Tell It To The Crows(a Sons...

By mc_cassie

147K 2.8K 308

Libby Parker is running from her past. Granted, she's only seventeen ( almost eighteen) While she's running... More

Charming... Not Really
My First Shift
Back Again
I Have No Idea Where I'm Going
Yes, You Were Right. No, I Will Never Admit That.
I'm not Fooled
Bedrest? Pssh, Who Needs Bedrest?
Jax Doesn't Like Our Relationship?
The Rooftop and I Have Become Best Friends
The Failed and Unexpected
Stupid Blond MC Hitler
It Was Just A Talk,Jax.
Why Isn't This Size Nine Converse Up Your Ass Yet
Hitch Hikers and Junkie Whores
So Will You
I Told You So
Hello? I Am Talking To You!
I Need To Talk to Libby
I Need to Talk to Libby (Part 2)
Uh Oh
Officer Asshole
Number One Sad Baddie

Come On,Lass. Tell Me Somethin'

5.6K 105 10
By mc_cassie

"What do you want?" Four words that couldn't have had more malice and venom seeping from the syllables and letters. (Well, I don't know... I fucking hate you can have some harsh feeling to it.)

"I'm here to tell you I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me and I feel like a pile of shit." I sighed. I knew Chibs didn't mean to sent me into a panic attack.

"Chibs,can you keep a secret?" I asked, sitting beside him. He nodded eagerly then I glanced around before I shot up and locked the door quickly. I scrambled back onto the bed then sighed before I begun explaining my situation, "Look,Chibs, everybody knows that I came from Chicago.But the truth is,my parents are from Charming. And when they were here,they got themselves into a lot of shit with the Niners and Mayans."

"When Alvarez had me kidnapped, I recognized his cut and he recognized me. He knew my mom. I look a lot like my mom... He looked at me and said that I needed to pay for my parents' stupidity."

"In Chicago, I got into a lot of trouble, drugs, gang biz, and shit like that. My family, they didn't have any idea about what I was doing and when they did, they didn't know what to do with me. So, they shunned me."

I scoffed at the ridiculous memory but I could feel the hotness of my tears boiling as I continued with my tale,"Turns out, there's no place that's good for goody two shoes teenager turned druggie. Especially in Chicago. My parents killed each other,leaving me a note that read they killed themselves to get away from me."

"When I got into the foster homes, they were all abusive. Verbally and physically. When I was fifteen, it got to the worst peak of my life. My, my foster brother, he, um, would beat on me until I'd give in."

"Give in to what,lass?" Chibs asked, grabbing my hand comfortingly as I felt the tears roll down my cheeks silently. I choked back a sob then whimpered, "He would force me into the bedroom that we shared and he would lock the door. Then, he'd stuff something in my mouth to gag me before he would rape me over and over again. While he would rape me, he would choke me then hiss,My little slut. My little whore. You won't tell anyone about anything because you don't want to die, do you? I hated it there."

"I tried telling my social worker what was going on but she didn't believe me! Probably because my foster dad at the time was the the state chief on the police force. No one would believe me. When I turned seventeen, I found something in my mom's old things about Charming and I was determined to get out of that hell hole."

"So one night, after a brutal beating and being raped several times, I couldn't take it anymore. I packed my shit up, took as much as money as I could find, then hitchhiked over to here. And the rest is history."

"Libby, I had no idea.." he trailed off but I shook my head,"No one did. Only you do now. And it made me feel a lot better. Like a weight was lifted off of me. Thank you,Chibs, for being here for me. But please, don't tell Jax. I don't know what he would do if he found out."

"Lass, I'm sorry that ever happened to ya. You're a great gal and ya deserve the best. Trust me when I say that Jacky boy is the one for ya. Maybe if ya trade war stories, you two would understand each other a lot better."

"Please don't tell Jax. I'll tell him,just not right now. I can't! It's too soon. Give me your word that you won't tell Jax." To say that I had trust issues was an understatement. The Scotsman nodded then swore,"I give you my word that he won't find out from me, love."

