Rewind (1D fanfic)

By wattgirlsxx

4.5M 51.8K 7.5K

Warning: highly cliché and cheesy. Somehow once got to #1 in fanfiction More

Rewind (1D fanfic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chappie 6
Chappie 7
Chappie 8
Chappie 9
Chappie 10
Chappie 11
Chappie 12
Chappie 13
Chappie 14
Chappie 15 part 1
Chappie 15 part 2
Chappie 16
Chappie 17
Chappie 18
Chappie 19
Chappie 20
Chappie 21
Chappie 22
Chappie 23
Chappie 24
Chappie 25
Chappie 26
Chappie 27
Chappie 28
Chappie 29
Chappie 30
Chappie 31
Chappie 32
Chappie 33
Chappie 34
Chappie 35
Chappie 36
Chappie 38
Chappie 39
Chappie 40
Chappie 41
Chappie 42
Chappie 43
Chappie 44
Chappie 45

Chappie 37

23.2K 684 138
By wattgirlsxx


Guys this is getting to the major bit of the story and im freaking out. I've also had dance exams.

Liam and Sophia? Ship them? Yeah I'd ship them into the rocks. soz not soz. i loved pazer :( 

Heard the leaked song Just can't let her go? It's amazing :)



-Lexi's POV-

I smoothed my dress down again as I sat nervously in the car. One of Harry's hands carresed my lower thigh, somehow telling me that everything would be alright. But I was really nervous for some reason, I mean, it wasn't even my wedding! 

"Are we there yet?" Niall asked.

"Are you really going to do this again?" Liam asked and Niall laughed.

I was completely oblivious to what was happening as I got lost in my own thoughts. 

My dad was getting married again. To a wonderful woman. I loved her, she was so sweet and I couldn't be happier. I'm still disappointed in my dad. Then there's the baby. Gabriella had a small bump but it wasn't huge yet. I was sort of getting excited at the thought of having a new sibling even though I won't be fully related to them. I really hope it's a girl, even though a boy would be cool too. What if they're twins? I could dress them up in matching outfits and-

"We're here" The driver snapped me out of my thoughts and I noticed that we had arrived.

I looked out of the window and saw the sea. We were at a fancy resort - the ones that have private function places. 

Everyone was already getting out of the car (we had taken three because we couldn't all fit).

I picked up my purse and started to hop out of the car when I saw Harry's wallet on the seat. I picked it up and hopped out of the car. I looked around to make sure we hadn't left anything and found a piece of paper that must've fallen out of Harry's wallet.

I picked it up and saw there was writing on it. I started unfolding it and saw a phone number appear but before I could read what else it said Harry called my name. I quickly slipped the paper in my purse. 

I walked over to him and handed him his wallet.

"You left this" I said and he thanked me.

"Thank goodness there are no paps around here." he muttered and I agreed, nodding. "It's so nice to be at the beach again! I love sea air"  I smiled, closing my eyes as the the slight breeze whipped through my hair.

"Yup. The resort looks nice too"  Harry remarked, chuckling.

Once all of the crew had arrived we walked into the resort reception and a man came to show us our way.

We walked through lots of hallways and saw a restaurant and a few other nice places.

Then we walked out some big glass doors and saw two huge white tents, one bigger than the other.

They were set up on flat land, covered in green grass and flower gardens dotted around the place. The grass connected with the beach and the sea was a perfect shade of light blue, just like the sky. 

This day couldn't of been more perfect.

"Wow!" A few of 'the crew' gasped at the sight. 

Then someone came out of the tent; I then saw it was Sydney. Her face lit up and she jogged over to us in her gorgeous white dress; which all the flower girls wore. Behind her was Poppy, Gabriella's niece. She was so cute, all done up.

"Hi Sid!" I smiled and we all exchanged hugs. After she had been introduced to Anne and Gemma, I bent down to Poppy as she shyly fiddled with her fingers.

"Hi Poppy! You look so cute today!" I smiled. She looked at me but didn't say anything.

"Are you excited?" I asked. She nodded and I smiled even more. 

"My name is Lexi. We met when we got our dresses!" I said.\

"Lexi" She mumbled. I nodded, a big grin on my face. She suddenly smiled and grabbed my hand. 

