The Baler rescue wattys 2023

By Priceisrightrusher

26.8K 513 35

Okay I had this for a really long time, and so I am going to put it on here. What happens when a little girl... More

Rescuing her
Settling in with the girls
First day of day care and Skyping daddy Kevin
Kevin's day with the girls
The girl's first Christmas
Nordonia's third birthday and heading to Cali
Arriving in Cali/Settling in
Nordonia's friend
Telling Nordonia the news
Disneyland day part 1
Seeing what happened to Olympics parents
Disneyland part 2
Disneyland part 3
Finding Olympic sibling
New chapter later
Meeting Olympic sibling
Name for the little boy
Name for the baby boy
Seeing what is going on with Olympic and naming the baby
Kevin's birthday
Another Nordonia and me dialogue
The wedding
Two new characters
9/11 preview
The girls get kidnapped
Four months later
The fight part 1
Part 2 of the fight
Part 2 tonight or in the near future
Fight part 2
The quads are born part 1
The quads are born part 2
I am so sorry
The quads are born final part
Chapter is up
The triplets go to Akron
Getting the three babies settled
Having the girls back preview
Having the girls back
Another Nordonia and me dialogue
Getting Olympic and Sophia checked out
Take 2
Seeing the girls and Katie is born
The delay
Tech problems
Katie is finally born
Take 3
The others meet Katie
Katie goes to Akron is next chapter this week for sure
Going forward
Katie goes to Akron
part 2 will come
Part 2
Part 3 coming
Part 3
The final part will come
The final part
more is coming
Jackson comes home
Jackson gets settled
Take 2
Jackson gets settled part 2
George's birthday
Part 2 is coming
Part 2
Part 3 is coming
Part 3
The final part is coming
Part 4
Settling in is coming
Bump in the road/Settling in
Part 2 is coming
Part 2
Part 3
Final part is coming
Happy 4th
Getting a sequel
Sequel titles
Final part
The sequel is up
Have to put this up
Going to make another Watty's run

Telling Fawn the news

243 5 0
By Priceisrightrusher

As they were walking to the next ride Fawn called to check in to see how everything was going and if Nordonia was being a good girl for daddy that morning, and checking on the baby cause she missed Ravenna the most right now, and she couldn't wait to see the girls again cause she had missed them

"Nordonia want to show mommy your pretty dress?" he asks her

She nods as she looks up at him

"Okay sweetie look at mommy," he says to her

"Nordonia you look really pretty," Fawn tells her daughter that was wearing a Cinderella dress

"Thank you, mommy," Nordonia says to her as she smiles really big for mommy

"Quite welcome princess," Fawn says to her

Nordonia smiles at mommy cause she loved mommy and was very happy to see mommy again

"She is too cute, and I can't believe she is mine," he says as the group parks it so they could rest a little bit before going on the next ride, and if anyone needed to go or get a drink as well

"Look who she has as her parents now," Fawn says to Kevin with a chuckle

"Oh yeah want to see Ravenna in her dress? I got her a dress too" he asks Fawn

"Of course I want to see Ravenna as a little princess" Fawn says happily to Kevin

Kevin shows Fawn what dress Ravenna had on

"Oh she is Belle she looks cute as Belle, and she looks good in yellow" Fawn says when she sees the sleeping baby in her Belle dress

"I know she does, and she is too cute," he says as he puts her in her stroller so she could sleep a little bit since she was getting her first tooth as well

"Where's Olympic? Cause I am sure I would want to see what princess she is" Fawn asks Kevin

Kevin takes Fawn to where Olympic was away from the group

"Olympic you are a cute Snow-White" Fawn says when she sees Olympic dressed as Snow-White, and looking down at the water

"Thank you," Olympic says sadly to Fawn as she looked down at the water still as Kevin and Fawn left to give her some peace, so she could be alone

"Kevin is she okay?" Fawn asks concerned about Olympic cause she doesn't sound happy at all

"She got some bad news, then good news, and then more bad news today," he says to her

"Okay, what is the first bad news?" Fawn asks Kevin

"Her parents died," he tells her

Fawn started to cry a little bit

"Fawn it's going to be okay we are spending some time with her, and getting her involved in what we are doing cause Nordonia wants her to feel included on this trip as much as she can," he tells her

