Repainting A Blank Canvas - [...

Galing kay MixRou

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Sequel of Colorful World, Prince AU Summary: The reign of peace never lasted, Shiganshina has fallen in the h... Higit pa

Prologue: Bleached Canvas
Grey Skies
Interlude: Empty White Dreams
Deadly Black
I Can't
A Million Yellow Stars
Carmine Clash
The Page
Lavender Twilight

Azure Sunshine

1.4K 89 33
Galing kay MixRou

Theme songs:

Prologue: Bleached Canvas - Moonsong (Levi's Search Theme)
Grey Skies - In Light and Darkness (Levi's Reminiscence Theme)
Interlude: Empty White Dreams - Night Without A Star (Eren's Theme)
Deadly Black - Curse Upon The Living (Chapter Theme)
A Million Yellow Stars - Ode to The Fallen (Chapter Theme)
Carmine Clash - Bound (Chapter Theme)
Azure Sunshine – The Immortal Land (Chapter theme)

Here comes some tender loving care... and lover like treatments..

What do you fellas think of the new cover?


Letting out a soft cough did get their attention. They've been so busy talking that they completely forgot Ren being still there. The raven turned to look at him with a glare that morphed into something akin to shock. Oh yeah, his hood was off. He let it fall since no one was around to hide from. Not that Ren expected a major reaction to his face, he felt insulted. Was he that ugly? Did the man regret kissing him?

"Yeah, yeah I'm not that pretty I know. Now stop looking at me like that." He huffed, crossing his arms. "I know this is all sentimental and all and I'd hate to be the buzzkill but, I came here for my payment. Not a sweet Father-son stage-play performed live." He did admit that what he just saw was pretty cute, something he didn't expect from someone like him though, what was his name? If he heard it right the man introduced himself as Levi. Ren made sure to remember that for future references.

That seemed to have snapped the man out of the short trance, he let go of the little boy. "My apologies," He suddenly got formal. "Fine, I intended to pay back as quick as I could anyway. Since making candy should be a bit of a weight for the kid, why don't we just return to town?"

It was a good plan, Ren was getting hungry and he wasn't too picky. Nope, he's about to eat his first upper ground food and he will be damned if he didn't enjoy it thoroughly. "Alright then," Ren grinned and wrapped the shawl over him once more. "Come on kid, go get yourself a cleaner shirt because we're going out!"

Levi raised an eyebrow but didn't oppose it. "You heard her." He told the little raven.

Ivan looked a bit astounded to hear that he was coming along as well. However regarding his dirty looking clothes, "Uh.. This is my only...." He trailed off.

Cringing at the thought of so much dirt in the kid's clothes, Levi opened his mouth to say something but Ren beat him to it.

"Alright, then we're going shopping for you too. Oi," Ren glaned at Levi. "You're paying for the food and I'll pay for his new clothes!"

This woman was too fucking unbearable. It hasn't even been a few hours that they've known each other and Levi was about to pop a vessel. True, he was caught offguard at the sight of cunningly similar pair of eyes, he just couldn't point at her and call her Eren, and first off she was obviously a woman. An uncouth woman with no physical boundaries and no respect for personal space. She oddly reminded him of Hanji through that personality of hers.

Ivan was sputtering a little, politely declining the offer of being bought clothes.

"Nonsense, you need them." The woman stated firmly.

She may look so similarly to him, but she isn't him.


Levi hissed at the woman, "Will you fucking make your mind already?" He was holding Ivan's hand who was staring up the two with big uncertain eyes.

"Oh hush, you." She rolled her eyes and put over a beige shirt on Ivan's chest. "Mhm these look good," She flipped the material back and forth. "Not itchy and fits him well."

Levi resisted the urge to groan, he felt like being in the old days in his trainee years. Coming around town with Hanji and Erwin in their occasional holidays off. "Oh for the love of—you've been commentating on that shirt for a whole fifteen minutes, just buy it!"

One of the shop keepers seemed to have heard the light scuffle and approached them. "Is there something the matter sir?"

The brunette piped up, "Oh nothing, my husband here is just in a rush, ugh men.. They never get it with clothes, I just can't mindlessly buy clothes that won't fit my baby well." She huffed.

Ivan blinked, was she talking about him? That little thought made his cheeks tinge pink as he shyly thought about it. A mother huh?

