Game Changing - A Frat Boy Ni...

By KylaNialler

128K 2.5K 327

*bear with my shitty photoshopping in the cover* Melissa (who absolutely hates being called Melissa, so bett... More

Chapter 1 - Rejections
Chapter 2 - Sucked In
Chapter 3 - Touches and Teasers
Chapter 4 - Reunions
Chapter 5 - Ground Rules
Chapter 6 - Scheming
Chapter 8 - Frustrating
Chapter 9 - Broken
Chapter 10 is Privated
Chapter 11 - Morning After
Chapter 12 - New Plans
Chapter 13 - Results
Chapter 14 - Turning Tables
Chapter 15 - Bandaid
Chapter 16 - Anger
Chapter 17 - Snooping
Chapter 18 - Birthday
Chapter 19 - Gate Crashed
Chapter 20 - Game On
Chapter 22 - Afraid
Chapter 23 - Shock
Authors note

Chapter 7 - Covers

4.7K 111 13
By KylaNialler

A/N: Thanks for reading/voting/commenting xxx

Chapter 7 – Covers


Isabel’s POV

There was a party on Saturday night, in one of the sororities, they never really interested me but apparently this one was going to be huge, so huge that basically everyone was going and it would be weird not to. I knew Harry would be there, so Lissa and I planned to both go, but she obviously decided not to be herself, I wasn’t sure why, maybe she just wanted to be all over Niall for the night.

I was planning on talking to Harry while there, being drunk made me chatty, really chatty. So hopefully things would go my way.

We got ready for the party together, making sure we both looked infallible. We truly did look amazing, I was excited. We had everything to go to plan. If it all went well I shouldn’t have any other problems unless I started failing classes.

Lissa took off her glasses for the last time, placing in her contact lenses. The beauty of having different coloured ones only made her disguise more perfect. I wasn’t going to be disguised tonight, there was no point and it wasn’t what I was going for.

“Niall seen my tattoo the other night…” she placed her fingers over it, “It will be fine, I swear.” She didn't look convinced, “I just told him we had the same ones.” Hopefully he was as dumb as he always acted.

“Ready to go?” she nodded, getting into our heels we walked out the door.


At the party Lissa lead me over to the group of guys that Niall was in, Harry and Lucas were both there too, but it wasn’t just them. There were girls standing around with them too, Niall had a girl under his arm, and so did a few others, but the one I took notice of most was Makayla, the girl under Harry's arm. She was a friend of mine, we had known each other for a while too, but weren’t awfully close, but I would definitely call her a friend of mine.

When Niall seen Lissa or ‘Jacinta’ he literally dropped the girl he had, whispering into her ear, making her walk away without any kind of hesitation. I awkwardly walked past Harry over to Lucas, who wasn’t with a girl. He wrapped his arm around me and smiled. Handing me a drink, I had a feeling I was going to need it.

“Isabel! Harry is telling me about how you guys have known each other for ages!” I nodded, “Yeah, its pretty cool, but its not really a big deal.” She smiled at me, “Did you finish your Humanities essay?” I nodded, “Damn, I still have to start!” we laughed and talked for a while, I wished I was as pretty as her, it wasn’t fair at all. I knew Harry would only choose the most prettiest girl he could ever meet to hang around.

We all hung around talking and drinking. It was a quite fun and sociable night. The party was still building up and it wouldn’t be long before it started really raving.

I looked over at Lissa for some kind of moral support throughout the night, she just gave me smiles, trying to tell me to talk to him. But the majority of times I looked at her, her and Niall would wither be locking lips or eyes. Not much of a help. Especially when they walked off, leaving me to deal with my shit alone.

Lissa’s POV


Niall and I slipped away, he was obviously following the advice I had given him earlier in the week because he was being really normal and almost sweet. It was nice of course. But it was tough trying to socialise with the group when Niall's constantly whispering in my ear and kissing me. I wasn’t complaining though.

