Chapter 36

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"Who is that girl with my brother, Alfie?" Zoë asks her boyfriend as Joe and I enter the restaurant. "I barely recognise her!"

"I know Zoë. She looks absoulutely stunning, doesn't she?" Joe says, grinning at me as my cheeks go as red as my shoes.

"Table for four?" Says the waiter, pointing to a table in the quiet comforts of the corner.

"So, Cate. You have to tell me where you got those shoes! I adore them!" Zoë exclaims when we're all sitting down.

"Oh yes! I simply love them Cate! Mind if I try them on?" Alfie jokes, putting on a posh accent, making us all dissolve into laughter.

The food has arrived and I've got pepperoni pizza.


"Have some pizza!" I say to Joe, who's sitting opposite me, and I shove a whole slice of the wonderful food into his face, leaving tomato sauce and cheese all around his cheeks.

Alfie is cackling loudly and Zoë and I have dissolved into a puddle, due to cry-laughter.

Thanks goodness for waterproof mascara.

"I'll get you back for that!" Joe threatens lightly, wiping the cheesy sauce away with a napkin.

Dinner is over and we've all come back to Joe and I's hotel room, where we have the biggest balcony in the world, complete with mini fridge full of drinks and snacks, and cute sunbeds.

"I hope these are complimentry!" I laugh, throwing cans of beer to Joe and Alfie.

Zoë and I will just have to settle for apple juice.

"We better get back to our hotel room now guys." Alfie says, as the sun begins to peak over the sea's surface.

Zoë has fallen asleep on Alfie's chest, and he has to whisper in her ear for her to wake.

"Bye, thanks for a great evening!" I say to both Zoë and Alfie, then when Alfie is saying goodbye to Joe, I move closer to Zoë. "Thanks so much Zo. You're such a great friend. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve any of you!"

"Don't be silly!" Zoë scoffs. "You don't have to thank me!"

The guys have left now, and I've been in my pyjamas since we got into the room.

"We should FaceTime Caspar!" I suggest, crawling in beside Joe, who's lying on the bed in his boxers, typing away on his phone rapidly.

"Okay. We haven't seem him in awhile." Joe agrees, putting his arm around me amd kissing my head.

Caspar's cheeky grin appers on Joe's screen and immediatly he greets us hello.

"How's Barcelona treating you?" He says in his thick South African accent.

"Good. It's really hot here so far anyway, I hope it stays like this!" I reply, waving cheerily.

We say goodbye to Caspar and I let out a huge yawn that I have been containing for quite awhile.

"What time is it?" I whisper to Joe, closing my eyes and resting my head on his chest.

Before I hear him answer, I'm fast asleep.

It doesn't feel like long after when Joe is telling me that it's time for breakfast, speaking softly in my ear, making my tummy do somersaults, even this far into our relationship.

This boy does things to me.

Throwing on a grey maxi skirt and black crop top, I put my sunglasses over my eyes and follow Joe out the door to meet Zoë and Alfie for breakfast.

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