The Keeper

Galing kay robbigee

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Marcus is and Angelic Guardian, a Guardian who has been assigned to watch over Brindle a prospective Keeper... Higit pa

Prologue - Chapters 1 & 2
Chapters 3 - 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 11

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Galing kay robbigee

                                                       Chapter 11

Brindle sat on the couch and Marcus in his customary chair opposite her.  “Marcus,” she began.  “I don’t need to rest; I’m not tired at all.” 

Marcus nodded and said, “When I say rest little one what I mean is for you to be still, to rest your mind…” 

“You mean meditate?”  She asked. 

“Yes, in a sense, but more so that you quieten your mind and let it wonder through what has happened today, come to terms with it and then ask any questions you might have.”

Brindle considered this for a moment then responded, “Actually that’s a good idea Marcus, I think I need to mull over everything for a bit and yeah, I’m sure to have questions.  But then will we talk about what happens next?”

Marcus nodded at Brindle, “We will discuss many things this night I believe, but first you need to be still and let your mind quieten itself.”  He waited for Brindle to agree with him and when she nodded he asked if she would like to rest on the couch or in her bedroom.  She opted for her bedroom and he followed her in.

When she’d settled on the bed she asked him if he was going to stay and watch her, she was getting use to him being with her, but she also wanted a bit of space too and sensing this he said he would be in the living room. 

As he turned to leave she called to him, “Marcus, will you always be here with me… I mean like we have been since I met you, or will it be… intermittent, depending on how well things settle down?”

Her question stopped him in his tracks; he wasn’t expecting this question until things had as she put it settled down.  He knew what he should tell her, knew what he wanted to tell her and thought for a moment before answering not wanting to lie to her. 

“I will always be near little one, I may not be here in the physical as I am now, but all you need do is call and I would be by your side in a moment.”

He sighed and for a moment age and the years of his existence began to creep into his face.  He turned from her before she could see this, not wanting her to see that she had caught him off guard and that he was also having difficulty in responding to her. 

“You are part of me now little one, as I am part of you.”  He left it at that and walked slowly back to his seat in the living room.

Brindle looked after him not exactly sure of what he’d tried to say to her, she knew he would always be near and for now she decided to concentrate on that.  This was a good thing as who knew when she might need him.  But there was something else in what he’d said that sent a slight prickle up the back of her neck, something she had a feeling she’d need to deal with sometime soon.

She shook her head trying to clear her mind and lay back on the pillows snuggling up with Jake and letting her mind quieten as Marcus put it.  She concentrated on her breathing, slowing it down and as she did so her mind really did seem to quieten.  She opened herself up to it and let her mind wonder at will, the day played out in front of her like watching a movie, just like the memories Obanab had given her.

Brindle watched quietly taking note of all that happened, but paying particular attention to the scene in her Uncle’s office as she took charge and added to her Uncle’s attempt at security.  She shook her head internally at what she’d done, realising that she’d pulled all the information from someplace in her newly installed memories.

She had no idea where she’d gotten the things she needed, only that she knew what was needed and she drew them to her.  She looked down at her hand and saw the silver ring on her finger and touched the hematite set in it, it was cold and hard, but somewhat comforting as well.  She would always wear this ring now and would make sure that her Uncle and Marcus did so as well.  She wasn’t sure if Marcus needed it, but it made her feel better knowing he had it.

Brindle thought about the fire ball Kendrick had produced and was grateful she’d reacted quickly enough to get out of its path.  Then she came to the moment when she stopped Kendrick in his tracks and was truly shocked that she had been able to do so.  She saw how her hold slipped twice before she took control and looked at it from an analytical perspective realising that once she believed she could do it she had.

She watched as the breeze drifted in through the window and encompassed him, binding him in place.  She was amazed not so much that she’d stopped him but at the fact that she was able to banish him, sending him back to hell and preventing him from ever setting foot in this world again.  For a moment she was in awe of the power she had wielded, then she was just grateful that she’d succeeded, that they were all alive and well.

The thought of ‘power’ came to her again and as she considered it and the fact that this ‘power’ would grow as her knowledge and belief in herself did, she realised why they wanted her… why Kendrick’s Master had sent him for her.

A cold shiver ran down Brindles’ spine and she started to shake.  She turned her head and Marcus was standing in the doorway, concern written over his face.  He stood silently waiting for her to speak, knowing that she had been sorting out the information from the day.

