Choosing Between What Is Righ...

By laurenjanetw

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Lauren Kenzie is heading back to Hogwarts for her 5th year! This year she knows is going to be different, aft... More

~Part 1 - The Start Where It All Changes~
~Part 2 - Something Feels Right~
~Part 3 - Somethings Can Hurt~
~Part 5 - Who Does The Black Owl Belong To?~
~Part 6 - Christmas With The Malfoys, Trapped!~
~Part 7 - Suspicions~
~Part 8 - Brokenhearted~
~Part 9 - Scared For You~
~Part 10 - Bringing A Nightmare To Life~
~Part 11 - Lauren Maya Riddle~
~Part 12 - Summer At Malfoy Manor~
~Part 13 - Back At Hogwarts~
~Part 14 - Fake Date And The Smell Of Ammortenia~
~Part 15 - Surprises~
~Part 16 - A Different Story~
~Part 17 - Christmas Vacation And A Trip To The Hospital Wing~
~Part 18 - A Life Leaves The World And Another One Enters~
~Part 19 - Meeting The Grandparents And Joining The Order~
~Part 20 - Standing Up To The Carrows And The Slytherins~
~Part 21 - Room Of Requirement~
~Part 22 - Maybe Its Not Too Late~
~Part 23 - Scorpius' Birthday And Starting Over~

~Part 4 - Always Follow Your Heart~

1.2K 21 9
By laurenjanetw

Madam Pomfrey woke me the next day and handed me my healer and breakfast, my shin was taking longer to heal because the bludger had damaged it alot although i was being let out of the hospital wing today and i knew i could go and surprise Draco at his quidditch practice. When the healer had spread through my body, madam pomfrey put a new bandage on my leg and told me i wasnt to play quidditch for a month and i need to be very careful as i wouldnt take crutches from her so i had a limp. I left the hospital wing and limped towards the quidditch pitch, i saw the Slytherin team in their green practice jersys which they get a family member or friend to wear at their matches for support. I took a seat in the stands and most of the Slytherins watching stared at me questioningly but they soon went back to watching the practice.

Many girls sat screaming Dracos name and Pansy Parkinson shouted 'I Love You Draco' and he looked at her and smiled, what?! No im just being jealous, he wouldnt like her when hes with me no, no he wouldnt. She shouted it again and Draco looked over at the stands where she was sat but glanced his eyes to the left and they fell onto me. His face was priceless, he looked so happy and by the look of it he wanted to end the game to see me. Draco zoomed around the pitch on his nimbus 2001 following the snitch he had sighted, after another couple of seconds Draco grabed the snitch and the team all landed down on the pitch. Pansy Parkinson ran down onto the pitch with her friends and hugged Draco. I stayed in the stands shocked but i soon smiled when i saw him push her away. He then climed up and joined me in the stands as all the team, Pansy and other Slytherins watched him.

"You sure you want to tell everyone?" I whispered to him.

He nodded and leant in towards me, his lips brushed mine as my arms snaked round his neck and his around my waist before he then passionately kissed me. I relaxed into his kiss and felt at peace, just me and Draco in the world, with no one else. As we pulled away he winked at me and all the Slytherins stood there open mouthed and wide eyed, Draco interlocked his fingers with mine and he helped me down the steps onto the quidditch pitch.

"Err Draco, have you been poisioned or drank love potion or something? This is Lauren Kenzie a Gryffindor who you always say you hate!!" Pansy Parkinson spat.

"No i havent been poisioned or drank love potion, just you lot didnt realise that ive liked her since 4th year because you all asummed i hated her when i never! Yep so me and Lauren are together, anyone who has a problem save it because me and Lauren dont care okay? Good!" Draco replied and we walked into the changing rooms snd he changed back into his clothes.

We walked back hand in hand towards the great hall for our dinner, as we walked through the corridors, many 5th years stared at us because of our interlocked hands. Many people i knew whispered as we passed but i just smiled at Draco and carried on walking. I saw the doors the great hall open and many students already waiting for their food, i saw Hermione and ... Jake. I dont want to see him, i dont want him near me. I then felt a hand tap my shoulder, it was Professor Snape, he looked down coldly at mine and Dracos interlocked hands before speaking.

