Wild Wolf Heart

By blue842

11.9K 345 165

The past. The present. The future. I have a past. I'm living my present. And my future... let's just say, it'... More

Chapter 2 - Arrival
Chapter 3 - The Wolf And The Forest
Chapter 4 - Puppy
Chapter 5 - Breakups
Chapter 6 - Alpha Archer
Chapter 7 - Worth A Change Of Mind
Chapter 8 - Midnight Changes
Chapter 9 - The Spoken Truth
Chapter 10 - Revenge For The Tickles
Chapter 11 - I Love Bae
Chapter 12 - Explaining
Chapter 13 - He's What?!
Chapter 14 - Prepare For The Attack
Chapter 15 - Meeting His Mate
Chapter 16 - Seeking Out The Light
Chapter 17 - The Forest Is Calling
Chapter 18 - The Man
Chapter 19 - Mermaid
Chapter 20 - Discovering The Truth
Chapter 21 - The Final Showdown

Chapter 1 - The Past

1.2K 20 12
By blue842

I gazed out the car's window. Tall pine trees passed by in a blur. The trees surrounded us as my family and I made our way to our new home.

My family just consisted of my uncle Derek and I. My parents left me once I was born. They wanted me out of their lives as soon as possible so they could carry on with their carefree lives they were living before they found out my mother was pregnant with me.

So, once I was born, they fled. They didn't even give me a glance because when the nurse took me into my mother's room so my parents could get to see me and hold me, they were long gone.

At least that's how Derek explained it to me. We had a strong relationship where we can trust each other and one another the truth. At times it felt like Derek was more like a best friend rather than my guardian.

Anyways, my uncle Derek went to the hospital that day because he heard that my mother, his sister, gave birth. He was really happy and static that he now had a niece. He went to the front desk to ask for his sister. His mood completely changed in just seconds before he began running to the nursery where all the babies were looked after.

The doctors kept on asking him who he was for hours on end. Okay, maybe Derek was exaggerating with parts of the story because he would most likely have been kicked out by then. With that cleared, on with the somewhat exaggerated story. Derek never answered because he was too shocked with what his own sister did to the little baby girl he saw through the see-through glass in a tiny bed with a pink blanket wrapped around her making her, well me, a tiny burrito.

He was furious at his sister and her husband. However, once he was able to control his anger he went up to the nurses and said this -

"Excuse me," Derek said trying to get one of the many nurses' attention.

"Oh, hello sir. How may we help you? Are you here to see a patient?" The nurse answered back.

"No. I'm here to get my daughter."

"I'm sorry sir but you can't just take a baby." The nurse looked nervous as if Derek came here just to take away a baby from a mother. The nurse swiftly put her finger under the front check-in desk ready at any second to call for back up to come and take this man away before he does anything awful like kidnap an infant.

"The mother fled and left her. I'm her father and I want to take her home now." Derek became frustrated. He knew what the nurse was thinking so he went straight to the point of what happened.

"Oh," the nurse gasped as her hands covered her mouth in disbelief. "Um, sure. What's your name sir?"

"Derek Grant."

"Yes. Ok, there's one baby with the last name Grant but no first name. Also says that the parents abandoned her."

"Well, I'm here now. Can I take her?"

"Yes, since 24 hours still have not passed she won't be taken to an orphanage. Just sign these papers and her birth certificate." The nurse handed him the paperwork. Derek signed the papers as fast as he could so he could have full responsibility for her.

"Here. I have filled out all the paper." He passed the papers back to the nurse.

"I'll just file these and you'll be able to see and take the baby home."

A huge smile erupted on his face. He couldn't wait to have that little girl in his arms.

"Wait, sir. You didn't give her a name."

"Oh, ok. Well...." Derek began to get nervous he didn't know what to name the little girl. Then, before he knew it, his hand was already moving against the paper writing something down.


Her name was going to be Fable Grant.

Derek stared at the paper star struck. It sounded beautiful to him. It looked perfect for her.

"Fable. Sounds beautiful Mr. Grant." The nurse took the paper. "You could now go see her."

Once those words left the nurse's mouth, he walked as fast as the hospital could possibly let him out of there and to Fable.

Back to real time.

And that's my story. Derek became my father figure along with my mother figure. There were times I called him dad, daddy, Uncle Derek to people that didn't know my situation, and sometimes just Derek.

He's my family, my best friend, my everything in life. I couldn't live without him.

"Derek? Are we almost there?"

"Almost, but I need to stop for one more round of gas," he said.

"As long as you don't let it rip in the car, go ahead. I don't want to breathe in the fumes of the bomb you let out. Your farts may be silent but they certainly are deadly," I said shaking my head at him.

"Oh, whatever Fable. Just because I had extra union and chili on my taco doesn't mean I'm gassy. I was talking about the car, egghead, not myself," Derek said rolling his eyes as he parked the car by the gas pump.

"Sure you were," I jokingly said back to him.

We both got out of the vehicle at the same time.

Derek glanced at me over the roof of the car giving me a weird look.

"What," I asked him, weirded out.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to go get food while you fill up the tank," I answered back in a duh tone.

"And who said you could?"

"Aw," I pouted. "Come on Derek." He gave me a deadly glance telling me not to argue with him about his decision.

"Please." I gave him the puppy dog look. When he didn't even twitch I added, "Daddy."

I saw his eyes soften for a brief moment before trying to go back to his strict face, which failed.

"Fine, but I don't see why you have to go buy food. We have plenty in the car and we are almost there," he said as he rounded the car heading to my side.

"I'm sick of PB and J. I want real food."

"And chips and ice cream are real food," he asked as he brought me closer to him giving me a warm huge.

I nodded in response against his chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist since he was way taller than me.

"Ugh, fine. But don't take long or else I'm going in there to look for you."

"No, you won't. You'll most likely wait one minute, think I'm taking too long, then go rampaging through the store in search for me."

"Puff, no I wouldn't. What makes you think that?"

"Because you did it last time we stopped at a gas station," I stated matter of factly with a serious expression on my face as I pull away from him to look straight at him.

"Just hurry up. If the tank is full and you're still not in the car, I'm going in to look for you. Got it?"

"Thanks, dad." I gave him a brief hug before turning towards the store, walking quickly.

"What happened to daddy," I heard Derek ask from the distance.

I turned around to respond, "I don't want anything anymore."

Derek's mouth hung open as I turned back around while rushing inside the store.

Oops, I shouldn't have mentioned that little detail to him. Now he's going to be concise whenever I call him daddy. I'm going to need to find another way to get him to say yes when I want something.


Hey! Look at that. New story.


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And I'm talking to you. You know who you are.



:P o_O

July 02, 2016

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