Chapter 10

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"Will she be okay?"
"Yes, she's coming around now."
"Oh, thank God! Cate! Cate!"

My eyes are heavy, like I haven't slept in weeks. Bright lights are surrounding me, making me squint.

My eyes are open fully now and I can feel someone's grip on my hand. I turn to face the person. It's Mel.
"Cate!" She sobs happily, bending over and hugging my body.
"Ow.." I groan. My arms hurt. My ribs hurt. Everything hurts.
"Sorry!" Mel says, pulling away rapidly.
"Where's Joe?" I ask, straining my neck to have a look round. But I can't see over this hard bed, so I give up.
"Zoë and Alfie brought him to the canteen for a coffee to keep him awake. Cate, he hasn't slept for two nights."
Two nights? How long have I been here?

"How long was I uncontious?" I ask Mel.
"Three days. You were pretty drunk when you went clubbing with Jack, and you ran out onto the road. Cate, you got hit by a car!" Mel's crying again.

I can hear Alfie's voice, but quieter than his usual tone, coming down the corridor and into my room. I'm the only patient here.
I see Joe looking down into his cup of coffee, hating the world.
"Joe, look! She's awake!" I hear Zoë whisper to her younger brother.
Joe takes a look in my direction. He looks like a state. Dark circles are hanging underneath his bloodshot eyes. His expression changes when he sees me looking back at him.
"Hiya." I croak, smiling lightly.
"Hello Monkey." He replies.
"We'll leave you guys alone." Zoë says, gathering Alfie and Mel.
"You look horrible." I manage to joke at him.
"Oh Cate, I'm sorry for being such a dick. I'll admit, I was jealous of you and Jack. But I know now you'd never do that to me." Joe says, grabbing my hand and squezzing it gently.
A wave of guilt, no wait, a tsunami of guilt washes over me as I recall last night. I won't tell Joe about the kiss. Not just yet.

"I'm a bit tired." I lie, I just can't bear to see Joe. It's so horrible just to glance at his sorrowful face.
"Okay Monkey, you just rest." Joe says, placing his hand on my forehead.

I've woken up. Joe is still there, sitting in the chair. He's finally fallen asleep.
Zoë and Alfie are standing at the end of the bed, whispering quitely together.
"Hello you!" Zoë says, coming over to me. "I'm Zoë, Alfie's girlfriend!"
"Hi Zoë, I'm Cate."
This wouldn't have been how I imagined to meet my beauty blogger role-model, but anyway, I shouldn't complain. Especially when I'm lying here in hospital, God only knows if I've broke my legs or anything.
"I know." Zoë laughs. "Joe has told me all about you, and he was right. You are drop-dead gorgeous! We have to do each other's make-up sometime! You and Joe can come stay in Brighton as soon as your discharged! Brighton is so calming and theraputic! The boys can stay at home or whatever, and we can go to the spa!" Zoë squeals. Never would I have imagined, in my whole 23 years on this Earth, that I, plain old Cate Barron, would be doing Zoë Sugg's make-up and going on a spa weekend.

Zoë and I are talking all make-up and celebrity gossip, Alfie's gone to make some important phone calls, and Joe's snoring silently. It's really cute.
A nurse dressed in blue scrubs come over, looking important. By this time, I'm sitting up and not even tired.
"Cate Barron?" He says, looking at his clipboard.
"Yep, that's me." I breath.
"Your all good to go. The car swerved around you just in time to do any serious damage, you got away with a few scratches and bruises but you should count yourself lucky to be alive." The nurse says sternly.
"Yes. Thank you so much." I say, pulling the thin sheets off me and climbing, slowly, out of bed.
My head, straight away, starts to throb.
I don't know if that's from the accident or the Yagabombs.
"I guess your coming to our's next week!" Zoë says, grabbing my bag and packing my few belongings into it.
"Can't wait!" I say. I really can't. A spa day with the one and only Zoella.
"I'll wake this one up." Alfie laughs loudly, shaking Joe's shoulder violently.
Joe is now sitting bolt upright, alert like a guard dog.
"Mate, come on, Cate can come home now!" Alfie says to Joe. I'm surprised he hasn't pulled out his camera and starting vlogging.
"Are you not vlogging today, Alfie?" I ask him.
"Are you kidding? I haven't vlogged for the past three days! Zoë and I came to Dublin straight away when we heard the news!"

I'm surprised that someone would actually put their job on hold for a whole three days just to make sure I was okay. I have great friends.

Huge time skip.
Cate and Joe are at Zoë and Alfie's house.

Joe and I pull up outside the house. I've never seen the outside. It's lovely, like my dream house.
Joe has his arm around my shoulder as we walk up the gravel drive, but I can't help feel uncomfortable. I haven't heard from Jack since the other night.
I need to tell Joe. And soon. Maybe when we get back. Or never my conscience is telling me. Stop it!
I ring the doorbell and immediatly hear little barks from their house.
"Nala!" Alfie laughs, opening the door, holding the small black pug in one hand,camera in the other, of course.
"Oh my God, she's so cute!" I say, scrunching my nose and talking to Nala like she's a baby. She is kinda. In a way.

Zoë comes to the door, all packed up and ready to go.
"I've had my bags packed for two days!" Zoë laughs. "I'm so excited!"

We're not going until tomorrow, Joe and I are staying one night here with the guys, then Zoë and I are driving to a spa called Chewton Glen in Zoë's new Mini early tomorrow morning.
But first, it's time to make the most of the day.
"So!" Alfie says when we're all in the kitchen. "It's a lovely day, why don't we all head to the park? I got these new skateboard things called Boosted Boards! Me and you can have a go, Joe!" Alfie says eagerly.
"Ooh yeah, that'd be nice!" I say. "Where can we leave our bags?"
"Just up in the spare room, Alfie will show where it is." Zoë says.

Alfie shows me up to the room with the bags, while Joe and Zoë get some things into a picnic basket for the park.
I walk into the room and drop the bags at the end of the bed.
"Wow." I breathe. "Zoë did an amazing job on the room!"
There's fairy lights dangling on the wall behind the bed, the bed sheets look crisp and clean, like there just washed. There's a little blackboard above the bed that says me and Joe's names, with a little 'x' and a love heart.
"Yeah, Zoë took a college course in interior design before YouTube, so she really goes all out on the whole welcoming thing." Alfie laughs.

We're in Zoë's car on the way to the beach, Zoë and Alfie in the front, me, Joe and Nala in the back.
Adele is playing on the radio and the roof is down. Me and Zoë are blasting out Hello, in time with the radio. Alfie's vlogging the whole thing.
"Yay!" Alfie claps, aplauding Zoë and I when we finish. We're all just laughing and joking, and for a moment, I almost forget what I did.

I have a feeling that today is gonna be a good day.

Sorry there was no update for AGES! I just had other things on, that weren't to do with the virtual world, which is a surprise.
Don't worry though, I'll upload every day if I can and don't forget I love every single little pip that reads this story. It's progressig so far and it almost has 300 reads. It only feels like the other day(maybe because it was, DUH) that it had 200. I'm so grateful for all your votes and when you actually read take time from your day to read this FanFic, it kinda gets me through the next day. I know that's seems sad and weird, but I have alot of stress on my plate atm, and this is just a huge chunk that gets me into tomorrow.
Thanks again,
cb_sugg xx

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