Please Don't Be So Shy

By Ry_Lynn

5.7K 506 375

-DISCONTINUED- So will you never be my lover Or my Valentine More

Tagged 2
Real Scott
Need To Know
Girl, No
Berry II
Best Friend
Window Seat


353 35 10
By Ry_Lynn

~Here it is now.~

8 Years Later

"Why are you sitting so far away from me?" Scott Hoying asks me with genuine curiosity from across my bed. He continues because of my silence. "You were the one who invited me here. I doubt we can practice these notes if you're avoiding me."

My cheeks flush from embarrassment. "O-oh! Sorry, I was just- I was..." I stutter, trying to come up with an excuse for my awkwardness. I run my hand through my stiff-from-way-too-much-hair-product black hair. Nice one, Mitch.

"Hey, hey, it's alright! I was joking." He says quickly. Then he does that little lip bite, oh that lip bite! I think I just melted a little inside. I don't even notice when I drift off, lost in his beautiful icy eyes.

Scott Hoying, a gorgeous, super popular, definitely straight boy, that for some reason agreed to coming to my place after school, even if it's for a project, he still agreed. I've known him forever, but still. We hardly ever talk.

~'Hey, uhh... Scott.. about that song assignment, do you have a partner?'

He didn't even hesitate to answer, 'Nope! I'll be your partner if you want.'

I had to hold back my excitement to say, 'Yes! Of course I can. I-i mean you can.. be my.. partner if you want. If your ok with that, I mean you don't have to-' I nervously stammer as I enternally punch myself.

'Mitch! It's fine. You can be my partner. We'll have to work on the notes...'

'How about at my place?' I say eagerly, then mentally facepalm. Wow, Mitch, great way to talk to your crush. He doesn't even like you, and you just jump ahead like that? No wonder I'm single.

'Sure! Sounds great. See you there!' I'm taken aback.

The bell rings and everyone files out. Scott turns around slightly and waves, causing my heart to do a little flutter. I wave back with a forced smile, still in shock. I collect my books and punch the air.~

"Uh, Mitch?" He waves a large hand in my face, "Are you alright?"

I blink a few times, "Yeah, yeah, just tired..." I mumble, rubbing the back of my neck. Is it hot in here or what?

He pats the space between us and I slowly scoot over. He grabs his choir folder and starts rambling on about notes and two-part harmony. I love his blonde eyelashes and faint eyebrows that glow golden in the light. His sharp, prominent jawline, his swoopy hair, his broad shoulders...

"Are you sure you're okay, Mitchie?" I blush at the nickname.

"I feel fine."

"You keep staring off into space. I can come back some other time when you're not so tired." He says, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"No no no, you can stay." Oh god, I'm so weird. Snap out of it Mitch, your driving him away!

"Right!" He exclaims, a little over enthusiasticly, clapping his hands together loudly. "Lets get this song started!"


It's getting late, and the song isn't even half way finished. If only I could pay attention! He is just too distracting. Since it's a Friday, he couldn't come after school tomorrow. And wouldn't it be weird if two senior guys that are hardly even friends just hung out with each other over the weekend? No, it wouldn't. I just don't want to embarrass myself, I want to postpone our practice as far as I can. But I do want to see him again.

Stop, Mitch. You are overthinking this. You just need to chill. Oh crap, he's looking at me again. He knows about my internal stuggle going on! I avert my eyes. He's reaching out to touch me! What is he doing?

"You look really tired." He says as he touches my arm, "I'll come back tomorrow. What's your number? I'll text you."

I fumble for my phone. "Here," I say, pulling up my phone number. I hand my phone to him. He pulls out his and starts typing. Did he ask for my number for other reasons? No, Mitch, he just wants to let me know when he's coming over tomorrow.

"Thanks. I'd better get going... I'll text you!" He says, looking straight into my eyes.

"I'll walk with you to the door!" Hopefully that didn't weird him out.

He grabs all of his stuff and follows me down the stairs. I stop by the front door, opening it for him.

"You can come with me to my car," he says, practically smoldering down at me. I meet his eyes and nod. Why am I so nervous?

Scott opens the passenger door and sets his stuff down. Turning around to face me, he sighs.

"I really like you Mitch. You have an extraordinary voice, and you are just so sweet." I blush and look up from my hands.

"I like you too. Not like that way... kinda,"

"You are always so nervous around me, it's cute." My eyes widen. It's... cute?


"Yeah, just... Please don't be so shy. You don't have to be so closed up around me." And with that, he turns around and walks to the other side of the car.

Scott. Hoying. Just. Called. Me. Cute.

I'm still in the same exact position when his engine bursts to life, startling me.

I jump and call out, "Bye Scott!"

"See you tomorrow, Mitch!" And he's gone.

I wait until he is around the corner and out of earshot to shout out a loud, "YESSS!"

~What Mitch doesn't know is that Scott did the same.

"I know about my love..."~

My chapters used to be less than 1000 words wth

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