Throwing his arms up in exasperation Levi just turned his back on them but didn't move. The brunette was engaged in annoying lady talk with the shop keeper. It took forever. And fuck, it was ridiculous, they were only getting clothes. The sun was blazing too, signifying that it was almost after lunch already.

"Haha, half the price! And that's how you do it, old man!" She giggled carrying a paper bag containing the clothes. "Come on, Ivan. Let's get you into these." She grabbed the boy's arm and went into one of the dressing booths to help the awkward kid get dressed. "Uhm excuse me," She called out at the lady she talked to before. "Is it too much to ask if I wanted to borrow a wet rag?" The lady kindly nodded and got what the brunette asked for quickly and handed the item over. "Thank you!"

After some time, the two of them slipped out of the booth. Ivan looked much better. No grime on his skinny little arms and the slight coat of dirt sticking on his cheek was wiped clean off of him. Levi made no complaints at the change.

"Can we go now?" Levi mumbled irritably. He was getting quite hungry himself.

She rolled her eyes at him, "Fine, lead the way, hubby." She smirked coyly at him with a slight cock of her head.

It occurred to him that he never got her name. "What's your name?" Levi asked, his hand darting down to grab Ivan's, the kid looked distractedly at a bakery just across the shop they were at.

Blinking rapidly at the very unexpected question, "My name?" Stalling briefly. 'What the fuck do I—' Think of a female name quick, quiiicckk. "S-Selene." Ah the name of the moon goddess from one of the books he often read in the underground, he found it rotting in a garbage bag and managed to salvage what remained of it.

Levi nodded, he gently tugged Ivan along. "Follow me then." If everything was mostly in place, he should find that place easily.

There was a small diner right in town square that still should be around. He ate there with Hanji and Erwin once in the good ol' days.

That's where he led the two. "Get whatever you want," Levi said not really minding whatever they did from then on.

Their lunch was surprisingly quiet aside from the usual moans of delight from the girl. No fucking shame really. Ivan was more, careful or rather, shy. No one's openly taken good care of him before and he just met these two people who immediately got him clothes and food without asking anything in return. The man, Levi, even offered to take him in.

They finished quietly and as Levi said, he paid for the food.

"Oi, Selene." Levi called her, "Where next?" He took Ivan's hand while they gathered up their bearings.

"Hu-huh?" She said blinking in confusion, she assumed that after this she'll be off and gone.

Levi only stared at her blankly. "Where next?"


Ren was staring down at the flower patch that he was sitting on. Who knew he'd end up having this day drip with two unlikely pairs. "I thought I was paid.." He mumbled pulling on his shawl. Levi took him to an abandoned mansion of some sort. The building was in ruins but the lack of human presence made the garden that existed at the back bloom and flourish like a fairy's home.

"Don't get me wrong, woman." Levi said leaning back on the heel of his palms on a semi-resting position. The dark haired man took off his cloak and folded it aside, this area was too humid for such a stuffy thing. "I'm doing it for him." Pointedly, he looked at Ivan who was trying to pick out a caterpillar from a leaf.

Ivan stared at the tiny thing, the leaf it was nomming on was almost fully eaten. He decided the poor fella, he can't pay back the two people for the food and clothes but he hoped that paying it forward to the small creature, would make sure that his thankfulness was apparent to whatever entity out there that gave him such luck. Ivan carefully plucked the soft bodied worm and placed it on another leaf.

Ren watched, a bit stunned. "You're actually a big softie you know that?"

Levi huffed, "Well I've had my experiences on little brats." He said but immediately he regretted that, memories that made his body slump surfaced again. Her eyes weren't helping, they looked so much like his, stunningly like his.

In his silence, Ren moved a little closer. "What's up?"

Levi didn't reply but grunted softly, and closed his eyes. He didn't want to see.

Bewildered with his expression, it irked Ren to some extent. This man surely was a mystery. The clouds rolling by up the sky made a temporary shade for them, then just as a gust of wind passed, the clouds dispersed. The sudden bout of light, illuminated the man's pale, calm face. Ren's gaze absolutely focused on him. Nature made him appear so beautiful at that moment. Whatever things he was thinking, to Ren he looked like a fallen knight grieving for something dear to him.

