Dousing the Flame

By Ukume279

75.8K 2.8K 1.4K

Yugi is in college now! Dorm rooms, classes, friends, and a new relationship. Is this new relationship the on... More

First Days of College
Such a Great Day
A True Glimpse
Worried Professor
First Fight
Crossing the Line
Road to Recovery
Close Encounter
Surprises Surprises
Yugi's Strength & Weakness
Taking the Next Step
There's Always a First Time
A Special Ingredient
Little Golden Pyramid
The Day Before
It's Time
Gifts and a Classroom Visit
Yugi is Exausted
The Big News
Little One
Much Needed Rest
Kunji Cave
Evening Ride
Shivers and Aches
Sneaking Around
The Amazon
Ignored Transmissions
Back to Domino
Going Home
Surprise Party
Tag Team
He's Gone
An Unexpected Return

Finding Love

2.4K 94 107
By Ukume279

A/N: Hellooooooo everyone! Thank you so much for your support with the votes! Keep them coming! You are welcome to feed the authoress with comments as well. I promise I won't bite.... Well... at least not hard. *Grins*

I hope you like the chapter!


Yugi groaned; the large brilliant amethyst eyes cracked open, "Where, am I?"

Yami lowered the book he was reading to his lap, "You are at the hospital. Do you remember what happened?"

Yugi's face turned bright pink, "Yes." He whispered.

"How are you feeling?" Yami stood. Placing the book on the chair he had just occupied, he approached the side of Yugi's bed.

"Much better now," the petite youth looked around the hospital room for a few moments; his eyes eventually returning to Yami.

Yami leaned against the bed and looked deep into the big amethyst pools of sadness, "Why did you do it, Yugi? Why would you try to kill yourself?"

Yugi gulped, "You probably won't believe me if I told you."

Yami tilted his head, "Why do you say that?"

Yugi sighed and shook his head, "I wasn't trying to kill myself."

Confusion etched its way onto the young professor's face, "But you overdosed. That usually means the person is trying to commit suicide."

"I promise that was not the case. At least not completely. I needed an escape so I took a gamble," amethyst eyes adverted from searching crimson. Small hands traced the fabric of the hospital bed as Yugi glanced downward, avoiding the intense look Yami was giving him.

Yami raised an eyebrow, "An escape and a gable? That is a damn big gamble, Yugi."

Yugi's head snapped up, tears filled his eyes, "I know! But I figured, either way, it would be an escape! I was desperate, Yami! I couldn't take it anymore."

"What happened to you to bring you to this point little one?" Yami sat on the bed and placed his hand on Yugi's trembling ones.

"I...don't want to talk about it," Yugi blinked away the tears and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Yugi," Yami gave the youth's hands a squeeze, "It was Dominick wasn't it?"

After several long moments of heavy silence, Yugi nodded. He gave up on holding back the tears. They appeared in his gorgeous amethyst eyes and escaped down his cheeks, leaving salty wet trails in their wake.

Yami's mouth went dry and he could feel his rage building. He took a deep breath and masked his rage behind a smile, "It will be okay. I won't let him hurt you again," he gave Yugi's hands a squeeze and stood, "I need to go back to campus for a little while. I will return later."

"Okay." Yugi squeezed his hand in return as small smile crawled its way across his lips as he watched his professor gather his belongings.

Yami paused at the door and turned, "I will return today, Yugi. Please get some rest. You need it."

Yugi nodded again before he allowed his body to relax and let go of the conscious world. He was plummeted into a deep and much needed sleep.

The crimson eyes were alight with the fury burning within him. He had never been this angry before. He took long determined strides, searching the campus for the object of his fury; Dominick. It was probably not a good idea to be searching for him while this angry, but he didn't care. Yugi had been seriously abused by this asshole and he would make him pay.

The rage burning behind his eyes almost made them glow with fury. He scanned the school grounds; finally locating the blue eyed devil twenty minutes later. He approached Dominick, his dominating aura adding to his current intimidating aura.

Dominick looked up from his cell phone when a shadow fell on him, blocking the sunlight, "Hello professor. What can I do for you?" Dominick smiled.

Yami scowled at him, "May I speak with you privately for a few moments?"

"Of course," Dominick smiled charmingly and gathered his backpack before following the professor to a secluded area on campus grounds.

Yami paused, his eyes looking anywhere except the face of Yugi's abuser. He had to calm himself down a little before facing the boy or he would kill him that very minute.

"Soooo...what did you want to talk to me about Yami?" Dominick asked taking one step forward.

"You almost killed him." Yami growled, finally turning to look him in the eyes.

"What?" Dominick dropped his bag, "I..I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course you do," Yami spoke very softly and painfully clearly, "you know exactly what I am talking about." Yami growled, his crimson eyes piercing into Dominick's soul. "You. Almost. KILLED. HIM. I know you have been abusing him this entire time. I know the truth."

Dominick blushed, "You don't know anything teach. Whatever Yugi told you was a lie."

"I never mentioned, Yugi, did I? You are the one to confirm you know exactly what I am referring to." In that moment Yami lunged for Dominick. He pinned the boy up against the brick wall. His left forearm held Dominick painfully to the wall. Dominick struggled beneath Yami's strength unsuccessfully. Yami may be petite for a man, but he was by no means weak. He was much stronger than he looked. He brought his face close to Dominick's. The blue eyed youth could feel his hot breath against his skin.

"What are you going to do?" Dominick whimpered.

"Not fun being dominated is it?" Yami spoke softly. His voice came out in an eerily calm tone, "You are never to go near Yugi ever again. You are not to go to his dorm and you are not to talk to him. You are not to try and contact him in any way, shape or form. Do I make myself clear?"

