Choosing Between What Is Righ...

By laurenjanetw

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Lauren Kenzie is heading back to Hogwarts for her 5th year! This year she knows is going to be different, aft... More

~Part 1 - The Start Where It All Changes~
~Part 2 - Something Feels Right~
~Part 3 - Somethings Can Hurt~
~Part 4 - Always Follow Your Heart~
~Part 5 - Who Does The Black Owl Belong To?~
~Part 6 - Christmas With The Malfoys, Trapped!~
~Part 7 - Suspicions~
~Part 8 - Brokenhearted~
~Part 10 - Bringing A Nightmare To Life~
~Part 11 - Lauren Maya Riddle~
~Part 12 - Summer At Malfoy Manor~
~Part 13 - Back At Hogwarts~
~Part 14 - Fake Date And The Smell Of Ammortenia~
~Part 15 - Surprises~
~Part 16 - A Different Story~
~Part 17 - Christmas Vacation And A Trip To The Hospital Wing~
~Part 18 - A Life Leaves The World And Another One Enters~
~Part 19 - Meeting The Grandparents And Joining The Order~
~Part 20 - Standing Up To The Carrows And The Slytherins~
~Part 21 - Room Of Requirement~
~Part 22 - Maybe Its Not Too Late~
~Part 23 - Scorpius' Birthday And Starting Over~

~Part 9 - Scared For You~

974 17 7
By laurenjanetw


----Draco's POV----

The last 5 days have been hell! Lauren saw Pansy kissing me, and it broke her heart. I didnt kiss Pansy, she kissed me but Weasley wouldnt let me explain, she sat on me and because shes got a fat arse and i was stuck then she grabbed my arms and put them round her and kissed me hard, i didnt even kiss back. Lauren went out of the pub crying i could hear her sobs and screams as the twins comforted her, i feel like a dick. After then i havent saw her anywhere, she wasnt at dinner that night and she wasnt in the dorm either then. The next day i saw one of the twins after dinner, George i think, outside so i asked him and he told me to stay away and whatever but i explained that she had been missing for atleast 24 hours and had missed four meals. He paniced and then we kinda joined forces along with his twin Fred after i explained about the Pansy thing, we spent hours looking for her but nothing, the past 4 days have been non stop searching. Even Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Dean, Seamus and Ginny have started helping and yeah im that desperate to call them by their first names. She hasnt been at any meal for 5 days or any class and professors havent seemed to notice, she probably asked Dumbledore to cover for her or someone.

"Malfoy, she still not shown up?" One of the twins asked as we sat at the top of the astronomy tower.

"No...George?" He nodded and i continued. "I miss her so damn much, I really love her but i dont know where she is, We've looked everywhere even the forbidden forest" I cried again, damn!

Only George has seen me cry, i refuse to cry infront of anyone else as im a Malfoy and i need to keep my family name proud but i break infront of George as he was very close to my Lauren. He put his arm around me in support when Luna Lovegood came up the stairs wearing some crazy glasses.

"Hi Luna, are you okay?" George smiled.

"Yes thank you, i felt a weird sense up here so i came to check it out, Draco you have alot of Nargles around you, you are worried about Lauren" Luna dazed in her own world.

"Err yeah" I was unsure what Nargles where.

"Luna what weird sense did you get? when can you see nargles?" George questioned her as we both stood up.

"Nargles are fascinating really, they surround someone who is worried or hurt or upset, i can sense thousands up here" She wandered into the astronomy classroom and towards the supply closet.

"erm Luna, thats a supply closet, i dont think Nargles are in there" I said wearily incase i upset her, yes im thinking about her feelings as she is Laurens friend.

"No shh!" She silenced us then muttered a spell and then we could here soft cries and sobs coming from the closet.

"Who is crying?" Luna asked.

"Malfoy you dont think?..." George trailed off.

"Lauren!" We both spoke at the same time and Luna smiled to herself.

I went to open the door but it was locked.

"Crap ive forget the spell to open it!" i muttered angrily.

"Me too" George spoke just as angry.

"Alohamora" Luna smiled and opened the door and gestured us to stay put.

----Lauren's POV----

Ive not moved for 5 days, ive kept myself locked in this little room, only one person knows im here, and thats Dobby the house elf, he has managed to make the professors forget me for 10 days so they dont wonder where i am and look for me but if they see me then they remember me and the spell wears off instantly. I dont want to live anymore, whats the point if Draco isnt in my life? I havent eaten for 5 days and ive had a few sips of water but thats it, i cant bring myself to eat. Ive done nothing but cry all the time, i havent slept and i have bags under my eyes. Ive lost alot of weight and became terribley thin, its scaring me but right now i dont care if i do die my life isnt worth living really.

I was sobbing again just thinking back to five days ago, it was breaking my heart. I kept my head down until i heard a voice.

"Lauren?" I looked up to see Luna Lovegood looking as me worried.

"Luna? How did you-" I was cut off.

"Nargles, your room is full of them! They feed off upset, worry and hurt, are you okay? Youve been missing for 5 days, everyone is worried and Draco is a mess, hes been so scared" She sighed.

His name made my heart break again, i felt broken. I sobbed again and Luna hugged me.

"I have 2 people who want to see you okay?" she smiled and i nodded.

She opened the door and George came through the door and i expected to see Fred follow but saw someone who made my heart break all over again. Draco.

"Lauren are you okay?! You look really ill and different, please Malfoy explained to us and he didnt kiss Pansy she kissed him and cause shes so fat he couldnt move from her grip, please look this is gonna sound wacko but hes the good guy here, me, him, Fred, Hermione, Harry, Neville, Ron, Ginny, Dean, Seamus, Luna and others have been working together! Yes Malfoy has been nice to us all as he cares for you!" George spoke so fast he had lost his breath.

