I Don't Like You

By creatistx

252K 10.2K 1.2K

I felt a hand under my chin and then I was looking right into Aiden's eyes. "You know that I care about you... More

Intro and Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Part 2- Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
My Other Books
Happy Author's Day!
Christmas Chapter
Super Special Christmas Bonus!

Chapter 12

6.6K 251 39
By creatistx

Chapter 12: I don't like spending time with him

What did he just say?

"What?" I asked him. Maybe I heard it wrong.

"I don't want you to leave me." He said. His voice was hushed; barley audible.

What does he mean? He doesn't want me to leave? I don't understand.

"I don't understand." I responded in the same hushed voice.

"Come here." I walked over to where he was lying. He scooted over and patted the spot next to him. The whole time, he acted like he was half asleep so I don't know what was going through his mind right now.

I hesitated at his gesture.

"Please. I won't fall asleep unless you stay here with me."

Nothing. I have nothing to say. My mind is like literally gone.

"Please." His voice was even quieter. The look on his face was.... Desperation, pain, longing. I don't know.

I laid next to him where he wanted me to. We were facing each other. "Is this okay?" I asked him. He nodded his head. He just stared at me and I stared at him back. I was lost on blue eyes. There was so much emotion in them. He suddenly moved closer then put his arm around my waist. He placed his chin on top of my head and started stroking his thumb on my waist.

I can't lie, It felt good. I was comfortable. I buried my head in his chest.

I closed my eyes. I felt protected and I felt cared for. I just wanted to stay like that forever. I had this warm happy feeling inside me and I liked it.

Everything went out my mind. I didn't care that I was here with Aiden. I didn't care that I was suppose to hate him. I didn't care that I still didn't know everything about him.

I Just wanted right now to last because it felt good.

Aiden pulled me closer to his body, if it was possible. I smiled against his chest. I heard the steady heartbeats on his chest. He was sleeping. My eyes started to grow heavy, and like that, I was out.


My eyes opened and I was faced with someone's chest.

Oh yeah, Aiden. I tried to sit up so I could see what time it was but, Aiden's hold on me was too tight.

Not a squeezing me to death hold, but a more protective hold.

I finally managed to get out of his grasp. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:32. Oh God....

My mom and Jessie must be looking everywhere for me!

I quickly took out my phone and called Jessie.

"Yeah?" He sounded horrible. The second voice thing, yeah, it ran in the family.

"Have you been sleeping?!" I whispered-yelled but my second voice also came out. He's been sleeping? He was suppose to be looking around crazy for me!

"Yeah. I already know what you're thinking. Aiden's mom called and said you were with him."

My face burned up. Aiden's mom saw us. Well of course she saw us, this is her house. Come on Corey.

"Umm okay. I'll see you in the morning alright?"

"No problem, Biscuit. Bye." He replied. We both hung up and I turned my head to see Aiden staring at me.

"Holy Shit!" I almost jumped of the bed. He scared the crap out of me.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" He asked in a deep; and I mean deep voice. I guess from sleeping.

"Um, sort of." My voice still croaking.

He chuckled. "I like when your voice is like that. It's cute." Even though it was dark, we could still see each other so I'm pretty sure he saw me blushing.

"Do you feel better?" He nodded his head.

"Can you lay back down with me?" He voice was hushed again.

"Um Aiden, I don't-"

"Please. It will only be for a few more minutes. Then if you want to, you can leave."

I sighed. Why did Aiden even want me to stay?

I laid down again only this time I didn't face him. He put his hand over my waist and pulled me in again. This time he buried his head in my neck. We just stayed like that for an hour, two hours, three hours, four hours. I didn't fall asleep this time.

When the time was 7:15, I turned to Aiden. He was sleeping again. "Aiden, wake up." I started to shake him. Then guess what he did.

He groaned and rolled until he was on top of me. You've got to be kidding me. Could you just imagine my face right now? His head was still in my neck. "Aiden?"

"Mm hmm?" He responded but didn't move.

"I need you to wake up, okay?" He groaned. After that, it took some time before he pushed himself off me and sat up. I sat up too. "We need to get ready for school."

