Bal: a King and his queen

By Huggy3516

159K 4.2K 528

This story starts straight after the final scene of descendants and is focuses around Bal and their struggle... More

I think i love you
The enchanted lake
A summer afternoon
The date
The beach
Back to school
Class together
After practice
Surgery and press
He's awake
Interupting a family
His inner beast
Mal's in charge
Bed time benny boo
Out with the stitches
Bad boy
The trip
Beach date
Memory lane
Ancient history
The artist
Don't wanna talk about it
Sleepy fairy
Back to school
The big game
Something significant
6 months
The road ahead
Candles & twinkle lights
Week away
Heres to us
First of many
Birthday boy
A few too many
Graduaton day
Prom ~ the after party
19 years
Make or break
Broken dreams
Evil past
Red carpet
Thank you for coming
Happiness doesn't last
Don't worry
Come back to me
Getting better
A slightly less drunk christmas
Happy New year
Evies big day
Valentines day
Tipsy or just plain drunk
Wedding day
Royal Wedding
Long live the queen
First night


2K 45 5
By Huggy3516

Hey I'm really sorry I have tried never to do these but I really need to clarify, I am aware that according to all that we know Ben's birthday/coronation were in October but for this story to work I had to change that so the two pivotal points which I work around are his and Mal's birthday so in this story his birthday is in May and Mal's is about late October to early November (I can't remember off the top of my head and I don't have the book with all the details to hand but I believe it's November so yeah sorry) so I just wanted to clarify that thanks guys and I hope you're enjoying reading this fanfic xoxo

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