The Unhappy Bride

By Tianna0984

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The story of a girl who didn't want to marry a person her parents wanted her too. Ever since she was a little... More

My wedding day
In too deep
The truth
Starting over
Month one
Month two
Second trimester
Whos the father
Remeber me
Back home
Im leaving
Mike vs. Kyle
My baby
My Wedding Day
Bonus chapter

Month three

36 1 1
By Tianna0984

"Alright Mrs. Austin we have to do some blood work."

"Okay." I said as the nurse took me in the back. She led me into a room. I hate getting shots. Luckily Mike was here but Kyle was here too. The nurse checked my vitals. I gained ten pounds. Then she began looking for a place in my arm to take blood.

"Mrs. Austin do we have to hold you down again." The nurse laughed.

"She'll be good this time doc." Mike said as he stood next to me. Kyle just sat there.

"Alright look the other way, Mrs. Austin." She said as she brought the needle closer to my arm. Mike kissed me as I closed my eyes. I felt the needle. It stung a little, but I was used to it at this point. I've had blood work done so many times now its ridiculous.

"You did it Mrs. Austin." The nurse sighed as she took the needle out and put on a bandage in my arm.

"The doctor should be here shortly." She left. Mike laughed at me.

"It's not funny I hate getting blood work done."

"Okay okay I'm sorry Kayla." I kissed him. I'm glad I have him. Kyle made a gauging sound.

"Is there a problem Kyle?"

"No." He said with a serious tone. Mike and I continued our conversation until Dr. Cooper came in.

"Makayla we're going to take another look at the baby today and there's something we found when we went back to see your ultra sound."

"What is it?"

"Well you'll see it today." She said as she rubbed my stomach with the jell and turned the lights out. She brought the screen close to where I laid and we heard two heartbeats.

"You're having twins Makayla." She moved the machine along my stomach to show two babies. Mike and Kyle were smiling. I was elated. Two babies oh my gosh.

"I'm having twins."

"Oh Dr. Cooper can I ask you something?" Kyle said. Mike looked at him. I was a little shocked that he'd had anything to say at all. We all were staring at him.


"If she had sex with two people and neither of them used protection, can one of the babies have a different dad?"

"Yes but that's like a one and a million chance, we can see who the father is now if you all would like?"

"Yes I-

"No, we don't." I interrupted.

"Makayla says no and mommy makes the final decision." The doctor turned the lights on.

"Thank you Dr. Cooper. Now when do I find out the sex of the baby?"

"Well you can do it today but you don't like needles. You have to wait another month, but since its twins you might have both." She said as she went to her desk to pick up her needle she needed.

"Well I'd like to know today." I sighed.

"Alright then we'll do it today. Makayla this is gong to hurt but here goes." I felt the needle and I cried. Mike squeezed my hand as I cringed. She pulled the needle out. "Results should be back later today, I'll call you." She said as she left with the fluid she had collected.

"Okay." I said as I adjusted my shirt. Mike and I went home. What Kyle asked the doctor was on my mind. What if the other baby is his. Am I supposed to let him have one of my children. My mind was on overload. Now I need two cribs and double the items for the baby. Mike noticed I was getting tense. He grabbed my shoulders.

"Makayla calm down. Everything's going to be okay."

"Mike I need a vacation."

"Yes you do but I'm not letting you go by yourself."

"Okay, I want to go to Orlando, oh no Tampa."

"Alright we'll pack for the weekend when we get home."

"Thank you baby. I really needed you in there I almost died as the needle touched my arm."

"It's no biggie Kayla." He said as we got home. When we got to our house we packed. Well Mike packed both of our things. I felt a little winded and I took a nap until he was done.

"Kayla do you want to fly or take a road trip? He said as he woke me up.


"Alright our flight is tomorrow morning at nine."

"Okay" I said as he joined me in bed.

"Are you still tired sexy hippo?" He laughed as he tickled me.

"Mike no." I laughed as I tried to make him stop tickling me.

"Okay okay I'll stop." He said as he kissed me.

"Mike I gained ten pounds."

"I know but you're carrying two babies and you're also feeding for three." He said as he rubbed my stomach.

"Yep little Michael and Mahala." I said as I wrapped my hand around his.

"Yea." We kissed. It was twelve thirty, lunch time. I had the weirdest cravings. If it wasn't pickles and chocolate then it was ranch. Sometimes I just liked to smell different things. I know it's weird but I couldn't help it. Last week I almost ate Mikes soap, but he caught me.

"Mike can you get my cookie dough ice cream please."

"I got it honey."he said as he came in the room. He gave me a spoon and my pint of ice cream.

"Baby I feel fat." I cried.

"You're not fat you're pregnant." He are as he wiped my tears away.

"You're just saying that because you're my husband." I cried louder.

"Kayla I wouldn't lie to you." He says as he took my ice cream and held me like a baby. I was still crying. Mike called Jeffery. He took our bags to the car.

"Where are we going?"

"Just let me take care of you." He said as he carried me to the elevator and car. We drove to the airport. He talked to the pilot and we got a private flight. Jeffery loaded our luggage and we were off.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I lied. I began to feel queasy. I felt like I was going to throw up everywhere. Mike kissed me and massaged my neck. He knew I felt sick. His massage made me feel a little bit better.

"Thank you." I said as I kissed him.


We were in Tampa now. We've been here for about two days now. I loved the fresh, humid air. I felt free. You can actually see the stars at night here. It was amazing. Mike and I were at dinner. We were eating until Mike got an unexpected call.

"Hello." he said as he walked outside. I could see him through the window.

"This is Dr. Coopers nurse, we have the results from the test."


"Well Mr. Austin you'll be happy to know that you're having a boy and a girl and you are the father."

"Thank you doctor." He said as he walked back inside. When he sat back down he looked at me. He was so happy. I didn't want to ruin his night so I let him be happy.

"Makayla you're having a girl and a boy." He said almost shouting with excitement.

"That's great." I said. He kissed me and calmed down. He was so happy but I could see he was hiding something. I looked him in his eyes but I still didn't know what he was hiding.


Questions, comments, concerns
Mike is sneaky just when we though he got better

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