lingerie, new clothes, and so on. Until about 4:45, when my mom texted that they just landed.

Rosie and I changed into our clothes we wore before, got everything back into our suitcases, got our purses, picked up Carolyn, and went down into the lobby and checked out. We got a taxi to my family's house and as we sat in the taxi, I sent some of the pictures we took at the hotel to CC.

He sent back: ...Tease.

I sent back: ;) <3

Then we got to the house. I gave the guy the money, we got our suitcases out, and he drove away.

I carried Carolyn and took my purse, her diaper bag, and our suitcase up to the walkway. I stood there, staring at the house, remembering all the memories, from when I would come outside and Andy would be here, waiting for me to walk me to school, to the times Rosie and I would ride our bikes to the nearest coffee shop or gas station.

Rosie put her arm around my shoulders and said, "Memories."

I nodded, wiping a tear off of my cheek.

Carolyn said, "Why is mommy crying?"

"I'm happy, darling," I said.

"Oh, mommy's happy!" Carolyn said.

I smiled and kissed her head.

Rosie said, "Come on." She walked ahead, her suitcase making that familiar noise to when I left this house to go to California. I let Carolyn down and she walked with Rosie. I started walking with them and we went up to the front porch. I rung the doorbell.

My brother opened the door, "Alesana! Rosie! Carolyn!"

I don't think I've ever been this happy to see my brother before. Rosie grinned and hugged him and walked in. He picked up Carolyn and hugged her. I walked in and hugged my brother tight.

He laughed, "I missed you, sis."

"I missed you too, bro."

I walked in and set my stuff by the couch in the living room, next to Rosie's stuff, and went into the kitchen, where my mom and dad were talking with Rosie.

My brother handed Carolyn to me and said, "I will be right back down."

"Alright!" I said. I walked further into the kitchen and my parents saw me. They smiled.

I said, "Hey mom. Hey dad."

"Alesana, sweetie!" My mom almost yelled. She hugged me tight and said, "I'm so glad you're here!"

"Me too!" I said. She let go of me and took Carolyn out of my arms, giving her hugs and kisses. I rolled my eyes and hugged my dad. He picked me up off the ground and said, "I'm so glad to see you ladies."

I said, "Us too!"

Rosie said, "I've also got news for you two."

"What is the news?" My dad asked.

"Ash and I are engaged!" Rosie said, showing her ring. My mom squealed, "Congratulations!"

She smiled, "Thank you!"

My mom put Carolyn down and said, "So what did you guys do today?"

"We went shopping," I said.

"Well that's good! Kept yourself busy!"

I nodded and I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw my brother with a beautiful girl behind him. He said, "Rosie, Alesana, I'd like for you to meet my fiance, Alexandra."

She was beautiful. Pretty tan skin, she was thin, short, had dark brown hair, and a beautiful smile. A few tattoos, but I couldn't quite make them out. I smiled, "Nice to meet you. I'm Alesana."

"I know, I hear about you all the time!" She smiled.

"I'm Rosie."

"Nice to meet you Rosie!"

Rosie smiled and moved away.

I said, "Well, we're going to go put our stuff away and get in our pajamas."

My dad said, "Alright, we'll be here."

We went out into the living room, grabbed our bags, and went upstairs into my bedroom. I stopped once I opened the door. It looks exactly the same as how I left it, dark purple walls, my black dressers, black desk, black bed and the Batman bedding. I laughed and sat on the bed. Carolyn said, "Batman!"

I chuckled, "It's Batman!"

"Yeah!" She said.

Rosie sighed, "So many memories in here."

I smiled and said, "We better get ready."


We put our suitcases on the bed and put our things into the two dressers. As we got into our pajamas, I asked her, "So what do you think of his fiance?"

She smirked, "She's nice. She's really pretty too."

I nodded, "I think so too."

She looked over by the window and said, "Looks like they put a crib in here for her."

I raised an eyebrow and walked over to it. They did get her one, with purple sheets in it, a Hello Kitty blanket and a black pillow. I chuckled and said, "So you and I are sharing my bed."

Rosie laughed, "Guess so. Like how it was eighth grade year."

I smiled and said, "It's about seven, and Carolyn looks tired. I'm going to rock her and have her get to sleep."

"Okay, I'll be in the bathroom."


She went into the bathroom and I dimmed the lights. I rocked Carolyn for what seemed like an hour until she fell asleep. Rosie came out silently and we walked out to the living room and caught up with my parents and my brother, and got to know his fiance.

We were up until midnight, then we went upstairs and laid in bed.

We fell asleep, heading into dreamland.


YAY. Chapter 15 - finally done.!!! I will be working on Chapter 16 tomorrow night once I'm home! So happy this is done. Any requests for the next chapter? Let me know. :)

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