Sucked Into The Manga (Book o...

By HerLovelySanity

391K 11.5K 6.8K


Getting sucked in, Literally
The black book thief
Daddy! Mama!
Tears, tea cups and female kisses
Beating you to the punch
Quitting the Host Club!
Kidnapped than blackmailed by twin devils!
the twins act up... again
Pianos and the Tropical beach trip
lets play miss tough
Cross dressers and The Koyuki sickness
The scary letters
Yuu, you are busted!
Honey gets bitter / Koyuki gets a visiter
Koyuki in wonderland!
Forgiving and Punishing Koyuki!
Happy birthday Raingi, just don't touch any mangas!
Not kyoya's; Don't touch the Takashi's
Without Koyuki
Dreams anyone?
Guess who's back!
Their Talk
Planning from the future Mrs.Ootori
Now entering French Chocolate Pastry! (It needs more spice)
Lady French Pastry Toenail
Needs more chocolate
Could this be the end? Part 1
could this be the end? Part 2
Farewell Ouran, hello, who??
Message from Author-chan(PLEASE READ)
Message from the Author-chan. MUST READ!!!

The day without the host club!

12.6K 361 220
By HerLovelySanity


*sinks into the water*


"Koyuki! Wake up its summer! Come on wake up!" Raingi screamed. Don't jump on the bed. Don't jump on the- Raingi jumped onto the bed, and started jumping up and down.

"Shadow queen wake up! Its summer time! That means we're on vacation!" My eyes snapped open. I untangled myself from Kyoya.

"Raingi Agalia Takashi. It is earlier in the morning. Kyoya and I have only gotten a few hours of sleep due to working late for things involving the host club. I suggest you go back to your room right now, or you will end up with my foot up your ass." I scowled. Raingi rolled her eyes at me.

"You are so cranky when you get up. Its your fault for working in the host-" Kyoya now sat up. His hair hung over his eyes. His black aura was starting to rise. Raingi screeched before she went running back to her room. Kyoya bad aura faded. His arm went around me. He pulled me down with him. He was out instantly. I nuzzled myself back into him. I shut my eyes again. Mm, I could use just a few more hours in Kyoyas arms, oh and a few hours of sleep.

"MY HARUHI HAS GONE MISSING!" Tamaki's voice blared into the room. Son of a bitch. I knew better then to try to sleep. I once again untangled myself from Kyoya. I pulled the blanket off, slid out of bed, grabbed my slippers and smacked Tamaki in the head with one. I put the slippers on right after. Tamaki cried out in pain. Baka.

"She's not missing you baka. She's off working. She has my first phone, call her, she has it on because I told her before we left the host club she must leave it on. Now, stop being an idiot. I would like sleep. Go home Tamaki." I hissed. Tamaki cringed. I pointed at the door. He put his hands up, and ran off. Well, I don't see myself going to sleep again. I bent over and gave Kyoya cheek a kiss. "Sleep good Kyo." Went into the bathroom, showered, and got ready for the day.

Yikes, it was hot out. I had to change my outfit completely. I ended up in a black belly shirt that said NERD on it, a pair  of dark jean shorts, my new necklace and my ring. Maybe we should go to the beach. This time, no host club, just Kyoya, Raingi and me. I tried to smile but i was just too tired to show emotion. I packed my bathing suit and a towel in a beach bag. I braided my hair, and put it up in a bun on top of my head. Okay, I'm ready, lets go tell brat. I went into Raingi room. She was attempting to paint her nails. I rolled my eyes. Shes awful at painting nails. I took the nail polish from her and finished her nails.

"So I was thinking, since its hot today, you, me and Kyo can hit the beach. Maybe have a picnic. Just have a fun, laid back day. No host club, no school, no worries." Raingi grinned wide.

"That sounds awesome Koy. Uh Koyuki, will you be okay to go to the beach?" She asked. You could hear the worry in her voice. I hugged her.

"Raingi, I said no worries. We'll go to a private beach. Plus I have Kyo to keep me safe, though I'm pretty tough. I can handle myself little sis. Here's my bag, put your beach stuff in there. I'll see if the shadow kings up then Ill let you know the official plan." I kissed her head and walked back to Kyoya's room. He was still sleeping. Poor Kyo, he's wiped out. I crawled into the bed beside him. Maybe I should let him sleep, and Raingi and I will go to the beach. Just a sister day hmm.. I don't wanna leave him without him knowing where I am. So Ill just wake him up for a second.

"Hey Kyo. I'm gonna let you sleep, but I'm gonna take Raingi to the beach for the day. Kay?" I kissed his cheek again. He didn't budge. "I'll take that as a okay. Just call me if you need me. See you later Kyoya. I love you." I got back out of the bed. I told Raingi our plan. She seemed happier that it was only the two of us. Hey, I wonder exactly where we can go. Does the Ootori's have their own private beach? Shoot, I should really have asked Kyoya about this a while ago. I sighed. I can ask a maid. One of them will probably know.


