I Don't Like You

De creatistx

252K 10.2K 1.2K

I felt a hand under my chin and then I was looking right into Aiden's eyes. "You know that I care about you... Mai multe

Intro and Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Part 2- Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
My Other Books
Happy Author's Day!
Christmas Chapter
Super Special Christmas Bonus!

Chapter 25

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De creatistx

Chapter 25: I don't like camping

We were all standing in front of my house crowded in a circle. Even though they were acting normal, you could still feel the tension in the air. It was literally killing me.

"Ok, so we'll all just take two cars there since there's six of us." Peyton explained to us. It was Saturday meaning that today's starts our camping weekend. To tell you the truth, I don't even want to go anymore. However, considering the people that are here, things might get interesting.

Aiden and Peyton will probably try to murder each other. Jackson will probably be complaining the whole weekend. Jessie was probably going to get in some sort of trouble with Mother Nature. And Naomi will probably sit back and watch how crazy we all are.

"Okay, but before we leave, we need to lay down some rules." I told them. Almost all of them rose their eyebrows at me, except for Naomi. "There will absolutely be no fighting. And yes, I'm talking about you two." I pointed at Aiden And Peyton.

"Jackson, no complaining and whining about everything you come to face with. Its just the outdoors, you've been outside before." He rolled his eyes at me. "Jessie....... please, I beg you, don't do anything stupid."

"Oh Please, Corey. You act like you don't do anything stupid." He scoffed at me. I glared at him.

"Well, at least I know not to poke a skunk with a stick. What'd you think was gonna happen?" I threw at him.

"Says the girl that tried to clean out an outlet with a fork! Who the hell does that?!" I gave out a heavy exhale.

I was about to respond when Aiden beat me to it. "Okay. We get it. Both of you are stupid, now shut up so we can leave." He turned to walk towards the car.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Peyton raised one of his eyebrows.

"Damn." Jackson chuckled. Aiden just showed him a special finger and we all made our way towards the car. As I walking, I noticed Naomi has been really quiet.

"Are you okay, you've been really quiet." I asked her.

She nodded her head. "Yeah. I'm just thinking about how this weekends gonna to turn out."

"Yeah, we're all screwed." And with that, we all made our way to the camping site.


'Baby I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals, animals, like animals
Baby you think that you can hide
I can smell your scent for miles
Just like animals, animals, like animals'

Me and Jackson were singing at the top of our lungs. You can't really blame us. We were driving for a really long time and we were getting restless.

"You guys have been singing for the past hour. Do you know annoying you're being right now?" Jessie asked while tapping on the steering wheel impatiently.

"If you guys don't shut up, I will come back there and punch you both in the nose." Aiden said irritated.

I leaned forward so that my head was between Aiden's and Jessie's. "But I'm bored. And my feet hurt."

"Please tell me how your feet possibly hurt. You're in a car!" Jessie said incredulously.

Aiden turned towards Jessie. "Yeah, I gotta pee, man."

Jessie sighed and pulled out his phone. He scrolled before putting it to his ears and mumbling 'little brats.'

"Peyton, do you mind if we stop for a bathroom break? I got three toddlers here annoying the shit out of me and if I don't step out of the car now, I swear I'll put all three of them in the trunk."

The three of us turned towards him with the same expressions.

After about ten minutes, we stopped at this gas station and Aiden quickly got out the car and made his way to the bathroom. The rest of us got out the car and made our way inside the shop.

Jessie and Jackson started walking around, I'm guessing to look for food. I just stood at the front until I spotted something on the counter where the cashier was standing.


I made my way to the counter. The woman behind the counter smiled at me. She looked to be Around her fourties and she had grey hair starting to show in her black hair.

"Would you like to try one dear? I made them yesterday." I looked at the plate and the glazed donuts were practically calling me. I nodded and smiled at her. I took two and quickly shoved them in my mouth. "Thank you." I told her while my face was stuffed.

She laughed at me. "No problem." I swallowed the donuts and soon Jessie, Jackson, and Aiden appeared.

"You guys ready to go?" Jessie asked us. We nodded our head and made our way to the car.

Aiden's P.O.V

We were back to driving to the camp site. I only came because Corey wanted me to. Besides her and Jackson not shutting up, I actually didn't mind this little road trip we were having.

Just then, Corey started laugh out of nowhere. She sounded like she just heard the most funniest thing in the world. I turned towards her and there was something definitely something wrong about her.