"Thanks Chibs. I owe you one." He chuckled and nudged me then stated, "Lets go talk with Prince of Charming so he knows neither of us are dead." He pulled me into a tight hug and we exited the room where Jax was leaning against the hall, looking worried.

He shoved off the plaster quickly then glanced between us two and asked,"So is all forgiven?" Chibs and I exchanged a look before grins stretched across our faces then we laughed and patted the blond on the shoulder. We split into different directions as my mind whirled with the possibility that Chibs would sell my war story out to Jax.

No. The Scotsman was loyal to his VP but when he gave his word,something in my heart told me that he would be taking my story to the grave. Someone clasped a hand over my shoulder and I tensed but my body gradually relaxed when I heard the person's voice,"How you feeling, baby?"

Gemma. I turned and embraced her tightly,causing her to gasp with surprise before hugging me in return.

"What was that for?" she asked, pulling away from the embrace. My eyes flickered around and I smiled then replied,"Thank you, Gemma. For everything. I owe you."

"Why does this sound like a goodbye? Libby, are you leaving Charming?" she demanded, gripping my wrists. I shook my head but I knew she was right. It did feel like a goodbye.

"No. You're stuck with me. Have you seen Opie?' She pointed over towards the garage and I followed her direction to find the lamp post of a man.

I hugged him from behind and grinned as he turned several times while he tried to figure out who was hugging him.

"Jesus Christ, Libby, is that you?" he demanded, still circling around like an idiot. I giggled and exclaimed, "Sure is! Hi, Ope!"

He chuckled and reached around, prying me off of him before asking, "What do you want, Squirt?"

"Amusement! No one's around and I want something to do or someone to talk to." I answered, sighing. He nodded,clearly understanding my boredom before he helped me onto the hood of his truck then handed me a fresh open beer.

"Here, drink up. I won't tell anybody. Now, tell me what's really going on inside your pretty little head because you look like your hell has come to life." he pointed out, leaning against the grill of the truck. I sighed and I processes what had happened over the past few weeks.

A cast, kidnapped, and so many mixed emotions about Jax. Opie huffed and shook his head as he muttered,"And we're back to square one. Dammit, Libby, just tell him how you feel. I can guarantee that he feels the same fucking way but you guys are both idiots. "

"Dude, he's your VP. Have some respect." I warned and then I realized what he meant as he raised his eyebrow up curiously, the smug grin stretching across his face.

"See what I mean? You're defensive as shit for him, Libs. Just admit it." he encouraged, nudging me. I went silent, frowning at his words before he noticed then quickly changed the subject,"Are you coming to the party. Jax is gonna be fighting and its always pretty badass to see. And before you say no along with some lame ass excuse on why you "can't" go, everyone agrees that you should come."

"Even Jax?" I questioned, leaning closer to him. He smirked and chuckled lowly before he whispered, "You really think that blond hothead is gonna let his girl out to play with the big dogs? Hells no. So we went behind his back."

Oh shit. Jaw isn't gonna be happy if I go to that party... But I really want to see him fight...

"Oh, fine, you persistent little shit. I'll go." He cheered, pumping his first in the air before his blue eyes flew over the entrance gate and he snatched the beer out of my hands then chugged the liquor casually as I spotted what had put him in such a panic.

I spotted the sleek, metallic black 2003 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide Sport with custom T-bars which was following Clay's bike and I couldn't help but watch as he pulled into a parking spot,whipping off his helmet.

I scurried over to Gemma who had peeked her head out as the guys pulled up then whispered a mischievous question in her ear. She grinned at my inquiry then grabbed my hand before she announced,"Me and Libby is going shopping. We'll be back before the party starts."

"Where are you two troublemakers heading off to?" Clay asked, wrapping his giggling wife into him as Jax studied me from where he was leaning against his bike. Gemma snickered then answered as she twisted away from him,"I'm taking Libby shopping. We'll be back soon."

She kept her promise to her husband and we were back just minutes before the fights started,which was what I was there for. I examined myself in the mirror and grinned at the sight that greeted me. I wore a black crop top with a lace back and a tied front but it showed a bit of a peek show for anyone willing.

