The Leaf?

By High5sgoaround

473K 14K 3.3K

Ida Ayumin is now 11. She left her old clan when she was 6. Feeling alone, and exhausted she is discovered... More

The Leaf?
The beginning
Secrets Unfold
My New Ninja Life
Reliving the Past
My First impression, Really?
I Have to Work With Them!
Missions go Downhill
Need to Know Basis Includes...
Kidnapped and News
Zero-Gs and More
Violence is Sometimes the Answer
When Kitties Attack
We Enter the Chunin Exams
Talking Turtes and Scary People
Have I Ever Told You I Hate Writing
Saying Farwell
Did I Just Get Bit
I'm Not Alone
More Purple
Say What!
Needle, NOOO!
Revenge is Sweet
A Girls Dream, is my Nightmare. A Day with Sasuke
Nothings Changed
My summoning
The Chunin Exams Begin
Watching the Fights
Ducks, Pandas, and Medical Ninjas, Do Not Mix!
Kabuto is Dummer than He Looks
Way to Go!
Here it Goes
It's War
Let's Make the Alcoholic our Leader, Why Not?
Unforunate Sightinings
Getting Advice from Naruto
Rematch With the Gay, Purple and Glasses Wearing, , Pain in the A** ,Ninja,
Making a Few Stops on the Way
Back Home
Almost Discovery of Sasuke's Fear
Racing with Meanies
Oh, That's Who He Was
Fight With a Purple Eyed Ninja
And the Winner Is...
Ear Shaped Landing
Friend Vs Friend Vs Apple Vs Orange
Confused Beyond Belief
My Best Friend the Traitor
New Determination
Break-Outs to Break-Ins
Ally or Enemy?
Secret of the Spiders.
Into the Mouth of the Snake
Where'd That Come From
Short Chapter, I know
Interesting Day, but Not Unusual
Shino's Fetish Has Advantages
Starting Of Our Mission
Let the Hunt Begin
Search Continues
Running Out of Time
Finding Henry
Found to Be Lost
So Close
The Begining Has Barely Begun

I meet the inhabitants

16.5K 563 163
By High5sgoaround

Okay well here is the second chapter. YEAH!!! Hope you liked the first chapter and if you were lost to what was going on or i did anything wrong. I'm so sorry I'm new and I don't understand either. So if you were confused don't feed me to the beavers I'm completely confused to. Well anyway here is the second chapter enjoy.

Story Start~

Right after we left I was kind of wondering how Fran-I mean Rinton knew which apartment to give me I mean the old man didn't say anything, did he? So now that I wasn't worried about torture and other silly stuff I started to really notice things about the village. It had a lot of places to shop. Like clothing, foods, and a weapons shop. SWEET! That means more pointy objects that could now be in my possession. I stopped walking for a few seconds because I noticed the most amazing thing ever invented. A sweet shop. And guess what there was a sale. I would've rushed over and picked up anything within grasp, but Rinton started glaring at me.

At least I think he did, hmm. Not wanting to test his patience though I kept walking, keeping that place in mind though. I also noticed that everyone had a warm happy feeling about them. It….it made me feel safe, like I was welcomed. Even though no one knew me everyone shot me a genuine smile. Rinton made a few more twists and turns when he suddenly stopped and naturally I was spaced out and ran into the back of him. And then with up most ninja grace I fell on my butt. He turned around to look at me with an annoyed expression. It made me feel like he would rather be clipping his toe nails than showing me where I'm supposed to do all my daily stuff.

"This-" he said pointing at the building in front of us. "-is your new home" Wow if I didn't know better I would think that he was actually happy that I would be staying in the same village as he. But no cause if I knew the truth about me too I would want me to be as far away as you can get from me.

"Alright, so do I just walk right in?" I asked feeling just I little stupid.

"Yes and here is the key" Rinton responding holding out a little silver object. I took it and examined it, turning it over and around.

"Before you go away can I ask something" he didn’t move, so I took that as a yes. "How did you know where to bring me I didn't hear the Hokage tell you anything."

"Hmm" he chuckled. "Kid, you have a lot to learn. He gave it to me right before we left." Rinton answered with a sly smirk on his face.  I paused for a moment.  I thought I was sly, and I also thought I noticed a lot, but compared to these anbu, I was just another little kid.

