The story of us

By Alex_lexi876

16.5K 370 131

Kensi and Deeks both knew that they loved each other deeply and that they would put their lives on the line f... More

A bit more about the book
Chapter 1
The case
The surprise
I'm right here
New life
Another side of me
Author's note
Date night
NCIS Agent
New Addition
I can't loose you
The end of everything
Little One's Birthday
Author's Note
Christmas Surprises
New book!


632 19 2
By Alex_lexi876

Kensi's POV:

I walk into OPS tired from the case that we just finished. I look across the room and I see my partner adding decorations to the already beautifully decorated room. Right I forgot to mention that it's Christmas Eve today. I hate Christmas, the only thing good about it is the delicious food and treats. Ever since Jack left me I can't help but think that why don't we just skip over Christmas. However unlike me, the rest of the team has plans for tonight and tomorrow . Sam is on his way to picking Aiden from the airport  then Michelle, Kamran, Aiden and him are having Christmas dinner together. Callen is apparently having dinner with Joelle and then going to the annual tree lighting. Deeks is..Deeks... Weirdly I don't know what Deeks is doing for the holidays. It will be something much more better than watching tv , on the couch , in sweats wondering why everyone you love you loose. Well not everyone, I didn't loose Deeks yet but I guess that it doesn't count  since we aren't in a relationship.

" Hey Fern, why don't you give me a hand instead of starring into place?" Deeks said snapping me out of my thoughts . As I look up to go and help him , I see that he has sticky tape all over him and he's clearly struggling to get out. I can't stop the giggle that escapes my lips.

" Need a hand Shaggy?" I ask smirking at his current state.

" Yeah that's what I just asked you so wipe that smirk of your face." he nearly lands on his butt because his paying more attention to me than to where he's  walking. I decide to laugh it off and go to help him before he does the puppy eyes which makes my heart melt at the sight.

" Where do you want this to be?" I ask picking up the banner which says " Merry Xmas" in big, bold witting after helping him escape the sticky tape.

" Right here." he answer stepping on a stool and taking the right corner of the banner. I step on a stool and get the left corner. 

" Ok a little to the left, I said left Kensi! That's right.Ok up. That's right . No not right, up when I said that's right I meant that's correct ." After arguing we finally put the banner up correct . But me being the clumsy self that I am , I trip on my stool causing me to knock Deeks stool resulting me laying on top of him. He groans and I don't know whether it's because I tripped him or because I'm laying on top of him.

" OMG! Deeks I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." I say but I still don't get up. I don't want to ever get up from this position.

" It's fine , are you ok?" he asks as he brushes the hair that fell on my face and brushes his knuckles on my cheek. I can't help myself from leaning onto his hand. It warms my heart that he still cares about my safety and health when he's probably the one who got hurt more than me.

" Kensi have I have told you how beautiful you look?" he asks as he looks deep into my eyes and I don't know what to say or do so I just blush before I can stop myself and smile. However that moment soon ends when both of our phones vibrate. I close my eyes and mentally slap myself.

" No please tell me that's not a case. I mean come on it's Christmas can't the bad guys stop killing for a day and celebrate Christmas?" he asks rolling from under me ( which resulted me on the floor laying on my back) and standing up handing a hand out to help me. I laugh at his words and go to check my phone.  It was nothing important like a case, it was just the usual Christmas Eve wish from my mom. She would text me every year on Christmas Eve a Christmas wish since we reunited after not talking to each other for 15. Although she would text  me  it was never more than a simple wish.

" Aww man, what will I do now." my partner pouted, I guess the text was bad news.

" What's up?" I ask interested how a simple text can change his mood so quickly.

" My mom just canceled our plans for tomorrow, great now I'm just going to be laying on the couch all day doing nothing." he sighs going to collect his stuff getting ready to leave, I do the same thing.

" It's not like I'm doing anything more special than you anyways, I'm most likely doing the same thing." 

" Since we are not doing anything how about we have a movie marathon and eat take out all day at my house tomorrow?" he suggests and I think for a minute before answering .

" That sounds great, I'll be at your house at 9:30." he  nods in agreement and gives me a quick hug before we both get into our cars and drive off. As I'm in my car I can't help but smile at the thought of finally spending the Christmas with someone.

Christmas Day 

Kensi's POV:

I woke up this morning screaming at the top of my lungs. I had the same nightmare  as I have been having for the last nine years ever since Jack left me. I start panting and that's when I start to panick. I have never been this bad, what's happening now? I try to drink water to calm myself down but nothing is working. I call Deeks not knowing what to do, knowing that I will mentally slap and kick myself for letting him see me in this state. I dial his number and not even after 3 rings he answers.

