Something Worth Living For

By quilleymangum

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Love lust twist and turns! But love always wins More

Chapter 1. Fresh Start
Chapter 2. Reunited
Chapter 3. Catching Up
Chapter 4. New Emotions
Chapter 5. Distance
Chapter 6. Breaking the Ice
Chapter 7. Torn between the two
Chapter 8. Adkward Tension
Chapter 9. Game Time
Chapter 10. Foul Play
Chapter 11. Making it offical
Chapter 12. The Wild Side
Chapter 13. Missing Pieces
Chapter 14. Accepting the Truth
Chapter 15. Bros before Hoes
Chapter 16. Quality Time
Chapter 17. Meeting Moms
Chapter 18. Forgive and Forget
Chapter 19. Old Habits
Chapter 20. Feeling neglected (TAE MIND)
Chapter 21. Perfect Apology
Chapter 22. Ex Factor
Chapter 23. Real shid
Chapter 24. The Truth (Quan's Mind)
Chapter 25. Identity Crisis
Chapter 26. Family Matters
Chapter 27. Wake up call
Chapter 28. The First Argument
Chapter 29. Lovers Quarrel
Chapter 30. Its not possible
Chapter 31. Never say Never
Chapter 32. One down
Chapter 33. Knocked down
Chapter 34. Knock out part 2
Chapter 35. Breaks Over
Chapter 36. Misleading
Chapter 37. How could you
Chapter 38. You Complete Me
Chapter 39. Changes
Chapter 40. Baby Buisness
Chapter 41. Temper
Chapter 42. Cater 2 You
Chapter 44. Gifts
Chapter 45. Wait Over
Chapter 46. Threats
Chapter 47. Interruptions
Chapter 48. Baby Shower
Chapter 49. Ready or Not
Chapter 50. Joy and Sorrow TAE MIND
Chapter 51. Recovery
Chapter 52. Trouble
Chapter 53. Trouble part 2
Chapter 54. Surprise
Chapter 55. Love like this
Chapter 56. Surprises keep coming
Chapter 57. Dont Fux With Mine

Chapter 43. Never Know

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By quilleymangum

It was finally Christmas eve, and Tae was still actin like a hard ass even though I know he's enjoying all the attention I been giving him. As we speak he was layin down on the couch sleep with his leg on me while I held an ice pack on his knee watchin tv. The only bad thing about this day is that I had to not only work, but close on a holiday. I tried to slowly move his leg without hurtin, or wakin him up so I could start gettin ready for work. He so damn hard headed that he refuses to take off of work so his knee can heal faster, but I make sure he wears his brace at all times. I even popped on him one time to bring him something to eat, and he didnt have it on causin me to mildly go off about it. His mama, and granny were in the kitchen makin Christmas dinner as I came in to wash the dishes Tae had used.

Granny: U was finally able to get from under him huh?(she laughed)
Yatta: Yea he in there sleep.(I laughed)
Ms.Jackson: That boy know he love him some u.
Granny: Mmhhmm he be tryna act like he dont want him to help him do nothin, but he know he like the attention.
Yatta: Thats the same thing I be thinking, but I'll never say it out loud. He would argue me down about that for hours.(I laughed)
Ms.Jackson: Boy please I aint never seen a couple that love to be around eachother as much as yall, and dont argue.
Yatta: We dont really argue like that though. Most of the time it just be little stuff that we talk about in private, and then move on.
Granny: Yall keep it that way too. U should try to broadcast your happiness more than your issues because people always try to meddle. Misery loves company, and if they pick up on even a ounce of it they be all in ya ear tryna make u second guess what u got goin on. When they see u always smiling around yo significant other the only thing they can do is sit back, and envy what u got. Everybody dont need to know yo business especially not yo friends, and family. U be all pissed off at em ramblin havin a fit airing out all yo dirty laundry. A month later yall still together cuz u done got over it, but yo family still be mad at em and dont want nothin to do wit em no more. Then u be lookin crazy tryna figure out why everybody got a problem, and its really all because yo ass couldnt keep yo big mouth closed. People like that, that just gotta have something to talk about tellin every and anybody they business never last long in relationships.
Ms.Jackson: Thats true cuz then once u let people in they lose the understanding that a relationship is between two people. Now u got him, her, and them tryna call the shots in YO shit tellin u what they think is the best decision for stuff and thats not how it goes. A healthy relationship involves just two people that have a level of understanding, and communication with eachother instead listening to everybody else opinion about what they THINK goin on behind closed doors.
Granny: Look at us we done started preaching to him let that baby go get ready for work.
Ms.Jackson: Ma we just spreading a lil knowledge, and why u playin we shoulda woke Tae ass up to talk to him too.
Tae: Bae.(he yelled from the living room)
Granny: Speak of the devil.(she laughed)

I walked back into the living room, and saw him sittin up on the couch.

