Daily Vlogging- A Joe Sugg Fa...

By MissCB_

9.8K 419 219

Imagine a girl. A girl with brown hair, grey eyes and no social life. Now imagine that girl called Cate Barro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41- The End

Chapter 26

199 9 4
By MissCB_

"I think I'm going to be sick!" I say, pulling off the covers and making a dash for the bathroom.

Alot has happened these past few days, I'm finally settled in with Joe in London, but I've been feeling like shit ever since we arrived.

Joe follows me into the bathroom as I'm hunched over the toilet bowl. He's rubbing my back soothingly.
How attractive I must look.

"My poor little Monkey." Joe says. "Whatever shall we do with you? You're forever getting sick!"

"Joe." I tremble, splashing my face with water. "I don't think this is any old vomiting bug. I have all the symtomns of something entirely different." I'm shaking at this point. Not because I'm cold, but because I'm scared.

"My period is late this month, I'm throwing up left, right and centre, Joe, I think I'm pregnant." I swallow, sitting down on the toilet seat behind me.

Joe puts his hand to his mouth and staggers backward, staring at me like I just arrived from a different planet.

"But we used-"

"I know we did! It clearly didn't work, did it? We need to buy a pregnancy test. Now." I say, gathering myself.

"But... but what if you are... pregnant? We're only twenty four years old, Cate! I'm not ready for a child!" Joe cries, staring at his reflection in the mirror.

"Joe, where's the nearest pharmacy?"

He's not replying.

"Joe." I repeat, more firmly this time.

"Down the road, within walking distance, take the second left." Joe eventually says, not taking his gaze away from the mirror.

I collect my handbag out in the kitchen and leave through the front door.

I arrive at the pharmacy and ask the young sales assistant where I can find the pregnancy tests.

"You're a little bit young to be expecting, aren't you?" She says surprisingly.

The bloody cheek of her.

"Can you just show me where the bloomin' things are?" I snap impatiently.

"Hormones are out of contol too." I hear her mutter as she points over to a shelf with a big poster of a baby saying 'Expecting?' on it.
Way to make me feel great about the whole thing.

I pick one up and bring it to the cash desk. I feel so awkward and out of place.

"That'll be £11.99 please." Says the cash-out lady.

Why are chunks of plastic that hold your destiny so expensive?

I hand her the exact amount and powerwalk my way home.

Joe is sitting on the bottom of the stairs when I get in, biting his nails nervously.

"This is it." I breathe.
He just nods in reply, not looking at me.

I go into the bathroom and follow the instructions.
I have to wait one minute for my results.

I step outside the door and join Joe sitting on the stairs.
We're both staring at this blue stick for what seems like eternity, when finally, a little symbol appears.

Two pink lines.

"Fucking hell, Cate? Twins? How the heck are we gonna manage?" Joe rambles on about the cost of nappies and irregular feeding hours while I just stare at the symbol until it becomes just a blurry fuzz.

"No." I begin. "Just one baby. Two lines for positive. One line for negative." I hand him the leaflet that was included and point to where it gives you information on postive and negative signs.

"I haven't even lived my life yet." I sob, tears beginning to sprout from the corners of my eyes. "I'm not ready."

"We need to tell someone." Joe says. "I'll get Zoë up on FaceTime.

"Hello Broseph! How are you two settling in?" Virtual Zoë says from Joe's iPhone.

"Eh Zo? Are you alone at the moment?" Joe asks her.

"Yeah, it's just Alfie, Nala and me, if that's what you mean. Are you okay?"

"Um, well, I don't really know how to say this but..."

"Come on, little brother! Spit it out!" Zoë laughs.

"I'm pregnant." I finish the sentence.

"Oh wow! That's amazing news, congratulations! This is so exciting, I'm gonna be an aunty!"

"No Zoë, it's not exciting. It's terrible. We're too young for this. I'm not ready and Joe's certainly made it clear he isn't either. We don't want a baby. Not just yet."

The place has gone silent. Alfie's at Zoë side now and both their faces have gone from smiling and excited, to serious and concerned.

"Okay. We need to sort this out. This is very serious. Are you getting the baby terminated then?" Zoë asks.

I don't like the sound of that.
Like it's some kind of animal.

"Yes." Joe says without hesitation. "As soon as possible."

"Well no, we haven't decided. It's too early for all that yet, Joe. We need to make this desicion together." I say, putting my arm around him comfortingly.

"Okay. We'll let you guys sort all this out, and we wish you the best of luck with everything." Zoë says, and hangs up.

"What do you mean, we haven't decided yet? I thought you said you didn't want it?" Joe fumes, standing up off of the step and waving his hands about angrily, pacing the hallway like a caged animal.

"Well Joe, we've only just found out the news! We don't even know if the test is correct. We'll need to see a specialist and get checked out."

"It's all my fault." Joe sighs, running his hands through his hair.

"Joe, just calm down. We both know this wasn't planned. Who knows? It might be telling us a different story altogether!"

"But Cate that's just the thing. What if it's not?"

Guys I'm gonna leave this chapter here. It's quite a huge one and I hope you have collected yourself after that bombshell!
Vote and share,
See you next time,
cb_sugg xx

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