Aiden stretched and then looked at me. "I don't want to go to school today." His voice wasn't low but it was still gentle like a seven year olds.

"We have to."

"No we don't."

"Yes we do."

"No we don't."

"Yes we-" Aiden put his hand over my mouth.

"I'll take you anywhere else today, just not school." I removed his hand.

"Aiden, we have to go to school. We can't skip." I started to stand up so I can go to the bathroom but Aiden grabbed my hand.

I looked back at him. "Please." Again with the please. Why does he keep saying that? And every time he says it, he had this expression on his face like a child who wants a puppy. How am suppose to resist that? I don't know why he wants to spend so much time with me anyway. I don't get it. I sighed.

"Fine, Aiden. What are we going to do today then?" I put my other hand on my hip.

He did a half smile. Oh my gosh. I am witnessing Aiden Praxston, actually smiling. Even though it's not a full smile, it still counts right? At least he's not wearing that stupid smirk I hate. "I have an idea."

I hate it when people do that. Just tell me, dammit.

"Go get ready and then we can go have fun, okay?" He asked me. I just nodded my head.

So before we left, I was brushing my teeth when Peyton texted me.

~ good morning, not going to be able to make it to school ~

Since Jackson wasn't there, Peyton has been spending time with me at school. It wasn't going to be a problem, since I wasn't going to school anyway.

~ it's cool. I'll see you later? ~

~ yup 😘 ~

I came out the bathroom to find Aiden waiting for me. "You ready?"

I nodded my head. I hope we weren't going anywhere where there was a lot of people. I'm not really social plus, I look terrible. I mean I look decent but still....

We got inside Aiden's car. Soon we began driving. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I looked over at him.

"Nope. But I can tell you that it's going to take us a while." It was official. I've haven't seen this side of Aiden in a while. His sensitive and soft side. Whenever he was like this, he was different. His voice was gentle, he never scowled or smirked. He was calm and went about life as a normal person.

I've only seen him act like this once but it only lasted for about two weeks though. I always wondered what caused him to act like that.

This week was getting stranger and stranger by the minute. Aiden started to make sexual gestures to me, Peyton pops out of nowhere, Aiden is getting high (He probably does that all the time, I just never see it), He asks me to stay with him because he 'can't go to sleep without me', and now this calm and soft Aiden, that I haven't seen for like three years, returns. What hell is going on?!

I told myself to relax and let it go. I'll get my answers eventually.


We've been driving for about a half hour and I was starting to get bored. Not that I wasn't anyway.

"Aiden I'm bored." He turned to me with a slight smile.

"Well, we never got to talk since we were interrupted a few days ago." He was talking about Peyton back at the diner.

"Okay. What do you want to talk about?"

"Just tell me things about yourself." He said casually.

I've known Aiden for about 10 years. I'm pretty sure we know a lot about each other. Oh well.

"Um, okay. You know when my voice does that thing? It only happens when I fall asleep, tell a lie, am scarred, or nervous."

"I'm a really shy person. I don't know why but, I absolutely hate attention. The feeling of multiple people watching your every move is nerve wracking. And it's weird to me because I don't really care when people judge me or criticism me. I find it really ironic."

"I feel uncomfortable when people are sad, angry, or upset. I don't really know how to react to that, so I usually just make a random comment to distract them from whatever's going on."

"I'm really goofy at times. I really don't know how it works but at the most random times, I get the 'giggles' and it seems like I'm drunk or something. At least that's what Jessie said. I find everything funny and I just laugh for no reason at all.

"I can't whistle, I can't do a split." I was just poring out random things.
"Um....I can't stand wet furniture. I can't stand when people curse a lot. You know on those television shows; all you hear is 'beep beep beep beep'. I'm sure those aren't the only words in your vocabulary. I can't stand when people say 'On Tommorow'. Like, just say 'Tomorrow'. I can't stand little noises like someone tapping their pencil, heavy breathers, and snoring. I can't stand when people walk slow in front of me. I also can't stand hypocrites."

I looked at Aiden and he was smiling at me. "Go on."

I raised my eyebrows. I thought I was rambling but I guess he didn't mind.