"Where are we going?" I laughed as she pulled me into the smaller white tent.

I gasped once again as we 'ran' in. It was beautifully decorated, white and aqua coloured fake flowers and ribbons tied to the ends of the long seats either side of the aisle. There was decorations in the colour theme placed around the place and the sight was really breath-taking.

I turned my attention back to Poppy who was now pulling me through people who I didn't know. 

She stopped when we came to Jaymee. Just the person I wanted to see. (note the sarcasm).

"Jaymee! I find you a fwend!" Poppy said, her voice small but cute.

Jaymee turned around smiling but it soon turned into a smirk when she saw me.

"Hi! It's lovely to see you again! Where's Harry? Or doesn't he love you anymore?" She smirked. I felt my blood boil and my eyes turned icy cold. I wanted to slap her but I was rooted into the ground.

"Oh, no! He told me that you're just a wh*re and doesn't want anything to do with you" I spat.

"Oh really?" She cackled. She walked past me and I think I heard her mutter the words "We'll see about that". 

I took a few breathes, thinking over what had just happened then looked around for Poppy, who was no where in sight.

A man walked past holding a tray with glasses of champagne on it and I took two, I'll give one to someone else.

I walked out of the tent into the fresh air and saw Maslinka. I walked over to her and gave her a glass and she gave me a questioning look.

"Are you ok?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said, taking a sip from my glass.

More people were arriving now and there was more noise coming from inside the tent that the ceremony would take place.

I had met hardly any people from my dads work and I don't think any of our extended family was here (they all lived in Britian), also I knew none of Gabriellas friends or family so I ended up having a conversation with Anne, Sydney, Gemma and Danielle.

Gemma was getting on well with all of the girls and Anne was like the mother I never had (literally) so everything was going good for them.

 Suddenly I felt a pair of hands slip around my hips and I jumped but smiled once I realised it was Harry.

"Hi babe" He said kissing the top of my head.

"Hi, we have an audience" I smirked, gesturing to the girls.. and his mum. But they just wiggled their eyebrows at us and left.

"I was having a good conversation!" I pretended to do an angry face.

"Sorry" He shrugged. I hugged him, he was irresistible.

"I love you" I murmured. "I know, I know" He said, his voice deeper than usual. We swayed on the spot, still hugging before someone tapped my shoulder, giving me a fright.

 "The ceremony is going to start soon, you need to take your seats or go out the back since you are.. a bridesmaid I'm guessing?" A middle-aged woman friendly smiled at us. I nodded.

"Ok, thank you" Harry replied

"I'm Jane by the way, Gabriellas sister" She said sticking out her hand. That's where the resemblance came from. I smiled and shook it, same did Harry.

 I kissed Harry softly and he followed Jane into the tent. I looked around and spotted a few people walking back into the resort. I quickly followed them, walking behind them quietly and thwy walked into a room.

I caught the door and peeked inside to see Poppy, Jaymee, Maslinka, Sydney and a few other people crowding around someone.

I walked into the room, closing the door behind me and everyone turned to look at me.

Maslinka gestured for me to go over to them so I did and stood next to her, and my lips curled into a smile when I saw Gabriella standing in front of a large mirror, looking at her stunning reflection. Her baby bump was a bit more noticeable now but the dress still fitted perfectly, hugging her curves even more.

A knock came from the door and once again, everyone turned to look, including me.

"It's time" A man said.

"I'm so nervous!" Gabriella said,even though you could she she looked excited.

"Don't be! You look beautiful! Now go out there and blow everyone away!" The guy who was best man I'm guessing said.

We all started heading out of the room and back down the long hallway. We stopped at the doors and I noticed that a strip of carpet had been placed across the grass to the tent where everyone was waiting.

We all walked silently to the entrance of the tent and the chatter inside died down as some one shushed them all.

Then the music started playing.. no, not your typical wedding music but the voices of 5 boys. A smile grew on my face as they started to sing a song that I had not heard before. 

I couldn't see them, but I knew it was them.

Sydney, Maslinka and Poppy walked into the tent with little baskets filled with petals.