“Holy crap Marcus!”  She stared at her Guardian wide eyed, her heart pounding.  “It’s possible isn’t it?  I could turn… to evil, I could join them?  It’s happened before hasn’t it?” 

Without realising she’d done so, Brindle searched his mind and drew in a sharp breath when she felt his reaction to the first time she became really angry with him.  She felt his shock and the realisation that as good hearted and kind as she was, evil could possibly take hold.  She saw and felt his fear and she stared at him in horror, tears streaming down her face.

“Move forward in my thoughts little one, do not stay with the fear I felt for you.  You are so much more than any of us assumed you would be.  You are kindness and compassion and you are genuine in your caring and your need to do what is right.  No evil is powerful enough to sway you to its cause.”

Brindle looked at him fear in her eyes, she needed reassurance, and she needed to know that this could never be a possibility for her.

“Marcus…” she said and couldn’t find words to go on. 

Marcus sat on the side of her bed taking her hands in his, “It is alright little one, there is no need to fear, you proved that to yourself when you told Kendrick it would never be possible for you to turn to evil.”

He smiled at her gently and knew she wanted, needed more.  “You are right little one it has happened before, but that was very long ago and the ‘Keeper’ was no where near as strong or in tune with the elements as you are.  You know what is right, what is good and act accordingly, this ‘Keeper’ was lost to us before we had a chance to prepare her for any of what was to come.”

Brindle wiped at her eyes and said, “Marcus, how can you be so sure that I won’t end up the same way?” 

Brindles’ hair had fallen into her face and Marcus pulled it back gently and tucked it behind her ear.  “I know little one, I am part of you now, just as you are part of me.  I would feel it if you were capable of turning to evil… and you are not!”

Brindle moved forward needing comfort and put her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder she cried.  She needed his words of reassurance, she needed to hear that she was good, that she wasn’t capable of becoming what Kendrick or his Master wanted her to be.  And more than that, at that moment she needed the comfort of her Guardian’s arms, she needed to be held and to feel the warmth and strength of his body soothing her. 

She desperately needed to believe in herself and know that she was what Marcus and Obanab and the ‘Others’ who ever they were, thought she was.  In short she wanted, needed to be the best ‘Keeper’ she could be.  This was her heritage, her calling and she was determined to do it justice.

Marcus held her close and he felt her shaking as she spent her tears.  He knew she had had a great deal to contend with of late and considering everything she had handled it all very well.  So if she needed to cry then so be it.

When she calmed down he got her to put her head down for a while and rest, but she wouldn’t let him go… wouldn’t let him leave, she wanted to talk and she didn’t want to be alone. 

“Marcus,” she began.  “I understand why the ‘Mother’ calls me child and even Obanab, but you seem to think of me in the same way.  Why?  Just how old are you anyway?”

Marcus let out his breath in disbelief, this was not a question he had expected from his Charge and yet he was learning to expect the unexpected from her. 

“I am not mortal little one, so you should not judge my age in this manner.  I am what you would consider old, perhaps very old, I have lived a very long time and if I have referred to you as ‘child’ it was not meant in the context you assume.”

He considered his words carefully not wanting Brindle to get her back up, “You are young little one, very young in terms of Obanab the ‘Mother’ and I, this is what was meant by ‘child’ it was not meant to be derogatory.  You have in fact shown maturity beyond what many expected of you.”

Brindle nodded then asked, “Who are the ‘Others’ Marcus, and don’t try putting me off okay, I want to know.” 

She looked at him stubbornly, she had a right to know, especially if she was putting her life on the line and she wasn’t going to let up on Marcus until she got an answer.  She waited quietly for her Guardian to answer her and when he didn’t speak she said, “Well?”

He grinned at her, a half grin that said he wasn’t quite sure he knew what to do with her.  Her eyes stayed locked with his, not wanting to give him any opportunity to pull away, or change the subject and escape having to give her an answer.

“Others,” he began.  “There are ‘Others’ out there little one, watching and waiting to see if you… if we can defeat the evil that is encroaching on your world once more.  Some are human like your Uncle, some of them are ‘Watchers’ assigned as you have been.  They are the holders of knowledge; they watch for the signs of evil returning and pass this knowledge on so that it can be dealt with.”

“But they aren’t all human are they?”  Brindle pushed, “Please Marcus, tell me about them.” 

Marcus lowered his head for a moment gathering his thoughts.  “Perhaps it would be best if I were to introduce you to some of the ‘Watchers’ little one.  This would perhaps be easier than trying to explain who they are.” 

