Chapter 30

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We're back at home now and I drove the car.

Joe was too distracted by Caspar's recent behaviour to concentrate on the road.

"Do you want to watch a movie, or we could do something fun?" I suggest, tying up my mop of hair with a grip.

"I don't care." Joe sighs, flinging himself onto the couch and rubbing his eyes.

I sit down beside him, still in Caspar's clothes, and start messing around with a stray piece of his quiff.

"What's up?" I ask, cuddling into his side.

"I just feel so depressed at the moment, Cate. Like I can't find happiness in anything I do, ever since we got the news."

I feel for him, I really do.

Life hasn't been easy the past few days for either of us, but we need to adjust.

Besides, it's going to be like this for a good nine months.

"I know how you feel." I say, empathetically. "So tired and run down, like you've got no energy, which is probably because we got no sleep whatsoever last night."

Joe just nods in agreement.

"I'm just going to bed." He finally decides. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah. I think that's probably the best idea." I reply, getting up and retiring to bed wearily with Joe, now suddenly realising how exhausted I actually am.

I must look a right state too.

Joe just climbs into bed, not bothering to undress, and I walk into the en suite, to begin the slow process of my night-time routine.

I wake early the next morning to loud knocks on the door.

What the hell?

Joe is still sound asleep and I wonder how he can't hear it.

I make my way to the front door, then open it to find the three most unlikely visitors.


It's Zoë and Alfie, and they've brought Nala too.

I certainly am surprised.

Zoë envelopes me into a gigantic hug and Alfie follows.

"What are you guys doing here?" Is all I manage to say, utter shock overcoming me.

"We came to see you and Joe, silly!" Zoë laughs, walking into the hallway. "Where is he anyways?"

"He's still asleep. Although I don't know how he is after the racket you two just made!" I laugh, taking Nala from Alfie's arms and cradling her like a small baby.

I should get some practise in, I guess.

"I'll go and wake him!" Zoë squeals excitedly, running up the stairs and barging into the bedroom.

"Zoë told me the news, Cate. I hope you and Joe can finally decide on something. For the time being though, you'll need to stay positive. I know that's difficult, but if you're both negative, you will get intertwined in a vicious circle." Alfie advises, rubbing my shoulder.

Zoë bounds down the stairs, a triumphant look upon her face.

"He's awake! I made sure of that!" Zoë giggles, and Alfie kisses her on the lips.

Ah, Zalfie. The internet couple of the century.

I still fangirl at the pair of them, even though they're my best friends.

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