"Merry Christmas Fern! How are you on this great morning? Are you still coming over?" he sys in a cherry tone. I hate that I have to ruin all of this just because of one nightmare. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before answering. 

"Deeks...Deeks" I struggle to find my words because honestly I have no clue how to say it. 

"Kensi are you ok?" I can tell by his tone that his clearly worried about me and what's going on. I try and try before I finally get my words to make sense.

"Marty can you please come over?" I ask in a pleading tone. I would normally kick myself for asking for his help but right now I need him to hold me and calm me down. 

"I'm on my way, please be careful until I arrive." I nodd pretending that he can see and hung up the phone. I can't help but cry, not because of the nightmare but I can't help but relate this to Jack's case. He was exactly like this: he would wake up screaming at the top of his lungs and then take forever to calm down. I don't want to be like that, I want to start a relationship with  Deeks and not make his life miserable by waking up each morning cry from nightmares. I cry even more at the thought of losing Deeks.

Deeks's POV

I was in the kitchen preparing it for when Kensi comes over so it would look suitable. I didn't want to over decorate the house so I just decorated a simple Christmas tree and put small decorations and lights here and there. I didn't want to upset Kensi by reminding here of the morning she was left alone. I was just about to feed Monty when I heard my phone ring. I quickly went to answer it since I thought that it was my mom and she always gets upset if I don't answer the phone.  I look at the caller's ID and I realise that it's Kens. I answer the phone in my usual cherry tone but when she answers I immediately know that something is wrong.  After hearing that she needs me to come over, I didn't know what to do first . I quickly grab my jacket, phone, car keys and wallet and head to the road. I think on the way to Kensi's house, I might have broken a few speed limit rules but I couldn't care less at that time.

I find myself at her house within minutes and I unlock the door with the spare key that she have me.

"KENSI!KENSI!WHERE ARE YOU?" I yell a couple time but didn't receive an answer. A million thought raced through every possible horrible outcome that could have. What if she was kidnapped? What if she passed out? I forced myself to snap out of my thoughts and hoped for the best. I go to check in her bedroom after checking the kitchen and living room, and I see her cuddled up to a pillow and blanket shaking and crying. I walk up to her and hug her, rubbing her back gently.

"Shh,Kens, you're alright, I'm right her. Did you have that nightmare again?" I ask her trying to figure out why she's like this but she doesn't answer. I decide that it will be the best if I let her calm down first before I ask her questions. However before I can ask her a question, she opens her mouth to speak. I nod my head encouraging her to continue.

" I had that nightmare again, Marty. But this time it was different, this time Jack and I had a little girl. And although I'm not very good with kids, it broke my heart to see her cry. It reminded me of when my dad died. The reason why I'm crying so hard is because, because, my state is the same as Jack's before he left me. And I'm so scared, Marty, that I will one day give up fighting the nightmare and I will leave just like him. I don't want that, I want to stay, Marty but I'm so scared." she then started to cry again and hugged her, rubbing her back and kissing her forehead. 

" I don't want that to happen to you and I pray everyday that you won't give in. But sincerely I know you won't because your much more stronger than that. Your Kensi Marie Blye, the girl who puts guys in jail after kicking their butts. I don't know what I will do without you as my partner but I don't need to know because I know that much more stronger than giving into some silly nightmare. "  I say gently in attempt to calm her down but also to give her confidence in herself. She hugs me closer and then looks directly into my eyes.

"What are you doing to me Deeks?" she say shakily.

" I'm falling in love with you." I answer still looking into her eyes .  I pull her in close and I can't contain myself and I kiss her. To my surprise she doesn't pull away but pulls me in closer and kisses me back. I smile into the kiss only to feel her smile as well. We slowly pull away and rest our foreheads on each others.

"I'm falling in love with you too." She says barely audible to human ear but I hear her. How could I not, I mean I would be crazy not to. I pull her into another kiss, shorter than the last one but still passionate. After we pull away I lay down next to her and pull her close to me letting her snuggle into my chest.

"Marty" she whispered .

" Yeah Fern"

" This is the best Christmas so far."

It truly was the best Christmas. After cuddling a little more, we decided to go to my house. We watched movies, played games and finally had dinner . That night we  got in bed and talked about random things and cuddling. Before going to sleep we kissed a little the I'm sure that both of us fell asleep with a smile on our face. I hope Kensi enjoyed spending Christmas with me because I know for sure that I did. I hope that every Christmas will be like this if not better. I hope that everyday from now I will fall asleep with this beautiful woman in my arms and wake up to her in my arms. 

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