My shorts were skin tight leather and only hit the end of my ass but lucky for me, the black wool tights hid anything from sight. The outfit was finished with my cute ankle high biker boots and a SAMCRO labeled leather jacket.

My hair was down around my shoulders, fluffed slightly and my makeup smoky, luring in men like moths to a flame as my red lips were pulled into a devious smirk.

Gemma approached me from behind then placed her hand on my shoulders then declared, "You look like you belong, Libby."

"I feel like I belong." She pulled me outside where the fights were taking place and I spotted Opie and Jax laughing with each other. I strode over to them, confidence pouring out of me with every stride as I got closer but my palms began to sweat.

Jax turned to respond to Chibs only to stop and see me, his jaw dropping open as his eyes scanned my body, the blue darkening. I stopped in front of them, cocking my hips to the side then shifted to Jax and asked, "What's the matter,Teller? Cat got your tongue?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me into his sweaty chest and yes, his very hard cock.

"You're looking damn good tonight, darlin'. But I'm pretty sure I told my brothers that you weren't allowed here." he purred, nuzzling my neck as his hands wondered south to my bottom. I nipped at his throat then murmured,"But,Jackie, I just wanted to see you fight. I'm sure that you look so good... Getting your ass handed to you."

I pushed away from him, my mouth stretching into a grin as his jaw dropped open in disbelief and I turned to Opie who shared my grin.

"Yo, Teller! You gonna get your ass out here or are you gonna stay over there with your bitch!" someone unfamiliar to me called to Jax and I spun, locking eyes with the VP as anger boiled inside of him. The blond man stormed over to his opponent then swung,connecting hard. I watched with eagerness as Jax swung hard and had no mercy.

"I told you it was badass to watch." Opie whispered in my ear,chuckling as he watched my hazel eyes glow with delight when I noticed Jax had won the fight. I nodded and walked over to him, smirking as he called, "Hey baby, how's that? Is it even hotter than watching me get my ass kicked?"

I nodded eagerly as he tugged me into him then whispered,"God yes that was way hotter." He lifted me by the thighs before he shouted,"SAMCRO rules!!"

His brothers roared in agreement, cheering as they followed us inside. He set me on the bar then sat on a barstool in front of me, taking a beer from Opie before he asked,"What's this about, Libby? Why are you so dressed up?"

"Dammit,Jax. I'm done pussy footing around. I like you and you like me so let's date. We can't fuck, not yet, but I want a relationship with you,Jax." I declared,surprisingly not stuttering on any of my statement. He blinked twice before grinning then he stated, "Deal, baby. I'll even do it the right way. Libby Parker, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?"

I nodded then replied,"Of course, Jax Teller." He pulled me into his lap and hugged me tight then muttered, "You're mine now, punk."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

It's hours later since Jax and I became a couple but it seems he's already forgotten that he's in a relationship, considering that the same fucking croweater has come back to him several times. Now, it was time for action.

I stormed over, slamming my beer down before I snatched the bitch by her extensions of blonde hair then slammed her face cheek first down on the counter and growled,"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing with my man,whore?"

She skimmed my outfit quickly and she also must of noticed my SAMCRO labeling because she begun spewing out pathetic excuses and apologizes but her slurred tongue just made me angrier.

"I'm giving you .15 seconds to get your skanky ass away from me and my boyfriend before you find yourself lying dead on the side of the road, dismantled by a rusty spoon and a fish hook. Got it?" I shoved her away from me as she began to sob, begging for mercy.

I rolled my eyes then twisted to see my VP grinning at me, chewing on some gum. He raised his eyebrows, clearly amused by the scene I just want then stood up and asked, "A fish hook,huh? Isn't that a little time consuming, Libs?"

"I don't give a fuck if it's time consuming. I'm proving a point here, Teller, so let it be." I demanded before I crushed my lips to his.

So... Yeah!! Maybe? No. Okay, yeah, so it happened!! They're dating. But will it work out? This is a makeup chapter since the last one was a quick write but this one is also kinda rushed since I'm cramming for exams. Wish me luck. PS, ship name ideas for Jax and Libby? Comment what you think!

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