"Corey are you, okay?" Jackson asked beside her. She stopped laughing and pouted. She looked like a child......

"I don't want to be Corey. I want to be a Princess and marry a Prince." She smiled and tilted her head. "And then we'll live in a castle and eat unicorns for breakfast."

Oh god no....

Me and Jessie looked at each other in panic. "Oh no.." I heard Jackson mutter.

"Corey, did you have any donuts when we stopped?" I asked her.

She nodded her head. "The nice lady said I could have them."

"Dammit." Jessie groaned.

We pulled up to the camp site and saw Peyton and Naomi waiting for us. The rest of the way there, Jackson had to hold Corey down to keep her from jumping out the car.

As soon as we parked, Corey rushed out the car and started running around the trees. To tell the truth, the looks on Peyton's and Naomi's faces were priceless.

"Okay, so should we start to set up?" Jessie chirps.

"What's wrong with Corey?" Naomi asks while eyeing a Corey that was currently attempting to climb a tree.

"She had donuts." Jackson said simply.

"That makes sense." Peyton said, walking toward the tents. "It's two per tent so who's with who?"

"How about, you and Naomi, Corey and Jessie, and me and Aiden." Jackson told him.

"Works for me." I said. We all grabbed a tent and then set it up. When we were all done, we all gathered and Jessie was trying to get Corey out of the tree. My eyes widened. She actually made it up there. She actually climbed the tree.

"Can you guys help me?" He asked still looking up at Corey. She was sitting on a branch smiling down at him. We all made our way over to the tree and looked up at Corey.

"Corey, you're going to have to jump!" I screamed up at her.

"Ooohh, it'll be like skydiving!" She started clapping her hands. Naomi started laughing beside me.

"Wow." She laughed. "All this because of donuts."

"Yup." Jessie sighed. We all held our hands out and waited for Corey to jump.

"And she told me not to do anything stupid." Jessie tsked. "But here we are trying to catch her from jumping out of a tree."

I chuckled. Then Corey stood up and yelled. "Here I come!" She leaped off the branch and the five  of us caught her while she was laughing. "That was fun!" She laughed more. We put her down and she made her way to where we set up.

"Oh, Corey." I shook my head at her.


We were sitting around the fire. Corey eventually grew out of her sugar rush from earlier. Peyton had his arm around her. The sight of him touching her bothered me, but I forced myself to keep my mouth shut.

"Jessie, truth or dare?" Naomi asked him. Me and her had not shared a single glance once this trip. It scares me because that means she's up to something. Right?


"Okay. I dare you to sit on the person to your left for two turns." Jessie slowly turned his head to see Jackson with shocked expression on his face.

"Hell no!" They said in unison. We all laughed.

"You have to. You chose dare." I smirked at him. Jessie just glared at me before getting up and sitting on Jackson. Corey burst out laughing.

"This is too good." She said in between laughs. "Hey, Aiden."

"Yeah?" I turned to her.

"Truth or dare?" She smiled at me. I really don't have time to confess anything. Dare it is.

"Dare." Her smile widened. I love her smile....

"I knew you'd say that. I dare you to give Peyton a hug for ten seconds." She didn't....

"What?" Me and Peyton said in unison.

"You heard me. Hug him." I glared at her and stood up. I walked over to Peyton and wrapped my arms around him.

"You suck at this." Peyton said I me.

"Stop talking." I snapped at him.

Once ten seconds was up, he shoved me off him and I just glared. "See that wasn't so bad." She smiled.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this Corey." She just raised her shoulder in a teasing manner.

"Okay, Peyton?" He turned towards Jessie.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to do a backflip off that branch." He pointed to the same branch Corey was on earlier.

"Piece of cake." He shrugged his shoulders. I watched as he climbed up the tree and did his flip.

Jackson pushed Jessie off him. "You can get off me now." I laughed at them.

Peyton made his way back to his seat next to Corey and kissed her on the cheek. Asshole.

Naomi yawned and we all just sat there in silence. "Who's tired?" Peyton asked. Everyone raised their hand. We all got up and went to our tents. As I was about to enter, I heard Naomi's voice.

"Goodnight, Aiden." I turned around and saw her give me a smile. I don't know if it was genuine. To think of it, her and her bastard of a brother have been quiet all night.

"Goodnight, Naomi."


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