He dragged me outside the house, like we were running away from all of them. I was glad to get out of the loud music and all the eyes on me. We continued to run and laugh until I couldn’t breathe. Niall slowed down and let me catch up to him. He held out his hand for me to hold. I took it and swung it around. “So where are we going?” I asked, stumbling around like an idiot.

“I thought maybe we could just hang out in my room, and just listen to music and drink our own stuff, its more relaxed…” I was puzzled, “Why?”

“I fucking hate sorority parties. Too many sluts than normal.” Seemed to make sense, when the girls were in their natural habitat they would be more out-there than usual.

We followed the pathways until we reached the frat house. Niall walked inside first, there was absolutely nobody inside. It was oddly quiet. It was weird. “They are all at the party.” I nodded and we walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

He sat down on the edge of his bed, just looking around. I sat down next to him. “Never thought you would be one to bail on a party.” I commented on the situation, “Ah, yeah, not in the mood for it all tonight.”

“What music do you listen to?” I shrugged, “Whatever, I'm not fussed.” He nodded and walked over to his iPod dock, turning it on and pressing play. A coldplay song started playing and I was happy with the choice.

“We can just have our own little party.” Niall chuckled, sitting down next to me again. it was a little awkward, I had to admit it.

“So…” I said, trying to make some kind of conversation that will make the tension a little less, the factor of not being too drunk didn't help the awkwardness I was feeling. He looked at me and smiled, “I think I'm just going to kiss you.” He said, but he didn't move.

“Why don’t you then?” I whispered, he smiled “Because this is the worst position to try and kiss someone.” I laughed, “Well, what are we going to do about that?” he stood up and held out his hands, pulling me up to face him, he let go of my hands and let his travel up my arms before going down to my waist. His grip tightened and he pulled me into him. Into a somewhat hug. He smiled a small smiled before leaning in and allowing our lips to finally meet.


We stood there kissing for a while it felt good. It felt really good. He then moved onto my neck where he continued to kiss it softly and sometimes sucking more than needed, I never thought to swat him off, he was right on my weak spot and it was sending me right out of the world.

I let out a sigh of pleasure, and I actually felt him smiling into my neck, he knew he was making progress. His hands started roaming around my body freely, continually finding my ass, he would pull it back into him every so often, letting me know of the hardness in his pants.

When his lips met mine again it was obvious we were both getting impatient. “Bed.” He muttered into my mouth, making me fall back onto the bed, we both climbed to the top of the bed and he had my head on the pillows.

We continued to make out on the bed, he took off my dress and admired my body, “So fucking hot.” He muttered, kissing my neck and moving down to my boobs, which still had a bra covering them. “So big.” He said more to himself, I giggled, “I’m proud of my babies.” I joked, “I fucking would be too… Can you take it off?” I nodded and reached behind my back, unclasping my bra and taking it off. If it were possible his eyes bulged out even more and his hands flew to them, massaging them lightly. “Squishy.” He sounded like a child, it was cute.

He went back to kissing my collar bones, slowly making his way down to my breasts, his hands were still on them but I knew what he really wanted, and I felt like letting him have his fun while it lasted, which wasn’t going to be long.

He had his way with my breasts, I never thought someone could be good as doing that simple thing, it was never exciting for me, just average. Nothing compared to other things he could put his mouth on.

When he was done he looked at my face, and let a cocky smirk appear on his face, knowing his moves were having impact. Before he could try anything else I held up a finger. “You should know, that I am on my period. And nothing will happen tonight, whether you like it or not.” His face fell so fast, “That’s not fucking fair!” I only shrugged. “Well, sorry you didn't ask me before?” he sighed in frustration and ran his hands through his hair. “You have a mouth, you know what to do with it.” he pointed to his pants, where his boner sat. “Not tonight.” I said, scared on what he may say as a reaction. “Why not?”

“Because, if I do that I get nothing in return. So wait it out, and you will be in my good books.”

He sighed and rolled off of me, laying next to me now.

“Well, I'm going to have to take care of it anyway, and you are going to watch me.” He said, turning his head to look at me. I let out a sigh, I made it out that I didn't want to, but his face was just so…concentrated.