Brindle smiled at this and he held up a hand to stay her enthusiasm.  “I will need to ask permission first, it is only good manners to do so is it not?”

Brindle nodded in agreement and remained silent, but inside she felt like she’d had something of a victory, he had been so stubborn in answering some of her questions and she really did need to know more about everything… about everyone involved.

She snuggled into him not wanting him to leave her just yet, she needed to feel him close, it was comforting… calming.  She wasn’t sure why this was and didn’t want to focus on it, she just wanted to feel safe and calm enough to rest.  Brindle drifted off to sleep with images of Faeries, Elves and even Werewolves roaming in that place between asleep and awake.

“Others…” she murmured then drifted deeper into sleep.

When Marcus realised she was in a deep sleep he untangled himself from her and returned to the living room.  He needed to consider the day and also the possibility of taking Brindle to visit some of the people that worked tirelessly to keep darkness at bay.  He considered who it would be best to take Brindle to meet and sent thoughts out to several asking if they were prepared to meet with the ‘Keeper’.

Several minutes later a smile crept onto his face, and then he settled down to keep watch while his Charge rested.

Brindle woke to the musical sounds of birds and was grateful it wasn’t the wretched kookaburra again.  She stretched her limbs and yawned before opening her eyes not wanting to break the restful feeling that she had.  She sat on the edge of the bed and tried to wake up fully then gave up and headed for the bathroom calling out to Marcus as she did so to let him know what she was doing.

It was a strange feeling to be sharing her space with someone else, she’d always been somewhat of a loner and if she were honest with herself she had liked it that way, but she was getting use to having Marcus around.  A sudden thought came to her as she stepped beneath the shower, “What’s it gonna be like when he leaves? “

She shook her head and the question aside not really wanting to ponder on it or God forbid come up with an answer she wasn’t going to like.  She lingered beneath the shower enjoying the feeling of the water cascading over her body, warming her, waking her and clearing her head of nonsense thoughts and questions.

When she entered the living room she was dressed and ready for whatever was to come.  “How do you feel little one?”  Marcus said.  “I trust you rested well?”

Brindle nodded that she had and before she could open her mouth to ask him about what they were going to do today, he stopped her dead by saying they were going on an excursion.  This peaked her curiosity, but she remained quiet and waited for Marcus to say more.

“I have received approval for us to visit several of our people little one, as soon as you are ready we will leave.  You should take a warm jacket,” he said “and also your backpack.”

Brindle couldn’t help the smile on her face and got up to get organised for their excursion.  She was ready to leave in record time and as she stood in front of Marcus, backpack slung over her shoulder a huge grin crept over her face.

Marcus nodded holding out his hand and a moment after she took it they were standing beneath an apple tree.  The sun filtering through the branches and a light breeze gave a look of delicate dancing leaves across the rich earth before them both.

As she looked around recognition dawned and she knew exactly where she was.  She turned to Marcus a questioning look on her face and he nodded in answer to her unspoken question.  She stepped forward and turned a full circle taking in the place before speaking.

“Marcus, this is where it happened, this is where I fell asleep and woke to find the basket  of fruits and vegetables.  This is Joslyn and Brody Cullen’s home!” 

She was amazed that she was here again after so long, the last time she had visited the Cullen’s was a couple of months after her parents had passed on.  “How can this be Marcus?  Joslyn and Brody are family friends, how can they be ‘Watchers’?”

Marcus looked at Brindle knowingly, waiting for her to see the truth in what she had said.  “Holy crap!” she said as realisation came to the fore.  They were watching over my family… over ‘me’ weren’t they?”

“Yes little one, they are not only family friends, but also ‘Watchers’.   First they watched over your Mother and then you.”

“Not my Father?” she asked, and Marcus replied, “They watched over your Father as a matter of course little one, but all ‘Keepers’ are female so your Mother would have been their priority as were you when you were born.” 

He could see the questions forming in her mind, but took her hand and led her towards the farm house and the two people standing on the porch waiting for them.  She looked at the house and memories flooded her mind of times she’d spent here with her parents as a child running free, climbing trees and swimming in the lake nearby.

She cherished every one of those memories, memories of a time of innocence where she could be nothing more than a child enjoying her surroundings.  She had always loved spending time here, she always felt a sense of freedom here that she never had anywhere else, and she had always felt completely safe.

