Ocean Blue Eyes | Colifer

By writinglac14

26.3K 1.3K 2.2K

A Colifer fanfic - Jennifer and Colin are best friends but what will happen when they begin to feel more for... More

Feelings While Filming
Us, It Can't Happen
Forgive Me?
The Hospital Visit
Head Trauma
Memory Loss
The Scariest Part Is Letting Go
Mixed Emotions
Mystery Babe, Coffee, and Grant?
The Truth Tells
Bliss Before The Storm
Pursuit of Happyness
A Love Like Theirs
Tagged again
The Storm
Coping With Truth
Just The Beginning

High School Jerk

1.1K 63 402
By writinglac14

Colin's POV

Beep beep beep

"Bloody hell" I groaned as my early morning alarm woke me from my quite peaceful sleep. I swung my arm over to the beeping device to turn it off but ended up banging my elbow on the nightstand.

I took another stab at it and it turned off. I attempted to look at the time on the digital screen but forgot I didn't put my glasses on yet. I grabbed my pair of Raybands and my eyes adjusted to the lenses.


"Gosh darnit Colin how could you sleep in on a day such as this!" I scolded myself as I darted into the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was out I slipped on my favorite pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, and Converse.

"Hey mum" I said as I hoped down the stairs and kissed my mum on the cheek. "See you after school."

"Slán sweety tá lá maith"
|Bye sweety have a good day|

I smiled and grabbed to two pieces of toast on the counter and some bacon.

I looked down at my watch 8:03

Only seven minutes until class starts, well it's a good thing I live within walking distance from the high school.

I rushed into the building at 8:07 and ran to my math class. I wasn't worried that my professor would lock me out because he's always been lax about the whole "getting to class on time" thing.

I saw him poke his head out of the classroom as he was about to close the door so I made sure he knew I was there.

"Professor Liam!" I shouted and he looked my way and grinned.

"Good to see you, lad. For a moment I thought you were going to miss your semester exam" he said letting me through the door and patting me on the back.

"Just slept in a bit more than usual this morning" I said taking my seat at the back of the classroom in the corner where no one sat. I've always been that awkward, morose teenager with not many friends.

We took the exam, which I was expecting to be longer, and the bell rang just as I was handing it in.

I stayed and talked with my professor for a while, he is more like an older brother to me actually.

"Well Colin I think if that's what you feel called to do then you should definitely follow your passion. Don't let the opinions of others dampen your own conscious."

"I applied for the role now all I have to do is see if I made the cut."

I've been pondering over the idea of acting. I just feel like they will laugh at the school outcast even more and all I need right now is more ridicule.

"Well have a good weekend and please don't tell anyone about the whole acting thing. You and my parents are the only ones that know I'm considering it."

"You have my word."

Jen's POV

We walked to Grant's car in the hospital parking lot and he opened my door for me.

"Thank you" I said as I slid into the passenger seat and buckled up.

He shut the door and walked around to the driver's seat and started the ignition.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we pulled out onto the main road and headed towards town.

"Well it isn't much but I did manage to get reservations at the Italian Kitchen"

My eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?" I asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Know what" he said not following.

"The Italian Kitchen. What made you pick it?"

"Well I remember you telling me it was your favorite place to eat so I worked my magic and got reservations" he said proudly.

"That's so sweet Grant. Thank you. It's been a while since I've gone out with someone for fun like this."

Jen the last time you went out, other than seeing Josh today, was when you went out with Colin. You should be at the hospital with him not with Grant, he needs you Jen. My conscience was telling me as we arrived at our destination.

Tonight isn't about Colin.

Colin's POV

I finished talking with Professor Liam and headed to my next class - Biology.

The ever present damp stench in the air filled the hallway as I made my way to my lockers. It wasn't a top of the line school but I was getting a proper education. The posters and vandalism inscripted on the walls give the school an eery feel. Not to mention the doors that are in dire need of WD-40.

I was almost at my lockers, one more turn. I turned the corner and was met with a fist to the face.

"Bloody hell what was that for!?" I half-screamed at the jerk responsible for my injury that was now forming a bruise.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't see you walking there" he chuckled and snickered at me.

"Leave me alone" I said meekly as I began to pick up my books that were now open and scattered across the floor.

"Ooo ya hear that fellas? The crocodile's got teeth."

I tried to stand up but he grabbed me by the shoulder and shoved me down again.

"I didn't tell you to stand up."

"And I didn't ask your permission to" I whipped back at him with a victorious smolder.

This time he grabbed me by the collar and hoisted me up to a standing position.

"Listen punk I'm the one who-"

"It's Colin actually, not punk. Sorry continue what you were saying that was very rude of me to interrupt." I said sarcastically. "Wasn't expecting that were ya? Well listen I've changed my perspective on bullies like you and you know what solution I came up with? Don't know? Well I'll tell ya, if I show any vulnerability or weakness because of your physical and verbal abuse then it gives you an advantage. But if I lighten the mood by sarcastic language then you won't have any reason to fight me."

