Choosing Between What Is Righ...

By laurenjanetw

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Lauren Kenzie is heading back to Hogwarts for her 5th year! This year she knows is going to be different, aft... More

~Part 1 - The Start Where It All Changes~
~Part 2 - Something Feels Right~
~Part 3 - Somethings Can Hurt~
~Part 4 - Always Follow Your Heart~
~Part 5 - Who Does The Black Owl Belong To?~
~Part 6 - Christmas With The Malfoys, Trapped!~
~Part 7 - Suspicions~
~Part 8 - Brokenhearted~
~Part 9 - Scared For You~
~Part 10 - Bringing A Nightmare To Life~
~Part 11 - Lauren Maya Riddle~
~Part 12 - Summer At Malfoy Manor~
~Part 13 - Back At Hogwarts~
~Part 14 - Fake Date And The Smell Of Ammortenia~
~Part 16 - A Different Story~
~Part 17 - Christmas Vacation And A Trip To The Hospital Wing~
~Part 18 - A Life Leaves The World And Another One Enters~
~Part 19 - Meeting The Grandparents And Joining The Order~
~Part 20 - Standing Up To The Carrows And The Slytherins~
~Part 21 - Room Of Requirement~
~Part 22 - Maybe Its Not Too Late~
~Part 23 - Scorpius' Birthday And Starting Over~

~Part 15 - Surprises~

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By laurenjanetw

Its been 3 weeks since my last encounter with Draco in the classroom and Tomorrow is my birthday! Him and Pansy have been going everywhere together as have me and Seamus, we always hold hands and hug around Draco and he scowls at us. Seamus has kissed me several times too to add to the fake date to make it seem real although kissing Seamus doesnt give me the butterflies i get when i kiss Draco. We told all our close friends thats we werent really together and told them of the plan, Fred and George were proud of me by pulling a prank. Ive been to the 2 Death Eater meetings that have happened in the month and Draco had too, the had just been boring. Tonight is Slughorns dinner party, and i have been invited and so has Draco as we are two star students in Potions but Slughorns favourite is Harry as he has this old potions book with extra notes from the 'half blood prince' and it allows him to make a perfect potion.

I sat in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione and Ginny as we all decided to get dressed together as we have all been invited by Slughorn. I checked the clock and it was 5pm so we headed up to their dorm to start getting ready, we had all been to Hogsmeade a few days before hand to get the perfect dresses and shoes. Within an hour and a half we were all dressed and ready to go, Ginny was wearing a straight knee length dark purple dress with her hair straight and small heels. Hermione had gone for a red floor length dress which flowed in the wind, she had pinned her hair up with red pins and she also had small heels. I had gone for a silver/grey dress which is strapless and tight at the top but flows from the waist outwards and stops just above my knees, i added some green flats and a green clutch bag holding my wand, i dont go anywhere without my wand. I lightly curled my hair too letting it fall loosly over my shoulders, i added a small bow too and natural make up. Me, Hermione and Ginny made our way out of the common room and headed to Slughorns dinner party early as we didnt want to be late, once we were at his office, i knocked and he let us in.

As we walked through a few people were here including Draco, he was dressed in black suit with white shirt but with no tie, instead he had the top 2 buttons of his shirt undone making him look even more perfect than usual. He spotted me and his eyes nearly popped out of his head and his mouth hung open, i bit my lip and Hermione giggled and told me to speak to him but i denied and took my seat at the round table Slughorn had prepared. Hermione sat on my right and Draco sat on my left for some unknown reason considering we havent spoke in about 3weeks. Hes been busy with his girlfriend anyway. The party got going i was talking to Hermione but then Ginny spoke with her leaving me in silence as i ate my deasert until Draco turned his head to face me.

"So how are you?" He asked.

"Erm fine i guess, what about you?"

"Okay i guess, been better to be honest with you" He whispered.

"Oh your being honest with me?" I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Lou please? can i just explain to you? I will tell you EVERYTHING, if you just give me the chance to?" He pleaded and i could see in his eyes he meant it but i wanted to hold my ground.

"No, youve had a chance Malfoy, you blew it!" I said a little too loud as it caused everyone to look over at us. "Ermm sorry professor" I mumbled lowering my head.

Slughorn said it was fine and everyone engaged back into their conversations, well except me and Draco we were quiet for the rest of the evening. When the party was finally over, i rushed back to my dorm, changed in record time and ran into bed hiding under my covers, withing minutes i was asleep.