As she moved up the steps of the house Joslyn and Brody smiled at her holding out their arms to greet her and without hesitation she walked straight into them holding them close and kissing their cheeks in greeting.  They turned and entered the house Joslyn and Brody still holding Brindle, not wanting to separate themselves from her just yet.

As they came into the living room they turned and acknowledged Marcus with a nod, then they sat either side of Brindle on the large overstuffed couch.  A couch Brindle had always loved to snuggle up on and drift off to sleep while she listened to the comforting sounds of life in this house.

Brindle had so many questions, but none of them came to her at that moment as she sat looking from one to the other then at Marcus as if she wasn’t sure if this situation was real or not.

“Yes,” Joslyn began, “It’s true, sweet one, we are ‘Watchers’ and have been assigned to watch over your family for many generations.” 

Brindle was gobsmacked, literally.  She just looked at Joslyn and hoped she’d keep speaking and answer all the questions she couldn’t seem to find words for.

Brody spoke then, “Brindle, we were so excited when word came to us of you being the ‘Keeper’”.  Brindle saw pride and happiness in his eyes, but for a moment a hint of sadness and maybe even fear crossed his expression.  He tried to hide it, but with her new gifts, she saw to the core of what he was feeling.

Both Brody and Joslyn felt great pride in her becoming the ‘Keeper’ they felt love for her, a love that she had always felt for them, but there was indeed a sense of sadness and fear.  Fear for her future as the ‘Keeper’ and the pain and anguish that might bring.  Sadness that she will not have the life that her parents had wanted for her… her life was in a sense no longer her own. 

Brindle’s life was now destined for more than a career, a family and growing old with someone she loved.  This sadness brought tears to her eyes and she suddenly realised the full depth of what being a ‘Keeper’ would mean to her.

When she finally found her voice, one word came out, “Generations?”

“Yes sweet one, generations.  We aren’t exactly what we appear to be,” Brody began.  “We are…”

“Other,” Brindle broke in.  “That’s why Marcus brought me here isn’t it?  So I can see, discover and understand what ‘Other’s’ are.”  She looked at each of them then and wondered if they had known she would become a ‘Keeper’. 

“Did you know that I was destined for this, I mean you must have known about what happened that day under the apple tree with the fruits and the vegetables?  You must have realised something, because even thought I didn’t say anything about what happened, you both seemed to know.”

They nodded in acknowledgement of what she’d said, saying that they had a sense of what she could become, but not a definitive answer to the question of what her future would hold.  They went on to explain that while their place was there on the farm, they could reach out with their senses and keep tabs on her, to make sure she was okay.  Having such a close connection with the church helped too, as her Uncle was close by.

Brindle looked to Marcus and saw that he was sitting thoughtfully taking in all that was being said and not wanting to intrude.  She didn’t want to be rude or hurtful to either Joslyn or Brody, but she had questions she needed answers too, so she drew what strength she could and ploughed on.

“What are you exactly?”  She could see them stiffen at her question and she felt awful for asking, but she needed to know.  “I have known you both all of my life, you are family to me, I have always known the goodness within you and I sense that even more now.  Please, I need to know, to understand all this.”

Joslyn looked at Brody and he nodded, then she took a long slow breath and began.  “Thousands of years ago there were many different races that roamed the earth, many you would have heard of in myths, legends and fairy tales.” 

Brindle could see that Joslyn was nervous about what she was saying, so she held her hand and gave it a slight squeeze to let her know it was alright and that she truly wanted to understand.

Joslyn took another breath and continued, “Our surname is Cullen, have you ever wondered what that name meant?”  Brindle shook her head no.  “The name is Gaelic in its original form … ‘Cuileann’ which means holly tree.  We come from a people that are one with nature, we are traditional nurturers, hence the farm and what we grow here.  We have never had a bad season; our harvests have always been successful.”

Brindle sighed trying to make sense of what Joslyn had said, and then Brody jumped in, “In times past our people bred into human kind.  Originally you would have known us as ‘Fey’, the Fair Folk or Elves.”

Images of Legolas and Lord of the Rings came to mind as did winged fairies flitting from flower to tree and back again, images she had dreamt of as a child, but now she wasn’t so sure.

 “There are still true Fair Folk aren’t there?  I mean I remember when I was just a kid playing out in the fields and gardens… I saw, well to be honest I’m not exactly sure of what I saw?”