"Sorry hormones," Fawn tells him

"Quite alright Fawn I know you're pregnant, so I was expecting it from you," he says to her

"Now the good and other bad news," Fawn says to him

"Well she has a sibling at another hospital, but the sibling is very premature, so we don't know much right now about the sibling in question," he says to her

Fawn started to cry cause he heart went out to Olympic

"I know my thoughts exactly she is an orphan, and no one wants her and I am not taking her to an orphanage where they will goodness what to her," he says to her

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Kevin?" Fawn asks Kevin

"I don't know are you thinking the same thing?" he asks her

"Depends, so on three we will say what the other is thinking for Olympic and her sibling cause I am not going to break those two up right now he or she is all Olympic has left," Fawn says to him

"Right," he says to her

"1,..............2,.............3," Fawn says to Kevin

"Adoption" both Kevin and Fawn say at the same time with the girls being considered

"You were thinking it wasn't you?" Fawn asks Kevin

"Yeah she has been a blessing, and she and Nordonia already act like sisters, so why not make it permanent and have them be sisters for life," he says to Fawn

"Yeah I can see that she really needs a mommy right now, so I would love to be her forever mommy," Fawn says as she wipes the tears from her eyes

"Me too as her forever daddy cause I love her already, and I don't wanna let her go," he says to Fawn as they head over to Olympic who got out to go look at the pond on her own cause she didn't want to be in the stroller anymore

"Hey Olympic," Kevin says to her as he came back over to her to talk it over with Fawn on the screen

Olympic just waves at him and Fawn cause she saw Nordonia's mommy for the first time

"Olympic, Fawn and I talked it over and we decided that we are going to adopt you and your little sibling as our kids, so you and Nordonia can be sisters for forever and ever. Until the end of time" he says as he shows her Fawn who was ready to welcome Olympic with open arms even though she was pregnant, so what were two more kids going to hurt the cause the adoption was almost settled for Nordonia and Ravenna anyways

"Would you like that huh pretty girl?" Fawn asks as she tries to stroke Olympic's hair a little bit to make it all better for her cause she could see that Olympic was really hurting right now, and she needed someone there for her, and since Fawn was in Ohio she couldn't be there for her physically

Olympic turned to where Fawn was and cried on the screen like she was crying on her shoulder

"It's okay sweetie I'm right here go ahead cry it out as much as you need too," Fawn says as she comforts the little girl who was quite upset right now and she needed someone to cry on

Kevin was at a lost for words as he watched the moment that unfolded before him with Fawn and Olympic

"I know it hurts sweetie, and it will hurt for a long time, and after time the hurt will go away," Fawn says as she comforts Olympic as Olympic held the screen

"How?" Olympic asks Fawn with a sniffle

"I lost my grandparents 10 years 1 month 1 day apart, so I know what you are going through cause I was the same way when I lost my grandpa cause it hurt for the longest time when he died, and ten years later it hurt when my grandma died, maybe your great grandpa and great grandma when you get adopted by us cause I will tell both your girls about them cause they were great people, and sometimes I cry when I miss them" Fawn says to her as she tries to hug her through the screen and hold back the tears right now as well cause she was getting emotional as she was talking about her grandparents

Kevin let the scene unfold before him cause Fawn was a great mom to Nordonia and Ravenna, and now she will be a great mom to Olympic and her sibling when the girls are fully their's

"Olympic it's going to be okay I promise you cause I'm home for a little bit today, so I can be there for you a little bit, and i have to go, sweetie,, but once I come back i can be with you for as long as you need me to be with you" Fawn says cause Olympic needed another parent there and she felt lost without one like Nordonia and Ravenna had their daddy there for them, and since Olympic's parents were gone she needed that support system and someone who she could talk to cause she was feeling left out

Olympic hugs Fawn and Fawn tries to hug Olympic

"It's going to be okay" Fawn tell Olympic

"Yes it will," he says as he has Nordonia join in on the family hug

V & C

This story gets more fun as the chapters go on as well as the story as well

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