Next it was the ring-bearer and a few more people.

Soon it was time for Jaymee and I to walk in. I stayed as far away from her as I could and tried to keep a steady smile on my made up face.

I looked to the side to see the boys all singing, Harry shooting me a wink, making me blush.

I focused back on the front of the tent, where my dad and all the others that had walked before us were standing.

I smiled at my dad and I saw a mix of relief and happiness in his eyes as he returned it.

Soon, we were standing up on the small stage, Jaymee and I on opposite sides to each other. (thank goodness.)

Then the song slightly changed and the boys started singing a piece that was slower.

Gabriella and her mother appeared in the entrance of the tent and everyone turned their heads to look at them.

They both had huge smiles as they started walking towards us. 

All to soon my dad and Gabriella were exchanging their vows and slipping on each others rings.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt a tear hit my cheek. 

Yes, I was truly happy for both of them. I had to accept the fact that my mum was dead and that my dad couldn't love her the way he used to. He had been alone for so long and it was only fair that he could have a second chance, especially with someone so kind and lovely like Gabriella. 

 The man 'marrying them' (A/N: Idk what they're called haha) started talking again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace." I looked around the room and no one made a sound so the man continued.

"You are now husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" Everyone broke out into applause and whistles as my new parents kissed. 

I clapped loudly, my jaws sore from smiling. They both started walking back down the carpet, and went out of the tent as everyone was still clapping. some people headed back outside and more drinks were being served. Harry came over to me and I complimented him on his and the boys singing.

"I can't believe they're married!" I smiled as he wiped a happy tear from my eye away.

"Finally happy aye?" He smirked and I nodded. "Where did they go? I want to congratulate them!" I said.

Suddenly we heard clapping coming from outside the tent. "Lets go!" I said, grabbing Harry's hand.

My dad and Gabriella had emerged back outside except Gabriella was wearing a shorter dress. 

 People started congratulating them and giving them hugs/kisses on the cheek.

I kept pulling Harrys hand until we were right next to them. I hugged my father from the side, causing him to stumble a little bit but when he saw me he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

I didn't have any words to say to him. I was showing it through my actions. After a long hug, I let go and moved on to Gabriella.

"Congrats!!" I smiled and hugged her too. "Mum" I whispered. 

"Thank you honey" She said, kissing my head.

"Now go have some fun! I can't since I have this baby" She laughed, 'fun' meaning alcohol as well as fun in general.

I smiled at them one last time before finding Harry again.


"Ok! It's time for the newly wedded couples dance! Take the floor you two!" A woman said into a microphone.

Gabriella and my dad walked onto the dance floor laughing as people moved off to the sides to give them space.

The music started playing and i recognized it to be Make you feel my love by Adele. They started waltzing around the floor, smiling at each other. I could tell they were in love. Really in love.

Soon people were allowed to join them.

"Do you want to dance?" Harry interrupted my thoughts and I turned to face him. He was slightly blushing. I nodded, smiling and took his hand.

He led us out to the floor and we began dancing. I rested my head on his upper chest as we swayed around, being careful not to bump any of the other couples dancing.

It had been about a minute when I heard someone clearing their throat.

I looked up to see Jaymee. My blood ran cold at the sight of her.

"Harry.. can I have a dance?" She said in her sickly-sweet voice.

"No. I'm dancing with Lexi." He said coolly.

"You wouldn't want to make my mother sad would you? Look!" She pointed over to Gabriella who smiled and waved at us,

"Dance with her Harry" I said simply, letting go of him.

"What?" He said, confused.

"Dance with her. I need to go to the bathroom anyway." I shrugged and started walking away from them, but I could still hear a bit of what they were saying.

"What are you doing? I don't want to dance with you! I was perfectly fine dancing with her! But you have to ruin it again!" Harry hissed.

"Stut up and dance with me" She said, somehow evilly, but I knew she was smiling.

I walked out of the tent into the cool night air. There was a beautiful sunset and the ocean was very calm.

I walked into the resort building and finally found a bathroom.

I went into a stall and put my purse down.

I picked up my purse and was about to walk out but something fell out of my purse.