Yatta: What bae?(I asked sittin next to him)
Tae: Nothin I was just saving u from them.(he laughed)
Yatta: They was just spreading a lil wisdom thats all.
Tae: I heard em from in here.
Yatta: Dang nosey.(I laughed)
Tae: U should call off work shawty.
Yatta: Bae u know im not doin that because im still new.
Tae: Its Christmas eve though u shouldnt have to work today.
Yatta: Awwww u want me to stay home.(I smiled)
Tae: Nah im just sayin.
Yatta: U are such a bad liar.(I said laughin and kissin him)
Tae: What time u get off?
Yatta: At eight.
Tae: Oh ok.
Yatta: Why?
Tae: No reason.
Yatta: Oh ok well im about to get ready.
Tae: Iight shawty.(he said kissing me)

When I got to work it was still busy as hell from people doin all their last minute stuff. I couldnt wait for tomorrow though so Tae could see the gift that I got him because I knew he was gonna love it. When I went on my lunch I called Tae to check on him, but he didnt answer the phone. I didnt think to much about it, and planned on enjoying my food until Milton walked in. Not that I care or anything, but something seemed off about him lately. Then Diamond walked in with tissue handing it to him as she sat next to him tryna comfort him. The next thing I know he was cryin into her chest while she rocked him back and forth. I dont know what came over me, but I started to tear up just seeing him cry like that. Ok this pregnant shit is really starting to get on my nerves. Anyway I got up actin like I was throwing something away, and when I say this niggas eyes was so black. It looked like he took a paint brush with some black paint on it tryna substitute it as eye liner. Like seriously his shit was FUCKED UP which shocked me because although very feminine Milton was a nice sized dude. I must have been lookin too long because Diamond said something to me.

Diamond: Are u done being nosey?(she snapped)
Yatta: Dont start bitch!(I snapped back) Is he ok?
Diamond: Why do u care we fake remember?
Yatta: Thats true, but fake people need love too.
Diamond: Whatever nigga it aint none of yo business.(she said brushing me off)
Yatta: Well excuse me for givin a fuck. Next time I wont bother.
Milton: Im fine.(he said dabbing the tissue on his eyes)
Yatta: What happened to yo eye?
Diamond: None of yo damn business!(she snapped)
Milton: Diamond its ok chill out. Im fine really.(he said tryna force a smile)

I sat down at the table with them, and looked at him in silence for a minute before I spoke.

Yatta: Did somebody hit u?(I asked lookin into his eye)
Milton: I just got into a lil scuffle wit my boyfriend im fine.
Yatta: A lil scuffle, or was he beatin yo ass?(I said pointin at the marks on his neck)
Milton: I said I was fine thats all that matters ok!(he snapped)
Yatta: No its not all that matters nigga are u crazy. Look I know we started off on the wrong foot, but if he's abusing u thats not cool.
Diamond: Why the fuck do u care so much?
Yatta: Because nobody deserves to be treated like that.(I said pointing at his eye) The real question is why dont u seem to care as much? No real friend would just let their friend get their ass whooped, and not try to do something about it.(I snapped)
Diamond: U dont know shit about our friendship, or my cousin so like I said. Mind yo damn business.(she said gettin up to walk out the break room with Milton)

I just stood there for a few seconds shakin my head at that dumb bitch. Now that im really thinking about it Milton doesnt look that old, maybe 18 if that. Diamond on the other hand is definately over 21 for sure. From this little conversation I figured it all out just that quick. She befriended Milton because he goes with her cousin who how often I dont know beats his ass. Then afterward she comforts him, and probably talks him out of reporting it so her cousin wont get in trouble. Talk about a scandalous mutha fucka. When things started to calm down at work everybody was gettin ready to leave. I was walkin to my car when I saw Milton standing outside with Diamond no where in sight. I remembered that she got off earlier today than we did so I took this oppurtunity to talk to him alone.

Yatta: Hey Milton u need a ride?
Milton: N..No im ok.
Yatta: I know I came off as a bitch at first, but im not like that all the time.
Milton: Its cool I know how it is.(he smiled)
Yatta: So...What really happened?

He looked at me conflicted before he started to speak.

