Dousing the Flame

Od Ukume279

75.8K 2.8K 1.4K

Yugi is in college now! Dorm rooms, classes, friends, and a new relationship. Is this new relationship the on... Více

First Days of College
A True Glimpse
Worried Professor
First Fight
Crossing the Line
Finding Love
Road to Recovery
Close Encounter
Surprises Surprises
Yugi's Strength & Weakness
Taking the Next Step
There's Always a First Time
A Special Ingredient
Little Golden Pyramid
The Day Before
It's Time
Gifts and a Classroom Visit
Yugi is Exausted
The Big News
Little One
Much Needed Rest
Kunji Cave
Evening Ride
Shivers and Aches
Sneaking Around
The Amazon
Ignored Transmissions
Back to Domino
Going Home
Surprise Party
Tag Team
He's Gone
An Unexpected Return

Such a Great Day

1.8K 87 59
Od Ukume279

A/N: Thank you for reading. I hope you like the story so far and hope you will like the below chapter. Please vote and leave comments. They are both amazing and appreciated!

/Yugi's thoughts/

Yugi stood up and excitedly shook the hand of the woman across from him, "Thank you for this opportunity Mrs. Whittmore! I won't let you down!" Yugi exclaimed. He had been hired as a circulation desk student assistant for the campus library. "When do I start?"

Mrs. Whittmore was an elderly lady with a kind aura about her. She had a soft face with kind grey eyes and short wispy silver hair. She smiled back at the ecstatic youth as he nearly jumped out of his skin, bursting with excitement. She handed him a sheet of paper with the days of the week on it, "Please write your class schedule here and let us know when you are available to work. After that, we will be able to schedule a day to train you and come up with your official work schedule."

Yugi took the paper and quickly jotted down each of his classes and the hours when he was available. He handed the document back to the woman. Her grey eyes widened, "That was fast! I will give you a call and let you know when to come in for your first day."

Yugi bowed to her, "Thank you! I am so excited to start."

"We are excited to have you!. Have a great day, Yugi," she waved.

"Thank you, Mrs. Whittmore, you do the same!" The tri-colored youth waved enthusiastically and took his leave from the library.

As he rounded the corner of the library's exterior, he was grabbed by the waist. A soft yet firm hand covered his mouth preventing him from screaming. He began to squirm to get out of his captor's grip. He could feel the captor's hot breath on his neck, "Shhh calm down chibi, it's just me." Dominick released Yugi who in turn spun around and glared at the other petite youth.

"Don't scare me like that!" Yugi shoved the other playfully.

"Sorry." Dominick replied nuzzling the nape of Yugi's neck, sending chills up and down  Yugi's spine, "What were you doing in the library?"

"I just got a job there." Yugi smiled.

"Congratulations! Let's celebrate!" Dominick grabbed Yugi's hand and dragged him across campus. 

"Where are we going?" Yugi asked not recognizing the street.

"My apartment, I live down this street just a few blocks down." Dominick responded. Yugi followed in silence. A small part of his mind replayed the conversation that he had a few days ago with Duke. A feeling of unease crept over him; his large amethyst pools shifted to watch Dominick from the corner of his eyes. 

/This is silly. I'm being ridiculous. This can't be the same one,/ Yugi shrugged off the feeling and continued following the petite blue eyed classmate without giving another thought to the warning.

The duo arrived at a gated apartment complex. Dominick reached in his pocket to pull out his keys. He first unlocked the green gate leading into the complex and then veered left; walking into the first apartment building. The ground level apartment was small with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a combined dining room and living room. The black leather couch resting on the opposite wall provided a striking contrast to the cream colored carpets and eggshell walls.

Yugi paused just inside the door, "This is nice."

"Thank you! Please take your shoes off," responded Dominick; a flick of his wrist drew Yugi's attention to the shoe rack to the right of the door. Dominick placed his tennis shoes on the rack and made his way to the kitchen. Yugi obeyed; removing his boots and resting them on the shoe rack next to Dominick's tennis shoes.

"I heard you were going to a job interview today so I wanted to surprise you with dinner," Dominick popped his head out from the kitchen and grinned at his guest. 

"How did you know I was at a job interview and how did you know I would get the job?" Yugi inquired.

Dominick chuckled, "A little bird told me and I didn't. I figured if you didn't get it, it would be a cheer up dinner and if you did, it would be a celebration dinner," he wrapped his arms around Yugi's waist pulling him close.

Yugi hugged him briefly before pulling away. He traced the outline of Dominick's face with his amethyst eyes; drinking in and memorizing the brunet's features, "So what did you make or order if that be the case?"

"Spaghetti! I also rented a movie so we can do dinner and a movie!" he held out Lady and the Tramp.

