Revolution (Book 2 in the Ris...

By Culper581

23.1K 839 130

Sequel to Rise. I have ignited the revolution. George Washington now rallies the colonists and this country m... More

Some Pictures, a Knock Out, and a Chase
A Different Point of View, A Useless Key, and a Board Game
Back in Time, an Interrogation, and a Super Hidden Blade
The Green Mile, a Really Long Rope, and a Double Take
Back to Normal, a Piece of Paper Signed by a Bunch of Old Dudes and a Cliff Dive
A Mix Up, a Beating, and an Unlikely Alliance
Strange Money, the Difference, and a Giant Coat
A Conversation Not Meant to be Heard, a Broken knife, and a Couple Explosions
A Bossy Father, a Chase, and a Really Cute Officer
A Speech from a Trailer, a Betrayal, and a Remembrance
A Couple Cannons, a Stupid Commander, and a Crazy Meeting
Defending a Tiny Ship, Some Mines, and a Freaking Fake Broken Fort
A Rescue, a Storm, and a Butt Slap
A Traitor, a Major General, and a Really Bossy and Rude Dude
A Sarcastic Officer, a Chase, and a Pleading Traitor
A Bossy French Dude, Some Fog, and Another Near Death Experience
A Traitor, A Battle, and a Fake Letter
A Hideout, an Overdramatic Ending, and a Final Death

A New Captain, an Annoying Father, and a Slippery Little Bastard

1.2K 44 10
By Culper581

A New Captain, an Annoying Father, and a Slippery Little Bastard

I feel something hard hit my body and we both roll out of the ceiling's range.

"Come on, get up," Haytham's voice rings in my ears.

I'm pulled to my feet by strong hands and dragged towards a wall. The world is becoming even hazier and it's getting even harder for me to breathe.

"Haytham," I wheeze. "That way." I point in the opposite direction he's taking us.

Haytham nods and begins to climb up the wall expecting me to follow.

Suddenly, I feel a strange heat on my back. Then I realize what's happening. I immediately rip the extra-large coat from my body and watch it engulf itself in flames.

"Riley, come on!"

I look up and see Connor and Haytham. They're looking down at me from the upper loft.  Taking a running start, I jump and run up the side of the wall where Connor grips my open arms and lifts me up. I continue to cough and gag on the suffocating smoke that doesn't seem to affect the two idiots as much.

Haytham has left us now and taken off through the flames.

Connor quickly grabs my hand and pulls me in the direction Haytham took. But then the floor is collapsing taking us down with it. We roll into the lower level where the fire is the worst.

"So close, yet so far," We hear Haytham call to us from somewhere above in a mocking voice.

"Shut up," I mumble through my coughing before Connor pulls me back to my feet.

"You'll need to find another way around the flames," Haytham calls to us again.

"Ya don't say!" I call back in my sarcastic tone as Connor and I duck under a board.

"I do say so, Riley!"

Connor grins at me before climbing up a less flaming wall. I follow a bit more slowly as the smoke is becoming unbearable.

"Get back here, traitors!" Haytham yells at a group of Church's men. "Oh, how I'll enjoy making you pay for your betrayal! Did Church pay you well? Were you rewarded handsomely?" Connor is literally carrying me through the burning building by this point. I can't breathe and I'm ready to collapse. "And what good does your gold do you now?" Haytham continues on his lecturing rant. "Is it magic gold, you think? Like the one they spun the fleece from? Do you think it will shield you from the flames?"

Connor and I finally make it to the top where we find Haytham surrounded by guards. We struggle to hoist ourselves up and over the wooden ledge. Just as we get to our feet, the five guards and Haytham are falling though the floor.

The two of us walk towards the hole and look down. Haytham is hanging onto the ledge by one arm struggling to stay up. He has a terrified look in his eyes that makes me grin. Even Grandmaster Templars get scared.

I nudge Connor to pull him up. Haytham gives him a nod of thanks once he's on his feet.

The three of us begin to look around the remains of the room for some way out. Haytham walks up to a locked door.

