Ran Away (DRAFT)


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Heather was abused continuously when she lived with her family, but when she finally, gave in to the temptati... More

Ran Away, Now I Can Kick Butt
Chapter 1 - New Friends
Chapter 2 - What to do With Her?
Chapter 3 - New Pack
Chapter 4 - Finding the Dead Alpha's Daughter
Chapter 5 - Answers That Refuse to Come
Chapter 6 - Finding Her...........Again
Chapter 7 - The Fight
Chapter 8 - New Position
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - Revenge on James
Chapter 11 - What the Hell!!!!
Chapter 12 - Run......Dinner Time
Chapter 13 - Revenge on Heather
Chapter 14 - Should I Accept?
Chapter 15 - Becoming Alpha
Chapter 16 - New Positions and Surprises
Chapter 17 - Home Sweet Home.......NOT!
Chapter 18 - Nasty Surprises
Chapter 19 - What a Morning
Chapter 20 - The Date
Chapter 21 - Someone Call 000
Chapter 22 - The Ride Home
Chapter 23 - Emmerson's Awkward Moment
Chapter 24 - Emotions Show
Chapter 25 - Mate, I've got One Thing Left to Say...Piss Off!
Chapter 26 - Jordan's Confession
Chapter 27 - Yes or No...And Fighting?
Chapter 28 - Patrol With Emmerson, Not The Best Idea
Chapter 29 - The REAL Hulk
Chapter 30 - Rouges
Chapter 31 - Falling
Chapter 32 - Ray and Ellie aka. Mum and Dad
Chapter 33 - Unknown
Chapter 34 - This is Slightly Random......
Chapter 35 - Run Gaby Run
Chapter 36 - Don't Piss off a Werewolf
Chapter 37 - LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Chapter 38 - Where the Hell am I?
Chapter 39 - Bring it on
Authors Note
Another authors note sorry
Chapter 40 - Rouges Vs Packs
Chapter 41 - For Better or for Worse
Chapter 42 - Death and Destruction
Chapter 43 - Rouges
Chapter 44 - Pack House Welcoming

Chapter 45 - Just the Beginning

1.6K 26 7

Sorry it took me so long to upload, school has been weighing me down and I've had writers block, I hate pressuring you guys to comment but please comment your thoughts :)


Heather's P.O.V


I ran as fast as I could. The consistent howling of the rouges behind me continued to encourage me to run faster. They came to my side, nodding their heads in respect towards me. I smirked back, suddenly my body filling with confidence, we all could almost taste victory on our tongues.

With that thought in mind every single one of us charged towards the unfamiliar mansion, attacking anything that was in our way. Suddenly, I felt a powerful presence emerge out of the building, a beautiful woman, with long, flowing blond hair, her eyes were a mesmerising grey and she wore a beautiful white gown.

Everyone in the fight vanished, leaving just me and the mysterious woman. She beckoned me to come forwards with a kind and graceful smile plastered on her lips, and I did so. "Now listen my daughter, we don't have much time, but you need to run. You need to get out of here and you must do it as soon as you get the chance."

The woman then started to drift away. I tried my hardest to reach out to her but soon everything went blank. 

Dream Over:

I awoke to the feeling of people tying me down to a hard surface. Slowly, I managed to peel my eyes open to see James and Erica using rope to tie me against a tree, when they noticed I was awake they grinned villainously at me. "Rise and shine Heather," James said with a dark tone to his voice, yet his face was spread out in a wide grin. 

I quickly glanced at Erica who had an emotionless expression on her face, but when she noticed that I was looking at her she grinned evilly before back handing me on my right cheek. The all too familiar feeling of blood dripping down my cheek returned and I growled threateningly at her, which only cause James to pull her away and start to growl at me to.

I glared at him hatefully as he turned his back and pulled Erica away. In the distance I could hear bodies being pulled here there and everywhere, but I was completely distracted as I saw two rouges dragging Kelsey and Gaby's lifeless bodies in front of me, and dropped them around ten metres away from me.

All I could do was stare and fight back the tears that threatened to fall. Why did everyone have to die because of me? Soon, I was distracted from my thoughts at the sound of feet running towards me. I jumped in shock as a sweaty hand clamped itself around my mouth, I tried to bite whoever it was but they removed their hand before I could.

"Relax and I'll get you out of here," An unfamiliar masculine voice said to me. I nodded and I felt the ropes that surrounded my body start to loosen. "Who are you?" I whispered quietly, so then only he could hear me.

The man didn't answer me as the ropes slowly dropped on to the ground, I turned my head ever so slightly and gazed up in to his crystal blue eyes. "You need to leave," He grunted out before basically throwing me behind him as growls began to sound through the air. "NOW!" He screamed at me.

Rouges started to surround us, all growling evilly and trying to snap at the mysterious man's feet. Soon I could hear the sound of two pairs of pounding feet heading towards us. The witches soaked in the scene that stood before them with confused eyes. "Kill them," The short witch barked out, making the rouges lunge at us.

Before any of the rouges managed to get to me though the man pushed me in to a bush and away from them. "RUN NOW!" He screamed before the rouges jumped on to his back and pulled him to the ground. I stared in shock as they started to tear away his flesh viciously. I shook my head, trying to clear it all my thoughts.

Suddenly, one of the many unoccupied rouges jumped on to me, pushing me in to the hard ground. I kicked it off my, throwing it near the witches feet. I jumped up as more rouges tried to close in on me and started to run. Although I could still hear the witches screaming at me from behind. 

"THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING DEMON! YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!" The witches screamed but I ignored them and did what I always do, run.

I'm running away, so then I can kick their asses later.


Yea that's it, I'm planning a sequel though, PRETTY PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS FOR THE NEXT BOOK! I really would appreciate it and yea I know the ending was suckish but oh well. 

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