Beside You

By myheartsmistake

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″I'll be right beside you, nobody will break you.″ More

Beside You
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
The Epilogue

Chapter Seven

68.1K 2.1K 346
By myheartsmistake


He seemed so picture perfect and I didn't know how he could even think about dating me. He hesitated a bit when he learned about my lack of dating experience and how I wasn't going to fall in love. I mean, it wasn't a for sure fact, because if I could envision my self falling in love with anyone? It would be him. But I wasn't interested right now; if I wanted a relationship, I could have one. There wasn't a need for it though, there never had been. I dated in school because it was what everyone else was doing and I treated the guys like they were pets. I wasn't sure how to react back then, so I would give them snacks and call them 'good boyfriend' when they did something for me. Relationships were such an unexplored subject for me.

It was nice, I can't lie, how we talked to each other like we had known each other for years. I didn't do all the listening, he actually seemed interested in what I had to say. There are people who pretend to be intrigued by your words, just so they could then return with an hour long monologue about how their life was so much worse. Zayn seemed actually attentive to everything I said, even though it was only explaining how my job at the radio station worked. Most people would be rolling their eyes and yawning every other second at what I had to say, but Zayn was different.

"So you do get to pick the songs?" He asked, finger pressed to his lip as he leaned on his elbow. 

His brown eyes never left mine, as I spoke. "We get a list of songs that need to be played during our shift, but we usually get to pick about five on our own, since the list only consists of twenty songs." 

"I never really thought about what it would be like to be the interviewer, instead of the interviewee." 

"It's what you think it would be." I shrugged.

Zayn glanced at his watch and his eyes grew to be as big as saucers. "I'm so sorry, Joelle, but I gotta go. I gotta be at the studio in ten minutes to do some re-dos. It was really nice getting together. Next time, we can do dinner and a movie?"

"I told you… I-"

"I promise that we can take this as slow as you want to, but give me some hope, will yah? I promise to stay under the radar, and no one needs to know where I am. There's something here and I want to know what it is." Zayn was so convincing that I couldn't help but blush.

"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow night?" I offered.

"Perfect. I'll text you." The grin he flashed me as he left warmed me down to my very tippy toes. He was quite persistent, and a very persuasive person. If I didn't watch myself, I'd be engaged to him within the next week.

I stayed in my spot for another ten minutes, trying to wrap my mind around everything that had just happened. The fact that I just had a successful date was almost unthinkable, and I decided against telling anyone. The last thing I needed was it to be made out to be much bigger than it was. I didn't like having people speculating about me, rumors about Zayn and I were not wanted at all. I fished my hand around my purse, firmly grabbing ahold of my old LG Remarq, quickly dialing the number for my home. "Hey Blake! I'm so glad you're home! Can you let mom know that I'm catching a cab right now and I'll be there in about fifteen?" 

"Sure thing, Jo. Where've you been?" 

"Just out to coffee with a friend. Be there soon, love you!" I covered quickly, knowing that if I said anything, I would be open for a lifetime of teasing from my brother. I didn't even wait for his response before ending the call and shoving the compact phone back into the front part of my black purse. Once I was sure I had all of my belongings, I got out of the chair and started towards the door. One of the employees called out a 'bye' and a 'thanks', and I turned to smile at them before heading out. I managed (somehow) to catch a cab within five minutes. I knew that I should have my licenses by now, I was twenty-one after all. But I was a procrastinator and to be completely honest, I was scared as hell about being behind a wheel. I was a clumsy human being and I was wise enough to know that if I started driving, I'd accidentally kill half the population of London.

"Here you go, ma'am." The driver informed me before asking for the appropriate amount of money for the ride. I gladly paid him, sliding out the back seat and hurrying up the steps. 

When the door opened to the very familiar figure of my big brother, I grinned and attacked him with a huge hug. He wasn't exactly taken by surprise, and considering he was 6'4 compared to my 5'5, he didn't even flinch when my entire body weight plummeted into him. "Hey, Joelle. I missed you too!" He laughed.

"You've been gone for three months, sorry for being excited!" I stuck my tongue out as I backed away, glad that my best friend was back. 

Blake had been the model older brother, always looking out for me and making sure I was okay above anything else. We had our fair share of fights, usually over who's turn it was to watch TV, but he was always there when I needed him. When I had the worst time trying to get through the days one at a time, he would make me a gourmet meal (aka mac and cheese) and just watch a movie with me. He never asked, which I was thankful for, but I knew that he was there. He was the only one who had ever saw me completely break down, and even then I didn't vent to him and tell him what was going on, I gave him small ideas as to what was going on in my life, I just never talked about my feelings.

He was always there for me, though, and he knew that I didn't like talking about certain things. I'd rather listen to his riveting tales about the adventures he had gone on then wear him down by listening to me complain about things that didn't seem as big when I said them out loud. When he moved to the US to get his photography business bigger, I didn't realize how much I relied on him. But now he was THE Blake Parker, the one who had three studios in LA and two in New York, spending his days in the fields taking pictures and exploring the great outdoors. He came home every three months or so, and he'd stay with my parents for a few days and tell us everything going on in his life.

This was one of those times and just seeing his face lit up with a smile made me a proud sister. 

"C'mon, baby sis, I've got adventures to tell!" He slung his well-muscled arm around my shoulder, guiding me into the house and my two twin sisters giggled as they followed along behind us. My parents, both good-looking people, smiled as they watched from the living room. I knew that without a doubt they didn't enjoy anything more than having all four children together.

Between Blake being in the states, the twins being social sixteen-year olds, and me having my own flat and job, the get together only happened occasionally. It was a weird thing: growing up. It happened so fast, like one day I was suddenly responsible and had to do normal 'adult' things. The twins didn't realize that before they knew it, they would have to choose uni classes and a job, and eventually move out. I wish, sometimes, that I could be that young again. Not because it was a great time for me, but I had no responsibilities then, I could have a day without any errands or work. Now, it seemed like every hour of the day I had be somewhere doing something. Whether it was being social, work, or school. 

"I want to hear about school. How's your year going?" Blake asked when we were seated around the dinner table, each having a large helping of our mom's fried chicken. 

Manda was the spirited one, she had an attitude and wasn't afraid to show it. My mom jokingly called her the 'rebel', and she had strands of red in her black hair, I think she decided to do that after I had gotten highlights. She liked big earrings, flashy jewely, and would never wear a dress. It was amusing since Mary was the exact opposite, always tying her hair up in cute accessories and wearing skirts on a daily basis. The two were as different as night and day, but they had each other's backs. They hung out together, protected each other, and almost always knew what the other was thinking. 

"Jase and I are going out again," Manda said, shrugging her shoulders.

"They're grossly adorable." Mary agreed. 

They continued to discuss boys, Blake asking the appropriate 'big brother' questions. There was an almost ten year difference between them, yet it had never changed their relationship. We were all quite a bit far apart in the age department, with Blake being twenty-five, me being twenty-one, and the twins being sixteen. We were still close and could talk about anything.

"What about the boys in Joelle's life? I need to have the list of guys I need to beat up for hitting on my sister," Blake winked and I sunk deeper into my chair.

"Let's talk about something else."

"Wait, there's a guy?" Mary leaned forever in her own seat, every single one of my family members mimicking her actions. They all had wide eyes and excited grins and they all waited anxiously for my answer.

"No." I retorted before holding up my plate. "Can I have more green beans, please?"

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