"I wouldve thought Mr Malfoy that you would love a Slytherin"

"Sorry professor, my heart leads to Lauren" Draco smiled at him

"Always follow your heart!" Snape said before walking into the hall.

I kissed Draco lightly on the lips before disconnecting our hands and walking towards the Gryffindor table while he took a seat with the Slytherins, who all were questioning him about me. I just shook my head and sat opposite Hermione and Jake, it was silent until Ron and Harry sat either side of me and Harry engaged a converstaion with Hermione and Jake whilst Ron spoke to me. Ron is the one i get along most with, I know all the Weasleys very well, my mother used to work in the Ministry with Mr Weasley before she passed.

"You okay lilo? You seem frightened about something? Whats happened?" Ron asked putting some mashed potato onto his plate.

"how did you know? Ron, if i tell you, you cant say a word to Harry or Hermione! I have to tell them but its going to be hard!" I lowered my voice so no one else could hear me.

"What? But no i promisse i wont say a word!" Ron smiled his mouth full of food.

"Well im errr im dating draco! But please please dont be angry or upset with me!! At the end of the day, hes not like you all think! Hes loving and sweet and caring and he loves me too as much as i love him! Please dont hate me ron!!" I said so fast i was out of breath!

"woah Lilo slow down!! First thing is, why? I though you hated one another? Second i dont hate you!" Ron looked sincere.

"I love him ron, you know like you love Hermione!" I laughed.

"What?! me love hermione?! Yep funny but i think you and Draco are cute together, but Harry and Hermione are going to dissaprove!" Ron almost choked when i said him and Hermione but we all know its true!

"I know, thats why i told you first! What will your family think of me?" I looked away and thought at how the Weasleys hated the Malfoys.

"They will be fine, you come at Christmas to stay so you can tell them!" How i loved Ron somethimes!

Me and Ron carried on discussing ways on how to tell Harry and Hermione about me and Draco. We created many ways but none were good enough so we just said i will tell them. After our dinner was over we all parted ways, and i headed to the common room. I approched the painting and mumbled the password, my day had been quite surprising, Ron hadnt bit my head off about me and Draco so it was good but im still scared about what Harry and Hermione will do. Once up in my dorm, i changed into my pjs before sitting up in bed with my text book to revise for Transfiguration. I scribbled down a few study notes with my quill before i heard a voice outside the door, within a few seconds Draco appeared in the dorm. His eyes locked straight onto mine and i jumped out of bed and onto him, as i hugged him close to me and he returned it. I inhaled his heavenly aftershave feeling at complete peace, i pulled away and he pouted at me.

"Dont be a sulk, we have Transfiguration revision remember!? Come on!" I grabbed his hand and we sat facing eachother on my bed with our text books.

Draco grabbed a roll of parchment and i grabbed my notes and we scribbled down the key fact on turning an animal into an object. Within minutes Draco was complaining saying he was bored and he wanted a kiss but i kept nudging him to carry on if he wants good grades in his OWLs. After a good hour we both stopped and i fell back onto my pillow staring up at the celing of the dormatry. I was lost in my own thoughts until i felt something tickle my foot. I moved out of the way and then something tickled my other foot, i shook my foot to get it off and heard a laugh. I looked around the room and saw Draco still sat at the end of the bed.

"Are you ticklish?" He smirked.

"Ermm No..." I lied, im the most ticklish person.

"We'll see"

With that Draco dived onto me, tickling me. I burst into fits of laughter and tears, this is my weakness, anyone ever needed information and i refused then if they knew me well they would tickle me and i cave in and give them the facts. Draco carried on tickling me even through my begs for him to stop, so i only had one other option. I free'd my arms and hands before grabbing either side of his face and pulling his lips to mine with so much force. He relaxed onto me and kissed me back and almost istantly he stopped tickling me. A couple of minutes later he rolled off me and lay breathless next to me, I placed my head on his chest and snuggled into his side, this is how i wanted to stay everyday. Draco kissed my head and wrapped his arms around me and i felt my eyes droop and become heavy but before i fell asleep i heard Draco.

"Goodnight beautiful I love you" He whispered so softly it was melting into me.

This is how it should always be, just me and Draco. How i wish it could be though.

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