Pushing his luck, "And what will you do if I do not follow your instructions, Professor."

Yami's forearm pushed on Dominick even harder, the bricks beginning to cut against his back, "Do you really want to find out?" Yami snarled.

"You would lose your job professor, not to mention go to jail." Dominick grinned.

"A very little price to pay in order to make a slime like you pay for his actions and pay for what you've done to Yugi," Yami's normally warm and smooth baritone voice ice cold with hatred.

"Now, let me ask you one last time. Do I make myself clear? You are not to contact Yugi in any way," the professor struggled to keep his composure; his tempter threatened to boil over and make the little bastard pay right now.

Dominick gulped, "What about his things at my apartment?"

"You can drop them off at my office."

Dominick nodded.

"Good." Yami released the boy. Dominick physically shaken slowly picked up his bag all the while still keeping his eyes on Yami who in turn did not remove his deadly crimson gaze from the youth. Once Dominick had his backpack strapped on his back, he ran as fast as he could away from Yami; tripping a couple of times in his attempt to escape the protective professor.


Yugi yawned, stretching his sore muscles. He did not know how long he had been asleep or how long he had been in the hospital for that matter. He heard footsteps come closer to him and then a weight next to him on the bed. He finally opened his eyes and were staring into warm pools of crimson.

"Hello, Yami," Yugi tilted his head and smiled.

Yami smiled at him, "Hello little one. How do you feel?"

"A lot better right now. My vision is back to normal as is my hearing. How long have I been sleeping?"

"Two days." Yami replied.

"What!" Yugi sat up, "Everyone will be so worried about me! And my classes! The professors will drop me!" Yugi began to panic. He felt a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"No need to worry about any of that, Yugi. I spoke to your friends to let them know you are alright and where you are." He pointed to the table beside Yugi, "They have come to visit you a few times". There were flowers and cards on the table next to him along with his stuffed Kuriboh. Yugi reached out to the table for his stuffed friend; his fingers fell just shy of the soft plush animal. Yami smiled, grabbed the little stuffed creature, and handed it to Yugi.

"Thank you. Yami," Yugi closed his eyes and nuzzled the soft fur of the Kuriboh.

"You are very welcome. I have also asked your friends for a list of classes and professors which they provided. I have already taken the liberty of speaking to them. They know that something has happened to you and you may not be able to attend class for a little while; but, you will be keep up with the studies on your own. Additionally, I have informed them to not drop you."

Yugi smiled, "You did all of that for me?"

Yami nodded, "I am happy to help you, Yugi."

"What about..." Yugi gulped. He licked his lips.

"What about what little one?" Yami asked reaching his hand to Yugi's face and gently caressing the delicate skin.

"What about Dom?" Yugi asked; his body beginning to tremble at the very mention of his tormentor.

Yami smiled, "Don't worry about him. He won't be bothering you again."

Yugi looked at him confused /What does that mean? I wonder what he did./ Yugi thought, leaning his face into the soft caress of his professor.

"Also, I do not think it would be a good idea for you to go back to your dorm for a while. Dominick knows where your dorm is and I do not think you should give him the opportunity to visit you," Yami withdrew his hand from Yugi's cheek.

"I thought you just said he wouldn't bother me again," Yugi's blinked in confusion.

"Most likely he won't; however, I do not want him to have the opportunity," Yami explained.

"But..then where am I supposed to go? I don't have any family near here and I can't afford an apartment and a dorm," Yugi's voice hitched, "I have nowhere to go."

Yami smiled warmly, "With me. I would be honored if you would stay with me. I can and will protect you from him. As an added bonus, Dominick doesn't know where my apartment is," Yami winked.

Yugi could hardly believe what he had just heard, "Stay with you? Are you sure?"

Yami nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way. I am not sure if you realize, but we have some kind of connection. I want to make sure you are protected and well taken care of."

Yugi thought about Yami's comment. He did feel safe near Yami and he did feel something else for this man. Something much deeper. He just wasn't sure what it was yet.

"What say you little one?" Yami smiled.

Yugi nodded, "I think it is a great idea. When do I get to go home with you that is?"

"They are releasing you this afternoon," Yami commented; his eyes locked on the petite tri-colored youth. They stared at each other for several long minutes before Yami leaned into Yugi kissing him on the forehead. When Yami sat up, Yugi re-positioned himself into a sitting position as well. Without warning, he wrapped his arms around Yami's muscular shoulders and wept.

"Please don't let him hurt me anymore," Yugi's voice quivered.

Yami, surprised at first, returned the hug. His arms brought Yugi closer to him. They could each feel the other's heartbeat against their chest, "I wouldn't dream of it little one. I promise you, he will not harm you anymore."

Yugi pulled away momentarily from the hug; his red swollen amethyst eyes drinking in the exotic beauty before him. Without warning, Yugi crushed his lips to Yami's in a passionate kiss. Every fiber of Yami's being wanted to continue the kiss. It pained him to pull away, "Yugi I can't."

Tears stung Yugi's eyes again, "You don'" Yugi squeaked /Maybe Dom was right. I am undesirable./

"No! That's not it Yugi!" Yami placed his hands on the cherubic cheeks forcing Yugi to look him in the eyes. "You are vulnerable right now, Yugi. I can't do that to you," Yami admitted, "but, right now is not the time. You need to heal."

Hope filled the large amethyst eyes, " do want me?"

Yami nodded "With every ounce of my being."

Yugi looked at him with such bright hope filled eyes, /Dom was wrong then! Dom was WRONG! I am wanted!/ The amethyst eyed youth felt happier than he had in a very long time, "Thank you, Yami. For everthing."

"My pleasure," Yami nodded.

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