I woke up with a bright smile on my face, im 16 at last! Only 1 year to go and i will be a full witch, able to do magic outside of Hogwarts. I went into the bathroom and got ready into my robes after having a quick shower and magically drying my hair, i was ready withing 30 minutes so i went back into the dorm to see Draco awake and sat on his bed staring into space. He probably doesnt even know its my birthday so im not expecting him to say anything, and he never he just got up and went into the bathroom once he stopped staring into space. I just brushed it off and walked down into the common room before walking to the great hall for breakfast. I sat down at the Gryffindor table where Neville, Ginny and Hermione were sat already eating food. I joinded them and they all started smiled.

"Happy Birthday!" Neville beamed. "I have a present for you, i will give it to you later!"

"Happy 16th Birthday Lauren! here!" Hermione handed me a card and a box with a big bow on it.

Once i read the card, i pulled the bow of the box before I opened iy and my eyes glistened with tears, happy ones. She had bought me a dress, one i saw in one of her muggle magazines many months ago, but i didnt know where to but it and i didnt have muggle money. Its a mint green dress, a tight strapless, sequined bodice at the top, the dress then flows out at the waist and brushes against the floor, the matarial used makes it sparkle under the light. She had even bought me matching flats with little white bows on.

"OH MY GOD MIONE!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!! AHHHHH" I squealed in delight as i gave her a huge hug.

"Your welcome Lauren! You will need it for tonight!" Mione smiled as she pulled away.

"Why? Slughorns party was last night?" I questioned.

"Yeah we know but Dumbledore is allowing us to throw a party here tonight for your birthday, everyone has been invited even teachers, its going to be great!" Ginny piped in.

"Oh My God! yay! Thanks guys!!" I practially screamed hugging everyone.


The day went by like anyother Friday which ended in double potions with Slughorn, only for the whole day i was excited for my party. And all day people have came to me and wished me happy birthday, i kinda hoped Draco had remembered as at the end of the day i still love him. But he loves Pansy so im stuck keeping my feelings to myself, yeah we had secrets but mine were just as big as his so it makes me as bad as he is. When potions was over everyone was rushing off to their common rooms and dorms to get ready for the party, the whole school had been invited EVEN Slytherin house and they are coming because most of them appreciate me now being the daughter to Lord Voldermort, i dont appreciate them but i smile and wave, it always works. Many guys have asked girls to be their dates and many guys have asked to be my date but i just deny everyone as i knew i was going with Seamus. When i got back to my dorm, Draco was already sat in our dorm reading a book, i wonder if he even knows its my birthday, i mean he must know there is a party tonight in the great hall, the whole school knows. I shook the thought from my head and sat down on my bed and painted my nails with a mint green nail polish to match my dress which no one had seen well except Hemrmione and Ginny.

Once my nails were dry, i went into the bathroom and changed into my dress and shoes. I curled my hair and let it flow over my shoulders, i pinned some of it up and added a mint green bow the look. I applied some make up, but only so it looked natural, i gazed into the mirror and my eyes fell upon my necklace, the neacklace Draco bought me for our first Christmas together which has both our names engraved on it, i wonder if he knows i still wear it along with the bracelet he bought me. I still love Draco but i hate him at the same time. I sighed and smiled, tonight im going to forget about Draco and im going to have fun with my friends. I walked out of the bathroom to see Draco had gone, i shrugged and put my wand in my mint green clutch bag before checking the time to see i was 10 minutes late for my own party. I walked out of the dorm and common room and headed for the great hall. I pushed the door open and it made a loud noise which made all eyes turn to me. I saw Fred and George stood near the small stage where there was a band, so i walked towards them. Many people were whispering as i walked.

"omg her dress is stunning"

"she looks beautiful"

"Seamus is so lucky"

I smiled as i was greeted with hugs from the twins who both said i looked pretty. We laughed and joked for a while until Dumbledore got up to speak using a muggle microphone.

"Welcome Everyone to a extra special event this evening, tonight we are here to celebrate a Gryffindors 16th Birthday, although this girl, is a 6th Year prefect and has many talents about her! Her friends convinced me to allow this party and so here we are today, Happy Birthday Lauren Riddle!"

Dumbledore came away from the microphone and walked over to me as the band started playing and people danced with either their dates or friends. I couldnt help but feel someones eyes on me, i turned my head to see Draco staring at me lovingly even though Pansy was on his arm. I looked away from him as Dumbledore joined us.

