A Deadly First Love

By AnnieR

47K 400 59

Adrian is dying from something the doctors have no cure for. The only people who can help her are her ex-boyf... More

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's note.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chap 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
In The End

Chapter 27

1K 7 2
By AnnieR

 Ricardo and I were sitting on his bed. I loved it. His bed was a California King bed. I didn’t even know why his bed was so huge but I didn’t care, I fell in love with it the first night I spent here. It was huge and hard; I could never sleep on soft beds. His bed room was so huge he still had a massive amount of room left. He had plain white walls but everything else was black; black night stand, black entertainment system, black bed frame. The only thing in his room that wasn’t black was his Egyptian cotton blood red sheets and his Egyptian cotton red and white comforter. If you don’t know what Egyptian cotton is it’s basically the softest cotton sheets in the world! He even had white silk pillow cases, which were totally rocking my world.

I sighed as I snuggled deeper into the bed and sheets. Although we were leaning on the head board so we could watch TV I couldn’t help wanting to feel the softness surrounding me. I froze though as I felt the bed shake and the TV change channel. I growled low and deep.

“Stop shaking your leg and put the channel back, I was watching that!”

“I don’t want to watch that the games on.”

“Put it back!” He didn’t listen, didn’t even look over at me. I made a lung for him, well for the control. He saw me coming and moved the control out of my reach. I climbed over him with a tight grip on his hand. I tried to wrench it off him but he held it tight. Next thing I know he made a movement that had me pinned to the bed. I growled again and tried to take the control but he only laughed. I spun us around so I was pinning him down. We repeated the process a couple of times, me growing angrier and him laughing harder. Finally I rolled Ricardo over and we ended up falling on the floor.

“Oomph.” I let out as my head collided with Ricardo’s hard but soft chest. He groaned slightly and lightly put a hand on my lower back. For a few minutes we just lay there until finally I sat up and rubbed my head and hand. When we landed my left hand landed under Ricardo’s back.

“You okay?” It sounded like a whisper.

I nodded. “I’m fine.” I let out a deep breath then pouted. “This is your entire fault. If you had just done what I told you my hand wouldn’t be hurting…and your head wouldn’t be hurting either.” He smiled but didn’t say anything. Out the corner of my eye I saw the control out of his grasp and made a lunge for it. I threw it to my side of the bed before he had a chance to snatch it from me.

“That’s cheating.”

“No, you’re just a sore loser.” I grinned and tried to get up.

I realized I couldn’t get up since our legs were tangled up in the sheets. I pouted again looking at our legs in the sheets. “But this is your fault.” He put his hands behind his head expecting me to untangle us.

“You aren’t going to help me?” He just smirked.

I huffed and began squirming. I managed to untangle some of it but it was difficult since he wouldn’t move his leg and because the tangle was behind me and I couldn’t see. Abruptly his big hands tightly grabbed my hips pulling me down lower on his hips. I froze at his grip, it was strong and his nails were digging into me. I looked up to see him sitting up and breathing hard. He didn’t look at me only his hands as they gripped me tighter. I wanted to question him. I wanted to ask what he was doing but something about the way his jaw clenched, his lips pushed into each other, and his muscles were stiff made me hold back. We sat in silence. I finally took in my surroundings.

The bed was a wrinkled mess. We were sitting on the floor with me straddling him. I was wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt that, when standing up, came down a few inches under my butt but was currently riding high enough that you could just slightly see my red lace panties. He only had cargo short’s on letting me see his perfectly defined muscles. After spending a couple days here though I had gotten used to seeing him half naked, but it didn’t exactly stop me from gasping every time I saw him. He had his perfect slightly darker than caramel skin and his perfect 8 pack abs, which I had never before seen in person. His unblemished and unscarred skin was soft like silk and gave off this woodsy camp fire smell. Oddly enough he was hairless everywhere except his face and head. His hands were big and strong, the only part of his body that was rough but I loved the feel. He had a tattoo of a little doll on his chest right over his heart. The doll was obviously supposed to be a little girl. She had curly hair and wore a jean skirt to her knees and a plain pink shirt. The way it was tattooed made it seem like there was a white light coming from behind her. Behind her was a light green door frame with the door open, which is where the light was coming from. Her eyes were a large, innocent and brown.