"Aw Dray, i love you..l feel....sleepy....i ...see...light" My eyes felt heavy.

"I love you too lou, and NO dont sleep dont go towards any light i cant lose you please george help me...." That was the last thing i heard until i fell into darkness.


I woke up hearing chatter around me but i couldnt open my eyes, my body ached and my head was spinning so my eyes stayed shut. I could hear different voices in the room, i could hear George, Fred, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Dean, Seamus and Draco all around me. I felt pressure on my hand, it was someone holding my hand, i smiled and then they all started fussing.

"she smiled" Harry shouted.

"Madame Pomfrey is she waking she smiled?!" Hermione chipped in.

"Yes she is waking but he body isnt recovered yet, she can hear you im guessing speak to her it might help but her voice wont work yet and her eyes will stay closed until she opens them" I heard madame pomfrey speak. So i guessed im in the hospital wing.

They all fell silent until i felt i little squeeze on my hand and i smelt that oh so familiar aftershave, it was Draco. Then they all started chatting again like nothing happened and i felt a warm breath against my ear.

"Hey princess, i know you can hear me! Im so sorry but if you remember what George said then thats true! Please forgive me, i want to get back together, i love you so much and those 5 days without you where hell and now its been 3 weeks since youve been in a coma so please open your eyes, i want to see you beautiful eyes!" Draco spoke in a hushed tone so no one heard what he said and i felt a drop of water on my ear, he was crying.

I felt myself smiling again as he called George by his first name and not Weasley and because he was truely in love with me and i was in love with him.

"I'll take that as a yes baby" His soft voice rung in my ear again as i lightly squeezed his hand using all my stregth and he returned it.

I fell asleep again for a few hours and when i woke i could still hear all those voices around me, i felt stronger now, i used my strength all of it to open my eyes. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light, i turned my head and looked at Draco who was asleep, i turned back and saw everyone else smiling at me.

"Lauren omg its so good to see you awake!" Ron smiled.

"Lilo, you really scared me yanno!!" George pouted but then laughed.

I couldnt find my voice, Madame Pomfrey came in and handed me a drink, it burned my throat but then i felt my voice.

"Hey guys" I smiled and they all hugged me carefully as i was still very weak and Dracos was asleep with his head on my left arm.

"Its great to hear your voice again Lilo" Fred beamed and kissed my forehead.

"Yanno whats crazy, we've all cried multiple times since youve been here all on different days and Malfoy has begged for you too wake up and when you do hes asleep, typical! But he does love you, thats so true to see!" Harry smiled and nodded.

Just then i felt Draco stir.

"Guys pretend i havent woken yet, so act suprised when i do as im gonna suprise him when hes awake but George say 'at last you wake Malfoy' and laugh but dont be mean" I smiled and pretended to sleep as everyone went into conversation.

I felt Draco lift his head off my arm, and then George spoke what i told him. I squeezed Dracos hand and opened my eyes slowly.

"Omg your awake princess!" Draco beamed and i looked at him smiling.

"Yeah im awake" I was still weak so my voice was soft.

"Why havent you lot been suprised by Lauren waking?" Draco questioned, shit.

"We are suprised just giving you two a moment" Hermione smiled, thank god she said that.

"Thanks" He smiled and turned back to me.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too princess"

Draco leaned in slowly and within seconds his lips gently pressed mine, it was a warm sweet kiss showing so much love. I loved it. When he pulled away the others either went 'aw' or gagged but i just laughed and Draco glared, yep hes back to normal now. I spoke with everyone around me until i felt sleepy, they all left except Draco, he refused to leave me. I closed my eyes and i felt him kiss my head as he whispered.

"I love you angel" and with that i fell asleep.


I woke in the afternoon to Madame Pomfrey giving me my medicine, i took it and she let me leave the hospital wing. Draco must've gone to class as he wasnt in the hospital wing when i woke, but then Madame Pomfrey said its Saturday. I walked through the castle and there wasnt any students or teachers about, strange. I walked outside and heard cheers and claps, i walked even further and noticed crowds of students and teachers around the quidditch pitch as people in Blue robes and people in Green robes flew around on their brooms. I ran over to the quidditch pitch and took a seat in the stands where Fred and George where, they hugged me and explained how the game was so far, Slytherin were losing and Draco wasnt focused apprently. He was dazed, then he started flying near our stand, he didnt know i was here so i whispered a plan to George.

"Try and get Draco towards here, im gonna hide behind you and tell him you have a suprise for him and im gonna come out and hopefully he will be abit more into the game" I smiled and George nodded and told Fred while i hid.

"MALFOY, YO MALFOY!!" George and Fred shouted and Draco flew towards them.

"what? im trying to play a game here" Draco spat, harsh.

"Oh we have a suprise for you" With that i stepped out and Dracos eyes went wide.

"I didnt know you were here!? Omg, youve made me so happy right now!" He beamed.

"Okay im here watching my boyfriend, now go win" I winked and he zoomed off to find the snitch.

It only took a few minutes until Draco had sighted the snitch. Then within seconds he had the snitch tightly gripped in his hand and he landed on the pitch, smiling as the cheers from Slytherin house and me erupted. I ran out of my seat towards the pitch and jumped into Dracos arms and then a flash nearly blinded me. I turned to see non other than Rita Skeeter and her Camera man there staring at me and Draco while her pad and quill wrote.

"Aw young love, forbidden? Yes, you are the Malfoys son, charming, handsome, pureblood Slytherin and this is a filthy mudblood Gryffindor" Rita scoffed.

Shit just got real.

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