Milton: Its nothin really we just got into an argument thats all. Besides I hit him too.
Yatta: Well does his eye look like yours?(I laughed and he looked at me pissed off) Im sorry, but seriously though u need to report his ass. How old are u anyway?
Milton: Im 17, and im fine really all that aint called for.
Yatta: Yo parents dont trip when u go home lookin like that?
Milton: I dont live with them so they dont know, and probably wouldnt care. I moved in with June almost a year ago because they kicked me out for being with him.
Yatta: So how often do u and this June dude have "scuffles"?(I asked makin air quotes)
Milton: He really is a good dude, but sometimes he just gets so...angry.
Yatta: Then uses u as his punching bag? Milton that shit is not ok, and that bitch Diamond aint doin shit to help u out. All she care about is makin sure u dont get her cousin locked up.
Milton: Its really not like that at all he loves me. This is the first time he has ever hit me.
Yatta: It should be the first, and the last. U need to turn his ass in, and stop actin stupid.
Milton: Im not actin stupid!
Yatta: Then what u call it?
Milton: I dont have no where else to go ok!
Yatta: Go back home.
Milton: Its not that simple.(he said shaking his head)
Yatta: What u mean this dude is sending u to work with black eyes, and u cant leave him?
Milton: I...I love him. Everything might not be picture perfect how u think it should be, but I love him. He's been there for me, and I know he doesnt mean it because he always feels so bad afterwards. 
Yatta: Boy havent u seen all the movies, and shit of course he sorry after the fact. Just because he sorry dont mean he wont do it again.
Milton: I dont care what u, or anybody else say. He told me he would never hit me again.
Yatta: Yea next time its gone be a bullet.
Milton: FUCK U!(he yelled)
Yatta: Fine if your ok with lettin this nigga beat u into your grave then be my guest!(I said storming off)

I went to my car and got in still lookin at Milton stand there. For a second I started to get out and apologize then this car pulled up with a black guy in it that looked at least in his early 30's. Milton got in then the car pulled off, and the guy looked over at me with a mean mug before leaving the parking lot. Thats one thing I'll never be able to understand at all. How the fuck do u let somebody beat on u because of "love"? Especially in gay relationships because at the end of the day we still both men, and we can fight but u aint gone just beat my ass. Fuck that shit I wish Tae would hit me because after I whoop his ass that would be the end of everything. I cant believe that he's goin through so much at this age, and the fact that he's been brain washed doesn't help. I thought my life was rough, but u just never know what goes on with people behind closed doors. All I could do was pray for him now because if he got a black eye on Christmas eve I wonder what he'll get for christmas. When I got home Ms.Jackson and granny were in the living room sleep, but I didnt see Tae. I called his phone again, and it rung for a while before he answered.

Tae: Hello.(he said out of breath)
Yatta: Hey bae where u at?
Tae: Im at Marv crib wussup shawty?
Yatta: What yall over there doin why u sound so out of breath?
Tae: We was workin out.
Yatta: Workin out? I know yo ass aint over there doin shit wit yo knee fucked up.
Tae: Im cool shawty chill out.
Yatta: Tae im serious stop tryna act like u ok because u not. Dont put more stress on yourself than u can handle. I love u, but im not gone keep babyin yo hard headed ass if u not gone listen.
Tae: Bae calm down.(he laughed)
Yatta: Im not playin wit u so stop laughin.(I snapped)
Tae: Im sorry baby, but we gone finish then I'll be home ok. Just go to sleep I'll be there when u wake up.
Yatta: Whatever.(I said wit an attitude)
Tae: Come on shawty dont be mad.
Yatta: Its Christmas eve though. How can yo black ass go over there to work out instead of being here wit me?
Tae: Bae I promise I'll be there in like a hour ok. I love u.
Tae: I said I love u.
Yatta: I love u too.
Pat: Wussup Yatta.(he yelled from the background)
Yatta: What Pat doin over there?
Tae: He workin out wit us.
Yatta: Ok bae what the fuck really goin on?
Tae: What u talkin about?
Yatta: I told u earlier that yo ass a bad liar, and all of yall together "workin out" on christmas eve.
Tae: Man shawty stop actin paranoid.
Yatta: Ima be paranoid with my foot up yo ass.
Tae: Bye bae.(he laughed)
Yatta: Bye.

When he hung up I threw my phone on the bed before sittin down wit an attitude. I dont believe this nigga really think I believed that bullshit. His black ass better be in this bed when I wake up or ima kick him in his damn knee. As I laid down my mind drifted back to Milton, and I started to wonder what came over me today. I've never been like this before gettin all in other people business especially somebody I dont like. This baby is really changing me, but I think I like it.

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