Raingi and I found a Ootori private beach about ten minutes away from Kyoya's house. Weird right? You'd think a private beach would be right there but nope, theirs is ten minutes away. Anyways at the moment Raingi was swimming while I sat on the sand reading. It was nice just having a day for the two of us. No obnoxious host clubs, no horny boys, just peace. Every now and then I checked my phone for a text or something from Kyoya but I got nothing. Hmm, still sleeping Kyo? Wow. Oh wow its already lunch time. i unwrapped the beach towel from myself and stood up. I stretched my arms and legs. I slid my sunglasses on my head.

"Hey Raingi, why don't you come out and we can eat lunch, alright?"

"Okay Sama!" She ran out of the water and over to me. I smiled and took out everything from our cooler. Raingi was grinning from ear to ear. She was having so much fun. "Oh look cookies!" She went to dive for the cookies but I snatched them up before she could.

"Lunch first, cookies later." Raingi pouted as I handed her, her sandwich. I laughed at her as I ate mine. It was an old fashion PB & Raspberry fluff. All I could say was, yum! I loved my sammie. Heh. I checked my phone again, still nothing. I grumbled to myself.

"Koyuki, phone down at lunch." Raingi ordered. I tucked my phone away in my bag. I apologized to Raingi. "Hey who that?" She pointed behind me. I squinted at the figure. That sneaky little..

"Kyoya!" I ran over to him, and jumped on him. Kyoya caught me in his arms. I looked up at him, grinning.Kyoya looked down at me.

"How long have you been here?" He asked. I pouted.

"Thats what you say? Not hey Koyuki, or I missed you sooooo much Koyuki. Nothing? Just, 'how long have you been here? Psh, I'm going back to my sammie. It was nice to me." I unwrapped my arms from him. and tried to get back on my feet. Kyoya only tighten his arms around my wasit.

"Hello Koyuki. Of course I missed you because I woke up not having a beautiful little thing beside me. Now how long have you been gone? Has anyone tried to bother you?" I shook my head.

"Mmm, not answering your first question until..." I tapped on his lips with my finger. Kyoya leaned over and kissed me gently. I giggled at him. "We've been here since 9. So we've-" Kyoya cut me off by kissing me again.

"You taste sweet, but you also taste like peanuts. Why is that?" He asked, rubbinf his thumb over my lips. I blushed.

"Uh peanut butter  & raspberry fluff sandwich." Kyoya just stared. He walked past me, over to the table, and grabbed my partly eaten sandwich. He smirked at me as he took a bite of it. Oh heck no! "You bully! Thats mine!" Raingi reached into the cooler, and pulled out another sandwich. She tossed it to me.

"Eat this sama." I chucked the sandwich at Kyoya. It hit him in the head. His eyes went wide. Uh oh.

"Koyuki.." He warned. I gave a sheepish grin.

"Tag your it!" WIth that, I took off running. Kyoya shouted after me, then I heard his foots steps following behind me. I kept running until I ended up crashing into someone. I flew backwards onto the ground. Ow, my butt.

"Watch where you're going slut.." My eyes snapped up. A boy with red hair, and dark brown eyes glared down at me. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't figure out who. I rose to my feet. His eyes looked me up and down, and stayed on my chest.

"You're pretty hot, but thats only expected from a slut." His voice was deep, it reminded me of Kyoya and Mori voice mixed. My hand curled into a fist.

"Take that back dick weed. You don't know me." I snapped. He rolled his eyes and let out a scoff.

"Actually, I do know you. You're names Koyuki Takashi. You're dating that hot shot from the host club, Kyoya Ootori, and you're slut ass that put my brother behind bars." His words slapped me in the face. He was Yuu brother! Thats why he looked familiar. My jaw clenched. I pulled my fist back, and slammed it against the boy, then kicked him hard. I sent him flying to the ground.

"Give that to the dirt bag for me. I hope he rots in jail." Kyoya was now beside me. He looked down at the boy on the ground. Kyoya arms instantly pulled me behind him.

"This is a private beach Mr. Hinta. I'm going to have you to politely leave." The boy rose to his feet. He shoved Kyoya as he walked away. He quickly stopped and faced us again.

"The names Yugi. Keep a close eye on your slut. My brother gets out next week. I'll be happy to tell him she's with you." He hurried away. My body froze. Yuu gets out next week? Is that what Kyoya was keeping from me? I pulled away from Kyoya.

"Yugi!" I called after him. Yugi was near the road when i caught up to him. He smirked.

"Wanna make up for how you treated Yuu, and give me some?" I held back the urge to vomit. I smiled sickly at him.