"Really? Okay." I continued. "I hate the cold, I don't like hospitals because people only go there for life threatening situations. I don't like life threatening situations because that practically means there's a possibility that you're going to die."

"I read a lot and I'm into romance books, don't ask why. When I laugh, I sound like a witch on steroids. I'm really good at dancing, basketball, and cooking. Shrimp is my favorite food, and so is cookie dough ice cream. I know I'm not a girly-girl but, I love to go to Victoria Secret and VS Pink. I don't like to show off my legs , or my stomach. I'm into a lot of cliche things because there are like realistic fairy tales. My favorite season is fall because of the colors. I'm scared of spiders, snakes, mosquitos, butterflies, bugs in general. I paused. "I guess that's it."

"Butterflies, mosquitos? Are you serious?" Aiden chuckled.

"Yes. Now what about you?"

"What about me?" He turned to look at me.

"Tell me somethings about you."

"I'm pretty much an open book. Im sure you have most of my life figured out."

He was right. He was an open book. I pretty much did know mostly everything about him. I guess the other stuff is personal, so I'll leave that alone.

"You're right." Then my absolutely favorite song came on the radio. Stitches.

I started singing along with no care at all.

Gotta feeling that I'm going under
But I know that I'll make it out alive
If I keep calling you my lover
Move on
You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
Falling down to my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches

Aiden just smiled through the whole thing taking glances at me time to time. While I was singing, he interrupted me.

"Okay were here." He announced. I looked around and we were near the entrance of some forest. I turned to Aiden and raised my eyebrows at him.

We got out the car and he made his way over to my side.

"Close you eyes."

I raised my eyebrows again. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Close your eyes. I wanna lead you to the surprise." I don't know about this.

"Come on Corey don't you trust me?" Well he did help me when I couldn't see a few days ago. But that was an emergency, he had no choice to help me. Whatever.

"Fine." I shut my eyes and felt Aiden stand behind me. He put his hands on my upper arms. I started walking and he led me, I'm guessing through the woods. What could possibly be in the woods that he had to show me? A dead squirrel?

"Your not going leave me here for dead are you." I asked him.

"No." I can hear the amusement in his voice.

We walked for about three more minutes when he told me I can open my eyes.

When I opened them, my eyes grew big. In front of me was a lake that was the same shade of Aiden's eyes. In the lake, were small fishes and bright colored flowers. It was really beautiful.

The air around us was warm and relaxing. The whole thing was amazing. "It's so pretty." I smiled.

"I know." Aiden said behind me. "Sometimes I come here to think."
What would Aiden possibly be thinking about?

He sat down on the edge of the lake and stared at it. I joined him. We fell into a comfortable silence.

"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I felt like i needed to share it with someone."

I just nodded my head. "So, a witch on steroids? Really?" He smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him a gave him a shove on his shoulder.

He did it back to me.

"Stop." I shoved him again.

"You stop." he kept doing it back.

I shoved him again only this time he went straight into the lake.

"Oh my God, Aiden are you ok?" I said quickly. I bent down and to see if was alright. Before I can do anything else, he reached up and grabbed me pulling me with him down into the lake.

I was plunged into the lake and when I came up i turned to Aiden.
"Now we're even." He chuckled.

"I would be mad at you but I guess your right." I said splashing water in his face.

Soon we were both splashing water at each other. It was nice to just get away and have fun. I liked this Aiden a lot. I don't know why the world doesn't see much of him.

"It's getting late. We should go." I said after about 10 minutes of us being the water.

It's hard to believe that we spent almost all day there. When we both got out of the water, we tried to dry ourselves as much as possible.

We made our way back to his car. On our way there, I took in the scenery around us. Of course there was a lot of trees and there were little flowers growing here and there. On one of the trees, there was a heart carved and in it, it said 'A+N'. Did A stand for Aiden? I had an urge to ask him but I just left it alone.

When we got to the car, we got inside and we were still pretty damp. "Do you mind if we head to school? I have to grab some things." I asked Aiden. I have to catch up on some homework.


During the drive, I felt my eyes grow heavy and soon I was out.

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