"Oh okay." I answered smartly. "Well bye then thanks for showing me where to stay." I called as I turned away to head inside.

"Hey kid. For you own benefit don't tell a lot of people about her." he suggested to me. Yeah like I would need that advice, but I was kind all the same.

"Okay I won't.   Thank you for all you've done." I replied, and with that he was gone. I walked to the door and slid the key in. The door unlocked with a soft click, and I pushed it open. I peered inside; it had a living room with a sofa and TV inside. There was a kitchen attached to the side. I walked inside. The kitchen had a fridge, microwave, and a table and chair. Farther back was a staircase. Which I'm guessing led to the bedroom and bathroom.

Turns out I was correct. I opened the door to my new room. It had inside it a plain wooden desk and a chair, a bed with white sheets, and I closet in which the door slid open. It wasn't a lot, but hey it was home, and I could always buy paintings and get new bedding to give the room some color. I set my bag on the bed and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my refection all I saw was the same long brown hair a shade or two lighter than being black, same creamy white skin, and last my eyes, yeah they were still the same purple with little gold flakes, but…but they were different. They had a light in them.

They weren't just the same boring dull look that I've had for the past 5 years, and they didn't have the sad, hurt, sorrowful look that they had for the first 6 years of my life. My eyes were filled with a light that you only get from true happiness, and I was happy so, so happy. I had a home I would meet children almost the same age as me. Better yet known of them would be afraid because of what I can do or, for what I hide. They wouldn't be mean because of the family I was from. The kids would like me for just being me or, they wouldn't. But I don't care I can finally be me. Well maybe not quite yet. I don't want to give away my personality until I know the others. Anyway I was beat so I braided my hair and went back to my room. I was so tired I didn't even have time to change out of my clothes. I went to sleep thinking of tomorrow. It would be my first day at the academy.


UGH! Just shut up birds. Oh no not the dancing waffles don't leave me please don't NOOOOOOOO! Well now that I had no other reason to still be sleeping; I sat up. The sun was high in the sky so, I guessed that it was around noon...

"AWW! I'm so late to my first day at school" and with that I bolted out of bed" Oh well I'm already late no reason to rush. I went down stairs to check out what kind of food was in the house, if there was any. Turns out there wasn't "Urgh" I groaned. "Might as well get dressed then" I looked down "or I could just.." No, No!”  I told myself clean clothes are our friends. "Okay yeah annoying voice in my head I know I know." After getting dressed and brushing my hair I grabbed my wallet out of my bag.

"Lets see." Okay I had two-hundred and fifty yen. Hope that's enough to get some food.


I was walking down the street deciding to go to that ramen place I saw yesterday when I walked home from the Hokage's place. Cause who wants to go to school on an empty stomach and, I can just say I got lost on the way. So I was half way there when suddenly I was run over by a big orange blob with blonde hair. We both fell over and did this blob stand up and, then help me up. NO! Big jerk just gets up runs away again. "Gosh some people are just so rude" I complained to no one in particular while dusting myself off."

"I think he ran this way." yelled a male voice and then several other people ran swiftly by me. Now I was severely dizzy and fell down AGAIN!

"Wow this just isn't my day. And now I'm not hungry any more. Might as well just head to school." I sighed. I remember seeing it on the way to my apartment so I knew where it was. The Hokage told me he would take care of what class I would be in and to just tell someone my name and they would lead me to the class. So that is just what I would do.

"Excuse me. My name is Ida and, the Hokage told me..." I was cut off

"Oh so that’s you, yes I know just follow me. The day is almost over but, I'm still glad you came." said the women. She started walking down a hallway so, I followed her. "Right here. Just walk on in. Okay? She smiled.

"Alright" I answered a little annoyed. People always treat me like I'm weak just ‘cause I'm short. I put my hand on the door and with my more "reassuring" smile over her shoulder she walked away. Sigh. When I walked in the room everything was different than I thought it would be.

First thing I noticed though, was the blob that ran me over sitting on the floor tied up getting chewed out by the teacher, and because of that no one noticed me at first.   Well until I started laughing. I mean who couldn't (unless you were used to it) but I surely wasn't.

"I… I.. I'm sorry" I stuttered through my laughing. "It's just after trampling me down this morning, I think it’s what you deserve" I finished giggling. The sensei stopped yelling at the blonde to look at me.