I couldn’t stop my eyes from wondering up to his eyes, which were already looking at me. My hand, of its own accord, went up to his neck and softly went to the back of his head. I leaned forward unconsciously. I continued forward until I could feel his breath on my skin never breaking eye contact. I finally looked down to his lips and back up to his eyes. We leaned forward until our lips touched and our eyes closed. His lips were soft and instantly responded. Our lips moved in sync enjoying the taste of each other. He nibbled on my bottom lip but I didn’t open wanting to tease him. He growled and I smiled. This time I nibbled on his lip and he greedily opened. The instant our tongues touched this crazy feeling passed through me.

It made me pull him closer and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulled me down hard onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to him so tightly I was having trouble breathing. I didn’t care though. I greedily tasted and explored his mouth. It was weird, the feeling I was having; weird and completely amazing. His hands began exploring my body. They grabbed mercilessly at my thighs gripping me so hard I wanted to cry out in pain but it came out as a moan. His hands tightened before loosening enough to travel up to my hips and continued upwards. They rolled over my stomach feeling everything and then came to my breasts. I wanted him so badly I didn’t stop him like I normally would have. He grabbed my breast and squeezed making me shiver and moan in pleasure. To my dismay his hand left and traveled back down to the hem of my long shirt. He began pulling it up. I gasped and moaned as his hand shot up under my shirt lightly skidding over my stomach and colliding with my breast once again. Then suddenly he froze and pulled away. When I saw his shocked eyes staring at me I gasped and slightly pulled back. We were breathing hard and my hand dabbed at my lips where I could still feel his lips on me. The roughness of his hand disappeared from my breasts and my shirt fluttered back down to my thigh.

Breathing roughly still and with eyes that were beginning to water I muttered a sorry before shooting up and walking away. “Wait!” He said grabbing my wrist. I froze at the contact. “Don’t be sorry.” He whispered. The hope that ignited inside me burst into flames when I thought maybe he didn’t mind me kissing him. “I shouldn’t have let it happen. I got too comfortable.” The flame was put out and the tears rolled down my face.

“I’m sorry.” I squeaked. My hand other hand that Ricardo wasn’t touching went up to muffle my sob. I was glad I was facing away from him but I really wished he would let my wrist go so I could go cry in the bathroom.

“I told you not to be.” He said almost forcefully as he took a step forward.

“But I have to be! How are you supposed to tell your mate, if you found her, that you kissed me?”

I felt him freeze. “Mate?”

I nodded. “I...I…I Know. What you are.” Slowly I looked back at him fresh tears getting ready to crawl out. “I also know you have a mate - I just don’t know if you found her yet.”

“How do you know?” I saw his chest rise and fall.

“The others told me.” He nodded his head. “I’m sorry.” My vision blurred with the tears that ran faster than a river down my cheeks.

“Don’t cry.” He said putting his hand behind my head and slamming me into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and rubbed my back. “Please don’t cry.” He sounded torn.

“But what about your mate?” I managed to say.

“I think she’ll be really glad to know we kissed.”

“What?” I asked horrified, shocked, and confused. I pulled back to look up at his face and he was smiling.

“Adrian, you are my mate.” He smiled looking down at me cupped my face pulling it up. “If you knew what I was how come you haven’t realized you’re my mate?” He looked into my eyes with nothing but joy.

“I…” Jonathan and Ricardo are my mates? One of them has to be lying. “How do you know…that I’m your mate?”