He pulled off his shirt, “Was that necessary?” I asked, teasing. “Yeah, because you are going to have to deal with your actions.” I let out a small laugh as he pulled down his pants.

I involuntarily licked my lips when I seen the outline showing in his white underwear, “You’re going to enjoy this.” He said, looking at me with laughter in his eyes. “Best put on a good show then.” He winked and discarded his underwear.

By now my eyes were most likely bulging out of my head. He was loving it, he looked up to me with a devilish look in his eye, knowing his effect on me.

He did what he needed to do, and would not. I repeat would not break eye contact with me, only making the situation more intense. I however could not hold the eye contact, my eyes every so often darting down to see his hand pumping his cock, I was jealous of it and I knew I could make it so much more fun, but it wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t let Niall have his final victories, I lied about my period, but I can’t keep putting it off. I need to string him along.

After a string of profanities and grunts he finished himself off, he wiped away the mess he made and turned to face me, I was sitting there, mouth agape in a trance, you could say.

“Enjoy the show?” he chuckled, I only nodded my head, not knowing what else to say. “No comment?” he asked, an amused look playing on his face. “I…Uh…” I was still trying to find my voice. “Kiss me.” I whispered. We were both waiting for those words to be said, unspoken or not, but as soon as they left my mouth out lips were together, in a very hard, rough kiss. One I was waiting for, one I felt that we both needed.

Niall's POV


After Jacinta left that night I laid in bed thinking of nothing, thinking of her, and how unlucky I have been with her, the one time I got her almost naked she pulled the period card. The no go zone. It pissed me off, but I knew that next time I seen her it was going down, whether she liked it or not. Wait- no she will want it to happen, the look on her face as I jacked myself off gave it all away.

I spent Sunday running laps and training at the gym with Harry. Sundays were not meant for school work or other shit, it was my day to chill out and get rid of a hangover, I wasn’t that drunk last night though, which only made me want Jacinta more. She was pissing me off, I needed her, she was the goal and it was hard to reach it. I am Niall Horan, I can get with any girl, except I haven’t had sex in nearly three weeks because I'm chasing the prize, whereas the other sluts are just fun at parties.

I punched the punching bag harder, pissed off. “Woah.” Harry said, watching me, “Angry?” he asked, “Very.” I spat. Hitting it several times. “Why?” I shook my head, “Don’t worry about it.”

We started on weights and made small talk in between lifts, it was a good workout. I liked Harry, he was always chill, but he wasn’t like the rest. He was more nice, but he knew how to blow off girls, that was for sure.

We walked out of the gym together, “Want to come to mine and chill for a bit?” he asked, “Nah, I think I will go for a run then crash, I'm wrecked.” He nodded and slapped my bare back. “See you on the field bro.” I nodded, he walked off to the left, whereas I plugged in my earphones and shoved my phone into my pocket hitting play and running off to the right.

I was angry because of Jacinta, everything was because of damn Jacinta, why couldn’t she just give in like the rest, why was she so stubborn, why did I want her so much? why couldn’t I just drop her and not care?

I watched my feet hit the ground with each step. My body was exhausted but my mind said keep going.

I lost track of time, just pushing myself further and further. When I looked up I almost ran into someone. I stopped dead in my tracks, nearly falling over, I rested my hand on her shoulder, by the brown hair and tattoo I knew it was Lissa. “Woah! Shit! You scared the shit out of me!” she said as I pulled out my earphones, her doing the same. “Is that water?” she looked at the water bottle in her hand. “Yeah. Why? What are you doing?” I grabbed it from her hands and took a long swig. “Thanks. And what are you doing out here?” I was heaving for air as I spoke. “Well, I was on a peaceful run, don’t want to get fat.” She commented. I looked at her. We both slowed to a walk. She looked uncomfortable. Holding her neck awkwardly. “You okay?” I asked, “You look different?”