Brindle brought up the images of what she’d seen and projected them to everyone.When she looked at her friends they were smiling. 

“Yes Brindle,” said Brody, “What you saw was our true form; there are others of our people living here as well, Elven and Fairy kind.  They stay hidden to protect themselves and only come out when they tend the fields and gardens and then only when they feel it is safe.  We… Joslyn and I are a little different in that we both had a human parent so can take on both forms.”

Brindle sat quietly trying to take this all in and as she did so, more memories came back to her of times spent in the fields, climbing trees and wondering through the flower beds accompanied by what she had for years believed to be her imaginary friends… her ‘Fey’ friends.

When she looked at her friends again she could see that they’d been watching her to gage her reaction.  She smiled at them not really knowing how she felt, then she asked if it would be possible to meet some of the others that worked on the farm.

Joslyn rose from the couch taking Brindles hand and led her to the front porch with Brody and Marcus bringing up the rear.  As they stepped onto the porch Brindle felt rather than saw a slight disturbance in the air.  She blinked and waited, moments later she beheld a sight she thought she would only see in some kind of fantasy movie.

Standing before them at the bottom of the porch stairs were gathered so many of the ‘Fey’ that Brindle was unable to count them.  There were men and women of all ages, there were even several children and she was positive she’d seen at least one babe in arms.

They were young looking and beautiful ‘Fey’ and ‘Other’ and as she moved down the steps a calmness swept over her, a calmness that brought a soft smile to her lips a smile that was greeted in kind by those who approached her as she wondered amongst them. 

Brindle was ‘the Keeper’ their ‘Keeper’ and they wanted to greet her, to extend a hand and touch her.  She was of importance to them and their world and now even more than before she realised just how important her role would be in staying the darkness to protect them all.

Out of the corner of her eye Brindle saw something move, something dark and furry.  She turned slowly and waited, not wanting to frighten off what ever it was hiding in the low shrubs.  She knelt down and called gently saying she was here to meet and understand those who lived here.  Then slowly she saw the muzzle of a huge dog or perhaps a wolf emerging from the shrubs.

Brindle realised she should have been scared to death especially considering the size of the animal.  It was the size of a Shetland pony and covered in a deep dark grey fur… almost charcoal in colour.  She took a deep slow breath and released it waiting for the animal to come closer.  She raised her hand high enough for the animal to nudge it with its muzzle and when it did she felt fur softer and thicker than anything she’d ever petted before.

She held her hand steady letting the animal take the lead, letting it take in her scent and learn for itself that she meant no harm.  After a few minutes the animal began to rub its face along Brindles’ arm and her leg showing approval and she slowly ran a hand along the top of its head to the middle of the back.  He and it was most definitely a he, seemed to enjoy this, so she did it again stroking gently and talking softly as she did so.

She turned to her left and Brody was standing there.  She gave him a curious look and he grinned at her and said, “Brindle this is Brae, he’s our resident ‘Were’.”

“Bloody hell!” she said, “are you telling me this… he… is a… ‘Were’… ‘Werewolf’?”

Brindle looked at the animal again, this time making sure she looked into his eyes. As she gazed into the golden brown of his eyes, she could see that they were not the eyes of an animal, they were the eyes of a man and she stepped back dropping her hands to her sides and apologised as she felt she had no right to be petting him like a dog or a wolf.  Not when what he was… was a man in the form of a wolf.

Brody touched her shoulder and spoke softly, “Brae is not a ‘Werewolf’ sweet one, he is a shifter, his alternate shape is that of a wolf and is often mistaken for a ‘Were’, we jokingly call him our resident ‘Were’.

Brindle watched as Brae walked back into the shrubs and disappeared.  She blinked and when she looked again a man stood in place of the wolf. He was easy close to seven feet tall, or at least he looked it to Brindle.  He came forward and she noted that he was wearing only a pair of cut of jeans and realised that that was why he’d gone behind the shrub, to shift and dress.

As he came closer she got a good look at his face.  His hair was dark charcoal in colour just like the wolf’s fur.  His eyes were the same golden brown as the wolf, but with flecks of grey around the edges.  This should have given him a harsh hard look, but she saw gentleness there that warmed her heart.

Brindle looked up at him and smiled and as he nodded his head toward her, the corner of his mouth curled up in a half smile.  He bowed to her then, “My Lady,” he began, “it is indeed an honour to meet ‘the Keeper’ I am called Brae, if ever I can be of assistance you need only call on me.”

