
By jojo9635

11.6K 332 76

Do you know the feeling if you just want to get away? No? Well, I can say that it is a shitty feeling. Now g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note
Chapter 21
Authors note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 8

239 7 1
By jojo9635

I wake up to someone softly knocking on the door. I sit up and rub my eyes. I look around confused at first before the things from last night slowly start to trickle in. It knocks again. "Yes." I say and yawn. Mar comes in. "Good morning." "Morning." She responds and smiles. "What time is it?" I ask and kick away my blanket. "Half past twelve." "Wow, i slept long." She nods. "Are you hungry?" I nod and get out of my bed. Since she also still is in her night gown i don't change. We walk down the hallway and she knocks on every door. "Everyone up! Breakfast!" She shouts when we arrive the stairs. There are shuffeling noises and then the first door opens. Its lynn. She grunts and pushes past us. "Go downstairs. I'll come in a second." Mar says and i nod. "Okay." I slowly walk downstairs and sit at the table opposite from Lynn. "Good morning." I say and smile. She just nods. I supress a smile. I don't know why but i kind of like this girl. She isn't very friendly or open but she is herself. Cool. Four comes down as the next one. He already wears his clothes. A black shirt and jeans. His hair glitters with water. He probably just showered. He sits down next to me. I clear my throat. "So four. Could you take a look at my car again? That would be amazing." He nods. Lynn grins. "You should get used to that. Four rarely talks. He doesn't mean it offencive." I smile as well and shoot him a side ways look. He looks at his plate. Then uriah comes runnig down the stairs. "Fooooooood!" I start laughing. Uriah sits down next to lynn and kisses her cheek. Lynn wipes her cheek and makes a disgusted face. "euuuh! Uriah! You are disgusting!" I laugh even harder. This guys are so much fun. Shauna and Mar arrive next. Shauna sits on Fours other side. Mar slides into the seat next to me. Zeke arrives last and sits on the other side of Lynn. We all just sit there untill uriah asks: "Ehm Mar? The food?" We all start laughing and Mar slaps her forehead. "I knew i forgot something." She grins and stands up. I get up as well. "Shall i help you." She laughs. "No its fine. Breakfast is my responability today." I nod and sit down again. Mar comes back with bread and we start eating.
Twenty minutes later we all are finished. "So Tris. Now is question time..." uriah says and rubs his hands. We all stand up and then plop onto the couches. Mar, shauna, lynn and i are on one couch and Four, Zeke and Uriah are on the other. "Who starts?" I ask and smile. "Oh me me me!" Zeke shouts and raises his hand high in the air. I laugh along with the others. "So, what grade are you in?" "I just finished school." "Wow how old are you?" "Just turned 18." He nods and then the questions continue. I tell them that my favourite colour is blue or red, that my favourite hobby is reading or learning maps, that i never had a fight in my life, that my birthday is on the 6. April and so on. I tell them a lot of things but i also get to know a lot of things about them. Apart from four. He is quiet nearly the whole time, only when i say from which town i'm from he looks up. Alert. I don't know why. All i know about him is that he is 20 and that his name is Four. Thats it. He is mysterious but that makes me want to know something about him even more. After two hours of talking i walk upstairs to get dressed. When i come down again four comes towards me. "Should we take a look at your car?" I just nod and follow him into the entrence hallway. I put on my shoes and my anorak. He does the same. When we step outside the cold wind hits me and i shiver. He aparerently noticed because he says: "If you are cold you should go inside." He says is with soemthing weird in his voice. Is this meant as a demand? If yes i won't let him control me. I cross my arms and shake my head. "I am not cold. Can we start now?" I think i see the corners of his mouth twitch but maybe i just imagined it because then his look is a stern as ever. We walk towards my car and he opens the hood again. The sun peeks out behind the clouds and shines onto the engine. Again when he leans forward his shirt slips up a bit and i stare at the thin line of skin. Stupid! I scold myself and look away. He looks around a bit and then stands straight again. I never noticed how straight he stands. Totally upright. It makes him look more intimidating. "You to replace a part. We will have to order it. I would cancel your dates." "I have none to fullfill." He shrugs and turns toward the house again. "I'll order it now." I nod and quickly follow him. He takes such big steps that i need two for one of his. "How long do you think will that take?" I ask. He shrugs and just walk inside. Okaaay... I follow him. Inside i collide with Zeke. "Sorry." I mumble. "No problem." I look up and down at him. "Are you doing some kind of sport now?" "Oh yeah. Didn't we tell you? We have sports every second day. We do fighting, knife throwing and shooting and stuff. Do you want to join us?" I hesitate. "I don't know... i'm not very good at sports you know..." he shrugs. "That doesn't matter. Four is really good. He is trainer there. He trains a few new ones anyway. You could join. Uriah, Lynn and Mar would be in your group..." i think about it and then nod. "Okay, why not. But i dom't have and sports clothes..." "ask Mar." I nod and spot her on the couch, texting someone. "Hey mar." She looks up and smiles. "Yes, trissy-wissy." I roll my eyes and she grins. "No nicknames!" I groan and she giggles. "Anyway, i jut wanted to ask whether you could borrow a few sport clothes from you. Zeke invited me to join your training." She jumps up. "Of course! Come with me!" She drags me up the stairs and into her room.
She has a really girly room. A bit like the one of Chris. She digs through her giant wardrobe. She throws a pair of sport short, a sports bra and a tight black sport tshirt at me. "Ok and now get dress!" I laugh. "Thanks." "No problem." I stumble into my room and get dressed. The things are a bit big but all in all okay. The shorts is tighter than anything i've worn before and the sport shirt also is really tight. I shrug and step out of my room. When mar sees me she squeels. "Omg you look amazing! Here put this on! Or it will be too cold." She throws a pair of sweat pants and a cardigan at me. "Thanks." I say while slipping the things no. She smiles at me widely and then drags me down the stairs.
I put on my shoes that kind of are sport shoes and let Mar drag me towards the van. Everyone is already sitting there. Four is driving, zeke is on the fron seat. Uri sits in the last row and Shauna and Lynn in the middle. Shauna, uri and Zeke sing along to some song i don't know. Mar squeezes in the back next to uri and i sit next to her. Lynn shuts the door and then zeke shouts: "Lets start!" And everyone cheers. I laugh. Well, lets start then.

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