"Stuck!" he mutters after several failed attempts at prying it open. "See if you two can find something to pry it open." There's silence from us as I whisper something in Connor's ear. He grins. "Connor? Riley? What are you two up to?"

Haytham turns around to face us. I'm stand a few feet away from Connor who is in a ready-to-start-running position. Haytham realizes this.

"Oh. No. Don't do that." Haytham warns Connor with an anxious look on his face.

Too late. Connor is charging at Haytham as he's blurting out, "There's no way of knowing what's on the other siiiii..." They're falling through the broken doors and into the waters below. I wave at them as they fall.

Taking a running start, I dive swiftly off the edge of the broken door and into the water where I find Haytham and Connor coming up for air.

"We do now," Connor says to Haytham. He gives Connor an annoyed look and sighs sarcastically.

The three of us swim to a deck nearby where the two idiots climb up first and Connor lifts me up as if I'm weightless.

"Church has at least a day on us," Haytham says to us. He looks kinda funny with gray hair and no fancy hat on his head. "We must move quickly if we're to catch him."  

"We have a ship we can use," I offer.

"Meet us on the pier when you're ready," Connor finishes. He turns and walks away expecting that I will follow. But I don't.

I walk up to Haytham. "You saved my life," I say slowly. "Why?"

Haytham chuckles. "Don't look too much into it, Riley. You still have information I need." He pauses. "And... you seem to be good at keeping Connor and I in line."

I grin at him. "Well maybe I should stick around, then." With that, I turn around and walk off towards Connor.

"What was that about?" Connor asks me once we're out of earshot and sight of Haytham.

"Nothing important," I reply as we retrieve our weapons from the barrel that's thankfully far enough away from the brewery to not be touched by the flames.

There's silence as we walk behind the house where we stored our robes. It must be two or three in the morning by now. We're both exhausted and ready to collapse. But we can sleep later. Church is gaining ground as we speak.

"Are you alright?" Connor asks me once I'm in my black robes again.

I chuckle. "Connor, I survived a hanging, an arrow in my shoulder, a forty foot drop, and a flaming ceiling falling on top of me. I'm fine."

Connor grins at me. "I guess when you put it like that; it is just another day being Riley Anderson."

"Heck yeah!"


A few hours later, robes and weapons on, Connor and I walk towards the docks not long before dawn.

The Aquila floats soundlessly on the calm ocean waters where it waits for us.

"Wait," Connor says slowly. "How is the Aquila already here?"

I grin proudly. "I told Faulkner before we left to set sail for New York as soon as possible."

"What would we do without you?" Connor grins at me again.  He seems to be in a good mood lately.

Mr. Faulkner is waiting for us in front of the Aquila in his long dark green coat and gray hair pulled back in a ponytail.

"Good evening, captains," he says when we approach.

"Captains?" I repeat.

"Of course, Captain Riley," Faulkner says with a grin. "You didn't think that we wouldn't let you be in charge of the Aquila now did you? Which reminds me..." he motions for us to follow him into the captain's cabin which is surprisingly large.

It has two twin-sized beds on either side of the room, a large desk against a wall, and various weapons and clothes around the walls. There were also several candles mounted on the wall or sitting on the desk. It's a very calm and neat room. I like it.

On the beds lay a uniform on each. I recognize the dark blue and brown one as Connor's but there's a black and red one as well.

Mr. Faulkner picks up an identical version save for the colors of Connor's naval uniform. "Achilles wanted this made for you, Riley," Faulkner says handing me the uniform.

"Wow," I say slowly. "This is awesome. Thanks, you guys," I look up and the two men and smile.

"Now, I'll let you two get changed for the voyage. We leave when you're ready, captains." With that, he leaves the cabin closing the door behind him.

I look at Connor. "Did you know?"

Connor grins as he pulls down his hood and I follow his action. "Of course I knew. It was my idea."

I lay my uniform back down on my bed. Then turn back to Connor. "Aren't you a sweetheart?" I ask and stand on my tip toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"Only for you." He wraps his arms around me and leans in to kiss me again.