I bent down and picked it up - it was the piece of paper that Harry had dropped. I had forgotten to give it to him. I noticed there was writing on it so I opened it up. It was probably just a receipt or something.

But what I didn't expect appeared right in front of me. On that piece of paper.

02134567859, call me maybe ;)x -Jaymee <3

Was I seeing this?

Maybe it was the alcohol.

I read it again.

Yup, Jaymee's number.

I couldn't believe it.

Suddenly I remembered.

The paparazzi at Harry and I's date. How had they gotten there? Jaymee must of told them. Harry had told Jaymee. He had her number. He never told me that he had her number. Why wouldn't he tell me? Wait, why would he have her number in the first place?

There were too many questions. Harry had Jaymee's number and they had obviously been texting.

What if...


The alcohol is making me soo negative. I think.

I ripped up the paper and threw it in the bin. 

I went back outside, calming myself down. Time to face them now.

I walked back into the stuffy tent where the atmosphere had changed into a slightly more party one.

I looked around and saw a few of my friends, but I wanted to find Harry.

I spotted him.

He was at the food table talking with Niall. No Jaymee in sight, phew.

"Hey!" I smiled like everything was completely fine. (Well it basically was except I was confused..) 

"Hey!" Niall smiled, stuffing his face.

"Hi babe" Harry slipped his arm around my waist like usual.

"So, where did Jaymee go?" I asked casually.

"She left straight after the dance.. like, disappeared." He said.

"You're making no sense" Niall said, chewing.

"She was like 'Thanks for the dance.. see you later' with a smirk and then I think she walked out of the tent, in quite a hurry" He shrugged.

"Oh.. Thats strange" I said. "Oh yeah, I saw her go out of the tent!" Niall raised his hand.

"Good for you Ni" I laughed.

"So whats happening at the moment?" I asked.

"Just dancing, but I think the cakes coming soon." Harry said.

"Wanna dance guys?" Maslinka said, popping out of the smallish crowd.

"Woah! Haha ok!" Niall said and Maslinka pulled him to the dance floor.

"Another drink?" Harry asked me.

"No, I'm good thanks" I shook my head.

"Where do you think Jaymee-" 

"TIME TO CUT THE CAKE!" Someone shouted over the music. The music quietened and people started to look around for my parents.

I saw them walking towards a table and soon spotted a double-tiered cake, covered in white icing.

People soon crowded around them, but not too close.

They said some thing and then a knife was pulled out.

"3, 2, 1!" Everyone chanted and then they both cut the cake. Everyone cheered and Gabriella laughed.

"Who wants some cake?!" My dad shouted and lots of people shouted "Me!" 

They started cutting pieces, even though someone else offered to do it.

"I'm gonna get us some cake, wait here" Harry said and I nodded.

Suddenly I heard shouting and clicking.. cameras?

It wasn't coming from inside, it was coming from outside, on the beach.

Since I was close to the side of the tent, I could hear it quite clearly.

What was happening?

Suddenly lights started flashing at the entrance of the tent. No, cameras.

It was the paparazzi.

"HARRY!" They shouted.

Just Harry. Not really any of the other boys names.

Everyone was surprised and the cake-cutting had been paused. 






I let the questions sink in.

They weren't saying anything about the kiss, no, this was different.

Suddenly everything became blurry and I let the shouting over-take me.

"Lexi!" I heard Maslinkas voice and I snapped my eyes open.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"Take me home. NOW!" I shouted.

"I can't drive.. I'm drunk" She slurred her words, stumbling as I pulled her to the entrance of the tent.

I couldn't care less at the moment right now. Harry cheated on me. I trusted him. Then he goes out and ruins us again.





I pushed through the paparazzi, still pulling Maslinka, and ignoring their questions.

How was I so blind?

The kiss.

Her number.

Everything bad that had happened to us included her.

I wish that I could just Rewind.




Long chappie for you lovelys! Sorry that you've had to wait! So busy!

We have started our new 5sos fanfic Beside You! Go to our profile to find it :) Bianca will be writing while I continue with this!

If any of you have 8tracks (it's an app) Bianca has made a playlist for Rewind! Her name is slxty !

Pleaseee comment what you think!!!




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