“It’s this feeling I get whenever I’m with you. Just thinking about you makes my heart accelerate. I only ever want to make you smile and your laugh makes me smile. I could tell the moment we met” He put his hand over his heart, where the doll was, “that you were my mate. Don’t you remember the day we met? Your asshole of a father was dropping you off at the baby sitters house for the first time.” I looked down at the doll. “ Carmen, my sister and I were playing tag. I had just run out of the bathroom, it had two doors and I ran in from the other side and came out right in front of you. My cousin ran past you not even noticing you but stopped when she realized I stopped. You looked like an angel with the bright sun shining in from behind you.” I remembered.

“I was wearing a plain pink shirt with a circle neck line, my favorite knee length jean skirt and my crusty blue and white high top air forces.” I cringed at how horrible I looked that day and then blushed. “I didn’t get a chance to do my hair that morning because he was rushing me.” Ricardo smiled.

“You looked absolutely beautiful.”

“I looked horrible!” I screeched getting on my tippy toes. “When I saw you I hurried up and took my hair out so I could do it.”

“And we didn’t stop looking at each other, except for the occasional times when you would look away.”

“I was embarrassed” I muttered looking away from him my cheeks flaming up again. “plus I was trying to keep up with the conversation. Anyways you have problems for calling me beautiful even after you admit that I had absolutely no sense of style back then.”

He laughed. “That’s what made you so beautiful, that fact that you have a great sense of style now is just a plus.” He stroked my cheek. “I’d take you either way though.” I was pretty sure at this point that I was a crimson color. “I’m just glad your blushing habits haven’t changed.” He kissed my cheek.

I jumped back a little flustered. “How can you do that after what just happened?”

His face fall as he looked back at the mess on floor but smiled as he looked back at me. “I guess I’m just so happy I don’t have to hide this from you anymore.” He hugged me close again and I found myself unable to pull away, no matter how embarrassed I was. “Besides I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy that.”

I ignored his last comment. “So, what happens now?”

“I take you to meet the Alpha.” I nodded.

“Should I pack clothes…” I was at a complete loss. For the first time, since I learned werewolves were real, I had no clue what to do.

“Pack enough clothes for a week, maybe even for a week end. We’ll leave today.” I nodded. “Come on I’ll take you home so you can pack some more…woodsy clothes. The pack lives in the woods.”

“So then why are you here?”

He looked back at me. “I just felt like something was pulling me towards the city, and I’m glad I finally listened to the feeling. Just before I left when we were still back home I thought I would have to wait years before I saw you again but you came.” He gave me a smile so sweet it melted my heart. “Now let’s go to the house. You think everyone’s there? We’ll have to tell them we’re going on a trip.” He said looking off into space.

“No!” I said quickly. “I’ll go alone. You have to pack clothes too right?” He nodded and began to say something but I stopped him. “I’ll be fine. I’ll be back in a few.” I rushed putting on a pair of matching boots. I got on my toes and kissed his cheek making me blush. He nodded and walked me to the door.

Once I managed to grab a taxi I finally had time to think. At some point I need to ask how I could possibly have two mates but how could I do that without Ricardo finding out about Jonathan? How was I supposed to tell Jonathan I was going… How was I going to face Jonathan? The last time I seen him I asked him why. But why what? Why did I love him? Why did I feel a hole in my chest? Why did I feel a pull towards both of these boys? Why after everything he’s done could I not get over him? Why didn’t I want to give neither Jonathan nor Ricardo up? There were so many why’s I didn’t know which question I wanted answered more but they all came boiling down to one simple question: Do I have two mates or is one of them lying?

With Jonathan I have to be more grown up and smart, like he silently demands it. This isn’t all that bad since he brings out the competitor in me, like with grades he made me get straight ‘A’s while I was dating him and I was happy with the end result. With Ricardo I could be more relaxed and calm, comfortable. He was the adult in the relationship, but only when he had to be. Jonathan was much stricter even though he doesn’t seem like it, being his girlfriend involved a lot of hard work. I always had to look my best around him. Being with Ricardo was effortless. I was always myself around him and I never felt I had to be more than that. Either way I didn’t mind. Jonathan brought out the best parts of me and Ricardo brought out the child in me.