'Sounds so.. cliché..' Ren thought but he was absentmindedly leaning closer to see more. Something pulling him close like a magnet. Just hours ago those lips were on his, how fucked up. Levi even thought he's a woman. 'So stupid.. what am I doing,' His thoughts echoed to himself, though it was as clear as day what it is he's doing, he kept leaning forward. Where the hell did this sudden attraction come from?

"You gonna do it or do I have to do it myself?" Levi's mouth moved, eyes slightly opened and grey orbs met with emerald ones.

Ren yelped and moved back a bit, gaze averted and a slight tinge of pink in his cheek. "W-what do you mean?" He was caught but that doesn't mean shit. But wait, fuck did that mean that Levi was allowing it?

"I can feel your breath on my cheek," Levi stated obviously, "Besides, I could use a distraction.." He mumbled in a low baritone of his voice. That struck a chord in the younger man.

Pushing off his shawl Ren turned towards the older, and gingerly scooted closer. He didn't plan on passing this up. Levi was quite attractive, his body type was totally his type even though the man had quite of a temper in him.

Levi met the brunette halfway and pressed their lips together, melting into a soft and gentle kiss. Unlike the make out session they engaged earlier, this one was a patient and passionate form of sensual touch. Like electric in their veins, it made their hearts thud.

Then Levi parted from him, Ren leaned forward a bit, he was frowning. It disappointed him that the kiss only lasted that long, it was by far the best kiss he's ever had in his life that's for sure. Nothing like the rushed and emotionless ones he's had before. That one felt good. Levi, felt good.

'What the fuck am I doing,' Levi scolded himself internally, 'She almost looks like Eren.. this is so messed up!'

"W-was I bad?"

"What?" Levi perked.

"Was I that bad in kissing?" The brunette huffed, looking crestfallen. "You have that disgusted look on your face.." Pouting a bit, the younger twirled a long of hair in nimble little fingers, awaiting for the verdict.

'Well fuck me..' Levi lost, he was pulled in by this little temptress. He didn't even reply vocally, he just smashed their lips together.

Ren was startled when a pad of a hand grabbed him behind his nape and suddenly the feeling of butterfly fireworks in his belly was back, it was pleasant. Strange but pleasant. It felt like something was right for once.

Feeling their noses brush, Levi tilted his head sideways and deepened it. Stroking the brunette's cheek encouragingly, trying to get the other open up for him. When entrance was granted, Levi gladly took it, exploring every nook and cranny of the mouth presented to him. Levi felt incredibly delighted, he felt a shy tongue poking his. He would gloat about it if he didn't have his hands full at the moment. He just reduced this ill-mannered little minx to become like this.

The need for a full lung of air eventually gnawed at them, and they both gingerly pulled away from each other but not without exchanging a short array of open mouthed pecks.

Ren's knees felt weak, this was bullshit. How the fuck does this stone cold asshole make him feel so warm and, he would dare think it, fluffy and delicate. Despite it feeling so right a moment ago, he can't help but feel slightly appalled at appearing so weak.

"That was.." Levi started, "Surprisingly helpful." Yes, it did distract him. Yes, it made him feel woozy. Yes, it made him feel so weird. Was he royally fucked over? Yes he most certainly was.

"Mhm," Was all the brunette could let out, he didn't trust his voice.

There was a soft rustling of grass behind them, "Are you two done?" A small voice asked. The two of them looked at it, a little lump underneath Levi's dark cloak. Ivan hid there.

Emerald and grey met gazes, then the two of them burst out in a fitful of laughter.

"DON'T LAUGH!" Ivan yelled, his head poking out. "You two are embarrassing! Get a room!"

Levi shrugged and lifted a hand to ruffle Ivan's dark locks. It wasn't bad at all. It was something new, something Levi didn't bother looking into when females came his way. This one was different, she just waltzed in and made herself audaciously comfortable on his lips, literally speaking. The boisterous aura felt so familiar yet so different, it felt foreign.

Perhaps it was a sign to move forward.

After all, Levi doesn't just bring anyone into the Ackerman Mansion if there wasn't a reason.


Yes and the dumdums have no fucking idea... Lets keep it that way for a while, shhhhhh!

Sorry if it's short though, I'm working on my new drama masterpiece... "Drug" Its already published but chapter one isn't out yet. Please give it a try :D


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