"No, but if you or your brother comes near me. You both will get your asses handed to you. Then, you'll both be in jail." Yugi was about to comment when I sucker punched him hard in the face, and kneed him in the stomach. "Thats a sneak preview on what happens if you come near me." I turned and went back to Kyoya who was on the phone. I took his phone away. He raised an eye brow. I checked the ID. It was his father.  "Mr.Ootori, this is Koyuki Takashi. I have to thank you for letting me and my sister stay in your home, but I will no longer be needing to stay there."

"Koyuki, are you positive that's a good idea? You are welcome to live in the house as long as you wish. My son fancy you, and he is becoming quiet the man. He hasn't failed me yet since he's been with you. He's actually improved. I hope you reconsider your living arrangements." I hung up the phone. I gave it back to Kyoya.

"You can't honestly be serious! You may be able to fight, but now there is two of them who want to get you! You cannot be stupid and want to live by yourself!" Kyoya snapped.

"Don't call me stupid Kyoya. I just don't want to be afraid anymore. I don't see them coming after me. You didn't see what I did to Yugi. You don't know my full power! Kyoya I love you, and everything you've done for me, but I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." I turned to walk away, but Kyoya grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

"I'm aware you can handle yourself, but I don't want you alone. I enjoy waking up to you every morning. I enjoy you living with me. I'm scared for you Koyuki. You're not use to being so scared because you have to put a show on for your sister. I know you were beyond scared when you got taken by Yuu, and you may not be now, but I want you beside me no matter what. Even with Yuu being in or out of jail." I hugged Kyoya. Raingi came over to me with my phone.

"Raingi, Honey is on the phone! He wants us to go to Europe with him!" I told her to tell Honey we'd have to politely pass. Raingi was sad that I declined the offer, but it just wasn't the right time to leave. I looked at Kyoya. He was pleading for me to continue living with him. Me being me, caved way to easily. I was just butter to Kyoya.

"What did you do to Yugi?" Kyoya finally asked me as we were walking around the beach, hand in hand. I just smiled to myself. He didn't need to know. Though, it did make me feel better.

"Mm, nothing. Hey Kyo..." Kyoya stopped walking. I wrapped my arms around his neck, acting like I was going to kiss him. When my lips barely brushed his I whispered,  "Race you back to Raingi." I quickly pulled myself away and ran back to where my sister was making sand castles. I jumped down, and hid behind it. Yeah, it was big enough for me to hide behind when I sat down. I heard Kyoya finally coming over. Wow, someones slow.

"Where did she go?" Raingi was about to tell him when I pinched her leg. She jumped up to her feet.

"I uh, she's on her way home. She ran right past me." Raingi lied. I face palmed myself. Raingi was the worst liar on this planet. Sorry Raingi, but you're gonna hate me for this. I dove right through her sand castle, and tackled Kyoya to the ground.

"Boo!" I tried to be scary. Kyoya only rolled his eyes at me as we hit the soft sand. Raingi screamed at us for ruining her castle. Technically I ruined it, but Kyoya and I were to busy laughing at my stupidity and fail at trying to scare him.

"Lets go to dinner." Kyoya suddenly said. I sat up, so I was straddling his lap. Hmm dinner, dinner sounds nice.

"I don't wanna go! You two go. I wanna go to Moka's house!" She whined. I rolled my eyes at her, and shooed her off. She cheered and went running to call her friend. I'm glad Raingi's made friends here. It makes me worry a bit less. I peered down at Kyoya. He was just staring up at me, smiling. I smiled back down at him. I pecked his lips.

"Hmm, dinner for two sounds nice."

~At Kyoya's house~

I let out a fustrated sigh as I dug through all of my clothes. I had nothing to wear! This a date for Kyo and me! I can't believe there is nothing for me to we- An idea popped in my head. I know someone who owns a bunch of beautiful dresses, that happen to be in my size. Actually, make that two someones. I dove out of the pile of clothes that swarmed my feet, and tackled my cell phone that was sitting on Kyo and my bed. I dialed the number I had recently come to memorize, though wasn't sure why I did.

The phone rang a few times before a pair of voices answered. They sounded tired. I grinned.

"Hey twin devils, wanna dress me up for my date with Kyoya?" I heard snickering on the other end. Seriously you perverts? You had to take that the wrong way? I just shook my head at the phone and bit my tongue.

"Sounds fun. We're at a bed and breakfast with Haruhi, but we'll be there in a few." The phone clicked.Oh yeah, it was the contest for the refresher thing. I decided while I was waiting for the twins, I'd shower and wash all the sand from myself. I stripped off my clothes, and went into the bathroom. I turned the hot water on and jumped in. I took my time washing up until I heard the beroom door fly open.