"Can you move up? You are in the way of the rows, father."

"No, I will not move. I'm perfectly fine where I am."

"Will you two idiots shut up?! You're acting like children!"

I'm not sure why Connor had the brilliant idea of moving the Aquila further towards the open sea and make us row back to the docks to pick up Haytham, who was very impatient.

He makes Connor row so I have to sit facing Haytham who has his arms crossed over his chest with an annoyed and impatient look on his face.

"So..." I say after a looooong awkward silence between the three of us. "When Thomas and Connor were captured and taken to Bridewell, why did you tell you Templars to knock me out and stop me from rescuing them?" This question has been nagging at the back of my mind for the last three months.

Haytham sighs. "The answer is obvious. We needed answers. You seem to know our every move. So we had to catch you off guard and Connor could not be present for the questions we had for you. And by the way, you still haven't told me how he's still alive. Charles shot him almost six months ago."

I laugh. "You really think I'm gonna tell you right now? You still haven't completely answered my question, anyways."

"Fine," Haytham grumbles. "Since Connor could not be present for me to ask you these questions, it would be perfect that he and Hickey be locked up where Hickey could keep an eye on him till the execution. But... I was meant to kill you myself in the cabin that night... we told Connor you were dead and that's why he didn't fight back after that."

Then, everything from the night comes flooding back. "You... killed the guard with the gun after he knocked me unconscious," I say slowly. "Instead of shooting me in the head and that's why you seemed to be fighting yourself when I heard the gunshot. I thought it was me that got shot. But when I woke up the next morning... I didn't remember anything that happened the previous night." I look down at my hands in my lap as I realize that everything is beginning to fit together.

Haytham nods. "You were right, by the way. About everything."

I look back up at him to ask what he meant when our little row boat gently hits the side of the Aquila and a rope ladder comes down for us to climb.

Adjusting my black captain's hat, I follow Connor up the rope ladder.


It's good to see the Aquila setting sail again; being on the open waters where it belongs. I kneel down on the crow's nest closest to the helm so I can talk to the three boys at the front and let the warm sea breeze fill my nose and lift loose strands of hair from my face.

"I told you this was a poor heading," Haytham complains form the opposite side of Connor at the wheel. "Church is surely days ahead of us now..."

"Have some faith in the boy! He's yet to disappoint!" Faulkner backs up Connor's position. And I have to admit, not only is Connor a good captain, but he looks so good in his naval uniform. He can rock that captain hat, and those pants. Sorry guys, just had an 'I love Connor Kenway' moment.

"Well the bar's not been set very high now, has it?" Haytham mutters.

"He is your son, after all," I call to Haytham. He narrows his eyes up at me.

"We are closer than you think, father," Connor finally speaks harshly to Haytham.

The Aquila left the New York ports a few weeks ago since we're traveling to the Caribbean seas. It's been fun being captain. I get to tell people what to do, especially Connor. He's always asking me where he should go next, it's so much fun. Connor and I even moved our beds together. I wish it would never end. We even made Haytham sleep in the brig down below where the crew sleeps. It's been one of the best few weeks I've had in a long time.

"Ship ho!"

A crew member brings me out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"Is it the Welcome?" Connor asks.

"Yeah," I call to Connor from above.

"And she's dropped anchor," Faulkner adds.

"Bring us in for a closer look, son," Haytham tells Connor.

I get the idea and jump from the crow's nest and onto the railing in front of the wheel. "I hope you don't mind if I borrow this." I pull his spyglass from within his coat before he can react and jump back up the mast again.

I hear Faulkner chuckle. "You two are quite the pair."

"Tell me about it," Haytham mutters.

I catch Connor rolling his eyes as we pull the ship up next to the Welcome.

"It seems the ship has been abandoned," Connor notes as I bring the spyglass to my face.

"Church always was a slippery little bastard..." Haytham mutters until we hear an alert from one of the officers.

"Enemy ahead!"  I drop the spyglass form my eye as we all dart our heads to the schooner not very far from us. "They're making to flee!"

"After them!" Connor and I shout at the crew.