He was furious at this point. He tightened his grip on my collar and put his arm in punching position. The steam was coming from his ears and his eyes were pits of fire.

"And cut"

"Excuse me?" He asked very agitated.

"I guess you don't know much about filming. Well when they shoot a scene and they are ready to end it, a.k.a cut it, they say cut it."


"Oh well you got the part, congratulations!"

He looked confused and pissed.

"This was all part of the act right or was I given the wrong script. It says that you were trying out for the role of Hades and by golly you've done it. I mean the hatred and anger seeping through your features was absolutely fantastic. For a second you had me thinking you were actually gonna punch me. All you need now is the special affects team to add the blue hair and you're good to go."

He didn't even blink before ramming his fist into my nose. When I focused my eyes on him again I saw him ready to fire again.

"I otta punch you 'till you pass out but that wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me now would it" he said releasing my collar and shoving me against the lockers.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blonde charging at him and wack him with her text book.

He looked stunned at first but then recovered and layed eyes on the lass.

"Looky here boys we got ourselves a feisty one" he said chuckling along with his posse.

She hit him again but this time with enough force to make him stumble backwards.

His posse began to surround us on all sides and began closing in on us.

"Who's that?" She questioned pointing to a jerk of the posse.

"He doesn't like me"

"Who's that?" She said pointing to another jerk

"He doesn't like me either"

"Who's that!?"

"Let's just assume everyone in here doesn't like me."

"Good idea"

"Now that we've established that, what's our next move?" I asked hoping she had an escape plan.

"Well I don't have a frying pan but I do have text books"

"Good enough" I spoke reaching out for a text book from her satchel.

I swung at a few of them and they stumbled backwards or into each other which caused a ripple affect.

"Oh mama I have got to get me one of these!"

"Text books, who knew right?" She said jokingly as we made our escape through a gap in the posse's encirclement.

Jen's POV

"That was amazing thank you" I breathed out half drunk as we hoped into his car.

"I had a feeling you'd like it" he said slurring his words. "Where to now, love?"

"As much fun as I'm having I really need to get home to rehearse my lines for filming tomorrow" I said, not enjoying the fact that the night was already over.

"Perhaps another time then."

"Definitely" I slurred out as I put my hand over his. He probably would be kissing me but he had to focus on the road.

We sat in silence for the next few miles so I decided to turn on the radio. And to my luck the song that just had to be playing on the station was The Words by Christina Perri.

And all of the love I see
Please please say you feel it too

And I know
The scariest part is letting go
'Cause love is a ghost you can't control
So let the words slip out of your mouth

We sang along, drunk and tired. I couldn't help but think about him - again. Why does every freaking thing remind me of him, I thought as I layed my head against the head rest in defeat.

We arrived at the hospital.

"You don't look too good, Jen. Why don't you come inside for a while until you feel like driving" he said giving me his jacket and rubbing my back in comfort. Just like Colin did

"Yea if you don't mind" I said, suddenly feeling the need to hurl.

"C'mon let's get you inside your shivering."

Colin's POV

Why did Grant kiss Jen? Why was she comfortable around him? Why didn't she come see me?

All these thoughts were now overwhelming me as I paced back and forth in my room.

Where was he taking her? Did she want to go or was he forcing her?

And most importantly is she alright?

I need some fresh air so I open the small window in my room and take a deep breath. Hopefully I'll be out of this place soon so I can return to my normal life. I'm not sure I know what a 'normal' life is anymore

I go to close the window and to my luck I gaze upon Grant and Jen entering the hospital. Grant has his arm on her back and Jen is wearing his jacket. A wave of emotions shook my soul like the violent waves crashing on the side of a ship in a storm. I can't identify the emotions but I'm sure of one of them. Jealousy.

I focus more on Jen and notice her shivering and looking very pale. What has he done to her

I march to the lobby where Grant and Jen have just arrived and I don't think twice before giving the bastard what he deserves. A nice fist to the face.

"What the hell Colin!?" He spits out in pain as he grabs his face.

"What did you do to her?" I say with anger seething through my teeth about to take another stab at him.

"It's called a date, punk" he said making me recall back to high school.

"Listen punk, I'm the one who-"
"It's Colin actually, not punk..."

"Punk? Well I haven't heard that since high school"

"Doesn't mean you stopped being one" he quipped back. Bad form on his part.

I snatched his collar and set my arm in place to take another hit but something stopped me. Not something, someone

Jen had been standing behind us the whole time, watching our every move and hearing every word. She locked eyes with me and the look interlaced in her emerald eyes I will never forget.


I released Grant's collar and stepped away slowly.

