Chapter 15

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I get in the door at 6.00. I feel as if I'm walking on air.
Zoë and Alfie are in the living room, Alfie editing, Zoë playing with Nala on the floor.
"Well?" Zoë gets up and comes over to me. "How did it go?"
"It was wonderful." I sigh. "We went horse-riding, I almost fell over in the mud but Joe caught me. It was so romantic Zoë."
Alfie's making pretend-vomit noises.
"Oh piss of Alfie!" I laugh, hitting him across the head with my handbag.
"Oi!" Alfie complains, rubbing the back of his head.

We're sitting in the living room, watching Geordie Shore. We ordered a Pizza Face earlier and all of us are stuffing our mouths with the cheesey dough. Pizza is literally... life.
"So?" Alfie begins. "How are you and Joe again?"
"We're not good." I start. "We're great."
"I'll tell it to you straight Cate. Joe is absoulutely smitten with you." Zoë tells me, smiling widely.
"And me him." I reply, blushing lightly.

I really don't want to leave for Ireland tomorrow. I'm gonna have to face Mel, sooner or later.
I have no idea what's up with her lately.
She's always been there for me, especially when my parents died.
I've never told anyone, only Mel, about my parents, not even Joe.
I think I'd better tell you the story...

My mum was pretty famous, in Ireland anyway. She had acted in quite a few movies and got payed greatly for them. We were quite well off, really.
Until, my dad had been commuting to work by train, when he had fallen under the rails. He died when I was 10.
Dad and I weren't very close anyway. He'd go down the pub, spending some of Mum's hard-earned money on drink. He would then come home drunk and violent. I was glad, in a way, that he had gone.
Next leaves my mum.
I remember the day like it was yesterday.
I was sitting at the kitchen table, doing my homework. This was when I was in sixth class(I was 12) and I heard Mum scream from the shower. I figured it must've been a spider, but no.
Mum came down in nothing but a towel, tears trickling down her cheeks.
"I've found a lump." She choked.
My mum had breast cancer.
Six months she fought, battling through chemotherapy, losing all her silky auburn hair in the process. Even after all that battling, my mum had left me to fend for myself in the hell-hole that is secondary school.
I joined my new school without any of my parents waving me off at the gates. I felt like I could burst into floods of tears at any moment.
That's where Mel comes in. We got a permission slip home the first day, asking for our parent's signature.
I took one look at that sheet and broke down. Mel was one of the popular kids, not caring about anyone else, only how she looked and if her friends were pretty enough to hang around. But she cared about me for some reason. Maybe because I had inheiritated my mum's bank account. Oh Cate, don't think about your best friend like that. Anyway, back to the story.
"Hey?" She had said. "What's up?"
I told her everything. She then broke away from those bitches she called 'friends' and sat with me during lunches, in class and came to stay over at my house most days.
Bear in mind, I was the kid with big braces sticking out off my teeth, always with my head hidden in a book. Mainly Harry Potter.
Maybe Mel had heard about my parent's death, I don't know, but she was always a true friend.

It's some time later now, and I'm up at 5:00 tomorrow for my flight. Better catch some sleep.
Alfie said he would drive me, but Joe put his foot down and insisted he would take me.

So, my bags are packed, all ready for the morning.

It's still dark when my alarm rings throughout the room.
I had said goodbye to Zoë and Alfie last night, so as not to wake them in the morning.
I'll get breakfast at the airport I tell myself, running out the door and spotting Joe's car in the drive.
I throw my bags into the boot and hop into the passenger seat.
"Morning Monkey." Joe says, leaning over and kissing my cheek.
"Heya." I reply, clipping my seatbelt into place.
"Where to then, ma'am?" Joe asks, grinning foolishly.
"Your heart." I say cheesily.
"Oh come off it!" Joe smirks, putting the car into gear and reversing out the drive.
I'll miss everyone. I hope I'll see them soon.

We're in the airport and there happens to be some of Joe's viewers here.
"Omg it's Joe!" One screams.
He stops for them on our way to the café to take some pictures.
"Joe? Who's that you were holding hands with?" One asks cheekily.
Shit. Shit shit shit.
The game's up.
"You'll see." Joe says mysteriously, waving goodbye and we carry on walking towards the smell of processed airport food.
He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in for a quick kiss, just to show everyone that I'm his.

"You definetely have to come to Ireland as soon as possible." I say over the table, where our chocolate muffins and cups of tea are sitting. Probably not the best option for breakfast.
"Oh of course!"
"Yes Monkey?"
"When are you going to tell all your fans about... us?" This is a sensitive subject. Joe wants to wait, he's afraid that I'll get to much hate online.
"I don't know. When do you feel comfortable with me telling everyone?"
This wasn't how he had reacted before.
"I'm thinking maybe next month? Or is that rushing it a bit?" I ask. I think it's good to let it out in the open and allow the wounds to heal.
I know I'll get some abusive comments, that's just part of the package of having a famous boyfriend.
"No! No no, next month is perfect! I'll have to clear my diary!" Joe laughs.

Could Flight 972 to Dublin please proceed to Gate 25, thank you.

"That's me." I sigh. "We'd better get going then."

We reach the Departures gate, Joe can't go any further from here without a boarding pass, so this is goodbye.
"See you soon, Monkey." Joe says, pulling me into a giant bear hug.
"I'll miss you, Joe." I respond, whispering in his ear.
Then Joe kisses me. I swear each time he does, it gets better and better.

Chapter 15 complete! It was a bit boring, but please stick around because, let's just say Mel isn't all she's cut out to be. I hoped you didn't get confused with Cate's childhood backstory and are keeping up with the whole plot.
Vote, Share and I'll see you tomorrow.
cb_sugg xx

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