Chapter 17

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It's the next day and I slept horribly last night. I think I'm coming down with something.
My nose is all stuffed up and I can't smell anything. I'm coughing and spluttering everywhere.
I'm in need of a Lemsip.
I went to the shop in my pyjamas and slippers to go get some Paracetamol and 7-Up. All the things that every stereotypical Irish Mammy uses if their child is sick.

I got some stares from the teenage boys that always hang round at the corner of the street, but to be quite honest, I don't really care.
I get in the door, shuffling and sniffling, and put on the kettle.
Drink in hand, I switch on the television. Flicking through the channels, I end up turning on MTV and listening to the music while scrolling FaceBook and Twitter.


Text message from Joe.

Joe: Morning Monkey, how are you this morning? FaceTime later on? xx

I reply, telling him the truth.

Cate: Pretty shit tbh. I ran to the shop in my pyjamas to get some Paracetamol and Lemsip. It's probably just a head cold, I'll survive. Could really do with a cuddle though. Miss you xx

It's true. I need a cuddle. I'm so low at the moment.

Joe: Awh poor Monkey. Sending you virtual hugs and kisses is obviously not enough. I'll visit soon, I cross my heart. Hope you feel better as soon as possible. Love you, xx

Cate: Can't wait for you to visit and I love you more [insert winky face]xx

I put down my phone and yawn, feeling incredibly tired, even though I've just got up.

I'll just take a quick nap.

Shit. The day is gone. I've slept for over three hours and it's 1:00 in the afternoon.

There's no point in getting dressed now. Oh well, YouTube marathon it is.

It's a few days later and Cate is feeling better.

Mel and I still aren't speaking. I've realised I don't have time for sleeze-bags like her.

I'm in the kitchen when there's a knock at the door.

Probably the postman I think to myself.

I open the door and see a face that I've been longing to see for ages.

"Hello Monkey." Says the face.

"Joe!" I say, jumping onto him and wrapping my legs around his waist, clinging on like an actual monkey. "I've missed you so much!"

"Oh, me too. Mind if I crash here for a while? I came to check up on you, your feeling better I take it?" Joe laughs.

"Do I mind? Of course not! Are you actually kidding me? And yes, I'm feeling way better now that your here!" I say rapidly, due to excitement.

I can't believe my boyfriend has flown over just to see if I've recovered from a cold.

We go into the house and I shut the door.

"You can put your bag in my bedroom if you want." I say, turning on the oven to make a start on dinner. Tonight, I'm not going out for dinner for once. "Then you can help me with dinner, since I'll probably burn the whole house down to the ground!"

Joe and I are messing around while making dinner. It's spaghetti bolognese. Joe's 'speciality' according to himself.

"No! You're grating the cheese all wrong!" Joe laughs, coming over to help me.

"Like this." He says softly, placing his hand over mine, guiding me.

It may sound silly, but I will cherish this cheese-grating moment forever.

"Yum." I say after the dishes are done, wiping my hands with a tea-towel. "That was delicious!"

"All thanks to my professional cheese-grating!" Joe jokes, coming from behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting little kisses all over my neck.

It's later on now, Joe and I are snuggled close on the couch, watching whatever crap is on TV these days.

I'm so content, with Joe's arm around me protectively, my head resting on his chest.

It's not long before I've fell asleep in his arms.

"Come on, sleepy." Joe chuckles. "Bedtime."

"Hey!" I mumble sleepily, barely making sense. "I was comfy."

"Well come on to bed and get comfier there!"

That just sounds so dirty. Lol.

"In what way do you mean?" I snigger, opening my eyes slightly to see Joe's looking intently at me.

"Oh come on, you little weirdo! You know what I mean!" Joe says, grabbing my hands firmly and dragging me off the couch. Still clasping one hand, he leads me to the bedroom, where those sheets look all too inviting.

I grab some pyjamas that are lying on the bed and go into the bathroom to put them on.

I'm undressed, only in bra and knickers, when Joe walks in.

Of all days he had to do this, I'm actually wearing matching lingerie. Thank the Gods in Heaven.

I just laugh and kind of stand there. But Joe blushes a deep red colour.

"Oh my God Cate, I'm so so sorry! I didn't realise you were in here!"

"Oh no, it's okay." I giggle. "It was bound to happen at some point."

Let's just say I 'forgot' to lock the door. Simple mistake. He he he.

Joe closes the door and I'm just contemplating what just happened.

Who needs pyjamas anyway? I think to myself. Especially when your boyfriend is staying the night.

I roll my no-longer-needed pyjamas into a ball and fling them into the laundry basket, even though they're not dirty.

I look at myself in the mirror and tidy my hair into a messy ponytail, trying to look as sexy as possible.

It's go time.

I open the bathroom door and saunter out into the bedroom.

"Uh Cate?" Joe manages to say. "What exactly are you doing?"

"I'm going to bed, silly!" I tease, making an exaggerated show of pulling across the covers and crawling into bed. "Goodnight!"

"You're going to sleep?" Joe asks disappointedly.

"That's what you wanted me to do. Remember?" I pout, sitting up on the pillow.

"Well..." Joe gulps. "That's not what you're suggesting."

I'm being mean, teasing him like this. But it is quite funny, to be honest.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"Uh, not really. Are you?" Joe's smirking now.

"Go to bed then!" I laugh, patting the empty space beside me.

Nothing happened. I don't think I was really ready for that. I mean, I'm still a virgin.

Lads I'm super duper sorry about this chapter going up and being uncompleted. I clicked publish by accident and this wasn't even edited or anything I'll make it up to you tonight with Chapter 18...😈
OH AND WE GOT 400 READS! I actually can't begin to say how much that actually means to me I was almost in tears(of happiness) last night when I saw. And I was checking the Statistics and it says 80% readers are from Ireland, 10% Great Britain and... 10% from the USA. Like, the bloody USA for cryin' ou loud! I really can't believe it tbh. Thanks again for your support,
Love yas to the moom and back,
cb_sugg xx

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