"I'm sorry" I said turning around and heading back to my room. I made a fool of myself and the worst part is, Jen was right there.

I made it to my room and slammed my door shut. Just when I think I can be the 'hero' and save Jen from making a poor choice, I end up being that poor choice. I don't deserve her.

Jen's POV


The only emotion I could identify at the moment. What's gotten into him? I am no longer feeling the need to throw up so I'm tending to Grant. He has a bruise already forming on his face. I asked a nurse for an ice pack to numb the pain and aspirin.

"Thanks Jen."

"Here's some aspirin and an ice pack" I said handing him the items from my hands. "Why did he punch you?"

I noticed him tense up at my question but I have to know.

"Well the only reasonable explanation is that the pills are causing him to experience mood swings. I have been monitoring him closely with the new pills he's taking and, up untill now, they have seemed to work."

"May I see the pills?"

"I would show them to you but I don't have them with me."

I just nodded and sat in the chair next to him.

"Well this isn't exactly how I planned the rest of the evening to turn out but at least I'm here with you" he said genuinely, grabbing my hand and holding it in his own.

"Me neither but the food was delicious."

We sat there like that for a while until I broke the silence again.

"I should probably check on Colin" I said advancing to get up but Grant would not let my hand go.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" was that a threat? Surly not, he's just protecting me.

"Grant, I need to see him. He won't hurt me"

"If you insist" he said agitated.

I hoped in the elevator and went up to Colin's room. I walked down the hall and noticed the lights off in his room.

I slowly opened his door and crept up to his bedside. He was asleep. He looks so peaceful, just like when we would rehearse lines in each other's trailers and he would accidentally fall asleep. I pulled up a chair quietly as not to wake him and held his hand in mine.

"Colin, I know you can't hear me and I know you don't remember what happened between us recently-" I paused. The pain being too much I finally let the tears stream down my face. "But no matter what I will always have feelings for you. I have walls. My insecurity and doubt of ever being in love fades with every day that passes when you don't remember. My masks that I hide behind suddenly vanish in your presence. Come back to me" I sobbed, whispering the last part. "I need my best friend back." I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. I wiped my eyes and remembered I was wearing mascara so I walked into the bathroom attached to Colin's room and washed it off. I made my way back to his bedside and just the sight of him caused me to breakdown again. I knew I shouldn't do it but he's asleep so he won't remember. I slowly bent down and kissed his forehead. "Please come back to me."

I wiped my eyes once again and stared walking out of the room when I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I can recognize that voice anywhere. Helen.

I darted into the bathroom so as to hide myself just as the door opened. I started to panic. What if she comes in here and sees me? That's when I noticed a door on the other side of the bathroom. This bathroom was connected to the room adjacent to it so I crept across the squeaky tile and into the next room.

Grant's POV

Once Jen was in the elevator I called her.

"Hey, babe. What's the verdict?"

"I grabbed the pills out of the pocket in your coat just like you asked and now I'm headed to Colin's room."

"Just switch those pills with the others, they have the same bottle so he will never know."

"Ok I just did. Now you're sure they will work?"

"There's a small margin for error but I'm not worried" I said with a confident voice, trying to reassure her.

"What could go wrong?"

"He could obtain all his memories he lost, even the ones you don't want him remembering"

"And you didn't think to tell me this sooner!"

"I wasn't worried and I knew this is how you would have reacted."

"If this doesn't work then I'm putting the blame on you and not her!"

"As you wish" I said sarcastically as I hung up.

Colin's POV

We stopped running once we were a safe distance from those jerks. I handed the blonde her text book back as we caught our breathe.

"Thanks for the help, love" I breathed out

"No problem. I've had a few run-in's with those jerks myself."

"They pick on who they want, whenever they want. I've known their leader since middle school actually. He's always made fun of me so I guess it doesn't bother me anymore."

"That punk better straighten up or he'll have hell to pay."

I chuckled at that. "Ooo you're a tough lass."

"So what's your name?"

"Colin, but most people have taken to calling me by my more colorful moniker - school outcast."

"I'm sure that's not true"

"Oh but it is darling. What's your name, love?"


I loved writing this chapter and I hope you liked it! With every chapter I come closer and closer to killing Grant off lol JK, but he's really annoying wouldn't you say?

I hope you all enjoyed Colin punching Grant and that heartfelt moment with Jen talking to Colin while he slept (I shed a few tears writing that one)

So from now on until the end of the book I will be putting a 'scrpit tease' at the end of each chapter - just to add suspense

Jen's POV
Hot tears stain my cheeks as he leaves and slams the door behind him. I stand there shocked, confused, and broken.

Sorry for not updating sooner my lovelies, thanks writer's block!

Any comments on the script tease??

PLEASE comment!!!
VOTE if you think it deserves one!!!

God bless |writinglac14|♥♥

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