Chapter 27

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I'm clinging onto Joe's hand for dear life, as we sit on the chair in the hospital waiting room.

I didn't think I'd be seeing bright white walls and nurses so soon again.

"Cate Barron?" says the doctor in charge of maternity, emerging from the scan-room with a clipboard in hand, chewing on the end of her fountain pen.

"Yes. That's me." I answer, getting up from the chair, not letting go of Joe's grip.

"And, who's this?" the doctor asks, pointing at Joe with her pen.

"This is my boyfriend, Joe. Can he come with me for this consultation please?" I ask. I could really do with the support, and Joe knows it.

"Okay." the doctor sighs. She doesn't sound happy with this arrangement, but she's going to have to put up with it.

"Can you sit up on this bed please?" she asks me, patting the bed in the corner of the room and sitting down on her own chair that's beside it.

I bite my lip and hop up. My hands are all shaky and sweaty. I feel so weak.

What if the pregnancy test was right?

The doctor fiddles around with some scary looking tools, then asks a few questions. Joe just sinks down into a nearby chair, his hands rolled into a ball in his lap.

"What symptoms have you been experiencing recently?" she asks sternly, staring at me intently with her big, heavy outlined eyes. It's quite intimidating actually.

"I've been throwing up, and I'm really weak. I've also been craving weird foods too."

"What kind of foods?" she snaps, scribbling down something on a sheet of paper.

"Mainly Greek, and I don't even like it that much. Lots of chocolate, and beef." I say. When I say it out loud, it sounds weirder than ever.

Joe had to go to Waitrose the other day and buy me slices of cooked beef to eat so I could watch Bad Neighbours while eating it straight from the packet. I'm a little weirdo and I know it.

"I also started crying at a movie that was supposed to be funny the other night. I'm really moody and cranky too."

"You've noticed?." Joe chuckles uneasily from his little corner.

I laugh nervously too, and the doctor actually allows a small smile to escape her thin lips.

"Right." she declares. "It sounds to me that you're pregnant, but I'll have to run some tests. We can have a scan now, if you'd like?"

I don't know if I'm ready to find out. I'm so scared. Joe moves his chair closer to me and squeezes my hand gently.

"Are you ready?" Joe asks, looking me in the eyes.

I nod my head and the doctor puts this freezing cold gel on my tummy.

I gasp with shock as it goes on and she laughs.

"If I had a pound every time I heard that!" she jokes.

"So obviously you only found out, so it's a little early. You guys won't see anything, but I'm sure I can pick up on something and point it out." she explains to us.

I can't describe how nervous I am.

Today, we will find out if there is a little person growing inside me.

Today, we will find out if our lives will be changed.

Today, we will find out if we're going to be parents.

Today, we will find out how much the price of nappies are.

That last one was supposed to be funny. Ha. Ha. Ha.

"Well," the doctor says after a while. "I can make out something, Cate, I can announce officially that you are pregnant."

Everything's silent. The room is spinning. Joe is calling my name. I think I pass out.

"Cate, love." I hear a voice. It's the doctor. "You passed out with the shock! Here, drink some water and then you'll have to leave as I have more patients waiting outside." she tells me, handing me a bottle of water.

I get up and take tiny sips of water as Joe and I leave for the car.

Joe has gone as white as a sheet. He's in shock too.

"I can't believe this, Monkey. What are we gonna do? Will we get rid of it?" Joe asking so much questions as we hop into the car.

"I don't know Joe. I just want to go home." I sigh.

As we're driving down the road, I text Zoe and tell her the news. I don't want to say 'good news', because I don't yet if it is or not.

Cate: Hey Zo, we went to the hospital today and got official results. It's all real. I'm pregnant. I don't know what to think atm, I'm so tired and I could fall asleep any moment. Thank you soooo much for being so supportive and it would be great if you wouldn't tell anyone just yet, but Alfie can know :) xx

She replies within seconds.

Zoe: Oh Cate. Idk what to say right now, except that I'll be here for you and Joe, whatever decision you make. I wouldn't tell anyone even if you did ask me to, you know that! Love you to the moon and back, Zoe xx

We arrive home, and I don't get out of the car, not just yet. I sink my head back into the seat and sigh a long hard sigh.

"This is real." I say in barely a whisper, a single tear rolling down my cheek.

"I know. We can pull through. We always do." Joe says reassuringly, reaching for my hand.

We get into the house, and I search the room for some sort of pyjamas I can wear tonight.

I'm looking through the chest of drawers, when I feel two hands wrap around my waist smoothly and soft lips kiss my neck.

"Come out into the kitchen for a sec." Joe prompts, taking hold of my hand and guiding towards the kitchen.

I do as I'm told. I've run out of energy to argue.

"Close your eyes." he intructs, putting his free hand over my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I ask, but get no reply.

"Okay." Joe says, he lets go of my hand and I hear him slid across the floor, then strike a match.

What is he doing?

"You can look now."

I open my tired eyes and gasp in shock.

There, in front of me, is a steaming hot meal on the island counter, complete with candles and a very handsome boyfriend, stood in an Adidas tracksuit and a comical tophat.

"Dinner, is a-served!" Joe says, putting on a very good Italian accent, kissing his fingers and pulling out a chair for me to sit down in.

"Joe! This is amazing! Thank you so much!" I say, a tear dangerously close to spilling over.

"Ah ah!" Joe says, wiping it away with his thumb. "None of that!"

"I can't help it!" I smile. "I'm a mess!"

We have a great meal, and Joe ends up putting on his disco lights and we have a two person party.

For a moment, I forget about all that's happening and actually enjoy life with my boyfriend, Joe Sugg.

Boom! Chapter 27 complete!
Hope you enjoyed and can I just mention...
Can I get a 'what what?'
Okay I'll stop now.
Thanks so much you guys, the amount of support and encouragment you send me is unreal and I can't thank you enough!
I was actually playing around with little catchphrases to say when I sign off (out of pure boredom. I have no lyf so stop😂) and I've come up with...
A kiss and a hug,
cb_sugg xx

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