"I was Wondering Lauren, would you like to sing today at your party?"

"Yes i would like that!" I smiled and Dumbledore rushed back to the stage.

"Everybody, we have another treat tonight, our Birthday girl is going to sing us a song! Please give it up for Lauren!" the hall cheered as i took Dumbledore place infront of the microphone.

"Thank you everyone for coming here tonight to celebrate my 16th birthday! I have a feeling this party is gonna be the last one for a long time, but anyway this is a new song i wrote about someone I used to be close to but we drifted apart, this is called True Love" I used my wand and soon enough i had a white grand piano on the stage, i sat on the piano stool and ran my fingers along the glossy keys before starting to play the song.

Sometimes I hate every single stupid word you say

Sometimes I wanna slap you in your whole face

There's no one quite like you

You push all my buttons down

I know life would suck without you

At the same time, I wanna hug you

I wanna wrap my hands around your neck

You're an asshole but I love you

And you make me so mad I ask myself

Why I'm still here, or where could I go

You're the only love I've ever known

But I hate you, I really hate you,

So much, I think it must be

True love, true love

It must be true love

Nothing else can break my heart like

True love, true love,

It must be true love

No one else can break my heart like you

Just once try to wrap your little brain around my feelings

Just once please try not to be so mean

Repeat after me now R-O-M-A-N-C-E-E-E

Come on I'll say it slowly (Romance)

You can do it baby

At the same time, I wanna hug you

I wanna wrap my hands around your neck

You're an asshole but I love you

And you make me so mad I ask myself

Why I'm still here, or where could I go

You're the only love I've ever known

But I hate you, I really hate you,

So much, I think it must be

True love, true love

It must be true love

Nothing else can break my heart like

True love, true love,

It must be true love

And no one else can break my heart like you

(I love you, I think it must be love, I love you)

Why do you rub me up the wrong way?

Why do you say the things that you say?

Sometimes I wonder how we ever came to be

But without you I'm incomplete

I think it must be

True love, true love

It must be true love

Nothing else can break my heart like

True love, true love,

It must be true love

And no one else can break my heart like you (like you)

No one else can break my heart like you (like you)

No one else can break my heart like you

When i had finished the hall was cheering immensly, i got off stage and ran to Fred and George who were now stood with Hermione, Ginny, Harry and Ron.

"Well Done Birthday Girl!" George beamed and spun me round in a hug.

Once everyone gave me hugs, people started dancing away to the band, they started playing a slow song and Seamus pulled me onto the dance floor, yeah it was nice to be here with a friend but thats all Seamus is to me really, hes just like a brother. My arms were around his neck and his around my waist as we swayed to the music with everyone else, I took a glance around the room and saw a familiar chunk if blonde hair slow dancing with ugh, Pansy Parkinson. I felt a sudden rush of jealousy but i ignored it and carried on with the night, i kept sneaking glances over at her and Draco and a look of disgust crossed my face when i saw her dress. It was dark green, shorter than short, it was tight and it made her look very fat. It exposed most of her body really making her look like the easy slut she is, i scoffed at her and went to get a drink with Seamus.

"Here try this!" He smiled handing me a glass of something.

"Wait what is it? Its not love potion is it!?" My eyes widened examining the clear liquid.

"No, No, No I wouldnt do that to you, i mean we are friends i get it! Its fire whiskey, i mean come on its your birthday let loose, the teachers have left now anyway!" I glanced around the hall and he was indeed right all teachers had left.

"Okay why not!" I smiled and drank the liquid.

It burned the back of my throat but it tasted good. I had atleast 6/7 more glasses and soon enough i was pretty drunk, this was the first time id ever been drunk before but i didnt really care its my birthday and im having fun. I danced with everyone until i couldnt feel my feet, so i made George give me a piggy back to my common room, before he left with fred to go home, seeing as they dont attend here anymore, they just came for the party. I slurred the password to the common room and the portrait flung open nearly knocking me over, i stumbled into the cosy room and fell straight onto the sofa, i heard someone come in, i looked up to see Draco and he looked very sexy and being drunk made me forget why we werent together. I walked over to him as he stared, i ran my hand down his chapest and then through his hair and he crashed his lips upon mine.

"I want you, I want all of you!" I moaned against his lips.

He listened and lifted me up and carried us to our dorm, within seconds our clothes were thrown across the room and the rest was a blur.

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