Brindle was by this time completely overwhelmed and for the life of her could not find her voice. She nodded towards Brae and felt Marcus wrap his arm around her waist as if to help her remain standing. 

He led her to a bench a few feet away and sat beside her still holding her steady. As she looked around her the front garden and beyond was filled with smiling faces and on closer inspection she saw a few furry ones as well, but let that go because she didn’t want to focus too much on it or she might just loose it altogether.

“Whoa!” she finally said.  “I had no idea… I mean… I had memories and dreams… but no real belief of all of you.  This is incredible!”

She heard soft laughter and saw smiles on everyone’s faces and realised they knew she would do her best, give her all to keep their world safe.  Then she felt a slight tugging at her leg and looked down to see and Elven child, a toddler looking up at her. 

Brindle lifted the little one up and placed her on her lap wrapping an arm around her.  The child nestled against her breast and reaching for Brindles’ hand held it close to her heart.  Brindle looked at the little one and asked what her name was not knowing if she was old enough to understand her. 

Her face lit up when she heard the child speak within her mind, saying that her name was Kirri.  Brindle smiled at Kirri and stroked her check murmuring words of peace and calm.  Kirri snuggled closer to Brindles’ body seeming content with her touch and was asleep within moments.

Brindle sat holding Kirri for some time, not wanting to lose the feelings of safety and comfort with the little one and the ‘Fey’ folk surrounding her.  But all too soon they drifted away and the child’s mother was easing her babe out of Brindles arms.

When she looked up she saw a pale light fading into the distance trees and realised that it was the essence of the ‘Fey’ as they disappeared concealing themselves from human sight.  Marcus was still seated beside her and Joslyn and Brody stood to his left.  When she looked to her right, Brindle saw that Brae was there in human form and she sensed that he would stay with them while she remained at the farm.

Brindle sighed softly and looked to Marcus.  “I’d like to go for a wander around the farm if that’s alright?  I need a bit of space and I’d like to connect with the ‘Mother’ once more.”

“You will be safe here little one.” Marcus said as he helped Brindle get to her feet.  She felt slightly disorientated and she let him steady her for a moment before she moved away from him and out through the garden towards the orchards. 

As she walked she saw Brae out of the corner of her eye, he was following her, still in awe of who she was.  Ordinarily Brindle would have been miffed at being followed, but he didn’t come close and he didn’t intrude.  He watched her from a distance as if to make sure she remained safe… or perhaps making sure she was truly there after all.

When Brindle was out of earshot Brody said, “She doesn’t know as yet?” and Marcus replied, “No.”

All three stood silently watching as their ‘Keeper’ re-acquainted herself with the farm.  She wandered through the orchards and the flower gardens, she walked down to the lake and even though she knew she wasn’t alone, she saw no one; even Brae was now hidden from her.

Memories of each place came back with a rush, the fun, the innocence of youth, of being able to just ‘be’ in this special place where she had always felt safe.  The thought that that could be taken away from her… from all those who dwelt here was unbearable and she knew she would do all in her power to keep this place as it was for them, for her and for future generations.

As she looked over the lake she sat on the grass and stretched her hands out to her sides, letting her fingers push gently through the grass so they could feel the rich brown soil beneath.  She let the energy from the earth flow through her, strengthening her and giving her clarity in regards to what this place truly was.

It wasn’t just a farm; it was a home, a refuge for those who lived here.  It was a pocket, a community of ‘Other’s’ living together for the good of each other and for the wider community that existed beyond the borders of their farm.

Brindle sat by the lake for some time connected to the earth’s energy.  She had expected to hear from the ‘Mother’ but she remained silent, perhaps wanting Brindle to digest all that she had been shown this day.  Brindle took it all in her stride, she didn’t ‘lose it’ as she so often said she might.  She remained calm and focused on what she had learnt, on what she had experienced.

She now saw the world anew, a world full of surprises, of hidden realms… ‘Peoples’ of myth and legend who were truly real, truly a part of her world… her life; and they counted on her.  They knew that their world’s survival would depend on her and her ability to stay the darkness, to finally stop it in its tracks and force it back to hell itself.

An hour or so later Brindle brought herself out of her reverie and took a deep breath before coming to her feet and looking towards the farm house.  She took her time strolling back, not wanting the feelings of safety and security she’d always known here to dissipate.  She wanted to hold on to this as long as she could… because once she got back to the farm house she would have to deal with what might lay ahead.

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