It’s kissing them that felt different. Kissing Jonathan compared to Ricardo was completely different. With Ricardo I felt this unexplainable need, need like a human needs food and water, but with Jonathan I felt this unexplainable want, like I HAD to have him or I would die. Kissing Jonathan was sweet and slow but passionate. The only time he was rough is when we are kissing he doesn’t nibble for permission he simply forces my mouth open, but I can be a masochist. I felt the need to take it slow. I wanted him, badly, but I always felt like we had to wait. I loved when he felt me up and put his hand between my legs teasing me but when it came down to getting naked, I had to stop. Maybe I just felt self-conscious in front of him, like I said I always felt the need to look perfect for him. Perhaps it was a bad thing, I should feel comfortable in front of him at all times, and I did, I was just nervous, which is normal. Kissing Ricardo was rough, wild and ruled with passion. He nibbled but once giving permission he was out of control like a wild fire. With Ricardo I wanted him there and now. I didn’t want to wait. I wanted him to take me whole and do whatever he wanted with me. There was nothing more to it. I snorted suddenly, all these crazy cravings and needs and you’re still a virgin. Even I don’t believe it. Maybe I was just in lust with Ricardo…

The cabby cleared his throat making me look up. We were at the house. I paid him with the money Ricardo so kindly gave me and got out. I stood in front of the house simply looking at it until the cabby drove away. Taking in a deep breath I walked inside. Every single member of the pack was there and I heard two words just as I walked in that made me freeze. “…pack meeting.” Mario looked over at the door.

“Did I perhaps arrive at an inconvenient time?” My voice was so extremely low even I had a hard time hearing it. Silently Mario shook his head and I nodded mines in response. Closing the door and walking to the room was the most difficult task I had ever done in my life, it would be yours too if you had people watching you the entire time. I quickly packed up enough close for two weeks just in case. I exited the room and went back to the living room ready to leave when I remembered Ricardo wanted me to tell everyone I was leaving making me freeze with the door slightly ajar.

“Umm…” I pointed at Mario trying to figure out how to phrase my next sentence. “I’m going on a trip…when I get back I should know what happened – to Jonathan and Ricardo.”

He nodded his head. “When will you be back?” He was in business mode.

I shrugged. “A week or two.” He nodded.

“Be safe.” It was my turn to nod. I was back on my way out when my foot hit the porch and I remembered Mario was a werewolf. I watched as the chauffeur I called came to get my luggage then switched my gaze to my foot.

“By the way, is it possible for someone to have two mates?”

“Two mates?”

“Yeah, you know, two wolves have the same mate.”

There was a long pause and when Mario finally spoke he had something in his voice. “No, it isn’t but there is a pack around these parts that claim every once in a while two wolves will have the same mate.”

“In the end who gets the girl – or boy, you know the one they both have as a mate.”

“Whoever the girl, or boy, chooses.” Again another pause. “Why? What happened Adrian?”

I let out a long deep breath I was holding. “Either someone’s lying to me or I have two mates.” The sound of glass falling to the floor and breaking snapped my head, and every other head, in Jonathan’s direction. I looked from the glass up to his face. To say he was shocked and heart broken was probably an understatement. Quickly looking away I breathed out a “Bye.” Before closing the door and running to the car. The door opened but I was already closing the car door.

“Go!” I shouted at the chauffeur. He peeled away and as we drove out the drive way I turned around to see Jonathan for the second time in wolf form watching me leave. I looked back towards the chauffeur. “I’ll be back. I’ll definitely be back. After I find out…” why I love the both of you, I finished to myself knowing I didn’t want him hearing the last part.

Woah. I think the whole two mates thing has been over done lately but i was planning this before i read those and i really don't feel like changing it. Please keep reading. 

Who do you think she'll choose? 

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