Chapter 22

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I wake up to the smell of bacon, eggs and toast coming from the kitchen.
I look down and I'm still in my clothes from yesterday.
More boxes are crowding my room, so I have to prance out the door and into the living room to escape without falling. Again.

"Morning Monkey! You're just in time for breakfast!" Joe calls from the kitchen.

He's standing at the stove, a new frying pan in his hands, dishing out scrambled eggs.

The kitchen looks so bare without all the pictures and artwork.
It won't be long until I'm out of Ireland and sleeping next to Joe every night in a city that I've only dared to dream of living in. London.
I cannot wait.

"Morning." I yawn in reply, sitting down at the table.

"I booked a moving van to go to Dublin Port and send your stuff over by boat." Joe tells me, placing the plate of delicious food in front of me.

"Really? Thanks. When's it coming?" I say, munching on a piece of bacon hungrily.

"Late tomorrow afternoon I think."

"Okay. Breakfast is superb, by the way." I say, gulping down a cup of hot tea.

"I hear a hint of sarcasm in your voice!" Joe laughs.

"No, really!" I giggle, blushing.

"So." Joe munches. "What's the plan for today? We've finished packing really, haven't we?"

"I was thinking we could pack a picnic and go to the beach, since it's a gorgeous day?" I suggest, finishing the remains on my plate.

"Yeah! We'll have to go grocery shopping though, won't we?" Moans Joe, taking away the plates.

"That's okay." I say enthusiastically. "It'll be fun."

At the supermarket

"Oh my God, Joe! Put that away, we don't need any rice! I swear, I feel like I'm your mum!" I laugh to Joe, who's picking up numerous boxes of Uncle Ben's boil-in-the-bag rice and throwing them into the shopping cart from down the aisle, barely missing fellow shopper's heads.

"He shoots, he scores!" Joe shouts loudly, punching the air.

"Come here, you!" I march over to Joe, grab his hand and guide him back to the cart, apologizing to all the on-lookers.

"Let's pay for all this then!" Joe grabs the handle of the shopping trolley and begins to wheel it to the cash-out.

"Oh no you don't!" I laugh. "Put back all this rice first!"

At the beach

"Come and make a sandcastle with me, Monkey!" Joe says, getting up from his sun lounger and grabbing my hand.

I look up at him, shielding my eyes from the blazing sun.

"Are you actually serious?" I laugh, pulling my sunglasses down on my nose and raising my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Why not? We can make a palace for you and I to live in. You be Queen and I'll be King. Come on Monkey." Joe persists. "It'll be fun." Joe mimicks what I said earlier.
If course this winds me up. Just what he wanted.

"Oh alright!" I say, raising my hands in mock-surrender, then get up from my sun lounger and walk over to where Joe is sitting, who's already started digging sand with his hands like a dog.

"We have created an artistic masterpiece!" Joe says when we've finished, clapping his hands together to get rid of any sand.

"Well, I wouldn't call it that!" I laugh, getting up and fixing my bikini top.

Our 'masterpiece' is two sandcastles mushed together messily with seashells decorating around the walls.
My college course in interior design that I dropped out of really payed off. Lol.

"Do you know what you'd look good with?" Joe smirks, holding his arms behind his back suspiciously.

"What's behind your back?" I ask, ignoring his question, beginning to back away.

"Nothing." Joe, still smirking, edging closer to me.

I don't trust him. Not one little bit.

I was right not to.
Joe pulls thick, slimy, green pieces of seaweed from behind his back and throws them at my head, hitting his target perfectly.

I scream loudly and dash across the soft sand, shaking my head wildy to rid the smelly sea... thing. Is seaweed an animal or a plant? God only knows.

Joe is laughing so hard, tears streaming down his face, as he runs after me with the seaweed.

"Joe, I swear! Put it down, please!" I plead, pushing him in the chest as he goes to whack me about the head playfully.

Joe throws it to the floor and instead rugby tackles me to the ground, leaving him on top of me.

"Your hair is covering your beauriful face." Joe whispers huskily, brushing my hair away from my eyes.

"That's because I was too busy running away from your seaweed chase!" I laugh, kissing him lightly.
"Now get off me, we're in public incase you didn't notice!"

"We can go home and continue from where we left off?" Joe says saucily, biting his lip and grasping onto my hand.

"Joe! Give over!" I say, slapping his bare shoulder.
I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of thing.
Maybe soon.
I supposed I'm a little embarrassed to be quite honest.
I wouldn't know what to do and I can't even begin to imagine how I would describe the whole experience.
I hope you know what I'm talking about.

Joe returns back to his sun lounger and I lie beside him on my own one.

"Hold my hand." Joe says, squinting in the sun and reaching out to me.

"Okay." I chuckle, taking his hand in mine. "What for?"

"Just 'cause." Joe says sleepily, yawning.

We stay at the beach until the sun begins to set, and it's beginning to get quite chilly.

"Let's go and watch the sunset." I say, wrapping my arms around my shoulders in an attempt to stay warm. Joe notices me shivering.

"Here." He says, handing me his hoodie and tracksuit bottoms. "Put these on and you'll be nice and toasty."

"Ooh, thanks so much!" I say, giving him a squeeze.

His clothes smell like him.

Well DUH Cate! There are his clothes.

Yeah, I know that, but I just love Joe's smell.

We go closer to the sea, where the waves are lazily ebbing at the shore.
Joe sits down and puts his arm around me.

"You look cute in my clothes." Joe smiles, kissing my head.

"You look cute in your clothes too." I joke, snuggling into his shoulder. "And without!"

"Hey! You were giving out to me for being like that, but then it's okay for you to do it!" Joe says, pretending to be angry at me, not fooling me by letting a smirk slip through his lips.

"Of course! I wear the pants in this relationship, mister!"

Oh, and hi there, I didn't see you!
Hope you liked today's chapter and I don't think I told you this yet, but I'm gonna be uploading every second day now.
Don't hate me, I need to live my life, and atm, the weather is SOOO nice (which is rare) so I'm gonna be making the most of it.
Thank you so much for 500 reads, I really can't believe it tbh.
I only published this fanfic at the start of the month, and to think it has got this much reads so quickly is amazing!
Thanks again,
cb_sugg xx

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