“I’m fine, and I'm not looking my best…no makeup, all sweaty, hair up, glasses off.” I nodded my head, “Yeah true, I thought you couldn’t see without glasses.” She chuckled “Contacts can do wonders.” I nodded, “Is there something wrong with your neck?” she hadn’t let go of it since I ran up to her. “Uh. I think I might have hurt it a tad when I ran into the pole a while back… its nothing.” I looked at her, I coulnt read her face. “You sure? Want me to have a look? I’m going to try do sports physio if I don’t make it with soccer.”

She only shook her head, “It will be fine, I just have to sleep on it.” I handed her water back to her. “Look. Uh. I think I am going to head back. See you in class.” She stopped walking, I didn't know whether to follow her or not. But she put her headphones back in and started running back where we came from.

She was acting weird. She looked different. What was going on? Was it just my head fucking with me or am I seeing doubles?


In class the next day I was working with her, but I couldn’t concentrate. Jacinta wasn’t texting me back and I was getting frustrated. I texted her again. ‘Why won’t you reply?! Are you okay?’


As if Melissa knew what I was doing she looked up at me, “What?” I asked, “Nothing.” She was acting weird again today. Constantly rubbing her neck. It was annoying. “Are you sure its okay?” I asked again. “Its fine.”

I was done with working for today, I never wanted to work in the first place, it was all a load of crap and I felt like hitting the field and training, kicking balls into nets. But no, stupid grades and stupid fucking college.  

I watched her write down more words onto her page, she rubbed her neck again, and when she let her hand drop I flicked her hair off to her back, looking at her neck. Her hand flew back to her neck and she sent me daggers, “Its fine.” But I had seen it. She lied to me yesterday. “I seen it.” I said, “Seen what? The bruise? Its embarrassing, just leave it.” she fixed her glasses on her face, still looking at me, “That’s not a normal bruise and we both know it.”

She rolled her eyes, “So what, Niall? It’s a hickey. Lets just tell the fucking world about my personal life, go ahead, tell your mates, its my life, I don’t want people knowing what I get up to.” I laughed, “Not as innocent as you appear to be Melissa.” She sighed, “Just drop it please.” I shook my head. “This is exciting stuff.” I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into me, being really annoying. She shook me off.

“Can I see it again?” I asked, watching with amusement as she scowled at me. “No.” I grabbed onto her wrist. “Show me it or I will tell everyone, and put you to shame.” She sighed and loosened her grip on her neck, I took her hand away and looked at it, “Wow this guy knows how to make a mark!” she sighed, “Cant flaunt your tattoo with that there!” I laughed again, “Its funny because-” I stopped, “What the fuck…” I looked at her again, her eyed widened. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you see it.” she gathered her stuff and walked out of the room. I sat there, in total shock.

Both at what my brain put together and at her actions. No don’t be fucking stupid Niall. But that’s the same fucking spot on Jacinta. Don’t be a dick. Why the fuck did she leave. What the fuck have I done now? Why did she lie to me yesterday? Its not even a big deal. Fuck Niall you are just fucking everything else up. Why do you even care about what she does?


I got up and walked over to where all my friends were sitting. “Niall ditched the dog.” Joe said, making everyone laugh, I joined in, not wanting to come off as weird. Just let it slide.


“She's so fucking ugly though, I don’t know how you can stand being around her.”

“Nah bro, you’re tapped, have you seen her boobs? Her body is rockin’ but she's so fucking weird.”

“What do you reckon Niall? Would you tap that?” they all turned to me, “For the body, fuck yeah. But she's nuts, I cant handle her she's so frigid and ew. But she is making me pass class so I can stay on the team, if I be nice she just does it all and lets me copy, fuck if I am extra good maybe I will score a blowjob.” They all laughed, I joined in.

“Oh fuck…” Lucas said, as we seen Melissa walk past us, shooting daggers, if looks could kill we’d all be goners. “You are all fucking assholes.” She spat. Picking up her pace and walking off.

Well isn’t that fucking great.

To top it all off, my phone buzzed. Jacinta. ‘Fucking stop texting me, you sound like some clingy boyfriend, people are thinking I have something going on, cant ruin my reputation.’

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