The Persuasion Game (Captain...

By MakeAnImpactOnYou

5.2K 131 1

Skyra was there when Steve Rogers woke up in the new world. They became close friends and didn't leave each o... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Part 1
Chapter 11 Part 2
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

606 11 0
By MakeAnImpactOnYou

He laid there, in complete peace. He hadn't aged in seventy years and he still looked great for being frozen in ice for a very long time. Director Fury had given him a small sedative since he discovered that he wasn't back in the forties. He had just run into the streets of modern Time Squared in New York City. That must have been really different for him. Fury had picked me to help him integrate back into society so that he could be of use for SHIELD purposes. I looked out of the window and watched the busy city. Ever since Director Fury recruited me to be apart of SHIELD, I've been traveling everywhere, training most of the time and bettering my skills.

Suddenly, my view changed. I felt a rush of pain fill my entire body. Everything went dark for a couple seconds, with an aching pain racing in my head. I felt something strong pushing against my neck, blocking my airway. I couldn't feel the ground beneath me.

"Who are you?!" I heard a deep voice bark at me. Everything came clear again and I saw Steve Rogers face right next to mine. Steve Rogers was choking me. Oh my God! I was being choked!

"I'm Skyra," I tried to get out. He looked into my eyes and slowly let pressure off my neck. "Director Fury wanted me to keep an eye on you and be here for you when you woke up," I said coughing in between. He looked into my eyes a little longer contemplating whether or not I was telling the truth. He didn't trust me and I knew it. Why should he? He was still in war mode from back in the forties and he is confused about where exactly he is. "Steve," I said in my most soothing voice. The tension around his eyes loosened and he looked at me this time as if I had awakened a part of him. "Steve. I'm Skyra. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," I said trying to sooth him and to show him I mean no harm. A few silent seconds past until he loosened his grip on me and slowly placed me back on to the ground. He removed his hand from my neck and stepped away from me.

"I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't mean to hurt you," he said with confusion in his voice. "Where am I?" he asked sitting on my bed.

"Well that is a broad question. Right now, you are in my room, in my apartment in New York City," I said making it simple for him to digest the information I was giving him. I think if he was told exactly what needed to be said, it help him feel more grounded in what had happened to him.

"Why am I in your bedroom?" he asked really confused. I looked at him and smiled. I didn't really have an answer for it. I did what I was told to do and followed orders.

"You had run into the middle of Time Squared and you were confused. SHIELD didn't want there to be more a scene then there already was so they gave you something to put you to sleep, promise it was safe, and they brought you here. I think they thought it help you transition better," I said sitting in the chair right across from him. "I'm here to help you Steve. I mean Mr. Rogers. I don't know what you prefer."

"Steve is quite alright," he chuckled. His smile gave me goose bumps. "I apologize again for attacking you," he said looking at me. I shook my head completely understanding where he was coming from.

"Don't worry about it," I said to him. "So, my orders are to start integrating you back into society as soon as you wake up." I got up out of my seat and looked down at him.

"You serve your country?" he asked slightly surprised.

"In a way. I mean I do, but it's complicated."

"Like me?" he asked. I nodded and saw the confusion return to his face.

"Listen, I know this is really hard and confusing. I'm here to help. I'm not going to yell orders at you or anything like that. I'm genuinely here to get you up to speed on the world we live in today," I said trying to help him feel more comfortable with me. "And I think there is no better way to get started than getting some amazing food,"

"Food does sound kind of great right now," he said shyly admitting to being hungry.

"Well let's go." He stood up and now was much taller than me. His white shirt fit tightly against his perfectly buff body. His dirty blonde hair was messy from being asleep. I handed him a jacket for him to throw on. I grabbed my wallet and headed out the door. He had gotten in front of me to open the door, like a gentlemen. You could definitely tell that he was from a different time period.

I was really interested in getting to know him a lot better and helping him become comfortable in this world. Maybe I could persuade him that being alive during this time period wasn't such a bad thing.

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