Story Of Her Life.

By safabreezy

24.2K 236 15

Sixteen-year-old Beth is an independent, smart, care-free girl just trying to live it up. When she begins jun... More

Story Of Her Life.
Hello, Beautiful.
What Comes Around , Goes Back Around
Pieces Of Advice.
Destiny Had Other Plans.
Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction
The Truth Always Comes Out.
Destiny Just Had to Have It's Way- Again
Mixed Signals
Dealing With Rejection
Are You Ready?
'Skinny Dippin'
Let The Games Begin.
Nosey Neighbours.
And Then It All Made Sense.
I Can Trust You... Right?
Daddy Dearest.
Don't Just Assume.
You and Tequila Make Me Crazy.
Dana Knows Everything.
Trouble's Always Knockin' On My Door.
Big Mistake
Rumors, Jelousy and Circumstances.
Its Over?
I Only Want You.
Pushing The Limits.
I Just Realized Something.
Gotta Get Down On Friday.
The Date.
Bethany Miller.
Is This A Joke?
I Spy Something.....
Double Trouble.
Enough is Enough.
All Cards On The Table.
If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another.
She's Baaaaaack
The Get-A-Way
Everyone in Lakewood Was There
Telling Paslay.
Richard Evans.
Meet Your New Father.
And Then the Unimaginable Happened.
Coping With It.
Change, It Keeps Coming.
Almost Perfect.
De Ja Vu

Lets Go Camping.

483 6 0
By safabreezy

For the rest of the week, Eric and Beth continued to avoid each other. Which, frankly, was quite hard to do considering they saw eachother everywhere. School, School parking lot, on the way home, in the driveway, in the kitchen, in the livingroom, in the laundry room, and even at the grocery store, two blocks away. Beth didn't know how much longer she could take the torcher.

It was early Friday morning when Beth arrived on campus. She was excited the camping trip would take up the entire school day, which ment less time she would have to see Eric, and the further she could be from him.

She climbed from her little bug and locked it. "Did you bring the tent?" she asked Dana, who was dressed in all Camo. She nodded.

Laura grinned with joy, she was obviously excited about the fact she'd be camping with all the cute guys from the Junior class.

The three girls carried their bags to the opposite side of the school. They recieved stares of jelousy from underclassmen and a few seniors. Their class was lucky to be so small that they could do something like this.

When they reached the Football stadium's parking lot, Beth eyed the familiar tree hovering over the football field. She hated to think that only two months ago, a psycho clown was hanging from it's limbs, trying to lure children over to him. And only two months ago, she thought she was in-like with her History student-teacher.

Three large busses lined the area in a semicircle. Mr. Thompson stood atop a cooler gathering the students into a crowd in front of him. Several teachers and parents stood along the sides of him, including Mr. Conklin and Mr. Inman.

"Listen up students. I will first assign you students to a chaperone. That will be your group for the entire trip. You will set camp together, eat together, and do the games together. No arguement... after that I will then assign each chaperone to a bus. Keep quiet so you can hear, if you get lost, tough luck!" called the Football coach. He was average hight and thick in the waiste line. He was bald, and spoke with a slight accent no one recognized.

"Group 1, Mrs. Garcia's group: Heather Sinclair, Luke Armstrong, Bethany Miller, and John Johanson, bus number 2...." Beth eyed the front of the crowd. She felt Mr. Inman's familiar brown eyes focused on her. She didn't know what to do, so she simply smiled. He quickly moved focus, and looked up at Mr. Thompson. "Group number 6, Mr. Conklin's group," Mr. Conklin bursted out in several "whoop whoops" and began leaping in the air like a maniac. The students laughed and Mr. Thompson continued to speak. "Michael Miller, Valery St. Germain, Mitchell Owl, and Laura Adkins. Bus number 1..." Laura whined, hugged her best friends and moved over next to Valery. Soon Michael Miller joined and the rest of the group stood next to Mr. Conklin. "Group number 7, Mr. Inman's group," Thompson began. Beth closed her eyes and crossed her fingers, she hoped and prayed she.... "Beth Anderson," shit. "Dana Henderson," yay! "Abi Montez, Troy Blake, and Jennifer Moose, also bus number 1..."

She cheered briefly with her best friend and shot a look of pure anger at Mr. Inman. He, looked slightly suprised as well, but he didn't look in her direction.

After each group was assigned, Beth quickly approached Mr. Thompson as the crowd parted and he leaped from the cooler.

"Excuse me Mr. Thompson, I have a little problem with my group-" Beth began in a quiet voice.

"Sorry Ms. Anderson, all group decisions are final," he cut her off. He obviously had other group objections, and he wasn't willing to budge.

She sighed and picked up her bags. She met Dana beside the bus along with the rest of her group.