"Hello you must be my new student, Ida. Hi I'm Iruka sensei." he said with a smile. Even though he was just yelling I could tell he really did care about all us, probably the blonde even more so.

"Hello." I replied kindly.

He smiled "You can sit next to Sasuke... it being the only seat open.”

"Okay I replied. I looked up. I saw a boy with a glare on his face, dark almost bottomless eyes, hair that every duck wished their rear-end would look like, and of course the only empty seat in the room. As I walked up to go sit by him I hear random comments like "Lucky" and "Why her?  I’m so much better looking" and a few "She better not try anything He is mine."

 When I got to the seat I didn't even try to say "Hello" and shake his hand. I could tell this boy wouldn’t even smile. He would probably look at it and think it was green or, that he could get cooties if he touched me.

So I just kept my eyes forward and watch the scene unfold. It wasn't very excited just yelling so I zoned out and thought of how cool it would be if Jumping Beans were real and if they could be taught to dance. What pulled me out of those thoughts though were the groans of everyone around me. Confused I decided to ask Duck-butt what was going on and surprisingly he answered.

"We have to use transformation jutsu ‘casue of that idiot down there." he replied in a tone of ice.

"Hmm what do we transform into" I asked again.

This time he looked at me like I was stupid "Anything." he replied. Wow blunt huh. I could so do this, but what should I transform into, a tree, unicorn, mini trees that everyone calls broccoli? Everyone was turning into Grampa Hokage so, I decided to do that, too. It’s probably safer just to follow the crowd for now.

"Next up Naruto Uzamaki" Iruka called from his role sheet.

"I can do this "Believe It" chimed in Naruto. I was so not ready for what happened next though and I don’t  think Iruka was either. Did Naruto transform into the Hokage nope he transformed into a naked girl. Sasuke was right next to me so I covered his eyes on instinct after Naruto transformed back I uncovered them. And the king of emo gave me his usual glare so; I gave him my big, sweet, innocent eyes.

 I swear he turned away as a light pink color. Huh interesting Mr. No Emotion but mean glares might actually have more than that one emotion. After Naruto got yelled at again he tried to transform again. This time it was the Hokage sort of. I mean it had the same clothes but it was deformed and short I mean like my size short. Aww poor kid has no talent,

After we all transformed class was over. So I decided to do a little shopping for clothes. I found a purple top that had bell sleeves and was long, then a got teal leggings, than I got a weapons pouch that was placed just below my shirt end, black mesh arm bands, bandages to wrap around my ankles up to mid-calf, and last purple ninja shoes.

Next I went to the weapon store. I got a few more scrolls that I can seal weapons inside of, and I got a few heavy weights that are thin so they will slide in between my bandages on my legs. You see I'm really fast and I don't want to give away my true speed so weights are the perfect solution.

 I also got a katana, to seal in the scroll, a thin sword and sheath to go on my back, and some more kunai knives and shuriken. Now I was all loaded up on sharp objects. You should be afraid very afraid. Mwuahhahahahaha. GROWL!!! Oh wow I'm hungry I haven't eaten in a day.

I was walking along looking for a place to eat. I had spent a lot of my money on clothes and weapons that now I hardly had any for food. I walked by Ichiraku's ramen bar when I heard two familiar voices. Naruto and Iruka sensei's. So I walked in.

"Hey!" I said

"Ida." they both mumbled through mouthfuls of ramen.

"Mind if I join you guys?" I asked sheepishly

"Not at all." Iruka said through his ramen.

"The thing is I have no money." I admitted

"Its fine I'm already paying for Naruto's and as long as you don't eat like him I will pay for yours to."

"REALLY! THANKS SO MUCH' I yelled as I ran over to glomp him in my hugs. These people were really nice and kind. The kind of people that I would trust my life with. I feel that they would keep any secret, protect me, and make feel better no matter what state they are in themselves.

That is how I spent my second evening in Konoha. Talking to Naruto, laughing with Iruka, and eating ramen. And the thing is I didn't feel like I had to hide who I really was. They both accepted me just the way I came. To tell you the truth even though I just met then we already have a strong bond with them, and I'm beginning to know what it’s like to love and to be loved.

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