Yugi gasped, "I love that movie! Spaghetti and Lady and the Tramp are the perfect combination. I'm impressed."

"I know." Dominick smirked and handed the video to Yugi to put on. Dominick disappeared into the kitchen where a pot of hot spaghetti sat on the stove awaiting consumption. He dished up two bowls of pasta and hollered to the living room, "Parmesan my chibi?"

"Mmmmm yes! Please!" Yugi hollered back as he popped the DVD into the console. The opening music of Lady and the Tramp filled the room through Dominick's surround sound. The short brunet appeared from the kitchen carrying two bowls in one arm and two soft drinks in the other. He handed one of the bowls and one of the beverages to Yugi.

"This looks and smells amazing! What is the drink, Dom?" Yugi swirled the bubbling liquid around in the glass.

"Mountain Dew," the boy grinned.

"That may turn out to be a mistake," giggled Yugi.

"Why's that?" one of Dominick's thick brown eyebrows climbed his forehead. 

"My friends say I'm hyper enough. They would call you crazy for giving me caffeine!" a wide grin spread across his lips as he took his first sip of the fizzy sugar and caffeine loaded beverage, "You may not be able to handle me."

"Oh, I'm sure I can." Dominick sat on the couch cross-legged. He placed the hot bowl of pasta in his lap and the beverage in a built in wooden cup holder on the sofa's arm. Yugi followed suit, sitting next to him and placing his bowl in his lap as well. He looked around him for a close drink holder only to see one on the far end of the couch. He pouted.

"Your drink can go here," Dominick grabbed Yugi's drink and placed it next to his in the cup holder. Yugi blinked at him /Ugh. Now I'm either going to have to ask him for my drink or reach over him when I want it./ Yugi quietly gulped.

As if reading his mind, Dominick chimed in, "I don't mind if you ask me for your drink during the movie," The brunet shrugged, "It won't bother me at all!" Yugi nodded in response as he leaned back into the couch and closer to Dominick.

Yugi swirled the noodles around his fork and popped the utensil into his mouth. His amethyst irises grew wide as he looked at Dominick in surprise.

Dominick finished chewing and swallowed his mouthful of pasta, "What? I didn't think it was THAT bad."

Yugi shook his head placing his hand over his mouth. He quickly chewed and swallowed the noodles, "Oh Ra! That is so good!"

Dominick's face lit up, "I'm so glad you like it chibi." He leaned forward and nuzzled Yugi's little nose.

A few more bites of the past left Yugi's mouth dry. His eyes slyly glanced across Dominick at his drink once every few seconds. /Should I ask or should I just reach/ He bit his lip and decided to reach for it. His lithe form leaned over Dominick's. The brunet's breath caught in his throat as he felt Yugi's weight press down on top of him. He breathed in deeply; Yugi's naturally sweet smell filled his nostrils. Dominick bit his lip as Yugi took a small drink and placed the beverage back in the holder. It took everything he had not to pounce on the boy and ravage him that minute. Yugi leaned back to his position and took another bite of pasta.

The tri-colored teen looked back over at Dominick concerned. The other petite youth's breaths were coming in short ragged gasps, "Are you okay?" Yugi asked, "You're breathing kind of strange."

Dominick nodded, "I'm fine," He managed a smile as he shifted the pasta bowl to hide the growing tightness in his jeans.

"You sure?" Yugi asked bringing his face close to Dominick's. The boy nodded in response.

"Yes, I am perfectly fine. Are you done with your spaghetti?" he asked pointing down at the bowl.

"Not yet, I just want a few more bites and then I'll be done," Yugi twirled his fork in the pasta until it was covered with crimson noodles. 

"Okay. Just let me know when you are done and I will take the bowl," Dominick winked. Yugi nodded while slurping the noodle into his puckered lips. 


The movie was almost half way over before Dominick noticed Yugi swaying gently in his seat. His head down and his fork lay in his hand forgotten.

"Yugi? You okay?" He asked. No response came from the amethyst eyed youth. He leaned forward and gently moved Yugi's bangs to see his face. Yugi had fallen asleep and was struggling to stay upright. A mysterious smirk danced its way across Dominick's lips as he took the fork and bowl away from the boy and put them on the floor near the couch where he had abandoned his empty bowl earlier.

He leaned Yugi's little form against his chest. Yugi instinct moved his legs up onto the couch for a more comfortable position and nuzzled his head into the brunet's chest. Dominick reached behind him and pulled the blanket over Yugi and himself.

"Now, your're mine," Dominick whispered as he traced Yugi's cherubic face gently with his fingers and placed a kiss on the boy's head; the eerie smirk never leaving his lips.

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