"Alright Team, Mr. Inman began. Let's load up. Our team will sit in the very back of the bus, next to Conklin's team, so load your luggage in the compartments here," he kicked the side of the bus. "And we'll be on our way."

She quickly threw her sleeping bag and backpack in the slots and turned. Mr. Iman was looking straight at her. She gaped.

"Are those my Shorts?!" She yelled, she eyed the pair of bright green "North Shore High" gym shorts that hung tight at his hips.

"No! Beth, these are mine..." He began, slowly. "Besides, I can't even fit your clothes."

"I got them three sizes too big so I could have an excuse not to run laps in PE freshman year." she explained walking over to him. She quickly lifted up his shirt and checked the inside size tag. Sure eough, the initials "BA" were written in black sharpie, slightly faded.

"What are you doing!" he exclaimed lifting his arms up.

"Thes are mine!" she pulled his shirt back down and narrowed her eyes at him. By this time, several students had gathered around, wondering what the comotion was about.

"Come on Beth," Dana whispered to her best friend. "People are starting to wonder why you're talking to your teacher like he's... I don't know, your ROOMMATE." she gestured.

She grabbed her satchel from the pavement, followed Dana to the steps, and climbed aboard the bus. She couldn't believe he was wearing her clothes. Gross. The entire bus was now full with students from groups 6, 7, 3, and 8. Only two seats remained empty, at the very back of the bus one behind another. Beth and Dana quickly filed into the last seat on the left, which also happened to be right next to Michael Miller and super-jock Troy Blake. Michael winked at the two, they simply scoffed and turned their attention elsewhere.

Dana quickly pulled out her ipod and began texting like a maniac. Beth simply looked out the window to see Mr. Conklin and Mr. Inman chatting and packing the final few cooelrs into the Bus.

When they finally joined the rest of their groups, Beth quickly realized where the two of them would be sitting. Right. In. Front. Of. Her.

Mr. Conklin rushed down the aisle and rubbed his hand across the bandana folded into a headband on her head. "Sup losers," he greated Beth and Dana, but Dana didn't even react.

"Sup asshole," she wanted to say, but she didn't. Mr. Conklin quickly took the window seat like Beth, and Mr. Inman followed in. He glanced at Beth, but looked away quickly.

"Groups 6 and 7 if you'r ready to roll say 'yeeeaaaah'," Mr. Conklin hooted. Several guys responded with a 'yeaaaaaaah' drawn out. The rest of the bus looked at the back too groups strangely. Maybe they weren't expecting so much awesomeness?

"We're ready to roll bus driva," Mr. Conklin called to the plump old man behind the steering wheel. He put the bus into gear and took off.

Mr.Conklin went on to explain to the ten students in the back of the bus that groups 6 & 7 were going to work together during the scavenger hut to win the grand prize. Some wooted. Beth simply looked out the window. Was the universe trying to torcher her with something they both knew she could never have? If he wasn't willing to take the risk for her, he wasn't worth it. She decided.

About ten minutes into the hour long bus ride, things were quiet and students simply chattered among themselves for a while. While almost every student there lived on the North side of Lakewood, next to a lake, the school insisted on taking them to Lake Look Out, which was way out of the way. It was then that Mr. Conklin turned around and decided to reveal an interesting piece of information.

"Hey Beth," he said seriously. "You and your mom still living down in Lake Shore Heights?" he said, refering to the practically-gated community that both she and he lived in at one point.

"Yeah..." she replied.

"On Lake Frot Rd right?" he pressed.

"Where is this going?" she asked. Is he stalking her? She also wanted to ask.

"Oh. Well I wanted you to be the first to know, the little house across the street from you? I bought it." he announced.

Her mouth dropped open.

"Yeah, I really like the neighborhood I grew up in, figured I'd stay there, let my future kids have the same advantage I did. If you're still around Lakewood when I start having kids, you'll be the first I call for a babysitter." he explained.

Beth couldn't believe it. Not one teacher, but two?! It was official. She'd never have parties. Ever again. She'd be known as the girl who couldn't keep her school life and personal life seperated. This would suck. Only a select few people knew that the she was the Conklin's babysitter once upon a time, and now that he is moving, he will tell everyone exactly where he will be living. Including the little detail that Beth was just across the street.

"Yeah, Me and Inman here will be throwing some RAGING parties there, so you can look across the street and be jelous," Conklin grinned.

He obviously didn't know that she could walk out of the back door and be at his in two seconds. He obviously didn't know that Mr. Inman was wearing her shorts right now.

Mr. Inman looked back and smiled slightly. He knew exactly what Beth was thinking. He truely didn't inform his technical 'boss' that he was living tecnically 'with' a student. Nope. Only an idiot would do that.

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