Connor steers the Aquila through a low hanging rock formation to catch up with the ship as it fires two warning shots.

I run along the ropes and jump to the very edge of the ship where I look out over the waters to Church's ship. Once in the clearing, the winds become worse to maneuver with.

"Rouge winds!" a crew member shouts.

"Half sail!" Connor and I scream together.

"How is it you came to captain a ship, given the way you sail?" Haytham asks his son over the roar of the wind and waves. Multiple rock formations come in our path and cause us to loose even more speed. Haytham becomes even more annoyed with this. "Perhaps someone with more experience should take the wheel?" I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Speed, Connor! We need more speed!" Haytham call to his son as he maneuvers the Aquila through the reefs and rocks in the water. "It's almost as though you want him to escape!" Haytham continues to use his sarcastic tome on Connor. But the Aquila is just too big to move through these rocks. "Can the ship go no faster?!" We begin to fall behind Church's ship again. "Hurry son! We won't get a second chance at this!"

I jump from my position at the edge of the Aquila and run back to join Connor who seems very annoyed and anxious to end this as we finally make it into a large open area of water. But our luck soon fades.

"She's passing between the cliffs, boy, and the Aquila's too big to follow," Mr. Faulkner tells Connor. "We need to go around!"

"Goddammit!" Haytham shouts. "We're going to lose him!"

"No, we won't," I say.

"What other choice have we?!" Mr. Faulkner asks turning to face me. "Those rocks would crush us!" he points to the cliffs Church's ship passed through.

"She is right," Connor suddenly says. "The current here is swift. We still have a chance."

"Enemy ships approaching!"

I quickly snap my head to the ambush beginning to unfold around us. "Aww crap," I mutter. I then, run to the edge of the upper deck. "Men, man the cannons! Make ready to fight!" I throw my fist in the air and the men cheer as they load the cannons and wait for the signal to fire.

"Church is using the ambush as cover," Haytham calls to us. "Sink him before he escapes! Send that bastard to the seafloor!"

"No," Connor and I say together.

"We need his ship afloat," I say. "The cargo must be saved."

Connor steers the ship towards the frigates and enemy sloops as the crew makes ready to fire.

"To the left, Connor!" I call as Connor tries taking the right approach.

"Fire!" Connor screams and the left side of the ship sprays bullets into the three small sloops, blowing them up instantly.

After the sloops and one frigate are sunk, this is when it becomes tough.

"Stop him, Connor!" Haytham shouts. "You should have listened to me! He's nearly away!"

"Haytham, shut up!" I scream as Connor grits his teeth in frustration and anger. "Connor," I say to him. "Use chain shots to take down Church's ship." He nods to me just as the other ship is firing at us.

"All heads down!" Connor shouts as the cannons fly overhead.

Just as I duck down, a cannon ball flies at me grazing the side of the back of the Aquila. I scream as it blasts me backwards and showers bits of wood and glass around me as I roll into the side railing painfully.

The Aquila sinks the other frigate and manages to disable Church's ship while it disables our cannons. I pull my hat back on top of my head and get ready.

Connor brings the Aquila closer to Church's ship. "Men, prepare to board–"Haytham suddenly shoves Connor from the wheel a little too hard. I knew this would happen so I stand where Connor is thrown. But, he takes me down with him and we both topple back into the railing.

"What are you doing?" Connor cries at his father when the two of us get back up to our feet.

"Ending this!" Haytham snarls as he spins the wheel, hard ramming the Aquila into the side of Church's ship.

Connor and I are thrown forwards along with the rest of the crew on impact as Haytham pulls out his sword and jumps onto the other ship.

Connor pulls me back to my feet as I pick up his fallen tomahawk.

"Go find your dad and Church." I say quickly. "I'll secure the ship."

"Thank you, Riley," Connor says and he pulls me in for a soft kiss before he jumps over the space between the ships and over to Church's escape ship.

I look around at the men scrambling to collect weapons and ropes. "Secure the ships!" I call to them before picking up a fallen musket to toss at a crew member. "You're in charge Mr. Faulkner."