"Kyo?" I called out. When there wasn't a reply, I stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and peeked out of the shower. I made an 'eep' noise, and ran back into the bathroom. It was Hikaru and Kaoru! They weren't kidding when they said they'd be here in a few. I heard the two idiots chuckle at me. I instantly began to scowl. I poked my head out this time. The twins were walking around the bedroom. One twin was holding a black dress bag, the other one was holding a makeup bag. Hikaru held out the black dress bag to me. As I reached out to take it, he snapped it back against him.

"Your still wet. You'll ruin the dress. Dry off, put your under clothes on, then you can have the dress." He snapped.

"My under stuff is in the room. Leave the dress on the bed, and get out!" The twins nodded and hurried out of the room. Wow, they were actually listening for once. I stepped into the bedroom. I dried myself off quickly, but on a strapless black bra, with matching black lace panties. I pulled my hair on a bun on top of my head. I went over to the dress bag, and unzipped it. I laughed at the dress. It was one of the ones I was forced to try on. It was strapless black and white  bandage mini tube dress. It was beautiful thats for sure. I slipped into the dress. It fit me perfectly, just like I remembered! Though, I don't remember it being so short. Did, they have it shorten? Before, it almost went to my knees, know it just barely made it to my finger tips if I kept my hands at my sides. I opened the door. The twins were leaning against each other, snoring. It was only 6 pm, how are they tired? Oh wait, stupid question. Refresher contest and stuff like that.

I smacked them both on the head. They bolted awake. I couldn't help but giggle at them. They went to let me have it when they saw me in the dress. Their jaws dropped. My face instantly flushed.

"Koyuki, don't slap us, but your hot. I bet Kyoya senpai will be drooling during your date." The twins said at the same time. I rolled my eyes,

"Just help me get ready, then you can go back to Haruhi."


The twins had given me a pair of black heels and a black gucci purse to match my dress. They did my hair up for me as well. The curled it and twisted it to the side. Then they gave me a golden, smokey look to my eyes. I added my glasses, necklace, ring, and a pair of heart earrings that said love  in the middle of them. I was ready finally. I pulled my dress down a little more before going to find Kyoya. He was outside, leaning against his limo. He was wearing a black dress shirt, with black dress pants that matched. I let out a whistle.

"Man oh man, I think I just found a hottie." I joked. Kyoya chuckled and turned to face me. His jaw dropped, and his face went red. My cheeks went red as well.

"You look stunning." He finally managed to choke out. I thanked him. He nodded and tried to compose himself, but he was struggling. I pushed up his glasses as they slid down his nose.

"Don't want to lose your glasses there Kyo. Now come on, lets get going!" I got in the limo, and Kyoya followed.  Kyoya slid his arm around me, and pulled me close to him. The driver pulled us out of the drive way and headed off towards somewhere. Kyoya bent down, and brushed his lips against mine.

"You really do look stunning Koyuki. Maybe we should go home and skip dinner..."Kyoya started. i smacked him playfully.

"Kyoya Ootori, don't you dare suggest that. Besides," Fun time.I leaned close to his ear. I felt his body tense beside me.  "Thats what backseats of the limo is for." I whispered seductively. Heat automatically went back to his face, and he jumped in surprise. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. His face was just to priceless! I was laughing so hard, that my stomach was hurting. Kyoya reached out, and pulled me onto his lap.

"That wasn't nice at all." He grumbled. I kisses his nose. A few more giggles escaped my lips.

"It was, it really was. So, where are we going to dinner?" I asked. Kyoya kissed me quickly.

"I figured we'd go to a private place. Then," He pulled me tighter against him. He had a evil look in his eyes. "you're going to wish you hadn't made that joke about the backseat." My eyes widen. No! Not another punish- well, okay. Punishments are fun, but make me sore...

"Well then, I h-" I was cut off by the limo door opening. I let out a gasp. It was amazing! No, it was beautiful! Kyoya had set us up a table by a lake. There was a candle in the middle of the table, and little lights were wrapped around the trees around the table. Kyoya stepped out of the limo, and took my hand, leading me over to the table. Everything looked so perfect. I swallowed the lump rising in my throat. "Its.. Its beautiful Kyo." I whispered. Kyo gave my hand a squeeze. He sat me down at the table.

"It's not as beautiful as you though Koyuki." I smiled at him, tears of joy threaten to spill over.

"I'm really glad I met you Kyoya. I love you."

"I love you too Koyuki. I knew from the first moment I laid eyes on you, that I loved you, and I knew deep down, that you had to be mine."


How was that chappie?? I thought it was quite beautiful if i do say so myself :')

Oh anyways.. the contest.. NO CHEATING PLEASE!! If you do look up the answer, let me know. Please be honest! Anyways heres the contest thing. If you can tell me what anime I got the name 'Yuu' from, ill dedicate the next chappie to you, and let you be in the next book of Sucked into the Manga!!


Vote, comment, follow, and be apart of contest!!

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