"Aye, aye, captain," he says holding the wheel. "Hook us in! Bring her close! To arms! To arms!" He calls to the crew members as I get ready to jump.

Taking a running start, I jump onto the railing to push myself higher and do a forward flip into a tumble once I roll to the other ship. I pull out my sword just as not one of my crew members comes at me.

I block his blow with my sword just as I did with Connor all those months ago. I thrust my blade into his chest and shove my left hidden blade into his neck and use my boot to push him back to the ground.


I turn around and see Connor motioning for me to follow him down into the cabins. Sheathing my sword, I jump over corpses and broken bits of wood to Follow Connor down the wide stairs.

"Empty," Connor mutters once we're in the dark of the cabin. "What has Church done with the cargo?"

"It's not here," I say.

Connor stops walking and turns to look at me. "Then where is it?" He asks frustrated.

"I think it would be best if the thief told you, himself." I gesture to the dark hallway before us.

As we walk, Haytham's voice is heard. "So here we are, face to face at last, my friend. It's been quite an adventure – let me tell you – working my way through your nasty little tricks and traps."

I scoff. "Yeah right," I mutter.

"Clever," Haytham continues. "Some of them, anyway. I'll give you credit for that. And for the quietude with which you pulled it off." Haytham's voice becomes louder and much fiercer. "We had a dream, Benjamin! A dream you sought to destroy! And for that, my fallen friend, you will be made to pay."

I shove open the doors where Haytham and Church are.

Haytham is on top of a very bloody and very old Benjamin Church and punching the snot out of him.

"Ooh, somebody did not age well," I lean over and whisper to Connor.

He lets a small grin seep onto his lips before he steps into Haytham and Church's fight. "Enough!" Haytham stops for a moment to glance at his son. "We came here for a reason."

Haytham turns back to punching Church. "Different reasons, it seems," he snarls giving Church one final hard punch before getting up. he goes over to stand beside me as Connor kneels down beside Church.

"You got a little..." I point to the blood on Haytham's face and hands. He shakes out his sore hand and wipes away the blood on his pants and somehow finds a way to smear more blood across the side of his left cheek. So I have to go all motherly on him and lick my thumb to clean his face as Connor speaks to a dying Church.

"Where is the supplies you stole?" Connor asks calmly.

Church spits up a little blood before speaking. "Go to hell."

Connor becomes even more frustrated and thrusts his hidden blade into Church's chest. He gives out a yelp of pain.

The world slowly melts into nothing as Connor stands up right.

"I ask again," he says circling Church. "Where are the supplies?"

Benjamin props himself up on one elbow and uses the other hand to clutch his bleeding side as he speaks. "On the island yonder, awaiting pickup. But you've no right to it. It isn't yours."

"No," Connor agrees. "Not mine. Those supplies are meant for men and women who believe in something bigger than themselves. Who fight and die that one day they might be free from tyranny such as you."

"Are these the same men and women who fight with muskets forged from British steel?" Church questions. "Who bind their wounds with bandages sewn by British hands? How convenient for them. We do the work. They reap the rewards."

"You spin a story to excuse your crimes," Connor retorts. "As though you're the innocent one and they the thieves."

"It's all a matter of perspective," Church replies. "There is no single path through life that's right and fair and does no harm. Do you truly think the Crown has no cause? No right to feel betrayed? You should know better than this, dedicated as you are to fighting Templars – who themselves see their work as just. Think on that the next time you insist your work alone befits the greater good. Your enemy would beg to differ – and would not be without cause."

Connor's voice becomes softer as he speaks to Church in Mohawk. "Your words may have been sincere, but that does not make them true." Then the world comes back into focus.

Haytham leaves his stance beside me and places a hand on his son's shoulder as he says, "You two did well. His passing was a boon to us all." He turns to walk out of the cabin as he says, "Come on. I expect you two'll want my help retrieving everything from the island?"

I grin as I roll my eyes. "Full of himself, much?" I ask.

Connor chuckles and I feel his strong arm go around my waist. "You have no idea."

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